Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 514: Turning Point in the Fierce Battle

The singing continued.

The image of the goddess lingering in the golden brilliance still stands behind SDF-1, looking down at the humans in this city.

Even if the sky above this city has been shrouded by the JAM army that covers the sky and the moon,

Even the attack team composed of YF21 and two GHOST-X9 constantly skimmed over the city, shooting out laser beams that blasted the enemies in front of them, leaving these debris scattered on the ground,

They still couldn't wake up the human beings who had been urged by Sharon.

Not to mention the people standing on the street, even the people on the SDF-1 who participated in the battle.

All the people standing on the SDF-1 bridge looked dull and stared at the explosion light that lit up the darkness outside, and the sound of Sharon's singing echoed in their ears.

"Cut! What a trouble!"

When YF19 was about to rush to SDF-1's side, unexpectedly, SDF-1 burst into a burst of extremely dense air defense fire.

Fortunately, Yong Dyson's reaction was fast enough, otherwise, the YF19 would plunge into the bottom of the lake and the plane would be destroyed.

"These monsters! There are so many!"

After a slight breath, Yong Dyson glanced at the JAM that had blocked the airspace he was in, but did not launch an attack on YF19.

Yong Dyson didn't know why these JAMs would not attack him, but with the movement from Lei Mingkai, Yong Dyson knew that these monsters were coming at Lei Mingkai.

"What on earth?"

Yong Dyson gritted his teeth and gestured in his heart for the next action.

"Lieutenant. Leave me alone! Continue your actions!"

At this moment, Lei Mingkai's voice sounded.

"Second Lieutenant! What are you talking about? Do you want to die?"

"No! I can hold on. Lieutenant, the sooner you solve Sarang, the sooner the situation on my side will be resolved!"

Lei Mingkai's words surprised Yong Dyson, but he quickly understood.

"Okay! Hold on to me!"


Before they could disconnect the communication, the surging JAM army separated YF19 and YF21 so that they could not see each other and could not give each other support.

"Don't let him come to support?"

A communication came.

It was the voice in Lei Mingkai's memory.

"No, he has his own business."

Lei Mingkai responded.

"It's still the same! But what can you do about this situation? If this continues, we will only be consumed!"


Before Lei Mingkai spoke, the white cat zero-style intervened in the conversation between the two.

"As long as there is a chance, Bangzha Fangzha can cope with this situation."

"Bangzha? Bangzha's armed forces are indeed powerful, but the number of these enemies is..."

"No, it can be done! Zero formula has grown."

With that, Lei Mingkai took a deep breath.

In the cooperation just now, Lei Mingkai understood.

It's just that he has been reluctant to admit it.

Unwilling to admit that the person who should have died will still have the opportunity to appear in front of him and fight side by side with him again.

"Vilweian. Believe me! Believe in Zero!"

Under Lei Mingkai's voice was the tremor that couldn't be hidden.

The last time this name was called is far from now.

It was so far away that it was once forgotten.

Listening to Lei Mingkai's call, White Cat Zero sighed secretly in his heart.


Lei Mingkai refused to admit, let alone White Cat Zero.

Compared to Lei Mingkai, when the White Cat Zero Style fell in the imperial capital, he watched Weierwei's death in the flames.

It's just that the white cat zero-style hid the memory in his heart and never said it.

"Now you admit me. Kay! Obviously he thought of me as Sharon before."

"let's start!"

Lei Mingkai heard Vier Wei'an's complaint in his ears, but did not express anything.

It seems that the acknowledgment that Weier Weian is still "alive" is already the limit that Lei Mingkai can do at present.

The temporarily formed offensive formation all raised their heads, and once again rushed into the formation of the JAM army.

In the blink of an eye, the Gatling of YF21 and the laser cannon of GHOST-X9 became a sharp knife to tear apart the JAM army.

From a distance, an extremely dazzling explosion path tore a wound in the JAM army as YF21 and GHOST-X9 advanced.

In the violent explosion, YF21 and GHOST-X9 broke through the explosion smoke and rushed out of the JAM army with a trace of fire.

But in the residual smoke dragged by YF21, something strange appeared.

There should have been two GHOST-X9s, but at this moment, only one lonely remained behind YF21.

Could it be said that during the impact just now, a GHOST-X9 was destroyed?


