Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 312: The forefront combat begins

   10,000 meters above the sky, the silver-gray Media transport plane carrying the Eighth Squadron is fast approaching the scheduled landing area.

  As the distance from the scheduled landing area continues to decrease, the time left for the eighth team is running out.

   Now, Shiro Amada, who has arranged all the combat missions one by one, sits in the cockpit of his new body EZ8 Gundam, holding the clock pendant in silence.

   Regarding Lei Mingkai's words, Shiro Amada did not fully believe him, but he also recognized Lei Mingkai's words to some extent. Because, in the dark, Shiro Amada has a feeling that "if you don't get to Aina as soon as possible, or there will be a regret between him and Aina".


   In Shiro Amada’s meditation, the communication signal from the team channel of the eighth team rang.

   "It's me. Is something wrong?"

   Amada Shiro put away the clock pendant and connected to the communication.

   "Everyone. Our goal of landing at Point Alpha has not changed. The only thing we have to worry about is that we might hit the remnant Zeon army from Odessa."

   Lei Mingkai didn't talk nonsense, and directly uttered his guess.

"What? Remnant Zeon? Odessa has finished the fight?" Elydoya, who had been lying in the hospital for a while, didn't seem to care much about the progress of the battle. As soon as Lei Mingkai mentioned Odessa. Suddenly exclaimed his progress.

"Yes. Erydoia. Now, the war between our Federation and Zeon may have entered the final critical moment." Ka measured his arms around his chest and closed his glasses slightly, trying to adjust his spirit to the best condition. .

   After all, the reason why Karen was uncharacteristically was because the airborne combat tactics used in this combat mission were the first time that Karen used it.

   Whether it can be completed or not, Karen has no idea.

   So, with the help of this topic brought up by Lei Mingkai, Karen smashed the panic in her heart towards Eridoa without mercy.

   For a while, the entire channel was filled with the voice of Karen teaching Eridoah, and this change made Shiro Amada smile.

   However, the task must be carried out.

"Okay! Everyone! I think the situation mentioned by the ensign is very likely to happen. No one knows what will be flying towards our destination among the clouds under this Midyar. . So, be careful about everything!"


   The time has come for a landing operation.

   "Five minutes to the landing battle! Everyone in the eighth team, get ready to enter the coffin!"

   Media’s pilot gestured his thumbs at Shiro Amada, Lei Mingkai and others on the screen, and then opened the door of Media.


   As soon as the cabin door opened, the violent high-altitude air flow suddenly rushed into the cabin frantically, and in the blink of an eye, the unfixable paper and trash in the cabin were rolled out of the belly of the airplane, and crazily scattered from the height to the ground.

   And in this violent air current, the ground battle Gundam that Karen was driving and the Type 74 air-cushion truck driven by Eridoah and Michael took the lead in launching out of the belly of Midya.

   At the moment when the buffer umbrella was opened, Karen, who had already dropped to a certain height, suddenly found that under his land combat gun, a behemoth appeared.

   And this behemoth is precisely the force that Lei Mingkai mentioned before may be owned by the Zeon remnant army on the Odessa side-the Kawu Air Mother.

   "Team, captain! Second lieutenant! Now, below me, there is Kawu!!" Karen took a clear look at the huge body of Kawukong mother, suddenly took a breath, couldn't help but shout loudly to his teammates.

   "It really appeared! Captain. I'll be one step ahead!"

   Lei Mingkai, who was originally behind Sandus, heard the appearance of Kawu Air Mother, and immediately took the lead and forced Sandus, who was supposed to set off to the back.

   "Crack! Boom!"

   As the gear that fixed the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam loosened, under the drag of the buffer umbrella, the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam immediately moved backwards quickly until it flew out of the belly of Midya.

   "Second lieutenant!" Shiro Amada looked at the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam that had fallen first, and he felt helpless in his heart.


   He knew that if it were the first shot by the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam, the remnant army on this Kawu aircraft carrier would most likely have casualties, or even annihilate the entire army.

  Such a result, Shiro Amada didn't want to see it.

   After spending a night with Ina among the snow-capped mountains, and seeing the cruelty the soldiers of the Federation and Zeon treat each other, an unrealistic ideal has been haunting Shiro Amada's heart.


   He couldn't put this idea into practice at all.

