Madam is a Superstar

Chapter 424 Father, Queen and Mother are true love

The New Year's Eve dinner almost fills the entire dining table. Not only does it have a variety of dishes, but everyone also has a small hot pot that can be enjoyed alone.

The soup base in the small copper pot is steaming, coupled with the aroma of food and the vague aroma of wine wafting from the dining room,

For no reason, Nangong Ze, who was dressed in a snow-white robe and kept away from the world, was more smoky than before. Hearing this, he smiled warmly and nodded,

"Then I'll bother you, the Queen's Wife. To be fair, Ah Yao and I have this intention. It's just that I don't know how to say it."

Song Qing raised his eyebrows, wondering where the "I don't know how to speak" in Nangongze's words came from.

She remembered that she had always been easy to talk to, and Ah Yao had been her friend since childhood.

It soon became clear that, since the old lady came back, the matter of stargazing at night has been temporarily taken over by the master.

The New Year's Eve dinner lasted until the end of Xu. After enjoying the meal and drinking, the Queen Mother happily started giving out red envelopes.

"Come, come, come, in-laws, this is yours, Aze is yours, Xiao Qingqing, this is yours, Ayu, this is yours, oh, there's more, Miao, come on, it's yours too."

According to the custom of Dayuan, the elders give lucky money to the younger generation, and the younger generation also has to give lucky money to the elders.

The oldest person present is Grandpa Song and Grandma Song, followed by Miaoshui.

"In-laws, you have them too."

Grandpa Song and Grandma Song took the red envelope and took out the red envelope prepared by her granddaughter in advance and gave it to the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother was stunned for a moment, then she hurriedly stretched out her hand to take it with an ouch. Why did she forget that her two in-laws were older than her?

It seems that I can’t look in the mirror often this year. If I look at it too much, I will feel like I’m very old.

After the elders distribute the New Year's money to the younger ones, they go to the younger ones, and then they watch the New Year's Eve.

It was already getting late, and considering that it was difficult to walk on the road at night due to the heavy snow, the Queen Mother wanted Nangongze to stay in the palace.

Nangongze declined by offering incense sticks to his mother-in-law when she returned home, so the Queen Mother was no longer in trouble.

Asking the coachman to drive the carriage more safely is regarded as acknowledgment. It is a good thing for children to be filial.

Heavy snow falls,

Since we have to watch the New Year together, there is no reason to let a few old people go back to sleep in their own palaces in the middle of the night after watching the New Year.

There are many rooms in Fengming Palace. Yuan'er took people to clear out three rooms early for four old people to rest.

In the Nuan Pavilion,

Nangong Yu and Song Qing were nestled together on the rattan lounge chair. Grandpa Song and Grandma Song were also like their granddaughter and granddaughter-in-law.

The old couple have been married for most of their lives, and it is rare for them to be as sweet as young people in front of others.

Little Wuyun nestled obediently in the nest prepared by the palace servants. The round cat nest was placed at the feet of the two elders of the Song family.

The Queen Mother was leisurely sitting on a rattan lounge chair, reading the latest story book, when she glanced at her from the corner of her eye,

Suddenly, I felt uncomfortable, so I poked at the rattan lounge chair next to me with my script.

The friend, who was chewing candy and reading ancient books, looked over and pursed his lips at the two couples when Miaoshui looked over.

"Shall we squeeze in too?"

Miaoshui, a long-time friend, could see through the Queen Mother's thoughts at a glance. The wrinkles on her kind and shrewd face were wrinkled with disgust.

He glanced at the two couples and then looked away. His thin and short body got up from his rattan chair.

He took the ancient book and sat down next to the Queen Mother. After the two couples stopped looking in their direction, he leaned into his friend's ear and lowered his voice,

"Why, you have lived to this age and still feel lonely and cold?"


The Queen Mother patted her friend's arm angrily across her cotton-padded jacket. She was afraid that the person would really leave, so she put down her storybook and hugged Miaoshui's arm.

