Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 726: Hymn

When the red lotus iron lion smashed the pitch-black MA Hammons, it was on the battlefield at the other end of the earth.

A young man whose eyebrows were flooded with anger and his chest filled with burning blood was clenching his fists, staring at the city devoured by war for a long time.

Since the revival of the ancient Era, the number of cities destroyed by the eruption has reached dozens of cities.

And the city in front of the young man is one of these dozens of cities, and even a city that has just fallen.

If the young people and the troops led by them can arrive half an hour earlier, the city will probably not fall.

At the very least, more people can be saved.

"Master Iogu. Our troops have been assembled! They can be dispatched at any time!"

The subordinates who were loyal to the young Iogu Kuzan, were also loyal to the Kuzan family, and even more loyal to Galalhorn, ran up all the way from the bottom of the hillside.

"Yeah. I see! Get ready to fight! This city, we have already missed it!"

Iogu Kuzan sighed secretly in his heart.

Almost half a month has passed since Lesdal Erian was seriously injured and unconscious, right?

During this time, Iogu Kuzan lived like a year, and was burned by the raging anger for a long, long, long time.

Growing up to almost make Iogu Kuzan feel that he seems to have lost his anger.


Fortunately, at this time, he led his men and left the headquarters of Galalhorn, came here, and witnessed the city's fall after being attacked by the Evil Sacrifice. In this way, Iogu Kuzan was able to regain Realizing that the fire of anger set off by revenge still exists in his heart.

Looking at the burning city,

Looking at the flying ash that was burned by the scattered sparks of the hot wind in that city, Iogu Kuzan suddenly felt that he should say something, but he never said anything.

Until, another subordinate with anxious expression brought an astonishing news.

"Master Iogu! Master Iogu!!"

"What's the matter? What a decent way you are in a panic!!"

The subordinates standing beside Iogu Kuzan couldn't help but yelled.

"Yes! Subordinates are rude! But I believe Master Iogu will be very concerned about this piece of information!"

The subordinates who had brought the information carefully handed the information to Iogu Kuzan.

Iogu, who was a little puzzled, reached out and took it, opened it, and his face changed on the spot.

In the next second, Iogu, who raised his head again, gritted his teeth and said:

"How dare to show up like this!! Iznario Farid!! You traitor!!!"

The intelligence brought by his subordinates is not his business.

It was a piece of special information from the encrypted communication channel used within the Seven Star family.

According to the death investigation of intelligence personnel, a man suspected of Iznario Farid had appeared somewhere in the Mediterranean region of the United Africa before the outbreak of the Evil Sacrifice.

The emergence of this intelligence undoubtedly became an opportunity for Iogu to vent his anger.

"Everyone! Now it is time to wash away the humiliation of the attack on our headquarters in Galalhorn!! It will bring the humiliation of the birth of the traitor and the shame of the ancient ritual to us, the traitor Iznario Fa of Galalhorn. Great opportunity for Reid sanctions!!"

He crumpled the paper in his hands into a ball, and Iogu Kuzan gritted his teeth and growled.

At the same time, the subordinates who heard the movement gathered around him.

Looking at these subordinates with admiration, trust, and even admiration, Iogu Kuzan slowly raised his right hand and said awe-inspiringly: "Princes, it is our Galalhorn shame now. Great opportunity! The whereabouts of the traitor Iznario Farid has been locked by us. Next, we will personally take this traitor’s bloodblade and bathe us in the supreme glory again. !"

"So!! So, Lords! Please lend me your power!!"

"Yes! Lord Iogu!"

"Yes! As long as you can follow Lord Iogu, your subordinates will never hesitate to die!!"

Facing the words of Iogu Kuzan, the subordinates expressed their sincere heartfelt thoughts one after another.

Therefore, Iogu and his team followed the guidance of intelligence and came to Africa United, a country south of the Mediterranean Sea.

Here, it is also undergoing an attack from the ancient emperor.

