Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 478: Leonard's hole cards

The flame sword is high above, overlooking the fallen angel standing on the top of the palace.

   Lei Mingkai's plain words made Leonard gritted his teeth severely.

   The fallen angel bent his legs and suddenly turned into a sharp arrow, rushing towards the flame sword in the sky.

"Da da da!"

   At the same time, the fallen angel raised his left wrist, and the wrist cannon it was equipped with roared at the flame sword.

   But it was still blocked by the λ drive system force field of the Flame Sword.

   Leonard was not surprised. When two units with a lambda drive system were fighting at the same time, it was just a sparse and ordinary thing.

   His real purpose is not to rely on the wrist cannon to knock down the Flame Demon Sword, but to use the cover of the wrist cannon to quickly narrow the distance from the Flame Demon Sword, and then cut a fierce hand knife.

Under the brilliance of the λ drive system, the fallen angel's hand knife wrapped in a layer of circulating brilliance rushed to the front of the flame sword, and it slammed into the layer of the λ drive system that protected the flame sword. Above the force field.


   The moment the hand knife touched the force field, ripples continued to appear on the force field, and the speed of its fluctuations accelerated.

   When the ripple pattern reached a certain threshold, the fallen angel's hand knife actually ripped open the flame demon sword's lambda drive system force field like a sharp knife hot enough to melt butter, and went straight to the flame demon sword's head.

   However, the hand knife of the fallen angel did not touch the head of the Flame Demon Sword, and was caught by the right hand of the Flame Demon Sword just as it was about to touch the head of the Flame Demon Sword.


   The moment when the Flame Demon Sword caught the Fallen Angel's hand knife, its unique huge output actually caught the armor of the Fallen Angel's arm with tiny but dazzling cracks.

   As the dazzling cracks spread, the hands of the fallen angel may not escape the bad luck of being directly broken by the flame sword.

no choice.

   Leonard knew that this attack was undoubtedly a failure.

   If you don’t retreat decisively, the fallen angel’s arm will not be protected!

However! !

   This is exactly what Leonard wanted!

   "Hmph! Do you think that I and the fallen angel will lose to you again? Knight!! Take it to death!"

   Crazy murderous intent erupted from Leonard's eyes at this moment.

   The gaze that was cold enough to freeze everything even stared at the body of the Flame Demon Sword.

   "The gravity device is activated!"

   In the cold voice, the strange device on the shoulders of the fallen angel slammed, and it was already completed within minutes and seconds.


   A terrible pressure suddenly dropped.

   From the void, he slammed on the body of the Flame Demon Sword.

   Unprepared, the Flame Sword slammed on the ground like a meteor under the pressure of this pressure.


   Under the tremendous pressure, the blazing flame sword plunged into a deep huge pit in the square below. And at the edge of the huge pit, amidst the billowing smoke and dust, there was a dazzling red.

   But the ever-increasing red glow below did not stop Leonard, or, in other words, the flame sword that was shot down by tremendous pressure did not let Leonard relax.

   The weird device on the shoulders of the fallen angels radiated red light.

   Under the shining light, it was the force that created the huge pressure that dropped the flame magic sword from mid-air and pressed it firmly on the ground.

   "Three times, gravity!"

   Amidst the billowing smoke, there was no sound, only the gradually dissipating smoke and the translucent ball that distorted the light.

   In the twisted light, the appearance of the flame sword is not very clear, but Leonard can detect the struggle of the flame sword from the vague shadow.

   The appearance that he had to go all out, but couldn't escape, made Leonard feel a sense of joy involuntarily.

   "Stop it! Leonard!!"

   Just then, a familiar voice rang on the public channel.

   "This voice? Theresa?! How is it possible?!"

   Upon hearing this voice, Leonard first did not believe it, then suddenly realized.

   "Theresa Testarosa! Did you leave your hometown too?"

   Leonard raised his eyes and looked at the battleship on the edge of the city.

   Now, he understood why that warship made him feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity when he first saw it.

   It turns out that his sister, Teresa is on it! !

   "Yes! I boarded this ship just to let you go back!"

   Teresa looked at the fallen angel on the screen and directly said her thoughts.

   The battle between the Flame Sword and the Fallen Angel, Teresa was all in sight.

