Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 761: Good Friday

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It seems illusory, but the extremely hot sun is hanging above the sky, arbitrarily spilling its own heat on this salty sand, burning all living creatures here.

This is the sixth day that the water level of the Pacific has dropped sharply due to the super-catastrophe caused by the integration of the world.

At the moment when the water level dropped sharply, relying on its excellent submarine performance to take the refugees that could be searched out of the disaster area, the Son of Danu, who was going to the next safe area of ​​Mithril, could not escape from the disaster that occurred at this moment.

In the blink of an eye, the turbulent wave formed by the sharp drop in the water level almost caused the son of Danu who was caught off guard to directly hit the seabed, and ended in a terrible end to the destruction of the ship.

Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of Richard Madokas and a group of technicians, the son of Danu was lucky enough to escape from the dangers of his life.

However, avoiding the mortal situation, it is impossible to avoid the injury of the son of Danu in this sudden disaster.

More than half of the power unit was paralyzed, and the power supply capacity declined.

As a result, while the combat performance of the Son of Danu declined, it was also unable to protect the living environment of the crew on the ship.

This is nothing to Richard Madokas and all members of The Son of Danu.

But the most terrible thing is that there are still a large number of refugees on the Son of Danu.

Although these refugees can still be temporarily appeased, once the situation of the son of Danu is discovered by these refugees, it may be difficult for some conflicts to break out.

By the time···

Really, there are many crises.

Richard took off his eyes and rubbed the bridge of his nose, then squinted slightly to look at the pale whiteness in the distance.

Perhaps, many years ago, as a navy rookie, he once had various longings and guesses about this pale white land hidden deep under the blue ocean.

But he never expected that he would have seen this pale continent with his own eyes in such an unexpected way.

Richard Madokas put his glasses on again, and moved his gaze away from the pale and blue horizon, and slowly moved to the shallow white hills that were only nearly a hundred meters away from the Son of Danu.

There, there is a small amount of seawater that was trapped by the once submarine rift.

And between the pale, blue, and weird black rift valleys, there happened to be a few marine fishes that had been dead for many days lying quietly there.

Richard remembers that on the first day when the Son of Danu was stranded, Richard, who had not yet grasped the surrounding situation, found out that there were a large number of marine creatures around the Son of Danu, but died in the disaster, and he decisively reached out. Mobilize some refugees to collect edible marine life and use them as reserves.

Now it seems that this decision is right.

Although the refugees complained, because of the timely collection and preservation of marine life as food, the food reserves of the son of Danu did not use much.

However, this is just a stopgap measure.

"Captain! The search team that went out has returned."

At this time, the call from the bridge came from the headset.

At the same time, Richard also saw three ups and downs on the white ground, but the steel figure appeared at the moment when it was conspicuous.

It's Melissa Mao, Cruz Wiba, and Sagara Sosuke's team.

"It looks like this is our destiny? Captain."

There were three search teams sent by Son of Danu.

But now the team with the farthest search distance and the largest range came earlier than the other two teams, which may have already symbolized some results.

Perhaps Richard's hunch is right.

When Mao, Weiba, and Sagara Sosuke's team had just returned to the children of Danu, the warning suddenly sounded.

"Captain! The second team seems to have been attacked, but we have lost contact with them!!"

The moment the warning sounded, Richard had already turned and ran back into the ship, rushing towards the bridge.

Its speed shocked the people around it.

"Sure enough! This disaster probably didn't happen suddenly, right?"

Richard did not know the inside story of world fusion, but based on the military's intuition about the crisis, Richard still noticed something.

And these things became extremely real with the loss of another search team.

"Captain! The second team lost contact! But before that, they sent back the image of the attacker."

"Transfer to the home screen!"

After pressing the cap that had become a little loose from running, Richard gave the order.

The next second, the bridge boiled.

I saw on the main screen an image that looked like a human tumor, but was huge enough to match AS, and the alien waving its tentacles was besieging the main force AS used by Mithril - M9.

There seems to be some sound in this video, but it seems to be the cause of the interference, and it has not been clearly transmitted back to the Son of Danu.

But this has proved the situation of the second team and the crisis that the Son of Danu is about to face.

"Monster? Was it the monster at that time?!"

Richard gritted his teeth secretly, but his expression was still very calm.

"Passing orders! First level combat preparation! All combat personnel immediately enter the combat position. In addition, inform Melissa Mao and the others that they can't take care of them now. Let them prepare for a defensive battle immediately!"


