Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 438 Rumors are spreading

Dongchen, at dusk,

There is a ten-mile long street in Dayuan, and there is also a ten-mile long street in Dongchen, and the lot division, housing rent and housing structure of each long street,

Even how the government controls it and so on are exactly the same as Dayuan. Not only that,

If you look at the clothing, food, and objects worn by the people, you can see that they all reflect the customs and customs of Dayuan.

at this time,

In a theater, several plays in the afternoon had just finished, and one by one the listeners and spectators walked out of the theater while reminiscing and talking.

"Brother Ji, don't you think it's strange these days? Every theater in the five major and small theaters in Beijing is singing this treasonous play like they're desperate.

What's sung in the play is exactly the same as that of the Duke's Mansion back then. It's just that here, the Duke's treason is false and he was wrongly accused, but it's true..."

"Brother Hai!"

The more the man talked, the less he cared about it. When his friends saw this, they hurriedly stopped him and reminded him in a low voice: "People talk too much. Brother Hai, please don't speak nonsense."

The man named Brother Hai came back to his senses and saw that no one around him was looking towards them. He winked at his friend and the two of them ran away with lingering fear.

However, these two people were not the only ones who said these words. Eight out of ten people who came out of the theater were talking about the Duke's Mansion.

"It's been several years, why did a troupe suddenly come out to express injustice to the Duke's government?"

"Who knows, these are the entanglements of big shots. I just treat these fish and shrimps as a show and forget about it. I just live my own life, but I don't dare to delve into it."

"Well, there is no smoke without fire. Yesterday, when the government left, there were two theaters. I heard that they stayed at the theater on East Street last night.

Those who returned to the government office early in the morning before dawn seemed to have caught no one. No one from the government office has been seen until today. I think there will definitely be something big in the future. "

"Brother, you don't want to imitate that crow's mouth."

The people who came out after listening to the play had different opinions. This shows the great influence of this play.

One by one, they walked out of the theater, went home, or found a stall or a restaurant to eat.

The response from the people was great,

Kyoto was at the feet of the emperor again. As early as the first day of the play, the news was blown into the palace like a strong wind.

How could the palace tolerate such a thing that ruined the reputation of the royal family? They immediately sent troops to the theater to arrest the opera troupe who was singing that day.

Unexpectedly, the troupe cried bitterly in the street and complained that they were being paid for things. They confessed the person who gave the money without being tortured.

There were many people watching and pointing, and the troupe happily surrendered the person. It was really hard for the government to take the person away in the street again.

After all, if he was really taken away by force, wouldn't he be suspected of having a guilty conscience and indirectly admitting that everything sung in the play was true?

After giving a warning, I had no choice but to let him go.

Unexpectedly, in the afternoon, another group of troupes in another theater sang a treasonous play again, and this time they could enter the theater without paying money.

It’s not just this one play, but other plays as well. When people think about it, it costs at least half a tael of silver to go to the theater to listen to a play on weekdays.

Nowadays, you don’t have to spend money to listen to the whole afternoon. As the saying goes, if you are good and have advantages, don’t take advantage of it. If you don’t listen, it will be in vain.

Although spring has already begun, the weather in early March is still very cold, and there are many people idle in the cold weather. No, there are quite a few people who come and go to listen to the opera.

Of course the officials will also arrest them in the afternoon.

Thinking about the strict ban on singing this scene in the street in the morning, I feel confident to go and arrest people this time, even if there are people around to watch, I can stand.

Unexpectedly, the theater troupe is not stupid either. You have your Zhang Liang plan and I have my wall ladder. The people in the troupe were crying and shouting that the man behind them was poisoning them.

If they don't sing this play in the afternoon, they will all be poisoned and die tonight. There is really no way to ask the official to let them live.

People generally have sympathy for the weak, let alone ordinary people.

Several people in the theater troupe cried so pitifully that they all offered words of begging to the troupe.