   It's just that I have been suffering from not being able to find a suitable opportunity, and only when the flame sword was pressed on the ground by the mysterious device on the fallen angel, I was able to find the opportunity.

   "Let me go back?!"

   Leonard was taken aback, then laughed.

   "Let me go back? Why do you want me to go back to that world? That world is no longer worthy of my nostalgia! Theresa, you are too naive!"

   Leonard sneered again and again.

   "There is the world where you speak out, and the sleeping place of our parents! Why don't you have no nostalgia for your hometown?! Leonard! The amalgam has been rectified, and there will be no more wars in our hometown!"

   Theresa retorted Leonard's words loudly.

   "Huh! Parents? Theresa. You are still too naive!"

   Leonard sighed secretly, then his eyes showed coldness.

   "The man who brought you to that ship should be the knight? Then, in return, I will give him death!!"

   The killing intent was unbridled by Leonard.

   And, driven by this killing intent, Leonard did not hesitate to directly push the power of the weird device on the shoulders of the fallen angel to the maximum.

   "I!!! The most!!! Please!!! Disgusting!!! You!!! This!!! Kind!!! People!!! So give me death!!!"

  The huge pressure fell from the void again.

   This time, this huge pressure level far exceeds the previous level.

   Only for an instant, the big pit created by the fall of the flame sword suddenly expanded several times, but it was unable to suppress all the energy caused by that huge pressure in the huge pit.

   Under the terrible energy raging everywhere, a series of cracks arbitrarily tore the surrounding ground, and all those who had no time to escape were buried in the expanding cracks.

   Leonard believed that under the attack of almost ten times the gravity, even the flame sword could not escape from it.

   "Not good! The signal of the flame sword is lost! We lost contact with the knight commander!"

While exclaiming on the bridge, Yufimia, who remained silent to watch the battle and maintained the posture of the emperor, stood up from her seat uncontrollably and looked worriedly at the translucent ball of light that swallowed the flame sword. .

   "Avalon! Target! Fallen Angel! Attack with all your strength!"

   Teresa bit her lip, and the small motion of pinching the end of her hair in her hand stopped at this moment, and changed to a motion of waving forward strongly.

   At one of his orders, Avalon, except for the most powerful map cannon, the Sword of Oath of Victory, locked the fallen angels in the other missile slots and artillery one after another.

   The moment the lock signal of the Avalon fire control radar was activated, a harsh alarm sounded on the cockpit of the fallen angel.

   But Leonard didn't care that he was locked by Avalon.

   "Theresa. Although the little girl can be willful, but don't be too much."

   In Leonard's seemingly doting voice, the fallen angel suddenly raised his left hand in the direction where Avalon was.

   In an instant, Avalon's flight attitude sank, and the warning system of the entire ship rang.

   "Report the situation! Your Majesty, please sit down!"

   After Teresa gave a quick command, she turned her head to remind Yuphemia.

   "No! Captain Teresa, let Avalon stop the lock on that machine! This is just an alarm!"

   Yufimia waved her hand, after indicating that she didn't need to worry, she looked at the fallen angel on the screen and said.

   "What? If Avalon stops, the knight commander will probably..."

   Theresa was taken aback, as if she couldn't understand Yufimia's decision.

   "No. Captain Teresa. Stop locking! And, you have to trust Kay! These attacks are nothing to Kay."

   Yufimia's determined expression made Teresa surprised and suspicious, but she still did.

   Avalon’s lock-up stopped.

   Leonard no longer needs to be distracted to deal with Teresa.

As long as the obstructive mecha below and the obstructive person sitting inside are killed, even if there is no more trouble for Teresa, he can solve it at will, and then give Teresa a little bit. "punish".

   "Time is up! Here! Me! Go to hell!"

   The weird devices on the shoulders of the fallen angels once again exerted their power, putting even greater pressure on the deep pit below, on the head of the flame demon sword that has been suppressed hard.


   Suddenly, a burst of signal noise appeared on the communication.

   Moreover, the flame sword that was originally crushed into iron under the stronger gravity is still there, still in the translucent ball of light.

   " is it possible?!"

   Under Leonard's incredible gaze, Lei Mingkai's voice finally sounded on the communication channel.

   "Don't be too smug! Leonard!"

