Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 625: The truth

Somewhere far away from the earth and away from the busy shipping lanes is the cemetery of the ruined colonial satellite that has been abandoned by humans for a long time.

In this vast space, the number of colonial satellites being pushed into the cemetery continues to increase, and scavengers who continue to come to the cemetery are destroying and dismantling them.

However, even so, these colonial satellites are still flooded in this graveyard, becoming witnesses of human beings marching towards the universe.


In the dark passage, a small figure flickered its wings and flew past, and slowly landed at the end of the passage, in front of the concealed iron gate.

"found it!"

Among the debris floating in the sky, a pair of hands that were covered with dust but tightly holding a bottle of medicine appeared.

And behind these hands, there was a face with a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, this anti-fever medicine has not expired yet."

Kira gleefully looked at the expiration date on the medicine bottle.

This is the anti-fever medicine he found after searching around the port of this colonial satellite.

From small to large, the strong physique of the adjuster kept Kira away from most of the diseases, and therefore made Kira a little frantic in the face of colds and fevers, which are extremely common diseases for humans.

If it is in ordinary times, in areas where humans are active, it is natural to find suitable medicines.

But now, Kira is just a ruined colonial satellite abandoned by mankind.

It is fortunate to be able to find a fever-reducing medicine that can still be taken.


At the moment Kira pushed open the iron gate, Dolly, the mechanical bird who had been waiting outside for a while, spread its wings and landed on Kira's shoulder.

"Dolly. We found medicine. Let's go back!"

The anti-fever medicine held in his dusty hands was not for Kira herself.

It was for LH033, who suddenly passed out in a coma after leaving Mendel.

Kira didn't know what happened in it? As an adjuster, LH033 will actually fall into a coma.

However, he was vaguely aware that this might be related to Lux Klein.

Which one is the real Lux Klein?

Kira probably didn't care much.

However, now it is necessary to let LH033 regain consciousness first.

Otherwise, if this continues, even if Covenant Gundam has the ability to return, LH033 will not be able to support it until that moment.

The dark passage did not stop Kira.

Even in the dark passage, there are still some floating debris, but Kira, who has a flexible body, can easily pass through these debris and walks to the other side of the passage, the residential area that gradually has a ray of light.

Except for some residual energy on this unknown colonial satellite, the energy in other areas has been exhausted.

At that time, in order for LH033 to have a good place to rest, Kira drove Covenant Gundam directly through the gate that had been locked due to exhaustion of energy, and found this place after rushing into the port.

Thinking of the next plan, Kira went all the way, and finally stepped into the only place on this ruined colonial satellite where there was still glory.

Standing at the slightly rusty door, Kira breathed a little, and after finishing her mood, she pushed open the iron door.


The moment the sour metal rubbing sounded, Kira stopped.

Afterwards, when Kira pushed the iron gate again, it was already lighter than before.

But the metal rubbing sound still exists, but it's slightly faint.

Kira had no choice but to frown.

Fortunately, the person lying in the room was not awakened by this.

However, when Kira returned to the person who was lying on the edge of the wooden bed, which was a little decayed, but temporarily covered with an emergency blanket, Kira had the same feeling that if the sound just now could wake the sleeping person. If so, how great it would be!


The mechanical bird standing on Kira's shoulder lightly jumped and landed on the side of the bed, tilting his head to look at the sleeping pretty face.

"Dolly! Impossible to be noisy! Lux, needs a rest."

Kira held up his fingers and motioned to his mechanical pet not to make any noise, and then took out the drinking water bottle placed in the corner of the room.

It's just that he suddenly got into trouble.


Suddenly, a whisper made the mechanical bird standing on the side of the bed fly up and hover above the bed.

"Lux, Lux, are you doing?"

Kira, who was worrying about how to feed LH033, quickly stepped forward and passed the drinking bottle in her hand. After carefully letting LH033 take a sip of water, she watched her reaction nervously.

"Gee, Kira...are you there?"

