Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 718: Freedom vs Hammons

Smoke billows,

Under the violent attack of the black wave, Edmonton, which had held the conference to determine the future of Abro's representative, was already in ruins, and there were flames that swallowed everything.

In this sea of ​​thick smoke and wanton burning of everything, a black machine named Bruman rushed out of the fire without fear, and swarmed towards the steel male standing at the end of the street. The lion pounced.

The roar of the propulsion engine,

The artillery at Bruman's jaw also followed Bruman's jump and launched a fierce attack towards the steel lion.



At the moment when the flames caused by the bursts of ammunition lit up in the black wave, the metal storm created by countless shells immediately enveloped the Tooth Lion Zero.

But the Tooth Lion Zero is extremely disdainful of the terrifying metal storm.

"Huh! Small meaning!"

The icy golden light flashed past the pupils of Tooth Lion Zero, a barrier that emitted shimmer immediately enveloped the Tooth Lion Zero, blocking out all the metal storms with a slight drop of half a step, and directly blocked the cloth. Ruman's servant army tried to defeat the Fangshishi Zero plan by focusing on fire.

"Now, it doesn't matter who has a large number of people to win this battle! Fool!!"

Tooth Lion Zero did not hesitate to laugh at his own sound, and did not care whether MA Hammons and its servants could understand it.

Now, the Tooth Lion Zero, which has fully mastered the lambda drive system, is not afraid of this terrifying and extremely powerful offensive MA Hammons army.

As long as the Tooth Lion Zero's own heat dissipation capacity can keep up with the rhythm of the battle, then the army led by MA Hammons cannot do anything about the Tooth Lion Zero.

No, looking at the increasing number of bullets on the barrier stimulated by the lambda drive system in front of him, the Tooth Lion made a cold snort.

"Huh! Give it back to you!"

In an instant, all the bullets that were blocked by the barrier were bounced back by an unknown force. Starting from the tusks lion zero, the metal storm that covered the 180° fan-shaped space in front of the tusks lion zero broke out. .

Perhaps, MA Hammons had not imagined that the barrier that blocked the attack of Bruman's servants with the tusks-zero-style hand would still have the ability to rebound attacks.

At the moment when the attack made by the Bruman's servants was defeated by the Fang Lion Zero using the power of the λ drive system to backhand with a faster and stronger attack, all the Bruman who rushed in front of the Fang Lion Zero All the servants were wiped out.

Only the momentary brilliance that represents death can be left in this world, and after the thick smoke has dissipated, it is scattered on the ground, and the original appearance is completely invisible, only the fragments torn apart by the pitted bullet marks. wreckage.

At this moment, there seemed to be a slight error in MA Hammons' system.

It didn't understand where the power that broke out in the Fanging Lion Zero Form just now came from.

It is also impossible to find relevant or even similar descriptions and data records from the system.

I am afraid that in the moment when the Tooth Lion Zero appeared and stopped in front of it, the unresolvable warning message had already begun to spread in the MA Hammons system.

"Offensive! Offensive! Offensive!"

The unresolved enemy was blocked on the road.

On the radar of MA Hammons, it was clearly pointed out that a large number of humans were gathering behind the few streets behind Tusk Zero.

Exterminate mankind!

When MA Hammons was born, it was implanted into the root program at the bottom of the system.

The existence of this root program is more than anything else, and it affects all the actions of MA Hammons.

Under the influence of this source program, the unresolved warning was quickly ignored by MA Hammons, leaving only the original purpose of the action.

I saw MA Hammons's wing-like shoulders slammed, and the propulsion engine on its back burst into more and more dazzling flames, MA Hammons moved!

Since his debut, MA Hammons, who had been behind the Bruman's servants, finally moved.

As the movement of MA Hammons accelerates, it has been crowded around it, and has not participated in the attack. The Bruman's servant army, who only served as MA Hammons's escort, also accelerated, and rushed directly into Ed in the dust. Monton.

"Huh! Can't you finally sit still?"

Seeing MA Hammons finally rushed out of the Tooth Lion Zero-style snorted coldly, he was also ready to have a close hand-to-hand battle with MA Hammons.

Although the previous artillery fire is refreshing, the Tooth Lion Zero prefers to fight at close range.

