Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 464 God assists Maomao online

Several government servants who were digging hard with shovels suddenly turned their heads and glared at the matchmaker-looking woman.

What the hell?

rhubarb? I pee on this piece of land all day long! ? !

Even Shangguan Yao turned around and looked at the woman without words, and followed Yue'er who was standing next to Shangguan Yao silently.

He pursed his lips and lowered his head to look at his hands. No wonder, the soil in this piece of land looks better than the soil in other places...

As the saying goes, good people do not fight with officials.

When Shangguan Yao and several government officials saw this, the woman shrank in fright.

"Ha, ha ha... General, don't take it to heart, that, that's the rhubarb raised by the women, isn't it?

It peed on its own, and it wasn’t asked by a folk woman to pee on it, nor was it asked to pee on it by a folk woman…”

These words made Shangguan twitch his lips, turned around and told the government officials to look away and continue digging.

When the other common people saw that Major General Shangguan had no intention of blaming him, they burst into laughter.

Among them were people who knew the woman who was speaking, laughing and cursing at the same time as they almost burst into tears.

"Sister-in-law Huang, you can say this. Do you think I'm ashamed of you?"

"No, we are all here."

"Hey, that's what's wrong with you. My sister-in-law is alive and well even if she dies. My neighbor next door is a lazy guy who eats and doesn't cook well.

I can tell the girl that she is a late bloomer, with just one or two words, it’s a good thing that the girl’s parents asked about it, otherwise…”

The common people here are gossiping and gossiping, and the government servants over there are digging the soil with all their strength, grunting and humming.

What the people didn't notice was that in a small teahouse behind them, there was a pregnant lady and a maid standing respectively.

She was looking towards them quietly. Not only that, there was a little black cat squatting obediently at the feet of the lady and the maid.


Xiao Wuyun looked at it for a while and felt a little bored. He turned the cat's neck 180 degrees and meowed softly at Song Qing.

The cat is short and looks like a pair of legs from a two-legged beast at first glance, but nothing else. It is really called a cat with a bald head.

Song Qing chuckled softly. The pink dumpling became less and less loved and it was inconvenient to bend over. She thought for a while and comforted her,

"Wait a while, I'll find something and then I'll take you to go shopping and eat something delicious."

Wuyun seemed to understand but also didn't seem to understand. At that moment, the waiter from the teahouse came over and said,

"Madam, this girl, the tea and refreshments you asked for are all ready, but I will send them to the major general and the elder brothers of the Yamen."

The waiter is actually the son of the owner of this teahouse. He studies in the academy on weekdays.

I happened to be on vacation today, so I came to help out at my teahouse. The teahouse is located at the end of West Street.

The people living here are all ordinary people. Dayuan people love to drink tea. Almost everyone has tea at home.

I occasionally come to the teahouse for elegance and convenience, so the business in the teahouse has always been tepid.

Especially since last year, the teahouse business has been declining day by day for some reason.

Today, this lady ordered several pots of tea and all the tea was of the best quality. She can be regarded as a rare and generous guest.

"Well, send it over, please."

Song Qing nodded, her voice deliberately lowered than usual. She and Yuan'er both made simple disguises this time when they left the palace.

Although Kyoto City is safe enough under the emperor's feet, Kyoto City is too big and crowded, so it is better to be cautious.

"No trouble, no trouble, this is what we should do."

The waiter is not stupid. He can guess who the lady in front of him is when he hears that the tea ordered by Song Qing is for the young general and several government servants.

But I dare not jump to conclusions. After all, although the young general is now the third princess, on the other hand, the general is also doing business in the military camp.

It’s not like I haven’t seen the general on weekdays, walking around the capital for trivial matters.

Moreover, the Empress should be five or six months old now, but the lady in front of her is seven or eight months old.

The waiter couldn't figure it out and didn't think about it anymore. He had little to do with controlling these things.

If she were really the empress, she was not something a scholar like him could aspire to. Doing her job well and earning money was the only serious thing.

The waiter went to deliver tea with a teapot.

Song Qing went into the teahouse and sat down. She did not drink tea, but just took a rest. She had already drank it in the carriage just now.

Yuan'er followed closely, fearing that his mother-in-law would bump into her somewhere or that a bad person would show up somewhere.

The dark clouds are different. Walking around in the teahouse, I don’t know whether it’s the wrong time or the business in the teahouse is really deserted.

Except for Song Qing and his party, there were no other guests coming in to drink tea in the entire teahouse. The waiter went to deliver tea.

The only person left in the teahouse is the shopkeeper, who looks kind-hearted and is about fifty years old.

He was happily watching the dark clouds walking around on the legs of the teahouse table. He seemed to like cats.

After all, there is a ceramic cat placed in the most conspicuous place on the shopkeeper's counter, but it looks a little distorted and not so beautiful.

"Wuyun, come here, don't run around, be careful to damage the things in the shopkeeper's teahouse."

Song Qing saw it and smiled at the shopkeeper's apology. She lightly opened her red lips and greeted Wu Yun who was having fun.

Although he knew that Wuyun Tong was not a human being to cause trouble, he was still in other people's places.

However, Song Qing's idea was quickly slapped in the face.

Wu Yun, who had always been obedient, just stopped, turned to look at Song Qing and meowed,

Then he turned around and walked on his own, sniffing with his nose as he walked, apparently looking for something.

Song Qing frowned helplessly, looked at Diying who was beside him, then looked at Yuan'er, and ordered, "Go and bring Wu Yun back."

Yuan'er usually has a lot of contact with Wu Yun and is familiar with him. As soon as Emperor Ying left the palace and provoked Wu Yun to hug him, he might have been bitten by revenge.

If not round, it should be,

The smiling shopkeeper waved his hand, "It's okay, sir, I don't have anything valuable in this shop.

Your mysterious cat is so kind. Maybe if you let it walk around my shop more, it will bring you wealth. "


Wuyun meowed happily, and with this sound, he jumped from the ground to the bench,

Yuan'er was about to bend down and take Wu Yun away, but Wu Yun moved his beard, and then jumped up towards the counter where the shopkeeper was standing.


A crisp sound of ceramics falling to the ground broke the peaceful atmosphere of the teahouse room.

It was the sound made by Little Dark Cloud waving its paw and slapping the ceramic cat off the counter to the ground.


Wu Yun jumped off the counter nimbly, and even if he made a mistake, he wouldn't run away. Instead, he hid next to the ceramic shards on the floor and swung his tail back and forth.

Song Qing's eyelids twitched, she reached out and pressed her temples when Yuan'er looked at her and asked for advice.

I accidentally watched a short video in another world and saw that cats may have a stress reaction to all fake cats. He sighed and stood up.

The compensation I planned to pay to the shopkeeper was not another silver taels, but when I got closer and saw it clearly, I was stunned.

I saw a small piece of black and faintly red sign lying among the ceramic shards on the floor.

There were also one or two Dongchen runes engraved on the brand, which was exactly the same as the brand she got in the soil of the orchid pot that day.

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