A strange red tide appeared on LH033's face. It is not difficult to see that her current state is very bad.

Kira gently let LH033 lean in her arms, and said softly:

"I'm here. Lux, how do you feel?"

Before LH033 could react, Kira put the water bottle next to him, reached out and picked up the medicine bottle that had just been found after a lot of effort, and shook it a few times.

"This is a fever-reducing medicine! I found it with great difficulty. You will get better! Lux."


Although Kira's name was called, the situation of LH033 was really not optimistic.

Listening to LH033's meaningless, intermittent chattering, Kira became more worried.

At the moment, the only thing Kira can do is to give LH033 a fever-reducing medicine, and then, she can only go out to find medicines that can be used, or wait.

Fortunately, the medication process went smoothly.

After gently putting LH033 back on the bed and covering the quilt, Kira was silent for a while, his face was a little struggling, but finally turned around, chose to go out, and continued to look for medicine.

"Kira, don't... go!"

But before he could start, the corner of his clothes was suddenly caught.

It's LH033!


Kira looking back was surprised and worried.

Even if the medicine is effective, it is impossible for LH033 to regain consciousness in the blink of an eye.

Is this the situation now...? !

"Kira! Don't go! Talk to me!"

The weakness of the body caused LH033 to lose most of her strength. Just speaking, she had exhausted all the strength she could use.

"Lax, you need to rest now! I, I will find you medicine now!"

Kira sat on the side of the bed again, gently removed the corner of his clothes from LH033's hand, and put LH033's hand under the quilt.

"No. That's it! I...I just...have already taken medicine? That's good...speak to me."

Kira couldn't refuse the appearance of LH033 who was weak but pleading.

In the end, he chose to return to the head of the bed. After a little hesitation, he put his hand on LH033's forehead.

"Well, I'm here. Lux."

"Thank you! Kira."

Then there was a moment of silence.

Kira is waiting,

And LH033 lying on the bed seemed to be accumulating strength, waiting for something silently.

Time, I don’t know how long has passed.

Kira didn't know, and didn't want to know.

In his heart, he was anxious to make LH033's wish overwhelming everything as soon as possible, but under LH033's pleading, he waited for the following.

"Kira. I..."

In the silent atmosphere, LH033 spoke again.

"Yeah. I'm here. Lux."

Kira responded softly.


The red tide on LH033's face gradually deepened, but a bitter smile appeared.


LH033 seemed to be hesitating about something, but at the next moment he told the truth.

"I, I'm not Lux Klein. Kira."

A surprise flashed in Kira's eyes, but he immediately returned to calm.

"Really? I get it!"

That seemingly perfunctory tone made LH033 forcefully open his eyes and lifted his head to look at Kira.

"Kira. I mean it."

As the narration progressed, LH033 seemed to gradually return to normal.




They are all restored to what they used to be.

This abnormal change made Kira's heart tense.

"I got it! Actually, I knew it when that person appeared."

During the confrontation with the Archangel and Freedom Gundam, Kira had already understood some things.

Recalling the time when Lei Mingkai and Lux, who was shown in the image of Audrey, boarded the Archangel, it was exactly when the Silverwind incident broke out.

Recalling Lei Mingkai's behavior on the road, Kira might have understood.

It's just that Kira doesn't care about those now.

Who is the real Lux Klein?

It doesn't matter to Kira.

He only knew that the girl in front of him was the one who rescued him from the darkness.

"No. Kira, you don't know."

LH033 moved his body slightly, but couldn't move a bit.

"This...this is a conspiracy! I am not the real Lux Klein."

In LH033 weakly tells the conspiracy that looms over him.

"I'm just a photocopier who was made artificially."


Kira was taken aback, blurted out.

"A clone...?"

The bitter smile on LH033's face deepened.

"Almost! It's just that when I was artificially made, I already had Lacus Klein's face, figure, and even most of her memories. In the eyes of ordinary people, perhaps I am the real one. Lux Klein."