   "No!!! Impossible! No one, no creature can survive under ten times the gravity!!!"

   "Yeah! Ten times the gravity. It surprised me! Leonard, is this the power gained after escaping with MISS.Q? Hey, that's interesting!"

   Lei Mingkai's voice gradually became clear, and the noise in the signal disappeared further.

   "That's right! No one, and no creature can escape the **** of gravity! But the soul can!!!"

   Lei Mingkai's voice just fell.

   A gleam of light suddenly rose from the translucent ball of light that wrapped the flame magic sword, and it grew at an unimaginable speed, until it exploded with a force sufficient to shred the translucent ball of light.


   Huge wind pressure suddenly generated, and with the flame sword as the center, it madly swept everything around it.

   Whether it is wreckage or broken stone, all rushed to the dome in this storm, and under this terrifying scene, the flame sword once again spread its wings and appeared in front of the fallen angel.

   What shocked Leonard was that the gravity attack just now did not leave even a single wound on the body of the Flame Demon Sword, and even the broken arm held by the Flame Demon Sword did not suffer any damage.

   "No, it's impossible!!! That's ten times the gravity!!! How could it be all right!!!"

   Leonard couldn't believe that his painstaking actions would turn out to be such a situation.

   "Impossible? Probably! It's just that I have a more capable cat in my family."

   Lei Mingkai's seemingly random remarks left Leonard unclear. At the same time, I felt an insult!

   He couldn't even think that in the cockpit of the Flame Sword at this moment, the white cat lying at Lei Mingkai's feet was the "culprit" that allowed the Flame Sword to survive under ten times the gravity!

   "Don't!! Don't tease me here anymore!!"

   Leonard's roar, the weird device on the fallen angel's shoulder renewed its strength, aiming at the flame sword again.

   But this time Lei Mingkai took the lead.

   While the auxiliary mechanical arm behind the right shoulder of the Flame Sword turned, the lake sword beam rifle held by it had locked the weird device on the shoulder of the fallen angel.


   The particle beam of the sword beam rifle in the lake lights up first, and the moment the fallen angel’s weird device exerts its force, it penetrates it.



   The ravages of the particle beams completely destroyed the energy balance of the strange device. The energy that was lost not only blasted the strange device to pieces, but also destroyed the fallen angel's head on the spot.

   The violent explosion not only lost the vision of the fallen angel to monitor the outside world, but also caused the power furnace, which was already in its limit state, into a shutdown state.

   There were no accidents, and no luck happened.

   In the violent explosion, Leonard lost control of the fallen angel, and could only sit weakly inside the fallen angel, and fell into the Visser Palace in the thick smoke.

   Lei Mingkai breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the roof smashed by the fallen angel.

   The gravity attack just now really surprised Lei Mingkai.

If it weren’t for the White Cat Zero, it’s fast to see the opportunity, and immediately integrates with the Flame Sword, increasing the body strength of the Flame Sword to several levels far beyond the original ~ I am afraid it will be in the deep pit below. There will be an extra piece of iron called the Flame Demon Sword.

   "Kay. Are you okay?"

   As soon as the battle was over, Euphemia's communication came over.

   "Yeah. It's okay. Thanks to zero form."

   Lei Mingkai nodded, and responded with a smile that made Yuphemia feel at ease.

   "Thirty kilograms."

   The dozing white cat zero-style suddenly interjected.

   "Okay! After you go back, the inventory in Warehouse No. 1 is yours."

   What surprised the White Cat Zero is that this time Yufimia is very bold.

   As soon as he opened his mouth, he directly assigned the largest private warehouse used by the Britannia royal family to store cherry stones to himself.

   Surprised, the White Cat Zero's eyes widened, and the tail that was wagging from time to time was so scared that it stopped swinging.

   "Your Majesty, you are too spoiled like this."

   "It's okay! This is zero-deserved. Speaking of this, Princess Ethelam should be near the palace."

   Yufimia doesn't care about the loss of Sakura Stone Warehouse, she cares about Lei Mingkai.

   In order to prevent Lei Mingkai from entangled in this problem, Yuphimia decisively sacrificed the trump card of Ateliam.

   "Understand! The Flame Sword, now it begins to meet Princess Ethelam!"

  :. :

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