Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 535 Extra 1

"It's dinner, it's dinner, one or two will die. I don't know how to sweep it with a broom in such thick snow. I'm so lazy.

A down-and-out phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. If you don't have the precious life of the master, don't show the master's score anymore. Where is the person, come out and get food!

Don't go to the emperor again and say that we slaves didn't deliver food to your mothers, and that we have been wronged for nothing and haven't been able to reason with you..."

The little eunuch pointed out that every sentence Sang scolded Huai was worse than one sentence, Nangong Yu's thin body stood in the shadow,

The slender eyelids drooped, and the growing hostility in those pitch-black eyes was concealed.


In the cold wind, the door of the house, which was already broken and crumbling, fell to the ground, making a dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

"Hehe, look at the broken door so hard to kick, the sound of dust, how can you say that the Lenggong is a bad place, our family is really a miserable person, tell me."

The little eunuch was wearing a brand-new padded jacket, carrying a food box and stepping on the floor-to-ceiling door with his orchid fingers up.

As soon as the door of the house fell down, the bone-piercing cold wind rushed in one after another, and the freezing coldness stimulated Song Dai, who was already infected with the cold, to cough.

"Cough cough, A Yu, cough, bring our food here..."

Song Dai's voice made Nangong Yu's cold body gradually warm up, and he closed his eyes,

Walking forward, stretching out his hand to take the food box in the hand of the little eunuch,

Although there were only two bowls of porridge without a few grains of rice in the food box and a little butterfly pickled pickles, these,

It is the only thing that he and the queen mother can wrap their stomachs at the moment. In order to survive in this snowy day, he has to do without.

Of course,

Just when Nangong Yu's little hand was about to touch the food box, the little eunuch let out a strange ouch,

With a shake of the hand, the food box was thrown to the ground like this. After a bang, there was the sound of the dishes smashing and crackling.

"Hey! Your Royal Highness, what are you doing! Why are you so careless? This food box is for you and the empress!

Ah bah bah bah, look at our mouth, where is it still a queen empress, how can there be empress empresses in the cold palace in the past

You will stay here for five years, if not for the group training left by the founding ancestors, you two would have been thrown out of the palace by the emperor's order! "

"You... cough cough cough!"

Song Dai wanted to say something, but she couldn't help coughing as soon as she opened her mouth, and her beautiful face became less and less bloody.

The arrogance of the general's daughter made her ashamed to bow her head to a eunuch, but thinking about her son's thin clothes,

If I can no longer drink a bowl of stomach-warming porridge, I am afraid that I will also catch a cold like myself.

Enduring it, I still held back the arrogance in my bones, looked at the little eunuch and said slowly,

"It's too cold, A Yuxu couldn't catch the food box because it was so cold that his hands and feet were not flexible, Ben Gong,

I am here to apologize to my father-in-law, and I have to trouble my father-in-law to make another trip to bring us some food for the mother and son. "

Speaking of which, Song Dai took down the last silver hairpin from her bun, and put the silver hairpin into her son's hand,

"Go, Ayu, give this silver hairpin to Eunuch, Eunuch, although my hairpin is made of silver, its workmanship is fine, you can get a lot of silver when you go out of the palace and sell it."

The silver hairpin has slender and cold tentacles, and a lifelike golden chrysanthemum is carved on the head, and the petals are very delicate and lifelike.

Nangong Yu slowly put away his hands and clenched them tightly. He knew that this was a token of love from his father to his mother.

But in the past few years, after the father and the emperor hurt the mother, the mother is not willing to send it away, and now it is also reluctant to part with it.

It's just for him not to be hungry tonight, and also for him, to lower his figure again and again in front of this greedy dog ​​slave.

The little eunuch is usually not regarded as a person by the master, but now seeing the empress and the eldest son of the emperor who were also the master in such a desolate state,

The place in my heart that has been suppressed is happy, and the happier it is, the more unscrupulous it is, and the words that humiliate people will come out,

"Run again? Ma'am, you Jingui are hiding in the house. You don't know how cold it is outside. The snow hasn't stopped since it fell a while ago.

You want our family to run errands with this silver hairpin. I really don’t know that this road is difficult to walk. According to our family’s opinion,

You don't have to bother our family to make this trip, the two bowls of porridge are not all scattered, isn't there still half of it, the pickles are covered with dust,

But you two, don't dislike it, just pick it up and eat it with dust, this person must understand his current situation,

As far as you and the eldest son of the emperor are concerned, you are no different from those lowly beggars on the streets outside the palace. What you eat is not bad if you can live by eating, so don't put it... Uh! ..."

The little eunuch's sarcasm stopped abruptly, his eyes suddenly widened and he looked down in disbelief.

A rusty dagger was stuck in his belly, and the new clothes he had just received from the Shangyi Bureau were also slightly stained red with blood.

"A Yu!"

Song Dai's exclamation didn't make Nangong Yu's little hand holding the dagger relax a bit.

On the contrary, he calmed down his heart that was trembling with fear of hurting someone for the first time, and his little hands tightened even more,

Almost exhausting all his strength, he stabbed the dagger, which was only a third deep, into the little eunuch's stomach.


The sharp pain hit the little eunuch's body, and the little eunuch, who was stunned for a moment, returned to his senses.

With a scream in a thin voice, he grabbed Nangong Yu's hand with a ferocious face and tried to shake him away.

"Beast, you beast, how dare you hurt our family, you despicable thing..."

Regardless of the strength that almost broke his little hands, Nangong Yu gritted his teeth and clenched the dagger tightly,

"Bah!" "Tear!"

The dagger was pulled out of the flesh, and there was a sound of ripping through the clothes. Nangong Yu's thin body also fell to the ground because of the unstable center of gravity.

Those little hands, which were almost purple from the cold, still clenched the dagger tightly,

The fall hurt a little, but Nangong Yu didn't let out a cry of pain. His dark eyes were fixed on the little eunuch's stomach that kept bleeding out.

"Ah! Ah! Our family's blood, our family's blood, you little beast, our family will come to deal with you later, imperial physician, imperial physician..."

The gurgling blood made the little eunuch panic, and he didn't care to clean up the little beast that hurt him.

Clutching the place stabbed by the dagger, he staggered and ran out of the house, but he didn't know where Nangong Yu stabbed the little eunuch's stomach.

The blood kept dripping out like something, and dripped down the little eunuch's hand to the ground, leaving a line of blood on the ground.

"A Yu, A Yu."

in the house,

Song Dai struggled to get out of bed to help her son up, took off the blood-stained dagger that Nangong Yu was holding in her hand, checked her son's small hands and said worriedly,

"Are you hurt yourself? Are you hurt somewhere? Tell the queen quickly why you are so impulsive?"

Nangong Yu shook his head, looked into Song Dai's eyes, and said calmly, "Mother, I am not hurt or impulsive.

I wanted to kill him the first time he came to deliver food to us, but at that time, Erchen hadn't found the right weapon yet. "

Song Dai was taken aback for a moment, recalling that in the past few days, she often saw her son busy looking around in the cold palace,

She only thought that A Yu was looking for some pots and pans that could still be used, never thought it would be like this.

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