Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 768: State of the Empire

   The sun sets.

   The imperial capital, which has not yet washed away the traces of war, is covered with a layer of gold gauze.

   Under this layer of golden gauze, hurriedly looking people shuttled on both sides of the street, ignoring the numerous machines parked at the entrance of the street.

   Even if these huge bodies called Lionheart Knights are too eye-catching, the crowd in a hurry will at most just bet their eyes for a while, then turn around and leave, and continue to complete their own work.

   This is the moment when the Britannia Empire began to recover after experiencing the rebellion.

Under the Queen’s orders that Euphemia continued to sign, an imperial citizen who had awakened from a deep sleep received his own task, as well as the current situation encountered by the Britanian Empire, and the harsh environment in which it is. .

At first, some of the imperial citizens who were less able to bear it could not understand and could not accept that the empire they were in was already affected by the super-disaster called "world fusion", slipped from the original space-time dimension, and fell into an unknown. Things in unfamiliar dimensions.



   even small-scale riots,

   all happened continuously during the week.

   But Euphemia had foreseen it a long time ago, and assigned Cornelia, who had just awakened, to perform the task of suppressing the riots.

   Although Cornelia also has doubts about world integration, as the best frontline commander of the royal family, Cornelia naturally knows what she should do.

   So, under the deterrence of the name of the witch, Cornelia’s suppressive forces soon calmed down the commotion that had only time to make hair, but did not have time to spread.

   "Thanks for your hard work! Sister Emperor."

   At the time when the last rays of the sunset fell, Euphemia, who had finally processed the last document, slowly put down her pen and raised her head to look at Cornelia who had returned from the task.

   "This is what the minister should do!"

   Cornelia responded meticulously to Euphemia.

   That look made Yuphemia sigh helplessly.

   "Emperor Sister. There are only two of us here now! Don't be so obsessed with etiquette!"

   Yufimia stood up while talking, walked to Cornelia's side, reached out and shook Cornelia's right hand, as if her younger sister was acting like a baby to her sister.

   Looking at Euphemia, who is the queen of the empire and carries the future of the people of the empire on her shoulders, Cornelia's stern face finally softened.

   "Yufie. Although there are only two of us right here, you have to pay attention to your behavior."

   "Of course I know. But now standing in front of me, but my biological sister! Why do you want to take up the air of your Majesty the Queen?"

   Yufimia pouted slightly, putting on an angry look.

   Upon seeing this, Cornelia couldn't help but smile.

   "Really? Alright. Do it with you! Yuffi. Do you want to take a break?"

   Speaking, Cornelia looked at the wall clock on the wall.

   "It's time for dinner, too."

   But Yufimia shook her head.

   "Supper can be eaten later. Now, Sister Huang, come with me!"

"this is?"

   Cornelia, who hadn't reacted for a while, suddenly remembered something.

   "Yufie, is it time for an online meeting?"

   Euphemia nodded.

   "Yes! There are still five minutes before the online meeting starts. I believe Kay and the others are already waiting online!"

As Euphemia said, when the most noble royal sisters of the Britannia Empire came between the holographic projections of the online meeting, Teresa, Ethelam, Laks, Ray Mingkai and Weier Weian/Sharon Epp have been waiting for a long time.

   Streaming light fell from the dome, forming a meeting with the flag of the Britannia Empire hanging above and a round table below.

As the last gleam of light faded, Teresa, Ethelam, Lacus, Lei Mingkai and Vier Weian/Sharon Epp also appeared on the high-back chairs placed around the round table. Above.

   "Have been waiting! Everyone!"

   As Yufimia sat down on the main seat, she nodded to the people whom she trusted and trusted.

   And Cornelia stood behind Euphemia, silently watching the meeting that decided the future direction of the empire.

   "No. I just went online too."

   Lei Mingkai smiled and looked at Teresa sitting opposite.

   "Theresa, I heard that the son of Danu was saved?"

   was originally used as the opening remark, and it should have been made by Euphemia.

   But given the relationship between Lei Mingkai and Euphemia, no one thinks there is any problem.

   What's more, Euphemia herself has no opinion on this.

   Seeing Lei Mingkai asked about herself as soon as she spoke, Teresa nodded first, then showed a trace of luck.

"Yes. As your Highness said, when I led Avalon to the coordinate location where the Son of Danu was located, I found a monster that had only been seen in the secret information of the Empire-BETA was besieging the Son of Danu. "


   Euphemia and Lei Mingkai looked at each other, and immediately asked.

   Even before this, Euphemia had seen it in the report submitted by Teresa, but asking me directly would be more detailed than reading the report.

"Thirty soldiers were killed in battle and nearly 100 were seriously injured. AS lost six aircraft and three remained. What's more, the son of Danu had run out of ammunition and food. The power furnace he carried was seriously damaged and completely lost. Improved navigation capabilities. At present, further comprehensive investigations are being carried out at the Imperial West Coast Naval Base."