This is not only the fangs of the lion's own preferences, but also the nature of the beast.

No matter how powerful a weapon is, it’s better to shake your own claws to tear the enemy apart!


Tooth Lion Zero's plan is probably going to fail.

Because, a light wing fell from the sky, swiping a sword light, and smashed the three Brumans that once again rushed in front of the Longtooth Lion Zero.




In the flames set off by the explosion, Tooth Lion-Zero snorted again, seemingly complaining:

"So slow! Kay, you're late!"

It turned out that the Freedom Gundam driven by Lei Mingkai was suddenly stopped in front of the Tooth Lion Zero.

"Sorry! Something happened on the way and it was delayed."

The complaint just now was just a mouthful of the toothless lion style zero.

But it did not expect Lei Mingkai to apologize to it so solemnly.

In the new round of missile launches, the problem of the Tooth Lion Zero will follow.

"Kay. Have you met an enemy?"

"I don't know. But, it is indeed a powerful enemy! I feel that way."

Recalling the sudden attack when he was about to arrive in Edmonton just now, Lei Mingkai felt that something had gone beyond the development he had predicted so far.

It was an arrow of light falling from the sky.

A light arrow that is not murderous, but the hit is death.

If Lei Mingkai's intuition were not sharp enough to be able to detect this light arrow coming from nowhere, I am afraid that he would have fallen on the snowy field below with Liberty Gundam by now.

Who launched the attack on earth?

Lei Mingkai didn't know.

Because, at the moment when the light arrow was avoided by Liberty Gundam and directly bombarded the ground, the light arrow and the stone hit by it had disappeared in the explosion, leaving no trace of it for Lei Mingkai to guess. Evidence of the identity of the black hand behind it.

Under the clouds, the Radiant Transmitter system of Freedom Gundam continuously increases its output, leaving behind afterimages in this cloud. At the same time, Lei Mingkai relies on the powerful speed conferred by the Radiant Transmitter to quickly move the clouds. And the surrounding airspace have been searched again.

As a result, it was just nothing.

It seemed that the sudden light arrow just now was like an illusion in a dream. It seemed to exist, but it was just an illusion.

However, on the snowy field, the blasted pit and the gravel and soil scattered around proved that the light arrow was not Lei Mingkai's illusion.


That light arrow caused Lei Mingkai to delay the time to support Longfang Lion Zero, but it could not be the reason for Lei Mingkai to withdraw from the battle.

The black wave that is getting closer and closer, and MA Hammons, who is surrounded by a large number of Bruman's servants, are already Lei Mingkai's enemies.

"Zero! Support me!"

"it is good!"

As soon as he saw Freedom Gundam holding high-frequency oscillating blades in both hands, Longfang Lion Zero knew Lei Mingkai's plan.

Therefore, the scene of the massive missile sea offensive that the Longfang Lion Zero single-machine played once again.



Under the firing of the Longtooth Lion Zero, the missiles constantly vacated from the open launch chamber, dragging a long tail flame and then coming first, flying past the head of Freedom Gundam, directly Fallen among the Bruman's servants who blocked the gap between Liberty Gundam and MA Hammons.

In an instant, the sea of ​​fire formed by the explosions swallowed all the Bruman's servants who were trying to block Liberty Gundam, blocking all their actions to prevent Liberty Gundam from advancing.

"MA Hammons. Evil sacrifice war!"

As the output of the high-frequency oscillating blade continued to increase, even under the suppression of the toothless lion's zero-style firepower, he was lucky to survive, and only a sporadic number of Bruman was cut under the sword.



The Tooth Lion’s zero-style fire suppression is still ongoing.

A road of fire to MA Hammons has long been formed.

In the shot of this road, MA Hammons is standing on the sea of ​​fire, quietly staring at the freedom Gundam holding two swords.

If MA Hammons is a truly intelligent creature, would he mistake the freedom Gundam holding two swords for the Gundam Bayeri, the head of the Demon God’s body that ended the battle of Evil 300 years ago? Woolen cloth?

The moment such a thought appeared, it was forgotten by Lei Mingkai.

Because this is simply an unrealistic idea.

Freedom Gundam, it will not be Bayeri!

And Bayeri will never become Freedom Gundam!

"Harmons! Let me see what you can do!"

