Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 472 People

After a brief silence,

Doctor Yang was overjoyed and handed the two pieces of armor to Cao Mao, "General, these two pieces of armor both have a smell called Tang."

Cao Mao's eyes suddenly became sharp. He took the armor and looked directly at Doctor Yang, "Sir, are you serious about what you said?"

Military Doctor Yang knew the seriousness of this matter, so he walked towards the corpses of several other Dongchen soldiers without wasting time, peeled off their armor one by one and carefully identified the smell.

There was a faint commotion in the military camp. Under the firelight, the faces of the officers and soldiers all showed a look of expectation.


The answer given by Military Doctor Yang did not disappoint them.

The next day,

After walking for two days and one night, the army was finally able to rest in the woods last night. The sky was still shrouded in the last trace of night.

A fire for boiling water and cooking had been lit outside the military tent, and the crackling sound of firewood was burning in the quiet early morning light.

Echoing the unknown chirping of birds and insects hidden in the mountains and forests, Miao Shui sat on a stone in front of a fire and stretched out his hands to warm himself.

"After all this traveling, how is the old priest feeling?"

Fuyin came in wearing a bright red outfit and stepped on the dew. He randomly chose a stone and sat down.

Miaoshui took a branch and played with the sweet potatoes in the fire. He turned his head and glanced at the children beside him.

I didn’t know what I saw, so I shook my head and moved a sweet potato to Fuyin with rare generosity.

"The old woman often travels to places like mountains and rivers. Such traveling is normal. But your child, how do you plan to live in the future after taking revenge?"

Fuyin's eyes looked at Hongshu for a moment, but he never thought that Miaoshui would ask about these things. Surprise appeared in his seemingly affectionate peach blossom eyes, and he chuckled,

"I never thought that the old priest would give Fuyin some advice?"

He asked this question as if he really wanted to know something from the priest Miaoshui.

But the evil handsome face illuminated by the light of the firewood showed no trace of hope for the future.

Instead, it is like a deserted and calm lake, and underneath this calm is a pool of stagnant water.


Miaoshui picked up the sweet potatoes that were roasted black from the ground. He was not afraid of burning them and peeled them into two sections.

The sweet potato meat with an attractive color exudes a steaming light fragrance, and it tastes sweet when you eat it. After your appetite is satisfied, you continue,

"The cycle of karma and retribution is not good. Old lady, I have never experienced the painful things you have experienced, and I don't have much to say or advise you.

This time you helped me, Dayuan, to avenge you, and your father and brothers also responded to the saying that you will suffer the consequences.

You have also explained your mother and uncle's family lineage, look at that..."

Miaoshui raised his chin towards the white fish belly that was gradually appearing in the east, and waved half of the sweet potato in his hand in front of Fuyin.

"How wonderful! A great revenge has been avenged. If you want to see the great rivers and mountains, go and see them. Have you ever tasted the lychees from the south of the Yangtze River and the ham from the north of Shu?"

No, you should try it if you don’t. You don’t know what the love between a man and a woman is like, in the spring, in the autumn, in the wind, in the snow, in the moon, right? "

Seeing that Fuyin was unmoved, Miaoshui was not in a hurry. After eating half of the sweet potato, he went to eat the other half.

Fuyin picked up a large sweet potato from the ground. The roasted black skin of the sweet potato contrasted sharply with the too-white slender fingers.

"Not everyone's life can be as good as the emperor's."

My mother is alive and well, my brothers and sisters are respectful, my country is proud, my beauty is in my arms, and my heirs are in sight.

"Is the emperor's fate good?"

Miaoshui looked at the mist-shrouded mountain forest and recalled something. He shook his head for a while and said, "How is the emperor's life? The emperor's child suffered a lot when he was a child."

Fuyin paused in his movements, thinking thoughtfully about some of the royal rumors he had heard in Kyoto over the years.

Miaoshui finished the remaining half of the sweet potato in two or two bites, picked up branches and poked at the fire to make it burn brighter.

"People, don't always take your own life as your destiny, constantly feel that there is no care in the world, and once you close your eyes, there will be nothing.

As soon as you open your eyes, you realize that you are your biggest concern. Think about it carefully, old lady, am I right? "

Fuyin was not a dull person. He could hear the implication of Miaoshui's words, and his expression was rare and gentle.

"What about you, old priest, what are your plans after this battle?"

The various old stories between the old priest Dayuan and the priest Dongchen are not some unspeakable secrets.

Miaoshui stood up, picked up the kettle, poured himself a bowl of water, blew on it and waited for it to cool down, then said disapprovingly,

"Old lady, what else can I plan to do? I just settled a grudge and brought back what my disciple needs.

After returning to Beijing, I waited to collect the body of my old friend who couldn't tell good from good and was obsessed with it. I just found a piece of land to bury him. It was considered as a sign of affection.

From now on, the old lady should eat and drink, hug her disciple and amuse herself with the emperor's doll, and enjoy family happiness with Aru in the palace. "

Miaoshui rolled his eyes at Fuyin as he said this. Do you still need to ask about this unclear matter?

Fuyin never thought that Miaoshui would have such an open-minded attitude on this matter. After being stunned, he smiled, feeling a little relieved.

"It's Fuyin who's stubborn."

Dayuan's reinforcements were on their way to the border, so were Dongchen's reinforcements. Seeing that they had arrived at the border, there were Gu people to help them.

The Dongchen Military Tent was not as eager to rush as the Dayuan side, and the fire was lit in the Military Tent only at dawn.

In the cool breeze,

Sima Zhen put his hands behind his back and looked at the cold moon gradually disappearing behind the clouds.

This time Dongchen coach Zhong Caiping came to Sima Zhen, took one look and then looked away.

"The stars have faded. What is the priest looking at?"

The voice was rough, and it was not difficult to hear a hint of contempt and disdain. The commander who led the army to conquer the two cities of Dayuan was Zhong Caiping.

Compared with the invisible and intangible theories of priests about strange powers and chaos, he is more willing to believe in his own methods and strategies of arranging troops.

If Sima Zhen was the only one worthy of his high regard, it was the bamboo flute in Sima Zhen's hand that could control the Gu people.

Sima Zhen withdrew his eyes, no matter whether he was facing Murong Yun, Murong Fu or Zhong Caiping in front of him,

They are all indifferent, except for the tall and thin back that has never changed.

"There are many variables in this battle, and the Yuan army cannot be underestimated. General, do not underestimate the enemy."

Zhong Caiping looked at the sun rising in the east, recalling the happy battles and the Yuan army's defeated army retreating in embarrassment, laughing heartily.

"Why should a priest have the ambition of others to destroy his own prestige? The Yuan Army can only rely on one man to gain strength. Our army has tens of thousands of Gu people this time. Why are we afraid of the Yuan Army who are just mortals?"

After all,

Zhong Caiping looked at Sima Zhen with a smile, "If the priest is afraid, he can hide in the military camp. As long as the priest gives me the permission to control the flute of the poisonous person,

I, the general, will definitely be able to ensure that our army is victorious against the Yuan army, that the priests can return to the capital safely, and that I can continue to enjoy a position above ten thousand people in the palace below Dongchen and I. "

These two people naturally refer to Murong Yun and Murong Fu.

Zhong Caiping was undoubtedly confident in this battle. The battles on the border in the past few days were just to allow the Yuan army to succeed for a while.

When he arrives with his army, most of the Yuan army will be killed or wounded, and an envoy will be sent to kneel three times and kowtow nine times to hand over the letter of surrender!

I'm back~

I've sorted it out and will update it steadily in the future~

Sorry, thank you, what a tweet~

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