Fortunately, compared to other cities that were taken care of by the ancient emperor, this city, which was located on the edge of the desert, was only built with the supply points made when entering the desert and did not suffer a strong attack from the ancient emperor.

Relying on the small amount of troops in the city itself, it magically supported the outbreak of the first wave of ancient rituals.

Therefore, when I saw from a distance a mobile unit led by Iogu Kuzan with five Grazes as the main and multiple mobile engineers as supplementary, the person in charge of the city took the people on the spot and took the initiative to welcome them. Up.

"Assisting in defense? No. Mayor, you are misunderstood! We are going to pursue traitors! It is not our duty to assist in defense!"

Unexpectedly, the enthusiastic Mayor just didn't put his hot face on it, and he was rejected by Iogu.

Immediately afterwards, before the mayor could respond, Iogu asked immediately:

"Do you know the whereabouts of Iznario Farid? According to our intelligence, this damned traitor once appeared near this city."

"Uh... scare? Traitor?"

The poor mayor waited for a long time before he managed to recover from Iogu's problem, and when he saw Iogu Kuzan's obviously unpleasant face, he bowed and apologized again and again.

"Sorry! I'm very sorry! I...I'm just recalling the list of people who have appeared during this time."

For fear of offending Iogu Kuzan, Mr. Mayor was anxious to be wise, and casually stated a reason that Iogu Kuzan was a little concerned about.

"Yes...Yes. If it was the Iznario Farid who really appeared near our city, there would be a record left. However, we need some time to look up the record. Not as good as..."

"One hour! I only give you one hour! After one hour, if you can't give the answer, then I will find it myself!"

Before the mayor could finish speaking, Iogu Kuzan set a time limit on the spot.

Seeing the mobile unit that was rolled up by the rolling sand and walked to the side of the city to stay temporarily, the poor Mr. Mayor didn't know whether he should be happy or worried.

One hour passed quickly.

When the sweaty mayor hurried over with his subordinates, he actually saw that the Graz team was ready to attack, as was the mobile engineering unit parked nearby.

However, compared to the Graz team facing the desert, the mobile engineering units seem to be facing the city intentionally or unintentionally.

This discovery caused the mayor and others to sweat again and again.

"Iznario Farid has really been to this city?"

Looking at the document handed over by the mayor, Iogu Kuzan frowned.

When the truth was placed in front of him so easily, even Iogu Kuzan couldn't help but have a trace of suspicion.

"Yes, yes. It's just that Iznario Farid didn't seem to enter our city, he just passed through the outskirts of our city and entered the desert."

The mayor nodded repeatedly, and pointed at the big desert behind the city.

"Desert? It seems that it is not so easy to catch that **** traitor."

Iogu Kuzan, who threw the file back to the mayor, ignored the mayor's begging expression, and turned decisively to face where the Graz team was.

"Princes! The whereabouts of the traitor has been determined! We are only one step away from the supreme glory of the glorious Galalhorn!"

"Yes! Lord Iogu!!"

In the loud promises of his subordinates, Iogu Kuzan boarded his body, rushed out of the temporary camp, and entered the desert without looking back.

Once again, the mayor, who watched the billowing dust, watched Iogu Kuzan and his party enter the desert with only a piece of yellow sand without tears.

"Mayor. Shall we notify Galalhorn over there?"

The subordinate asked.

"No. No. Let's take the people and leave here!"

For some reason, the mayor suddenly sighed as he watched the rolling sand and dust.

The subordinates who didn't know why looked at each other, but they did.

After all, it is much better to evacuate to a safer big city than to stick to a small city that has exhausted its defenses.

Let alone the fate of this city.

Iogu Kuzan has been marching rapidly in the desert for three consecutive days, but he couldn't find any traces of people moving in the desert.

Whether it is day or night, all they can find is a piece of yellow sand, as well as the scorching sun and cold moon that are constantly rotating above their heads.

