Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 744: The prologue of the fight

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Above the broken ground, the majestic fortress that was once regarded as the last barrier of the empire by the Britanian Empire has been lost.

The only traces left in this world are the wreckage burned by flames, broken and scattered buildings, and the fragments of clothing that are left in the ruins of buildings and fluttering in the wind.

At this moment, on this piece of land where a huge fortress once stood, only the dead, broken scene remains.

"No, it's impossible!!"

Suddenly, a scream tore apart the dead silence that had captured the entire fortress.

In the scorching wind, a seemingly weak but extremely strong shimmering barrier firmly shrouded a corner located in the center of the explosion, and was not at all affected by the terrorist explosion that destroyed the entire fortress.

And under this gleam barrier, there are the scarlet Lionheart Knight and a small passenger plane with a damaged engine.

The owner who screamed just now was the woman who staggered out of the small passenger plane.

The gorgeous red dress was glued with a little dirt, and the gorgeous feather fan fell to the ground. Most of it was submerged by the floating soil raised by the explosion. The pair used to hide under the mask, arbitrarily looking at the surrounding opposite sex, looking for prey. The eyes were so panicked at this moment.

"No! How is this possible!!! It is impossible for anyone to escape from that devastating explosion!!"

This woman in disbelief looking at the scarlet lionheart knight intact was the lady in the red dress who evacuated with the Asuka Mask before the explosion swallowed Hadrian's fortress.

I don’t know why, before they fled, Qi Ligu had the opportunity to catch the small passenger plane that the lady skirt was taking first, and thus ended up witnessing the uproar in a nearly zero distance way. The experience of a terrible explosion that overturned the entire fortress.

Judging from the panic and unbelievable expression of Ms. Red Dress, this experience does not seem to be a good one.

It is a pity that the person facing the lady in the red skirt is not a knight who pity the jade, but a cold man.

Qi Ligu glanced at the woman pointing at the Scarlet Lionheart Knight on the screen, and after confirming that the AI ​​had no abnormal results on her vital signs, he signaled the completion of the mission.

In the next moment, a huge shadow quietly descended from the sky, unscrupulously spreading its own existence and shadowing the moonlight on the land that was still ravaged by the aftermath of the explosion.

"No!! This...this is..."

In the sky fortress, Damocles broke through the clouds densely over here, and scattered the bright moonlight on this land that was ravaged by the terrifying energy storm, descending like a giant in the sky.

"A change in wind direction is monitored! Posture correction!"

"It is monitored that the aftermath of the explosion is still continuously affecting the local climate change, and the energy field is immediately deployed to resist the extreme climate that may appear at any time!"

In the command center of the air fortress Damocles, a soldier in the uniform of an imperial technician is methodically responding to the current battlefield environment in accordance with the operation manual.

Although, this time the air fortress Damocles does not need to participate in the battle himself.

But the broken ground below is so shocking, so intimidating.

A majestic fortress entrusted with the heavy responsibility of the Emperor Gongwei turned into scorched earth in an instant.

"It seems that Qi Ligu blocked a shot for me!"

Lei Mingkai, who was sitting above the main seat, looked a little complicated.

Originally, according to the battle plan, when the Royal Guard Knights detachment led by Qiligu and Titania attacked Hadrian's Fortress, Lei Mingkai would lead the main offensive force to descend from the sky and take the fortress in one fell swoop.


Before the air fortress Damocles entered the airborne combat area, Hadrian's fortress exploded first.

Facing such a result, Lei Mingkai really didn't know what to say.

"His Royal Highness. Just now, when Hadrian's Fortress blew up, I have already let people pass it back to the imperial capital."

Shamna, who was standing by, said softly.

"Well, I have worked hard for you. But, Princess Shamna, don't you continue to rest? Your previous consumption should be greater than it looks."

Shamna insisted on participating in the operation of the air fortress Damocles.

After repeated persuasion, Lei Mingkai also handed over part of the lieutenant's duties to Shamna.

"No. My physical condition is very good! Your Highness should also know that my GEASS is not a so-called prophecy."


Regarding Shamna's Geass, Lei Mingkai didn't mean to go further.

"Then, the mission of the containment team is up to you! Also, let Xialiou be ready to attack at any time."

"Yes! Yes!"

At the same time, the imperial capital, also bathed in moonlight, was still brightly lit.

