Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 629: Eve before the war

Ptolemy on the lunar base.

Then the moment the heavily damaged Lord Angel returned, the entire Ptolemy base began to become busy.

Even Halbaton, who was under house arrest in the depths of the base, noticed something abnormal, but he did not try to question anyone, nor did he ask the upper layers of the Ptolemy base to allow him to meet the Captain Bucky of the Lord Angel again. Lulu.

Instead, I chose to use my own eyes and ears to observe and listen to the strange things and noises around me.

Following the passage of time, the true face of the mysterious gift brought back by Murta Yazlar was finally discovered by Halbaton based on the clues of the surroundings.

"Anti-neutron jammer? It seems that this war is about to usher in a moment of change."

Halbaton, who was under house arrest in the depths of Ptolemy's base, raised his head and looked at the dome.

He has reason to believe that this war will inevitably usher in a moment of change.

It’s just that, don’t know which side you will be on at the moment of change?

Is it Zaft?

Or is the earth united?

Or is it on which side of the mysterious machine Bucky Lulu mentioned?

Halbaton is not clear.

But he knew that the moment he acted was not far away.

"It's not far from the moment when the earth unites to act again."

At the other end of the space, Lei Mingkai, who had the same idea as Halbarton, also said this to everyone.

"Act again? It's an attack on Zaft's homeland? But in front of Yakin Duwei's line of defense, didn't Zaft added a new satellite fortress Boyaz? Without massing most of the forces of the Earth Joint Space Force, This fortress will probably be a tough bone."

Mu, who has participated in the many battles between the Earth Alliance and Zaft on the cosmic battlefield, is very clear about the fact that the satellite fortress laid down on the only way to go is difficult to gnaw.

"That's right! The satellite fortress that Zaft arranged before PALNT must be a hard bone."

Lei Mingkai nodded, confirming Mu's statement.

Then he continued:

"However, our intelligence personnel acquired a piece of suspicious information a few days ago. And the fact that this suspicious intelligence points to is that the Earth Alliance may have regained control over the use of nuclear weapons!!"

A word stirred up a thousand layers of waves.

Lei Mingkai just said indifferently, letting everyone present blow up the pot on the spot.

We must know that the moment when the war between Earth Union and Zaft began to heat up, I am afraid that the moment when the Earth Union used nuclear bombs to destroy Junius 7.

And Lei Mingkai happens to have the identity of the last survivor of Junius 7.

Therefore, this information came out of Lei Mingkai's mouth, and its weight is something that no one dares to ignore and question.

Maru looked around, moved her lips, and wanted to confirm again:

"Your Excellency. Please allow me to confirm the authenticity of this information once again. After all, this is not something that can be used as a joke."

But it was not Lei Mingkai who answered her, but Lux.


Recently, Lux, who had been in a coma for several days, finally woke up.

But even though Lacus who was awakened did not look strange, everyone felt a looming high-ranking temperament from her body, which conflicted with the gentle and intimate image of her before.

"Captain Maru. The information that Kay has obtained is not wrong! The Earth Alliance is very likely to have obtained a way to reuse nuclear weapons. If, if the satellite fortress Boyaz is really destroyed by the Earth Alliance that has regained its nuclear weapons, Then, I am afraid that this war will only end in life and death."

Lux's serious attitude made everyone's expressions become serious.

"What about the timing of the attack? Has the intelligence been obtained?"

Kagali looked around and asked.

But what he got was Lei Mingkai's denial.

"We don't know this. What we can know is that after the Lord Angel returned to the lunar base Ptolemy, the entire base was in a busy state. Moreover, the supply operations from the earth have become frequent. A lot."

"The only information we have is this."

Hearing that, everyone looks at me, I look at you, and they all thought about whether to go to the satellite fortress Boyaz to ambush for a while?

However, although the current three-ship alliance is powerful, it still relies on the illusion supported by Liberty Gundam and Lei Mingkai, a pair of top combat power with anti-sky combat power.

In case the enemy sees through this, and if he entangles Liberty Gundam and Lei Mingkai at any cost, if he turns around and uses enough troops to besiege the Three-ship Alliance, I am afraid that the combination of the dark assault and the M1 heresy will not last long. ? !

The people who thought of this once again unanimously dispelled the idea of ​​advancing to the satellite fortress Boyaz and lurking nearby.

"If we can obtain more accurate information, maybe we can follow the combined offensive fleet of the Earth and head to Boyaz."

A voice rang from the meditating crowd.

It's Zissaka.

Taciturn, he proposed a compromise.

This may also be the most suitable method at present.

After a lot of discussion, they finally chose this compromise.

In this regard, Lei Mingkai was not surprised.

After the Archangel battled with the Lord Angel, although the damage suffered was not serious, the ammunition resources consumed by it were the largest among the three ships alliance.

In order to restore the combat power of the Archangel as soon as possible, the recyclers led by Luo are also constantly mobilizing personnel to collect resources that can be used by the Three Ships Alliance.

Therefore, the approach proposed by Zisaka is also expected.

After the decision was passed, everyone left with various expressions.

Only Lei Mingkai and Lux ​​were left.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Lacus, who **** her long pink hair and casually tied it into a ponytail, turned her head and looked at Lei Mingkai.

"Kay, can you walk with me?"

Lei Mingkai thought for a while and readily agreed.


Golden body,

The wings of light that soared into the sky and swept across the sky, separating the giant death satellite from the atmosphere,

Resounding through the inner world of human beings, resonating in the sky, the beautiful singing in the galaxy,

The frames are of different shapes, but they are fighting for the same purpose.

And, those hot and admiring eyes,

Like a nightmare,


Presented in front of my eyes again.

