Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 680: Freedom vs Barbatos

The large cruise ship Suixing has everything except some special facilities.

In addition to eating, drinking and having fun, there are also technical areas related to space navigation.

Such as spacecraft modification, MS modification, weapon purchase and so on are extremely eye-catching businesses.

In this busy and hot scene, there is a relatively quiet area where only a few people are qualified to enter.

There was a training ground specially provided for MS pilots under Divas.

A training ground for practical operations with MS driving skills.

Today, this training ground was temporarily closed under Makumad's order.

In addition to the Tiehua regiment and Tabers, there is only the old man in charge of the maintenance of Divas' MS.

At this moment, it is precisely because Markumard is interested in Sanriyue and the Barbatos he is driving, he deliberately put forward the idea of ​​letting Divac’s professionals prepare for Barbatos.

Lei Mingkai certainly agreed to this point.

If only relying on Nadi and Takaki of the Iron China Group to prepare, Barbatos would not be able to restore his due performance.

Regarding this point, San Riyue did not resist, nor did he have any opinions.

After all, in the previous battle with Tabers, even with the Alaya recognition system program written by Lei Mingkai, it could not offset the huge performance gap caused by many defects in the hardware.

After coming to Suixing and seeing Divac's strength and many other things, San Riyue's desire for strength became more and more urgent.

"It's almost time to start!"

As a segment of the program was input into the system that controls the operation of this MS training ground, the old man with a headband tied his hair behind his head and wearing a pair of small eyes looked at the steel giant standing on the left side of the training ground— -Gundam Barbatos.

"One of the 72 demon gods who ended the battle of Evil Sacrifice, the MS body named Gundam! I didn't expect that I would have a day to prepare the legendary body by myself!"

Although the old man seemed to be quite old, the movements of his hands made the teenagers dazzled.

First of all, just operating the console, which is densely covered with text that the Tiehua Group boys don’t recognize, has already made the boys feel dizzy.

"Well, is Barbatos really good?"

Olga looked at the expressions of everyone, and after seeing the puzzled expressions of the Tiehua Group's partners one by one, he subconsciously asked the old man.

"Huh! Of course! This is one of the 72 demon gods that ended the Evil Sacrifice War! The mythical body named Barbatos!! As long as I can personally restore its state to the Evil Sacrifice War period, then my life will be The meeting is over!!"

The old man said more and more vigorously, and even wished to start the preparation of Barbatos immediately.

"Ahem. Well, old man. Don't worry. Now let them try what Barbatos needs to adjust!"

Naze, who was on the side, smiled and said to make a round.

As a transportation organization under Divas, Tubbins will naturally not lack the opportunity to communicate with this old man.

Therefore, Naze also knows the extent of this old man's obsession with MS.

"Oh! Oh! That's right! Let's do a simulation exercise first!"

The old man nodded suddenly, but when he was nodding to debug the simulation program, he couldn't help muttering:

"What is this? Doesn't it mean that Barbatos had fought many times before he came here? If you want to talk about the battle data, you can just extract it directly. Why do you want to do this?"

Suddenly, the old man screamed, attracting everyone's attention.

"Right! I haven't seen another mecha! What is its name?"

"Freedom, Freedom Gundam. Father, its name is Freedom Gundam."

Lux looked at the startled look of the old man, and she couldn't help smiling.

"Since...Freedom Gundam? Oh, yes! That pair of wings can fly?"

The old man was not only surprised, but even a series of problems emerged, causing the Tiehua Group and the people of Taberns to be a headache.

"What's the matter? Hasn't it started yet?"

Just as the old man was talking about it, and he was unable to complete the start of the program, a figure also appeared at the door of the training ground.

And around this figure, those sturdy bodyguards entered the training ground first, occupying all the points of view, and controlling the situation of the audience.

"Oh! Father, you are here. The old man is still talking about Barbatos and Liberty Gundam!"

As soon as Naze saw Makumad's arrival, he greeted him immediately.