Suddenly, a wild beast-like roar resounded across the sky.

In this roar that seemed to span time and space, two dazzling rays of light erupted from the ground in the city hypnotized by Sharon.

Just like the sword that opened up the sky and the earth in the myth, it tore the JAM army covering the sky into two halves.

Those are two powerful electromagnetic cannons.

Moreover, after the shells fired by the two electromagnetic cannons, there are hundreds of missiles large and small.

They followed the road opened by the electromagnetic cannon all the way up, and slammed into the JAM army that was broken up by the attack of the electromagnetic cannon.

Roaring explosion,

Dazzling light,

The endless, seemingly endless missiles,

And every half a minute, there will be a salvo, so that the electromagnetic cannon that disrupts the enemy's formation becomes the protagonist at this time.

And the owner of these weapons is a huge steel beast standing on a mountain to the east of Macross City-the fangs lion Bangzha! !

It turned out that the White Cat Zero was under the cover of YF21 and the second GHOST-X9, taking advantage of the shock wave and smoke from the explosion, unknowingly landed the X9 it controlled on this mountain, and used it. The fangzha form, which is rarely deployed.

"What kind of monster is this...? The king of monsters of the unified army?! That's wrong! When did the unified army equip such a monster?"

Near the mountain peak where Bangzha, the long-toothed lion, was holding his computer in shock, Yang Nuowen looked at the iron lion frantically setting off explosions in the air that swallowed the enemy.

"Bangzha the fangs lion..."

The red ghost drew an arc in mid-air, passing by the mountain peak where Bangzha the tusks was located.

Relying on the GHOST-X9's camera, Weier Weian, who was controlling it, looked at the tusks who had fought alongside him in surprise.

Nowadays, the change of the Tooth Lion's zero-style has exceeded the memories that Vier Wein knows well.

Not to mention anything else, but the seemingly endless ammunition is already an ability that the original Tusk Lion Zero did not possess.

A wave.

Two waves,

Three waves...

Under a fierce offensive jointly launched by waves of electromagnetic cannons and missiles, the JAM army that covered the sky and the moon was hit with a huge gap, exposing the SDF-1 surrounded by the JAM army.

"Kay! Take advantage of it now!"

The iron lion roared, and the weapons on its back immediately adjusted the target, locking all the targets on the JAM army that tried to close the gap to prevent YF21 from passing.



When the electromagnetic cannon fired, the ground under Bangzha's feet was constantly shattered.

Above the cobweb-like cracks, there was sand and dust that was shaken by the shock wave triggered by the electromagnetic cannon.

YF21 rolled and changed its direction, and rushed to the gap opened by the Fang Zha, while the GHOST-X9 of Valiant followed closely behind.


This change is in sight.

But before she waited for some action, Sharon did.

The singing voice lingering over the MACROSS city suddenly changed, from a sacred singing voice to a passionate singing voice.

Moreover, in the next second when the singing voice changed, a formation of five VF-11 fighters appeared on the west side of Macross City.

At the moment when this formation of fighters appeared, the JAM army that had surrounded the MACROSS city in a state of water turned aside and let the formation of fighters pass through, watching them rush towards YF21.



Without any communication,

There is no movement,

As soon as this VF11 formation entered the maximum range of the missile, it launched all the missiles it carried towards YF21.

"Kay! Those are human beings controlled by Sharon!"

As soon as Vier Weian saw the appearance of this VF11 formation, he immediately understood what was going on.

"I know!"

Lei Mingkai has already understood the performance gap between VF11 and YF21.

To solve VF11, YF21 can easily do it, but the pilot on VF11 is controlled by Sharon.

Once he started, no matter whether Lei Mingkai kept his hands, Sharon would not let these urged pilots make any self-help actions.

In other words, as long as YF21 launches an attack, what awaits these hypnotized pilots is a mortal fate.

"Tsk! Sharon. What are you doing?!"

Yong Dyson saw the noise made by Bangzha, the toothed lion.

Just before he was happy, the VF11 formation that followed had already made Yong Dyson angry.

"Yong. I love you!"

From beginning to end, Sharon's response to Yong Dyson was only this one.

"Who wants your monster's love!"

YF19 was driven by the furious Yong Dyson and rushed directly to the lake, trying to attack from the dead corner of the SDF-1 air defense firepower net.