   "In other words, the son of Danu has lost combat capability?"

   This is bad news.

   In view of the current unclear situation around the Britanian Empire, one more trump card can be held in his hand, and he can be more confident in the face of the unknown and emergencies.

   But now, it seems that the Son of Danu may not be used.

   "No, this is not bad news."

   At this moment, Vial Weian spoke.

   While he was speaking, a projection screen appeared in front of everyone.

   Lei Mingkai took a closer look and found that the information presented on the screen was, apart from a group of constantly changing data, it was a slowly rotating warship design pattern showing different angles.

   "This is the son of Danu?"

Although this is the design of the propeller-propelled power plan for the rear part of the warship modified into a design plan with large conical nozzles on the left and right, and several auxiliary nozzles on the upper and lower sides, Lei Mingkai still sees this from the front part of the warship. The battleship is the son of Danu.

   "Yes. Although the loss of Danu's ability to move is a regrettable thing, it may be an opportunity."

  Vier Weian cast his eyes on Theresa.

   and the latter took the conversation.

"I have confirmed the situation on the son of Dannu. It is my former subordinate. Therefore, facing the loss of contact with the Mithril headquarters and the son of Dannu loses combat ability, most of my subordinates have chosen to listen to me again. The choice of command. Therefore, the Son of Danu may be able to make a modification with the support of the empire."

   "Can it be modified? Can it be done? The Son of Danu was originally a warship designed according to the underwater combat environment."

   If only modifying MS, Lei Mingkai would naturally not have such a question.

   But when it comes to warships with a more complex design and a broader range, especially warships from another world, the topic of modification may not be something that can be done just by talking.

   "Indeed. But we have found the best solution."

   Weier nodded slightly, showing a confident smile.

"Relying on our computing power, the conversion plan of the Son of Danu has been initially finalized. The rest is the energy needed to start the construction. This does not require the use of the current manpower and material resources of the empire. Because we have a person who is worth relying on. Friends are here."


   Yufimia groaned slightly, and she already thought of the friend in Weier's mouth.

   "Your Excellency Lux, Miss He Nana, would you like to help us?"

   Noting Euphemia looking at herself, Lacus nodded slightly.

   "Yes. Mimi and Nana volunteered to share some of the pressure. In Mimi's view, the Britannia Empire will be affected by the super-catastrophe of world integration, and she also has her own responsibility."

   "Really? That would have troubled them. When I look back, I will personally thank them!"

   After getting Lacus’s recognition, Lacus first thanked him, and then said:

   "Actually, Miss He Meimei doesn't have to mind so. It's not her fault."

   "Your Majesty is right! Strictly speaking, it is me who released that girl. I am afraid that the occurrence of this super disaster cannot be separated from me."

   Lei Mingkai thought of the strange space and the scene when he met Anna sleeping in the crystal coffin, and said with a wry smile.

   And the same is true for Lux as the other party.

"Okay! Don't worry about the past. With the help of Miss Nana, the son of Danu can complete the replacement and upgrade of the power system and the corresponding equipment replacement in the shortest time. By then, the son of Danu will not only be able to maintain The original underwater navigation capabilities can better meet the needs of navigation in the universe."

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   Weier Weian interrupted Lei Mingkai's wry smile, and directly brought everyone's attention back to the Son of Danu.

   "Although this is the case, the AS on the Son of Danu does not meet the needs of space operations."

   Theresa pinched her hair in anguish.

   "Captain Teresa, maybe I have some say on AS."

   Cornelia, who was standing behind Yufimia, took a step forward, and said under the sign of Yufimia.

   "His Royal Highness Cornelia. Do you have a way?"

   Theresa was a little surprised.

"No, this is not a solution. Strictly speaking, it has something to do with the Flame Sword of His Royal Highness Lei Mingkai. Because the improvement plan for the Flame Sword is constantly a copy of trial production The plan for the new body was also passed to me not long ago."

   "A new type of body? Is it a new type of body equipped with a lambda drive system?"

  Lei Mingkai’s flame sword is already familiar to everyone present, and they know more about the powerful power it contains.

   But what Teresa did not expect is that the Empire still continues to promote the project to crack the lambda drive system.

"Yes! It is a new general-purpose airframe redesigned based on the face of multi-purpose and extremely changeable combat environment. Although the continued use of AS in the atmosphere is not a big problem. But the son of Danu who has completed the modification may also be too. Get involved in the cosmic battlefield. At that time, with the performance of the M9, I am afraid that it will not be able to adapt to the more complex and dangerous cosmic battlefield, right?"

   In this regard, Teresa could not find any reason to object.

   As a Mithril-born Teresa, it is clear that M9 has inherent defects in its design.

   These flaws were originally unnecessary for the earth where Mithril is located.

   But in this ever-changing world, it has become a fatal flaw.

   "So, just let Melissa Mao and the others adapt to the new body as soon as the Son of Danu is refitting!"



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