Kira was silent.

But his silence could not stop LH033 from telling.

The pink girl lying in his arms seemed like a human being about to die and confessing everything he knew to others...


When Kira was told everything by LH033, the Archangel who encountered the Lord Angel in the outer universe of Mendel was caught in a fierce battle.

The dedicated heresy Gundam driven by Mu and the dark assault driven by Nigor are struggling to support under the siege of the three small powers.

The Archangel also appeared quite passive under the fierce attack of the Lord Angel led by Bucky Lulu.

"Milialea. How is the situation on Freedom Gundam?"

The Eternity that rushed out did not complete the final adjustments, and Kusanaru seemed to be trapped by the trap set by Bucky Lulu beforehand, forcing the heresy squad on board to return to the aid of Kusanaru, failing to respond to the archangel in time. Number for support.

This result was that Maru, who had a technical background, was beaten by Bucky Lulu, who had undergone rigorous warship command training.

"I haven't contacted yet! But from just now, there has been no abnormal sign in the universe where Freedom Gundam is headed."

Mirialea has been trying to find the trace of Liberty Gundam since the Archangel encounters the Lord Angel.

Although there was no contact, Mirialia, who had been following the Freedom Gundam, keenly noticed signs that the universe had returned to calm after the abnormal signs.

"Really? It seems that we still have to hold on for a while!"

If the strangeness of the battle has disappeared, then with the astonishing speed of Freedom Gundam, it is bound to be able to rescue the Archangel in time.

However, before that, the Archangel had to hold on for a while.

On the other side where two sister ships of the same type are fighting each other, Mu's special heresy and Nigor's dark assault are facing back to back to the three small strong attacks.

"Hey! Brother Nigor! Can you kill the flying black bird?"

Mu, who was born as a fighter pilot, is very aware of the importance of controlling the rhythm in battle.

The high maneuverability of the Bandit Gundam and the tacit understanding between the three small strong, made the pair of Mu and Nigor familiar with each other, but they failed to develop a sufficiently tacit combination and suffered.

"Let me try!"

Although Nigor agreed, he didn't know what to do.

Now the pitch-black assault is almost forbidden, and Gundam is staring at him.

Neither the magnetic rail cannon nor the plasma beam cannon can break through the defense of Forbidden Gundam.

Not to mention, under the circumstance that the forbidden Gundam is eyeing up, go to grab the Gundam to launch an offensive.

"Huh? Crot. The black machine is staring at you. Go away! That's mine!"

Sure enough, when Nigor tried to slap a shot and fooled the Forbidden Gundam to attack and seize Gundam, Shani saw through Nigor's actions, and, with a strange smile, let Crotte go away.

"What? Staring at me?! That's mine! Shani!"

I saw the Gundam forbidden to retreat with the previous blow, and the follow-up attack was handed over to his teammates, and he rushed straight out from the lower right of the Gundam forbidden, blocking the midway between the Gundam forbidden and the dark assault.

Immediately afterwards, during the stature change of Robbery Gundam, its equipped "Thor's Hammer" striker and broken ball took advantage of the trend and smashed into the dark assault.

This blow is menacing!

But it was in Nigor's arms.

The moment the broken ball hits, the track gun equipped with the pitch-black assault moves up slightly, which is a round of continuous rapid fire!

It's not that Nigor wanted to attack the Gundam with his life!

Instead, the continuous rapid firing of the magnetic rail gun forcibly interrupted the attack of the high-powered pin-breaking ball.



Each shell fired by the railgun hit the pin-breaking ball accurately and unmistakably, and the attack of the pin-breaking ball was stopped for a while with the powerful kinetic energy and explosive shock wave.

Then, among the dissipated smoke, two muzzles exuding the cold air pointed at the Gundam Gundam at a very close distance.


Don't miss the opportunity!

Nigor pulled the trigger decisively!

The moment the deadly brilliance lit up, this bitter battle finally ushered in the opportunity to reverse!

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