"Don't think Ai's family is old, but Ai's family is still young."

Her tone was a bit childish, not the slightest bit majestic of a country's Queen Mother in front of outsiders.

"It's a pity that I married an old scumbag. If ordinary people's families were sad, they would have to reconcile with him.

Otherwise, with Aijia's beauty, she might be able to find a new love, someone who has eyes and knows how to cherish Aijia. "

The implication is that the late emperor was blind.

Miaoshui slurred at the corner of his mouth, which was sweetened by eating too much sugar, and finally swallowed back all the complaints.

There's nothing wrong with what Aru said. The late emperor's romantic old scumbag didn't have any eyesight.

The biting cold wind outside carries heavy goose feather snow, and people inside are covered with blankets and clinging to each other.

It's a cozy room, but the later the hour goes, the easier it is to fall asleep.

"Song Qing."

His calm and restrained voice was deliberately lowered, and it became more mellow after drinking a few glasses of strong wine during the New Year's Eve dinner.


The couple were covered with warm blankets. Song Qing snuggled into the man's chest and fell into a dazed sleep. When she heard the sound, she responded unconsciously,

Her beautiful eyes were closed but she showed no intention of opening them. Her voice, which was usually lazy in the past, now contained a hint of coquettishness in its softness.

Nangong Yu's thin lips curled into a smile, and although she couldn't bear it, she still woke up the person in her arms with a gentle voice, "Wake up for a while, and then go back to the palace and sleep again later."

Song Qing was finally willing to half-open her hazy sleepy eyes. After a while, she woke up a lot. She turned sideways and glanced at the four old people.

Only then did he realize that he was the last one to wake up. Even Xiao Wuyun had woken up and looked at him with a pair of green eyes open without blinking.

"Ahem, mother, master, grandparents."

Song Qing coughed uncomfortably and called several elderly people in turn. When they received a response and looked back,

Just then, the rhythmic bells rang one after another. The palace bell rang eight times, signaling the end of the New Year's Eve and the arrival of the New Year.

After the bell rings,

The Queen Mother put away her notebook and put it on the desk. She opened the blanket covering her body and stood up to stretch her muscles.

"Oh, I can finally go back to the house to sleep. The sleepyheads in the Ai family are almost torturing the Ai family to death."

Miaoshui curled his lips. He didn't know who the person was who was reading the storybook next to him and could see the excitement in his heart. Tsk, tsk, tsk,

"Go back to the house and sleep, girl. You are already sleepy and the child must be even sleepier. If you have nothing to do tomorrow, just sleep more and get up again. Ayu, you are the same. It's rare that you don't have to be busy."

Grandma Song was distressed and concerned about her granddaughter. Song Qing nodded and the couple said a few words to several elderly people.

After watching the palace servants send several old people back to the house, they returned to the palace side by side with their fingers clasped together.

Night, thick,

Under the curtains of the bed in the emperor's palace, Nangong Yu kissed the woman in his arms on the forehead, "Song Qing, you and I will be together day and night, year after year."

Song Qing was already asleep, but Nangong Wuyu, the noodle dumpling still in his stomach, said: "..."

outside the palace,

The time returns before the bell rings,

Due to the observance of the New Year's Eve, the ten-mile long street that is bustling on weekdays is rarely quiet at night.

Every household is brightly lit, and when viewed from a high place, the huge city of Kyoto looks like a galaxy.

The bright lanterns in every house are bright stars, connected together to form this galaxy.

But there is a place,

Looks out of place in this galaxy,

Fengyue Tower, this five-story attic with an elegant interior, is as deserted as it is bustling at night.

The whole attic was completely dark as far as the eye could see, and the five-story building from bottom to top had only half a light on it.

It was as if all the night lights in Kyoto today were gathered in this attic on the other side of the river.

fifth floor,

Anyone who often comes to Fengyue Building knows that this floor is the residence of the owner of Fengyue Building.

Except for a few of his confidants who went upstairs to tidy up, any trespassers would die.

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