The blade pierced through the air, splitting the flames that spread between MA Hammons and Freedom Gundam, and at the same time it smashed MA Hammons's mind.

No matter how MA Hammons establishes a reputation for making humans fearful, as long as its brains or energy centers are destroyed, the body that makes humans fearful in this world is nothing but one. It's just a pile of broken copper and rotten iron.


Lei Mingkai's idea is indeed correct.

But MA Hammons will not be the kind of AI that sits and waits to die.

When the blade broke through the air, the strategy adopted by MA Hammons was to wave the tail blade, and then the latter came first to block in front of the blade that was smashed by Freedom Gundam.

The collision between the sword blade and the tail blade caused a roar.

But it also represents the moment when the tail blade of MA Hammons is about to be split by the high-frequency oscillating blade of Freedom Gundam.

In the era of war of evil, the tail blade equipped by MA Hammons was once a nightmare for human pilots.

There are countless human pilots who hate this ghostly tail blade.

However, today, three hundred years later, the tail blade that has ruined many human elites broke under the high-frequency shock blade of freedom.


The moment the sword light faded, and the severed tail blade fell to the ground, MA Hammons retreated at full speed and escaped from the attack range of Freedom Gundam's blade.

At the same time, countless energy sparks burst out from the sharp beak of MA Hammons.

"Kay! Be careful!!"

Beam cannon!

It's the close beam cannon of MA Hammons!

At the moment when the Tooth Lion Zero sirens sounded, the light wings of Freedom Gundam suddenly rose, and the speed of Freedom Gundam was raised to the limit. It was from the attack of MA Hammons' beam cannon in milliseconds. Down, rushed into the blue sky.


The air is torn,

The beam of light bursting out of the terrifying energy response burst into thunderous roars, sweeping across the city.

In an instant, countless tall buildings collapsed under the attack of this terrifying beam cannon.

This is the first terrible scar left in the depths of the city since the start of the war.

At the same time, the people who were evacuating in an orderly manner were frightened, rushing to push the people in front of them, hoping to board the cars, trains, and even planes that evacuated Edmonton as soon as possible.

"Calm! Please keep calm! Please keep calm! Citizens! Now, we are safe here! The battle has not spread to this side! Please keep calm!!!"

The staff who were also frightened by the beam cannon just now kept roaring and yelling to calm the citizens.

But the result was to no avail.

"Representative! The scene is about to get out of control! The citizens were all shocked by the attack just now! Has the AI ​​and MA army hit this side?"

The subordinates responsible for appeasing the people ran to Shimiao's side with sweat, as if asking for help, but more like looking forward to what Shimiao could promise.

But Shimiao couldn't give the answer right away.

Under this crisis, any speech may become a cause of loss of control.

Especially at the moment, the entire evacuation point can only be guarded by a garrison with limited manpower ~ As long as one or two AI units rush in, it will inevitably lead to a disaster.

"Don't worry! The AI ​​army led by MA Hammons will not attack here."

At this time, a familiar and reassuring voice sounded, and Gudilia, who was standing next to Shimiao, turned around and saw a group of people standing at the door.

The group of people is the Iron Chinese group headed by Lux and Olga.

"Miss Lux, Captain Olga, you are here!!"

Gudilia's exclamation made Shimiao breathe a sigh of relief, and she nodded affirmatively.

He understands that as long as Lux can appear here, then that lord will not stand by and watch the city.

"Representative Shimiao, congratulations on your election! Also, don't worry! Kaihe Zero is blocking the MA army. The Tiehua Regiment will assist Edmonton to evacuate all citizens."

Without waiting for Shimiao to speak, Lacus first congratulated, and then directly said the next arrangement.

"Then, thank you very much! But, isn't the Tiehua Group going to assist His Excellency Lei Mingkai? Even with Lei Mingkai's strength, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to stand alone against the resurgent MA, right?"

Shimiao's question caused Lux ​​to shook her head gently.

"No. Enough! The strength of Kaihe Zero is enough to gain enough evacuation time for Edmonton! Now, let the Tiehua Group participate in the evacuation of the citizens. This will result in you and the Tiehua Group. In all, they are the best results, aren't they?"

Shimiao groaned, then nodded.

"That's right! After all, Galalhorn is no longer the same as before!"


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