The fruitless search made the anger in Iogu Kuzan's heart burned more fiercely, more vigorously, and even more terrifying.

Even when the scorching sun is high in the sky, Iogu, who is increasingly eager to find Iznario Farid, even ignores how terrifying the hot armor is, stepping directly on it and using his binoculars to search everything carefully. A place to be seen.

But the result is the same.

Except for yellow sand,

Still yellow sand.

The original high morale gradually depleted as the endless yellow sand flew up.

Another day passed.

When the incomplete moon rose again, the subordinates who had mastered the declining temperature of the desert night unfolded their bags to prepare for overnight and watchful arrangements.

Everything seemed so normal and calm.

However, the sudden change!

"Sha Sha Sha..."

A rustle of abnormal noises rushed.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of Iogu and others to just put down their bags and prepare for the night, they suddenly rushed up from under the yellow sand.

In the scattered yellow sand in the sky, a few dark shadows rushed into the side where the mobile engineer team was, causing a **** storm.


The screams came along with the strong smell of blood on the spot, stunned Iogu and others on the spot.

"Quick! Get back to the body! It's MA!! Bruman!"

There are also capable people among Iogu's subordinates.

But even so, the mobile engineer team has almost lost most of its strength.

In less than a minute, the sudden attack easily destroyed the mobile engineer team.

"Master Iogu! Please move closer to us!"

Iogugang, who was pushed into the cockpit by his subordinates, started the fuselage, and from the lighted screen, he looked at the two Grazes who were the first to complete the start and leaned forward.

"Pay attention to the surrounding situation!"

Iogu Kuzan's situation has changed, but he will not shrink from it.

Now that the attack has occurred, it means that the enemy hidden behind the scenes is about to show up.


The rustling noise struck again.

Even the sand dunes that undulated with these abnormal noises were locked by Graz's optical camera.

"It's the enemy! The enemy is under the sand!!"

Seeing the enemies who were constantly swimming under the desert, the Grazes who had finished close to Iogu Kuzan raised their guns and fired bullets on the undulating sand dunes.

But even if the sand was blown into the sand, the enemy lurking under the sand did not receive the slightest harm.

"Iznario Farid! I did not expect that you will be born in the Seven Stars family, a traitor who only hides and knows to play tricks all day long! I am really ashamed of Galalhorn, for the Seven Stars family! !"

Iogu Kuzan frowned as he watched his subordinates snipe the enemy hidden in the sand, but he couldn't help but roared when he had nothing to gain.

"Oh? I can only hide and scheming all day long? Kuzan's kid, you are so naive!!"

A sneer suddenly sounded in the communication channel between Graz, which shocked Iogu Kuzan and You must know that this communication channel was not used by Galalhorn Mainstream channel, this is only a communication channel used by the Graz troops led by Iogu Kuzan.

Such a secret communication channel could be hacked? !

"Huh! He is a sucker! He will be frightened by a small trick. Lethdar Erian will choose obedient and stupid puppies!"

As soon as this word came out, Iogu's anger was immediately aroused.

"Iznario Farid!! Don't insult Master Lesdal!!"

"Insult?! Hahahaha! I am insulting Lesdar Erian? Kuzan's kid! Do you know this is a fact!!"

"Shut up!! Come out to me!! You traitor! I want to sanction you on behalf of Galalhorn!!"

The Graz driven by Iogu Kuzan turned back and forth, looking around, but never found any place to hide.

"Sanctions? Hahaha! Interesting!! But before that, I would like to show you something!"

As soon as Iznario Farid's voice fell, the screams of Iogu's men followed.

"Master Iogu, watch the top of your head!!!"

"Top of your head?!"

When Iogu looked up subconsciously, the screen in front of him suddenly went black.

Then, a chilly gale rose above the head.

Then, a cold touch followed, deeply piercing Iogu Kuzande's spine.

"Come on! Boy of the Kuzan family, I don't know what you will be like when you see that your hymn to Lesdar Erian is false!!"


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