  Because, Lei Mingkai will always get things done right away before he acts. As for the Kawu Air Mother at the moment, I'm afraid the same is true.


   The huge parachute suddenly opened at the moment when the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam was far away from Media.

   "Kay! What do you want to do? This machine is not Lancelot. It can't fly! Even if I merge with it, it is impossible to make it a pair of wings!"

   After flipping through three Zakus one after another, most of the white cat whose anger had subsided was lying lazily on the console.

   "To deal with this clumsy bird, you don't need to learn to fly!"

   Lei Mingkai smiled lightly, and instantly kicked the white cat's zero question back.

   And the white cat glanced at Lei Mingkai in zero form, curled his lips and stopped talking. The current white cat zero-style estimate is that only the woman MISS.Q can cause its blazing flames of hatred.

   Besides, White Cat Zero now just wants to lie down.

   Thick dark clouds swiftly passed from both sides of the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam, and the outline of the Kawu Air Mother below also became clear.

  Furthermore, the electronic eye of the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam also captured the figure of the Karen fighter who was fighting with the Kawu Air Mother.

   Looking at it, Lei Mingkai breathed a sigh of relief.

Due to his own advance reminder, Kallen did not have the same fate as his original fate. He passively accepted the fate of being violently beaten by the air defense firepower possessed by the Kau Air Mother, but did his best to use all means to go. Make a way out for yourself.

   "Karen! Hold on! I'm here!"

   In the sky, the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam raised the beam rifle in his hand and quickly locked the Kawu Air Mother below.


   Beams of light burst out from the dark sky above Kawukong Mother, and they kept wiping the sides of Kawukong Mother's body.

  Among them, several beams directly hit the center of Kawukong Mother's body.


The part that was penetrated by the beam sent out bursts of violent explosions on the spot, throwing pieces of the blown-up fragments into the high air, allowing them to fly by on both sides of the land war Gundam that Karen was driving, and then powerlessly towards them. The tropical rainforest below fell.



  Due to the impact of the beam attack of the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam, the anti-aircraft firepower net of the Land Combat Gundam against Kallen was instantly fragmented and no longer poses any threat to the Kallen aircraft.

   "Karen! Now, open the parachute!"

   Eridoa, who watched the battle here anxiously, couldn't help but reminded him when he saw that Karen was out of danger.

   "Karen! Get out of here! Let me solve this stupid bird!"

  In this short time of fighting, the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam took advantage of the opportunity of the Kawu Air Mother's air defense firepower net to fall into a state of weakness, and fell from the sky in one fell swoop, and landed firmly on the Kawu Air Mother's back.

   "Kawu Air Mother? This is the first close encounter with this big thing since the first meeting at the Gunpla competition."

   Lei Mingkai couldn't help but let out a sigh as he looked at the Kawu empty mother at his feet.


At the next moment, Land Combat Gundam No. 4 suddenly removed the meteor hammer hanging on its back, and with a strong shake, it smashed the open hatch that appeared on the left rear side of Land Combat Gundam No. 4 at some unknown time. It's sloppy.


   No. 4 Land Combat Gundam moved his hand, and the Meteor Hammer rose into the air, slowly rotating around the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam as the center.



With the rapid rotation of the Meteor Hammer, the surrounding area of ​​No. 4 Land Combat Gundam is not known whether it is the violent wind at an altitude of 10,000 meters or the storm formed by the rotation of the Meteor Hammer. The Zeon soldier who had launched a surprise attack by Gundam Gundam was suppressed.

   "Huh! This is not on land! You guys, think it's so beautiful!"

Lei Mingkai glanced at him and smiled coldly behind the open hatch on the back of the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam, and then moved his hand, the rapidly rotating meteor hammered into a poisonous snake out of its hole, attacking everywhere, and smashed that one. Dao opened all the hatches smashed, and even beat the Zeon soldier who tried to probe and launched a special attack on the No. 4 Marine Gundam.


   Suddenly, the second engine that provided the surging power for the Kawu Air Mother had an explosion that was enough to make the Ka Wu Air Mother hate the sky.

   However, in the flames caused by the explosion, the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam, who had already occupied the back of the Kawu Air Mother, lifted up and was holding the beam rifle in his left hand.

no doubt.

   has lost all anti-aircraft firepower, and even the emergency access for personnel to enter and exit the aircraft has been lost. For the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam at this moment, it is undoubtedly a fish to be slaughtered.

