Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 325: White-hot

   "Boom, boom, boom."

   In the dark, bursts of heartbeat sounded in Kinas's heart.

   This is not the sound of Kinas’ own heartbeat, but the sound of a stronger heart beating. This point, Kinhas is extremely confirmed.

   However, even this heart that even Kenias had to admit was an extremely powerful heart, could not touch Kenias.

   "Don't touch my Apsalas 3!!!"

   "What?! You are resisting Mukuro?!"

   A sense of resistance from behind made MISS.Q stunned. She had no idea that someone would resist Mukuro.

Just like what MISS.Q said before, although the performance of Mukuro’s combat effectiveness is indeed objective, the most powerful place of Mukuro’s combat effectiveness is not its own combat effectiveness, but its external armor that can be used as a target at a certain moment. , That is, the skeleton of a biochemical monster itself can form a strong and tough biochemical armor on the surface of the target body through fusion with the target body.

   And the force field that both Lei Mingkai and Fang Shizheng feel tricky is one of these performances.


  In the eyes of MISS.Q, there should be no powerful force that would be rejected by Kinas.

   "No! Don't touch my Apsalas 3! Apsalas is mine!"


   This is Kinas’ obsession.

   In order to complete Apsalas 3, Kinas did not hesitate to start with his colleagues.

   In order to get the complete Apsalas 3, Kinas did not hesitate to poison and kill many technicians who have followed him to this day.

   Now, Kinas is still showing his strong desire for monopoly as always.

   "Kinhas! Be quiet!"

   "MISS.Q! My Apsalas will never be given to anyone!"

   An unexpected battle happened at this critical moment.

   However, Lei Mingkai and Type Zero did not know about the battle that took place in the cockpit of Apsaras 3. Now they only know that they must find the troublesome force field as soon as possible, otherwise, no matter how tacitly the cooperation between Lancelot and the Orion, they will not be able to defeat it.

   "Kay! Get down from Lancelot. Now, Lancelot's power is not enough to pose a threat to this big guy."

   Repeated attempts to attack failed, Zero decisively gave up the idea of ​​continuing to attack in the form of hunting gulls, and instead proposed to Lei Mingkai to transfer.

   "Well. It seems that this is the only way left at the moment."

  Lancelot is very good, but now he has indeed reached the limit of his combat power. Apsalas 3, and Lei Mingkai have the confidence to defeat them in Lancelot.

   However, if the two are combined, Lancelot, who is only equipped with a radiation vibrating sword and a VARIS rifle, will have to face the state of basic weapons such as hooks and will be stretched.

   Lancelot turned around and quickly rushed down the woods below. Lei Mingkai jumped out of the cockpit that opened at the moment when Lancelot was about to land on the ground.

   "Lancelot, standby mode."

  While Lancelot was wrapped in a layer of liquid metal, Lei Mingkai also landed firmly on the head of the Gull Tooth that had caught it.

   "Let's go! Zero pose!"


  The gust of wind is set off at this moment.

When the gull-toothed lion, who had been spinning around in the woods, reappeared, the azure armor on his body turned orange. On his head and waist, he was equipped with seven swords of various lengths. Fighting armor.

   Tooth Lion, Schneider!


   The roar of the King of Ten Thousand Beasts sounded like thunder, and the orange, flame-like figure also arrived at this moment.


   The five daggers on the head of Schnida the tusks swung out, gathering all the power on the same spot, and thrusting towards the force field that protected Apsalas 3 and Mukuro with all his strength.

   Destruction Slash! !

   This is one of the most powerful attacks that Sharonida the Tusk has.

   In the previous trials, Lei Mingkai and Form Zero have already tried how difficult this troublesome force field is. Therefore, simply do nothing and do it endlessly.

   The full blow of the Tooth Lion Shunida was indeed effective.

Although at the beginning, the force field blocked the blade of the tusks, Schneida, but in the confrontation between the sword and the shield, gradually defeated, allowing the tusks of the lion to gradually break through. The defense of the field will pierce the field of force.