"Oh? Barbatos, is there still Liberty Gundam?"

Markumard raised his eyebrows and glanced at Barbatos, who had already seen Barbatos from the materials passed back by Naze, then set his eyes on the other side of the training ground. An unfamiliar body with eye-catching steel flying wings.

"Miss Lacus. This is the body of Your Excellency Lei Mingkai, is Freedom Gundam?"

Hearing Markumard's inquiry, Lacus nodded slightly.

"Yes. That's Kay's body, the freedom is high."

"It looks really mighty! Then, let me look forward to the power of Your Excellency Lei Mingkai and Freedom Gundam!"

The arrival of Makumad stopped the old man's chattering and brought the simulation battle to the beginning.

"San Riyue, Your Excellency Lei Mingkai, although the weapons you use are all simulated weapons that have been processed and will not cause much damage to the body, please be careful!"

Naze raised his hand while telling him:


Before Naze's words fell, a gust of wind and thunder suddenly sounded on the training ground.

In an instant, the bulletproof glass that isolated everyone from the training ground shook, and the face of the bodyguards protecting Markumard changed drastically. They subconsciously rushed to Markumard’s body and tried to help Block out possible accidents.

"Get out! All the fuss!"

Makumad didn't expect this simulation battle to have such a momentum from the beginning, and he didn't expect his bodyguards to be so sensitive. They didn't care about what happened, and only knew how to rush in front of him.


The bodyguards hadn't reacted yet, and a roar of gold and iron impact swept the audience, deeply stinging everyone's ears.


The teenagers of the Tiehua Group covered their ears one after another, and there was a faint sound of pain in their faces.

On the other hand, Olga and Naze looked excitedly at the body that had been collided on the court for some time, and there was a hint of enthusiasm in their eyes.

"This...this is really amazing!"

Naze couldn't help exclaiming in surprise as she watched the two planes slashed frantically while waving the sword in her hand.

On the field, Liberty Gundam holds swords in both hands, and alternately swings the blades towards Barbatos, intertwined with a whirlwind of sword light.




Barbatos, holding a large sword, held the hilt tightly with both hands, and methodically blocked the slashes from Freedom Gundam, but from the fact that Barbatos continued to retreat, the more and more obvious flaws showed that Barbatos was freed like this again. If Gundam suppresses it, it will be a failure to meet the ending of Sanriyue and Barbatos.

"How exactly is this sword used?"

Through the Alaya Consciousness System connected to Barbatos, although Mikazuki is not unfamiliar with this long sword named Taito, she has never been able to find out how to use it to attack.

On the other hand, Freedom Gundam, under Lei Mingkai's control, the Freedom Gundam with both hands holding swords is like a swordsman, and in every move it can set off an attack that makes Barbatos exhausted and makes San Riyue gritted his teeth and strenuously sustains.

"Why? Sanriyue. Only a few days later, have you forgotten the main points of training?"

Liberty Gundam waved the blade with his right hand, and shot a sword light enough to **** Barbatos's vision, and quietly raised the blade of his left hand and ran straight towards the cockpit of Barbatos.

As long as this strike stabs Barbatos’ armor, the simulation program will announce Barbatos’ defeat on the spot.

But, does this simulation training really end with that simple?


The attack that Freedom Gundam stabbed under the cover of Jianguang was blocked by Barbatos's left arm.

The huge impact not only filled the training ground with loud impacts, but also caused Barbatos' left arm to sway constantly.

However, even if the power from Freedom Gundam is terrifying, Barbatos's left arm still insists on the last line of defense.

"I didn't forget."

Mikazuki looked at Liberty Gundam with a torch, and when he moved his hands and feet, Barbatos vigorously waved his left arm and pushed the blade of Freedom Gundam to the other side. He violently shook his right arm and dragged the long sword toward freedom. Gundam's neck slashed straight down.

The sound of wind and thunder rolled up by that fierce strength is like a dragon chant at this moment.

There was a thunder dragon chant full of anger in San Riyue's heart.