She doesn't know what these are?

What does it mean?

But she knew that from a certain moment in the past,

The nightmare she saw at this moment, perhaps already doomed.

"Lux, Lux..."

Kira kept calling the girl's name in front of her.

Following his call, the girl finally opened her eyes slowly.

It was half a month after the day when the girl suddenly passed out in a coma.

"Kee...Kira. Where are we...Where are we?"

Kira couldn't help but feel distressed by her thin face and haggard eyes.

"We are in April City right now. You will be fine! They... they will make you better."

"Four...April City?!"

The name was like a curse, and the girl who was supposed to be weak and feeble suddenly struggled.

"Lax...Lax...Calm down! We are safe now!!"

Kira was startled and quickly calmed down the weak girl.

"No. We are not safe! She, they will kill us!"

The girl struggled in fear until a familiar voice quietly sounded.

"If I were you, I would lie on the bed obediently. LH033."

This voice,

This name,

Once she appeared, she stopped the girl's struggle.

"Kira Yamato. If you want to save her, just complete the deal between us."

A pink figure appeared behind Kira, condescendingly looking down at the girl protected by Kira.

"Mia Pombel."

LH033 said the name in a daze.

Finally, I saw the man behind the scenes again.

However, she is still a doll controlled by invisible silk threads.

"I remember my name very clearly. Hehe. It seems that your head hasn't decayed much. That's not bad. Kira Yamato. You can stay with her for a while! But after that, you will get to complete ours. Transactions between."

Kira's eyes shook a few times, but she quickly became firm.

"I know. As long as you can cure her, I will complete the transaction between us."

The same face,

But the temperament, the girl whose eyes were completely opposite, looked down at Kira and sneered a few times.

"It's a bit of infatuation! No wonder Aslan would lose to your scum before."

In the sneer, Mia turned and left, leaving no room for Kira to react.


At this moment, Kira remembered that the girl named Lux ​​Klein had a fiance, and this fiance was his best friend Aslan Sara.

At this moment, Kira was stunned.

But the next second, the corner of his clothes was pulled a few times by the girl in his arms.

"Kira. I'm not Lux Klein. I'm just a photocopier LH033. I am not worth the price you paid to save."

Mia who appeared in front of her did not say what the deal between Kira and her was?

But LH033 had already guessed it.

Kira Yamato, known as the "strongest adjuster" by some people, was spotted by Mia Pombel and the mysterious woman standing behind him from the very beginning.

Therefore, she, the photocopying talent known as LH033, was able to appear in front of Kira Yamato.

"It's okay! This is my personal idea and my personal wish! So, let me implement it in my own way!"

Kira could see that the girl in front of him didn't want him to step into the whirlpool that should have jumped out, but Kira knew that only in this way could he save the girl.


Kira whispered the girl's name, but stopped in the next second.

Afterwards, Kira gently kissed the girl's forehead, and then said softly:

"If you don't like the name Lacus Klein, after you are well, shall we choose a new name together? Whether you are a so-called photocopier or not, in my heart, you are still you. "

After that, Kira gently pushed the girl away, and resolutely turned and left, staying behind the back that was slowly isolated by the door, and the weak girl who barely supported her body and stared at the back.


The steps one after the other, inadvertently gradually synchronized.

From the beginning, one after the other, to the later, walking side by side, it just walked through a seemingly long passage, but in fact it was less than tens of meters.

As the automatic door blocking him opened, a picture of a huge asteroid in the upper half and a vast dark space in the lower half appeared in front of Lei Mingkai.

"Let's go in!"

With a light tap under Lacus's feet, she floated lightly into the viewing platform where we could clearly see the outside world.

Lei Mingkai pondered for a moment, followed Lacusi and floated in.


The two people who entered here didn't start talking right away, they just reached out their hands to catch the railings and quietly watched the appearance of the asteroid outside slowly turning.

Maybe five minutes have passed,

Maybe half an hour passed,

Lei Mingkai didn't feel bored when watching the asteroid turning outside the window quietly with Lacus.

"Kay. Recently...I had a dream."

The pink ponytail flutters gently in the air with the rotation of Lacus, sometimes swinging and sometimes stretching, especially soft and beautiful.


Lei Mingkai was a little surprised.

"Yes. It's a dream."

Lacus nodded, her agile eyes seemed to sparkle with a brilliance that Lei Mingkai was not familiar with.

"In my dream, I saw many people, many things, and many things."

Lei Mingkai didn't speak, just waiting for Lacus's following.

He knows that what Luxe needs now is perhaps just a trusted audience.

"Kay. In my dream, I saw the death of my father, the terrible sight of the people being drawn into space by the explosion, the joint launch of missiles towards the Earth, and the Zaft soldiers who tried their best to intercept nuclear weapons. NS."

Lacus said faintly, and as the narration progressed, Lacus's eyes began to become erratic, as if she had already looked at the far end.

" do you see the future?"

Lei Mingkai listened quietly, but involuntarily asked about it.

Could it be that Lux Klein in front of me really remembered all his memories like White Cat Zero?

Hearing this, Lux slowly shook her head.

"I don't know. I even saw Liberty Gundam, and I can see Justice Gundam. But I can't remember the dream behind it."

Then, before Lei Mingkai could speak, Lacus slowly floated to Lei Mingkai's, gently pulling up Lei Mingkai's right hand and holding it with his own hands.

"However, at the end of the dream, I saw you, the moment when I saw you standing in the crowd with a white cat on your shoulders, looking at me."

"Kay! Don't worry! I'm still me! I'm Lacus Klein! It's Lacus Klein you have protected since the Silverwind incident."

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