Seeing the subordinates who quickly launched the combat mission, Richard couldn't help but ask a question.

"What happened in this world? A monster? The end is coming?"

Unfortunately, no one can tell Richard Madokas the answer to this question.

A few minutes later, Mao who had not had time to return to Ganaku and drank a sip of water, Cruz and Sagara Sosuke could only stay in the shadow of the son of Danu and breathe a little.

"Sister Mao! I heard that the first and second teams are gone! In this way, the son of Danu is left with our team M9?"

Cruz casually threw the finished water bottle aside, and said with a sigh.

"Although that group of guys are usually annoying, but it is such a result, which is really irritating!"

When they gave the order to prepare for battle on the spot, they had already received a secret communication from the bridge.

Seeing the familiar M9 shattered under the attack of those disgusting and strange monsters, let alone Cruz and Mao, even Sagara Sosuke, who usually lacks a line, couldn't help but squeeze a sweat.

Compared with the arms dealers and armed organizations they faced in the past, they were completely unfamiliar and hideous and extremely terrifying enemies.

Except for the image of the second team's M9 being torn apart by the monsters, they have no idea about these sudden monsters.

"You said, will this lead to the culprit of this disaster?"

Melissa Mao pulled her arm guard, took a deep breath, and raised the question.

"Insufficient information to answer."

This is Sagara Sosuke's answer.

"Really? Zongsuke. Could it be that you haven't been able to win the cute little key because of insufficient information?"

Sagara Sosuke was attentively adjusting his M9 for a while.

"Okay! That's the end of the pre-war joke. The enemy is coming!"

As Melissa Mao's voice became deeper, the pale horizon in the distance also lifted up a wave of dust.

Monster, here comes! !


The machine gun roared.

The bullet was screaming,

After bursts of blood mist blew up,

It was the horror scene of a torn monster falling down, but was immediately trampled into blood by the monster behind.

The blushing splash and the scene of flying flesh and blood made the faces of the battle-tested Mithril soldiers pale and almost nauseated.

Especially at the moment when the hot wind mixed with fishy stench rushed towards us, the soldier with a little nerves almost couldn't help turning around and vomiting.

"Stay steady! Hold on!"

Melissa Mao shouted loudly on the public frequency, commanding the guards on the deck, using guns and bazookas to support the M9 partners to block the group of attacking monsters.

In the beginning, this tactic was effective.

The red to black sand dunes at the feet of those monsters are the result of this tactic.

But as time went on, the defensive battle lasted from noon to the evening, and hit the moment when the setting sun slowly fell and was about to be shrouded in darkness.

Three-quarters of the ammunition reserves of the Son of Danu have been consumed.

During the fierce battle, a few monsters broke through the defenses of the three M9s and rushed onto the deck of the Son of Danu. While killing several Mithril soldiers, they also immediately lowered the screen door. Punch through.

Fortunately, the other surviving soldiers risked their lives carrying a rocket launcher and rushed to a very close range to give these monsters a fierce blow, and only in time prevented these monsters from rushing into the ship of the Son of Danu.

After the chaos ended, although the lost manpower was replenished in time, the number of monsters also became more and more terrifying at the same time.

From the one-way attack at the beginning, to the setting sun, appearing from all directions, the turbulent waves that enveloped the pale ground instantly made the humans on the Son of Danu plunge into despair.

"It's now! Hurry! Launch all the missiles of the Son of Danu! Hurry!"

Among the ammunition consumed by the Son of Danu, there is no quota for the various missiles it is equipped with.

As the assassin of the Son of Danu, Richard Madokas will be left until the end.

Even just now, the defense line composed of three M9s and many Mithril soldiers almost collapsed, and they had never used this hole card.

Now, it should be an opportunity to use this trump card.



In an instant, when countless plumes of smoke rose into the sky, it was the moment when the boundless sea of ​​flames scattered on the top of the monster's head.

The flame that sweeps through everything,

The flesh and blood that exploded into the sky became the scene facing Danu's son at this moment.

The rumble of explosions, from this moment on, continuously impacted the surviving Mithril soldiers, as well as the senses of Mao, Cruz, and Sagara Sosuke.

"has it ended?"

Cruz turned his head slightly, avoiding the sniper scope that was brightly illuminated by the explosion flame, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Since the fight in the noon, both the machine body and the physical body have reached their limits.