In the billowing dragons, the sword slashed straight down from the body of Freedom Gundam without hindrance, and slashed on the floor made of thick homogeneous steel plates.

"Not hit?!"

San Riyue frowned, watching the afterimage that gradually disappeared on the screen.

He knew that just now he and Barbatos' furious counterattack did not hit Liberty Gundam at all.

Or in other words, there was no possibility of hitting Liberty Gundam from the beginning.

"Wings of Light?"

"Sanriyue. Don't worry too much. Now here, Liberty Gundam can't turn on the light wings!"

Lei Mingkai knew that the scene just now would inevitably remind San Riyue of the scene where Liberty Gundam opened the Radiance Transmitter. But unfortunately, in this seemingly generous, but for Liberty Gundam, it is undoubtedly a narrow space training ground. The person will not open.


Sanriyue listened to it, but still uttered traditional arts, leaving behind all these things that he didn't understand.


Tachi buzzed with the wave of Barbatos, as if he was eager to kill the enemy.

"However, I seem to already know how to use this long sword? Or a knife?"

"Don't say that! Mikazuki. The name of this sword is Taito."

"Too sword? Really? Well, no matter what!"

Lei Mingkai's teaching did not make Sanriyue more eager to learn, but instead made Sanriyue launch an offensive on the spot after solving this doubt.

Amidst the low roar of Ahab's furnace, Barbatos rushed straight towards Freedom Gundam like an arrow from the string.

"Fight against the enemy, fail!"

Barbatos' unchanging assault route caused Lei Mingkai to fail on the spot.

But the next second, Lei Mingkai's mouth raised.

"No. Today's course is just close combat!"


Freedom Gundam's hands shook, and the double swords in his hands once again rolled up bursts of sword light, and shrouded in front of Barbatos who rushed up.



The moment when the sound of two sword blade clashes exploded, Barbatos's Taito had actually blocked the two swords of Freedom Gundam, forcing Freedom Gundam to open the middle door.


San Riyue's eyes flashed, and she seized this fleeting opportunity on the spot.


Before Barbatos changed his skills, he stabbed at the cockpit of Freedom Gundam, and a fierce impact followed, slamming Barbatos into the air, rolling and hitting the cold homogeneous steel plate. Forged on the wall.

The powerful impact even made everyone in the viewing area feel that the training field was shaken several times under the impact.


The sword blade in Freedom Gundam's hand tore through the air buzzing, condescendingly looked at Barbatos who fell in the corner.

"Get up! Sanriyue. This won't kill you!"

At the moment Barbatos was about to stab the Freedom Gundam cockpit, Freedom Gundam turned his right hand and turned his blade back to Barbatos, and then slammed his sword hilt directly towards Barbatos' head monitor.

But this is not all Freedom Gundam's counterattack at this moment!

Because at the moment the hilt hit Barbatos's head monitor, Liberty Gundam quickly kicked the whip leg and slammed Barbatos away until it hit the wall.

"Sanriyue! Sanriyue! Hey! Answer me quickly!"

As soon as Barbatos was drawn by Liberty Gundam, Olga rushed to the old man on the spot and tried to get in touch with Barbatos, but he did not receive any answer.

"Cough! Cough!"

There was a cough in Barbatos' cockpit.

San Riyue, who didn't answer Olga, slowly raised his gaze, and looked towards Liberty Gundam with his vision that was a little circling, and no matter what he was looking at, it was a little fuzzy and ghostly.

"This blow is really cruel! Na! Barbatos. Freedom Gundam, isn't it very strong!"


The sound of wind and thunder blew up again.

Freedom Gundam rushed to Barbatos's, and hit Barbatos' cockpit with a punch.

The terrible impact rushed San Riyue unconsciously on the spot.

"This!!! Three days and months!!"

The shock on the court made the Tiehua regiment unable to react on the spot, but the moment they reacted, they swarmed down the training ground and ran to the front of Barbatos, trying to open the cockpit and rescue San Riyue from the cockpit. come out.


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