The government had no choice but to do the next best thing, guarding the troupe all night, hoping to catch the turtle in the urn.

Capture the person behind so that we can communicate more easily, but unfortunately what comes is a burst of choking smoke.

When I woke up the next morning, there was only a bag containing the antidote, and nothing else.

It was really embarrassing, and a group of people from the government hurriedly left the theater in despair while it was still dark.

For two consecutive days,

The theater was changed to another theater and the singing continued. The people waited until the opera was finished and the theater was about to close for a rest.

Before the officials came, everyone was surprised, so the treasonous drama continued like this.

royal palace,

Dongchen Emperor Murong Fu had not finished his lunch and came out of the imperial study in a carriage with the emperor's guard of honor.

With a gloomy face, he went straight to the palace where the Supreme Emperor lived. Soon, Murong Fu's shouts and questions could be heard from inside the palace.

"This is what you and your ministers said to settle the matter! Father, please ask your people to go outside the palace to listen and listen!

Listen to what those stupid people are talking about and making wild speculations about you and your subjects. Since ancient times, if the king wants his subjects to die, they have to die.

The Duke's Palace has great achievements. If our royal family doesn't get rid of it, it will soon be difficult to promote it even higher, and eventually it will step on the head of my royal family!

It is in vain that I have worked hard day and night for these stupid people, but they do not stand on the side of my royal family in the face of great rights and wrongs. What is the use of raising them! ! "

After a lot of drinking,

All the people who were guarding or coming and going in the palace were all shocked, especially those in the palace.

He even lowered his head and held his breath, not breathing too loudly for fear of harming Chi Yu.

Murong Yun casually handed the ceramic jar containing fish food to the old eunuch who had been with him for many years.

He turned around with his hands behind his back, frowning deeply as he looked at his son who he had raised with his own hands but still could not become a great person.

"How many times have I told you that you are now my Emperor Dongchen. The king of a country must act calmly. If you get so angry over a trivial matter, you will only make others laugh at you."

Since this son succeeded to the throne, no one in the world knows that the temperament of the current Emperor Dongchen is unstable.

If a minister in the court accidentally says something wrong, the son will be furious.

The minister dared to be angry but dared not speak out, especially during this half-moonlight period, there were three waves of veteran ministers who came to his palace to offer advice.

Murong Fu rolled up his sleeves, strode towards the golden nanmu chair, sat down and sneered,

"The eldest brother's hand has stretched out from the abyss back under my nose. My father wants me to keep calm."

They had always known that Fuyin was not dead, and it was not like they had not sent people to Dayuan to look for him secretly.

There has been no news for several years. Who would have thought that one day people would appear on their own?

Qi gave them such a big gift as soon as he showed up. If you guessed it right, he was hugging Nangong Yu's lap to show them power.

"He won't be able to achieve anything."

Murong Yun sat down on the golden nanmu chair on the other side and took the tea cup respectfully offered by the old eunuch.

He had never been optimistic about Fuyin's son. He had been living in the land of fireworks and willow alleys for so many years.

It's really hard to get on the stage. Such a small and unpopular place is now controlled by that boy Nangong Yu.

Even the method used this time still cannot catch his eye. Times have changed,

Whether the affairs of the Duke's office were true or false at that time was of little importance to the people, except for a few words of conversation in their free time.

Desperate to stir up trouble with a play, this child is still as stupid, ignorant, and ridiculous as ever.


Murong Fu's gloomy face looked much better, replaced by a condescending sarcasm.

"No matter how down-and-out my brother is, he was once the eldest son of my direct descendant, Dongchen, and he is just willing to degenerate and start working in the willow alley.

Now he has stooped to be the enemy of me, Dongchen. You really have no regard for the dignity of my Murong clan. "

He knew some of the words well, but when Murong Fu stated the facts in front of so many people in the palace, the nature was different.

What he wants is for his father to treat his brother as a son, as he wishes, for ten years to abandon him like a pair of worn-out shoes.

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