   "Sorry! I don't want to encounter any accidents on the next road. Besides, I am not Amada Shiro."

   Lei Mingkai didn't want to meet the commander of this Kawu air carrier on the next road, that is, the commander of the Matera tank that he would encounter next.

   In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, and to reach the base deep in the mountain that hides Apsalas as soon as possible, Lei Mingkai had to eliminate any unstable factors that would affect the formation.


   With the trigger, a beam of particles burst out from the muzzle of the beam rifle in the hands of the No. 4 Marine Gundam, and instantly hit the bridge of the Kawu Air Mother below him directly across the bridge.


   The next moment, when Lei Mingkai personally saw sparks jumping in the hole made in the bridge of the Kawu Kongmother, an explosion that could bring the Kawukon Mother into destruction began.


   The head of the bridge where the Kawu aircraft carrier was located was the head of the bridge where the first to pounce for destruction.

   The violent explosion spread extremely fast, so fast that even the Zeon soldier inside the Kawu Air Mother did not react, and was swallowed by the sudden explosion.

However, the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam jumped away from the back of the aircraft at the moment of the explosion of the Kawu aircraft carrier bridge, leaving it far away from the surroundings of the aircraft carrier, driven by the strong air current peculiar to the high altitude. And quietly watched the destruction of Kawu Kongmother.

   It wasn't until the height reminder equipped with No. 4 Land Combat Gundam sounded that Lei Mingkai pressed the button to open the parachute and prepare to spray the buffer.

   "Is it over? It really is a big stupid bird!" The white cat lying on the console sneered.

   "After all, this Kawu aircraft carrier did not bring **** forces, otherwise, we would not be able to solve it so easily."

   Compared with the white cat zero disdain. Lei Mingkai could see clearly.

   "Huh! So, it's just luck?"

   The white cat snorted in zero form.

   "Well, maybe the same can be said."

   After Lei Mingkai shook his head, he stopped talking about the White Cat Zero and pressed the communication button instead.

   "Captain, Kawu Air Mother has been wiped out. Karen, it should have landed safely by now."

   "I'm fine! Captain, the Karen plane landed safely. Now, the coordinates are being sent!"


   Karen’s coordinates were sent, but Lei Mingkai was taken aback.

   According to the coordinate information displayed on the map, Karen’s landing position is not on the water's edge, but on a clearing next to a dense forest.

   "What's the situation? Karen didn't even land on the water?!"

  Karen’s safe landing did not cause any problems, but the landing location was a big problem.

  In Lei Mingkai’s memory, Karen landed on the water's edge, and was hit by the tortoise that suddenly sprang out of the water and knocked out the head monitor, and eventually fell into the nicknames of Wannian Fallen King and Ground Fighter Jim Head.

   "Humph! I suddenly smelled a scent of salted fish."

   For some unknown reason, the white cat Zero-style lying on the console suddenly opened his glasses and looked at the screen.

   Subconsciously, Lei Mingkai followed the white cat's zero-style gaze and found that the scene on the screen turned out to be a lake under a beautiful fish,


   The two words were connected in Lei Mingkai's mind. With a move of Lei Mingkai's right hand, No. 4 Marine Gundam raised his beam rifle at the lake in front of him.


   The moment the beam of hot particles broke through the water surface, it triggered a violent explosion on the spot, and it literally exploded a water column tens of meters high on the calm water surface.


   Among the splashes that fell from mid-air one after another, the meteor hammer on the left hand of No. 4 Land Combat Gundam moved.


   The Mars jet on the meteor hammer suddenly exploded, pushing the meteor hammer into a black lightning, and plunged into the spray that was scattered from mid-air.


   Suddenly, an explosion of gold and iron strikes.

   At the same time, a black shadow also appeared from the sky full of sprays, with a gust of wind and spray, brazenly swiping towards the No. 4 Land Combat Gundam.


   There was another loud noise.

   The meteor hammer, which returned to the defense in time, stopped the enemy's attack.

   In the next second, Lei Mingkai also saw clearly the figure of the enemy who launched the raid.

   "Turtle bully?! What a coincidence? Has it become Karen's stand-in?"

  :. :

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