   If you keep it like this, this force field will inevitably be pierced by the fang lion Shunida.


   The enemy is not the kind of villain who just watched his defenses break open, and would make a long story along the way.

   "Huh! I went to change a new dress while I was solving Kinas? It's ridiculous!"

   Kinhas, who was still resisting Mukuro's fusion just now, has completely lost his voice. What's more, it was the sound of the huge heart that was already clearly audible, and even accompanied by the beating of the huge heart of Kinhas that had been operating under high load for a long time.

   "Kinhas. This is a way to heal your fragile body. So, in order to thank my kindness, you must show some sincerity."

   "Yes, ma'am."

  Kiniyas' face was dull, and his slightly awe-inspiring eyes moved slowly and landed on the tusks Nida who was about to break through the force field.

   "Uppsalas 3, I won't let you take it away!!"


In the next second, the skeleton clinging to the outer armor of Apsalas 3 suddenly surged, rapidly spreading the biochemical tissue and covering the Zagu head of Apsalas 3, and in a blink of an eye , A gun portal appeared.


   The roar of particle vibrations followed, and a crosshair that locks the tusks Schneida on the teeth also appeared in front of Kinas.

   "Go to hell! The villain who coveted Apsalas 3!"


The roar of    particles burst out suddenly, and bombarded the tusk lion Shunida close at hand.

   "Zero Form!"


Although the attack of Apsalas 3 was sudden, it was in the expectation of Lei Mingkai and Zero. From the beginning, Lei Mingkai and the others did not think that the enemy would look foolishly at the teething lion Schneider's breaking force. In the field, he was able to directly attack the idea of ​​Apsalas 3's body. Therefore, Lei Mingkai, who devoted part of his attention to the movements of Apsalas 3, immediately caught the opportunity and hit the beam. In an instant, he decisively made Schneider the Tusk abandon the offensive field and accelerate to escape from the shrouded area of ​​the beam.


  Zero-style gaze fell on the head that had changed from the original Zaku head into a beam cannon, and then extended forward, gradually turning into a head similar to Mukuro.


   Lei Mingkai proposed a possibility.

   "No! It's just forcibly occupying it. I am afraid that the pilot of this machine has already been controlled by that woman. Kai, look for a chance to directly attack the core part of the debris. Only in this way can we completely kill this monster."

   The tusk lion Shunida's body is slightly low, waiting for the time like a lion about to prey.

   However, the enemy is not the herbivores on the grassland.

   "Beast, always beast! Kinhas. Go on."

  MISS.Q put his arms around his chest and completely released the control authority. After relying on the wreckage to invade the biological tissues in the cockpit and take control of Kinas, she has already assumed a posture of watching the show and let Kinas play.

   "Yes, ma'am."

Kinhas moved his hand, and the diffuse beam cannon of Apsaras 3 was launched. Under the micro-manipulation of the refracting mirror, each of the small beams followed a path that would never be repeated all the way to the Tusk Lion. Nida's location swept away.

   directly attacked Shunida the Tusk Lion,

   blocked the moving path of the tusks,

   is everywhere.

   "Zero Form!"

  Diffuse beam cannon not only has a large attack range, but its attack power is also confirmed to be terrifying. With just a single swipe, you can destroy an MS team's attack, but all of them are used on the tusks of Nida.

   It can be said that a shot is a thunderbolt.

   In the face of such a killer move, Lei Mingkai and Type Zero dared not neglect.

   The tusks of the lion Schneider flashed, and the Schneider equipment on his body was transformed into the hunting gull armor again, and he rushed out of the attack range of the diffuse beam cannon with all his strength.

   "It's really fast! It does look a bit like it did. But what about it? It was a mourning dog back then, and it must be the same now."

  MISS.Q looked at the tusk lion and gull dodge under the attack of the diffuse beam cannon, and his eyes gradually became cold.

  Zero type does not recognize the wrong person.