If the son of Danu hadn’t repelled this group of sudden monsters with a single blow, I’m afraid they...

"Attention everyone! The enemy... is coming!!"

The sound of Mao's breathing became extremely heavy, it was a voice that was extremely tired.


The enemy is coming again!

Even if he suffered a full shot from the Son of Danu, he still couldn't stop the monsters.

Countless bodies exuding the smell of burnt flesh and blood stepped on the fiery flames to break through the defense line blocked by the missile, and once again rushed in front of the M9 team.

"Da da da da!"

The machine gun roared for less than a few seconds, dumb!

Mao gritted his teeth and did not hesitate to control the body to smash the machine gun in his hand at the monster. At the same time, he also pulled out the single-molecule sword blade from his waist, and cut the monster rushing to the front with the bullet into two pieces!

"Zongsuke! Cruz!!"


"Come on! Behind Sister Mao, leave it to me!"


While the roar of the sniper rifle rang, Cruz's mouth was a wry smile.

Because, in front of his eyes, the reminder that there is not much ammunition left is so dazzling.

"As a result, do you still have to pick up the dagger and fight melee?"

On the other side, relying on the advantage of numbers, the monster that touched the deck of the Son of Danu from the flanks again pounced on the Mithril soldiers like a hill.





The roar of the bazooka across the deck,

Become the last line of defense for the Mithril soldiers on the deck.

However, this line of defense is so fragile.

When the three M9s were entangled by more and more monsters, he had no time to take care of them. After paying the tragic price of almost annihilation, the Mithril soldiers who relied on their flesh and blood bodies to resist the monsters finally returned to the ship, trying to rely on the ship. The facilities within are resisted.


The monsters rushing onto the deck did not have the scene of being blocked by the narrow passage as expected by humans, but directly used the terrifyingly flexible tentacles to violently dismantle the Son of Danu.

In just a few seconds, the gate that was trying to fall was stopped by the monsters, and in a sharp sound that made people’s teeth sour and panicked, they broke through the line of defense abruptly and stepped on the body of the fallen Mithril soldier. Rush into the son of Danu.

"Report! Areas A1 and B2 have fallen. Our personnel retreated to areas D1 and F3. The enemy's offensive force exceeded expectations and we were unable to establish an effective defense!!"

Reports of enemy attacks kept coming, but Richard Madokas could not think of any effective way.

"If you are still here, maybe there are other ways, right?"

The moment this idea emerged, it was denied by Richard Madokas.

"No. Fortunately you are not here, Captain."

Is this giving up?

Do not!

Richard Madokas did not accept that he would give up.

Raising his hand and turning his beloved military cap to the back of his head, Richard Madokas turned and took out a pistol from the captain's seat.

"Everyone, continue to stay here to command! I am now gathering manpower to resist the enemy's attack!"

"Captain!! Don't be impulsive! You still need your command here!"

Everyone was shocked and quickly! rest assured! I quite cherish my old life! "

Richard Madokas smiled.

At least, he will not surrender until the Son of Danu is completely fallen!

At this moment, a message compiled with a special code that hadn't appeared in the Danuzizi communication directory for a long time suddenly appeared on the main screen.

"Son of Danu! Son of Danu! Please pay attention! Now please remove the combat units in the A1 area immediately. Avalon is about to carry out the area strike mission! Repeat! Now please remove the combat units in the A1 area immediately. Avalon A regional strike mission is about to begin!"

The appearance of this voice stopped Richard Madokas' footsteps, and even the people on the bridge were stunned.

Richard Madokas, and even the voice that everyone on the bridge had never forgotten, appeared at this moment.

Moreover, it was accompanied by several dazzling lights descending from the sky.




The dazzling rays of light that conceal all the brilliance of the world like the explosion of stars, centered on the son of Danu, struck out one or two shots on this pale ground, like a triangle that was so precise that it couldn’t be more precise. The monster that besieged the Son of Danu was crushed.

Even if he was lucky to avoid the area where the radiance burst, it would be difficult to escape from the high-pressure air current set off by the brilliance burst, screaming, struggling to be swallowed by the brilliance.

Time, maybe a long time has passed, maybe just a moment.

When the plain earth returned to silence again, a floating battleship that had been a comrade in battle with it was slowly falling from a high altitude and hovering over the Son of Danu.

That is the floating battleship under the command of Teresa Testarosa-Avalon!

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