The moment when the air fortress Damocles came on stage and set off, it still lingers in the hearts of the imperial capital.

No matter how they felt at the moment, almost all the eyes in the imperial capital were on the brightly lit palace guarded by many royal guard knights.


It is different from the palace scene imagined by the imperial capital.

A chessboard and a few chess pieces unexpectedly became the home ground on the diplomatic occasion of the empire.

Sitting on both sides of the chessboard, each holding the black and white pieces is the Empress Euphemia of the Britannia Empire, and the diplomatic ambassador Laks from the Star City.

The two had already met earlier, but Yuphemia's affairs were too busy, and they didn't really sit down and talk in detail.

Now, taking advantage of someone not in the imperial capital, the two sides finally had a chance to sit down and communicate.

It's just that their way of talking is not what ordinary people understand, but holding chess pieces, you come and I fight on the chessboard.

"I lost."

Seeing the white chess dropped as a declaration of victory, Lacus readily confessed his defeat.

Euphemia, who can win, doesn't mean any joy.

From the beginning of the fight on this chessboard, Yufimia and Lux's wins and losses were only fifty-five.

No matter how the two sides use their own wisdom and strategy to persevere with chess pieces, they will never be able to distance themselves from each other.

"The ambassador is really amazing."

Yufimia put the chess piece down and signaled that it was over, she also said in a pun.

"No. Compared with your Majesty, I just did my duty."

Maybe you don’t understand?

Or maybe it's just pretending to be confused?

Lacus just smiled and responded to Euphemia with official words.

Fortunately, before the new round of "fighting" between the two women began, the urgent call from the air fortress Damocles diverted the attention of the two women.

"Your Majesty! The Knight King urgently call!"

The maid hurried forward and said respectfully.

"Really? Transfer here!"


Yufimia did not shy away from the existence of Lux, and decisively chose to have someone transfer the emergency electricity from the front line to her.

With the unfolding of the projection screen, a video with two perspectives of overlooking and fighting on the battlefield respectively appeared in front of the two women.

"Hadrian's Fortress."

Euphemia saw the introduction of this fortress from the information, and clearly knew the responsibilities of this fortress.

The fierce battle on the screen didn't last long, and was overwhelmed by a terrifying white light.

"Blode?! Your Majesty, I didn't expect the rebels to have such courage to detonate a majestic fortress."

Lux's gaze paused for a moment on the battlefield perspective that was flooded with white light, and then shifted to a high-altitude perspective overlooking Hadrian's Fortress.

It was a sphere of terrifying energy that instantly swallowed the entire fortress.

Just the moment it appeared, the majestic fortress was razed to the ground, and the humans and creatures in it were turned into ashes without being aware of it.

"Yes! It seems that I still underestimate the courage of the rebels! However, this is also a lucky thing."

Euphemia sighed, and there was a hint of fortune in her words.


Lux was stunned for a moment, and then came to understand.

From the content of the urgent telegram, Laks did not see Lei Mingkai personally lead the team into Hadrian’s Fortress until the moment when Hadrian’s Fortress blew himself up, the personnel who existed inside Hadrian’s Fortress were only Only the first knight of the new round table, Qiligu Chobe!

Earlier, Lei Mingkai had privately discussed with Yuphemia about the particularity of Qi Ligu Chobe.

"Even in the face of mortal situation, Qi Ligu Chubei will not die as easily as mortals understand. Even, in a sense, the existence of Qiligu Chubei is undoubtedly equal to the existence of the undead. !"

This evaluation has also been confirmed at this moment.


Lacus may not know the peculiarities of Qiligu Chobe.

But she knew that Lei Mingkai was not affected by Hadrian's fortress's self-destruction.

This is indeed a thankful thing!

"That's it! Ambassador. Now, I'm going to get busy!"

Yuphemia's words made Luxe smile.

She said:

"Then, Your Majesty. I wonder if I can also contribute?"

"Ambassador. If you rush into our country's affairs, it will cause international disputes."

Yufimia raised her eyebrows, and refused Lux's request stubbornly.

"No! Your Majesty. I am just Audrey Britannia now."

In Lux's bright smile, the necklace of the trinity of stars, sun, and moon was displayed in front of Euphemia.


Euphemia was taken aback first, then smiled.

"Really? That's the case. Then, there is Ambassador Lao."

"This is what I should do! Your Majesty. Thank you very much for giving me such an opportunity."

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