  MISS.Q is one of the murderers who destroyed the Soth mechanical beast. The purpose is not to kill, but to disperse the fragments scattered around when the world of Soth's mechanical beasts collapsed. The organization where MISS.Q is located is called the fragment of the world's core.

   Now, MISS.Q, who has flown several worlds, has several pieces in his hands. MISS.Q, who originally planned to go back in a circle in this world, didn't expect to encounter survivors of the world destroyed by her and her organization in such a coincidental situation.

   "It's good. If you are so alive, you must have a lot of fragments on your body. Otherwise, you won't be attracted by the fragments."

   Looking at the wind-like figure, MISS.Q's eyes flashed murderously, and then even raised his hands, once again he took control of Apsalas 3 in his hands.

   "Kinhas, cooperate with me!"


   Kinas, with a dull complexion, slowly nodded, put his hands on the keyboard, and entered commands in order to cooperate with MISS.Q.




   Immediately afterwards, the biological tissues had been completely covered by Apsalas 3, and there was a sudden surge, and a beam cannon with a visual caliber of at least about 500mm was developed on both sides of Apsalas 3 quickly.




   There was no response of storing energy. The moment these beam cannons were formed, the violent beam strike had already begun.

   The beam was so fast and fierce that the Tusk Lion Gull who had just escaped from the range covered by the diffuse beam cannon on the front fell into a terrible beam rain once again.

   "Trouble! Trouble!! Kay! Find a way to solve this broken thing!"

   The feeling of frustration that can only run back and forth in the light beam rainstorm, Zero Form feels extremely uncomfortable for this. It did not expect that the corpse, which was rubbed back and forth by itself on the ground just now, was actually taking control of Apsalas 3, and it would become so tricky.

   "I am thinking of a way!"

   Lei Mingkai's eyes never left the enemy's body from the beginning. Therefore, Lei Mingkai also saw a pattern.

As long as the tusks lion gull, or Schneider discovers the weakness of Apsaras 3 and attacks it, the monster that has discovered the abnormality will inevitably make up for the weakness in the first time. And strengthen the attack on the tusks.

   Such an approach made Lei Mingkai also secretly headache.

   Weaknesses may not be difficult to find.

   But the hard part is how to launch a deadly attack at the moment when the weakness is discovered. As long as the action is a little behind, the enemy will inevitably make up for its own weaknesses quickly based on the reaction of the toothed lion.

   "There is only one chance!!"


   There is only one chance.

   Norris endured a burst of headaches, and looked at the steel Bailey who did not know when he fell from the sky, and the group of Union soldiers who walked out of it.

Not to mention the heavy artillery that the soldiers pulled down from the steel Bailey transport plane, which is longer than Norris imagined. The Union soldiers turned a blind eye to the Zeon soldier who was in a high position and had been fighting against the Union all the year round. The performance has confused Norris.

   "Aren't these people the Federal Army?"

   When Norris was confused, Shiro Amada was also supported by Ina, and walked hard towards the steel Bailey transport plane.

Not a few steps A young man in logistical attire walked out of the Union soldiers who had pulled down the extra-long heavy artillery, and walked quickly in front of Shiro Amada, standing straight. To salute Amada Shiro:

   "General, your heavy particle cannon has been delivered, please give instructions."

   "Huh? General?!"

   Shiro Amada didn't speak, but Aina was surprised by the name of the boy.

   "I'm just a second lieutenant. I'm not a general."

   Amada Shiro slowly shook his head, then glanced at the heavy ion cannon in the boy's mouth and nodded.

   "Thanks for your hard work! Please equip it with EZ8! Now, EZ8 should be able to start."

   "Yes! General."


   Amada Shiro's denial did not correct the title of the boy. In other words, the general in the boy's mouth was not calling Shiro Amada, but a man with the same name.

   "Shirou, what the **** is going on?"

   Looking at the teenager who turned to leave, Aina asked her doubts softly.

   "Aina, trust me."

   Amada Shiro shook his head, and stared at Ina with clear eyes.

   "Now, the most important thing is to stop your brother, Kinhas. Other things, after all this is over, I will tell you everything."

  :. :

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