As everyone knows, at the moment YF19 rushed to SDF-1 against the surface of the lake, and was about to press against SDF-1's body and launch an impact against the bridge, a burst of white light appeared in front of Yong Dyson without warning.

But what is strange is that this burst of white light is very soft, and does not produce a strong light for people to close their eyes to avoid.

Moreover, at the moment when this white light was reflected in Yong Dyson's eyes, the anger in Yong Dyson's heart quietly disappeared and was replaced by calm.

"Yong, look. That's your dream!"

Sharon's figure appeared from the white light.

I saw her gently turning around Yong Dyson who was sitting in the cockpit, and then gently pressing on Yong Dyson's shoulder, whispering in her ear.

"Look! Yong, your dream is over there."

The pure white finger pointed forward.

There, it was YF21 who was entangled by the VF11 formation.


Yong Dyson's eyes gradually lost their light, turning into a dead silence like a pool of stagnant water.

"Yes! Dream. That is your dream! Fly! Brave."

In Sharon's light and beautiful voice, Yong Dyson seemed to feel a gust of wind, a wind that only appeared in the sky.

Without hesitation, Yong Dyson pushed the sidebar, YF19 accelerated into the air, and under the evasion of the JAM army, he rushed towards YF21 instead.

"Yong?! Lieutenant! Wake up!"

Lei Mingkai was shocked, and he subconsciously controlled YF21 to change into G form. While evasive, he looked at YF19 that suddenly intervened in the battle.

At this moment, Yong Dyson has been controlled by Sharon.

"Kay! Zero style over there!"

The emergence of the VF11 formation and the defection of YF19 are not all the current situations.

Bangzha, the Tusk Lion who had stayed on the mountain to contain the JAM army, was also attacked.

Another VF11 formation actually took advantage of the Fangzha Fangzha attack on the JAM army, and launched an attack.

If it weren't for the zero-type activation of the lambda drive system in time, I am afraid that the current fangs lion Bangzha would hate Huangquan.

However, Bangzha the Fangzha, who was besieged by the second VF11 formation, would not be able to support Lei Mingkai for a while.

"Is the mountains and rivers exhausted?"

Above his head, is the JAM army covering the sky.

In front of him, there was Yong Dyson and the VF11 formation controlled by Sharon.

Without the support of Bangzha, the only armed YF21 and GHOSTX-9 with only Gatling and laser guns, it can be described as half-footed into the deadlock.

"Vill, be careful!"

Facing the attack of Yong Dyson, Lei Mingkai was able to deal with it.

But under the vast and boundless sky, the maneuverability of GHOST-X9 is greatly reduced.

Especially when the enemy is also equipped with a considerable number of missiles, the maneuvering space of the GHOST-X9 has been further hit.

As long as you are not careful, GHOST-X9 will definitely be the next exit.


The attack of YF19 was so fierce and unusual that Lei Mingkai was unable to support GHOST-X9.

At this moment, danger is everywhere.

"It's over!"

YF21 and GHOST-X9 were forced into a dead end, and the steel beast, which was very similar to the tusks mentioned by MISS.Q, was crushed on the mountain, causing him to nod slightly.

Judging from the current situation, this battle should also come to an end.

However, reality is always full of dramatic unknown changes.

"Huh?, did you hear anything?"

Mia suddenly looked around for a week, listening intently, as if she heard some sounds.

"What did you hear? Isn't it Sharon's singing?"

She frowned, and didn't hear a voice similar to that described by Mia.

"No, it's not Sharon. It's another voice."


In an instant, a golden beam of light tore through the sky without warning, and swept straight across the JAM army.

With the appearance of this golden beam of light, the voice that should have been heard by Mia gradually became clear.

"I seem to hear your voice now..."

The moment this voice sounded The pilots controlled by Sharon suddenly moved their fingers, and their silent eyes gradually became radiant.

"That...what is that?!"

Among the wreckage of the JAM army scattered all over the sky,

Under the light of the slowly rising sun scattered in the world,

A huge battleship that is very familiar is slowly deforming.

"That...that is SDF-1?! How could it be possible?!"

Under the broad perspective of the BDI system, Lei Mingkai found that he had two SDF-1s in front of him? !

Moreover, with the appearance of the second SDF-1, the song that has endured in the world of Macross is even more resounding throughout the earth.

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