Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 285: Intelligence about Apsaras

Night fell.

When illuminating lights illuminate the battlefield avoiding debris, a soldier in the Union Army uniform shuttles back and forth among them, lowering his head and carefully looking for what remains in this battlefield. thing.


   The sound of the shutter sounded, and a pair of excellent angles can be generated from this fierce battlefield with little sparks left in it and the soldiers who are in it, looking for something.

   "Second Lieutenant. Don't you go to rest?"

   At this time, a voice sounded.

   Lei Mingkai put down the photo in his hand, looked back, and found that it was the captain of the eighth team, Shiro Amada.

   "Captain Amada, don't you also have no rest?" Lei Mingkai smiled and shook the camera in his hand. "I still have an interview task! Even if I was temporarily transferred to the sixth team, the headquarters did not notify me to let me put down the original field interview."

   "So, do you take advantage of your free time after the battle and continue your interview mission?"

   Shiro Amada glanced at the soldiers who were searching for something among the debris on the floor.

   "Well, yes. I prefer to stay outside than to stay in a meeting room."

   After a pause, Lei Mingkai asked again: "Captain Amada. What exactly is that cargo?"

   After the Magyara tank team was blown up by Lei Mingkai with the No. 3 Gundam Meteor, the truck that was running around was also overtaken by the No. 3 Gundam and captured.

   Fortunately, the driver is not the kind of Zeon soldier who regards death as his home. No, maybe even Zeon soldier is not.

Lei Mingkai still clearly remembered that when facing the Vulcan Cannon mounted on the chest of the No. 3 Land Combat Gundam, the panicked driver stepped on and stopped the truck on the side of the road, and then climbed the belt. Rolled out of the cab of the truck.

   At the same time, the unbuttoned Zeon uniform on his body was also taken off by the driver in a panic state.

"Please... please! I was forced. Then... those Zeon soldiers said that if I don't drive the goods they need here, he... they will treat me Family is unfavorable!! Please...please...please please!!"

   Visually, a man of about 1.65 meters knelt down on the ground, begging for mercy from the Land War Gundam, which is about 18 meters in height.

   The contrast between tall and short made Lei Mingkai feel a little uncomfortable.

   "Get up! As long as you don't resist, we won't do anything to you."

   In the end, Lei Mingkai’s promise was verified.

After the sixth team and the eighth team teamed up to settle the last enemy, the driver who had long been unable to stand up was also **** by Murster and Eleidoar and locked up behind the 74-type air-cushion truck. Among the vacancies.

After   , it was the large group that came to close the scene after hearing the news, and the sixth and eighth squadrons were summoned by the captain, Kojima, for a meeting.

  Amada Shiro who attended the meeting naturally knew what the cargo was, but he didn't want to tell Lei Mingkai the truth so soon.

  Because, isn't the guy in front of me who is holding a camera swaggering around the city a bit too lazy? Although the command of the headquarters made Captain Kojima helpless, it shouldn't be so out of the ordinary, right?

   But Shiro Amada didn't know, his thoughts had been seen through by Lei Mingkai early on.

   "Does Captain Amada think I'm a little lazy?"

   "You..." Shiro Amada was taken aback, looking at Lei Mingkai with some surprise.

   "Hehe! Captain Amada. Don't care about my business. Captain naturally understands why I won't go to the meeting. As for you, you should also tell me about the cargo now."

   "You!! You this..."

   Shiro Amada opened his mouth, and suddenly realized that he could not find an adjective to describe Lei Mingkai's state at this time, and finally Shiro Amada sighed helplessly.

"The captain asked me to tell you that the cargo carried by that truck has been seen by the resident engineer. However, due to the complexity of the cargo itself, the engineer will not check out many things. What is certain is that this cargo may be It is a device used for a certain kind of high-power energy output."

   Shiro Amada's words flashed a light in Lei Mingkai's eyes.

   "Some kind of high-power energy output device?"


   Now, in this mechanized hybrid brigade, only Lei Mingkai knows exactly what this so-called high-power energy output device is used for.


   The name flew past Lei Mingkai's mind. However, Lei Mingkai also raised a trace of doubt in his heart.

  In the plot he is familiar with, the final model of Apsaras 3 was able to successfully balance the design issues such as maneuverability and firepower after using the reactor of the big magic.

   And now, in this time when Apsalas 1 has not yet appeared, Zeon actually tried to send a batch of devices for high-power energy output to Kinhas.

   This change gave Lei Mingkai a hint of warning.

  Perhaps, in a place where I cannot see, some factors are quietly affecting the progress of this world.

   Suddenly, Lei Mingkai woke up from his contemplation. Later, he also discovered that Shirou Amada was still standing beside him, without the slightest intention to leave.

   "Captain Amada. Sorry. I think I want to be fascinated by things."

   Lei Mingkai’s apology caused Captain Amada to wave his hand.

   "No. The ensign doesn't need to care. It's just, did you think of something?"

  Although the name of the war correspondent on top of Lei Mingkai's head is used to cover up, in the eyes of Shiro Amada and others, Lei Mingkai, a reporter who moves around, may be able to think of some key points that they could not have thought of.

   "No. It's just thinking of something."

   Lei Mingkai pondered for a moment, and after making some trade-offs in his mind, he finally decided to tell Shiro Amada some of the information he knew. No, it should be the captain Kojima who stood behind Shiro Amada.

"Now the situation of our war with the Zeon army has begun to reverse. After the Battle of Rum, the Zeon army, which had a smooth journey, was recovered, and the Union army, which quickly mobilized its forces, blocked the invincible footsteps of the early days of the war. With the spread of war and the gradual widening of the elite gap in population, resources, and even the overall military strength, some leaders and technicians in Zeon may adopt some extreme methods."

   "Extreme approach?"

  For some reason, Shiro Amada, under Lei Mingkai's reminder, subconsciously recalled the tragedy that fell in Sydney before.

   "Yes. Extreme approach. But with the EFF standing firm in the universe, Zeon can no longer easily complete the extreme, crazy approach before. Therefore, they need some powerful weapons."

   Lei Mingkai nodded, and guided Shiro Amada's guess to some large, terrifying, and lethal weapon by knocking from the side as much as possible.

   "A powerful weapon? Does Zeon want to make some powerful weapons to accurately strike our federation's important military targets, so as to force the Federal Army to surrender?"

   Under Lei Mingkai's guidance, Shiro Amada suddenly figured out the key.

   "Maybe this is the case. Otherwise, with MS specifications alone, high-power energy output devices are needed, and these devices need to be sent by an elite force to **** them?"

   Slowly, Lei Mingkai laughed a few times.

   "Hehe! I believe Captain Amada still remembers the strength shown by the enemy in the daytime battle, right?"

   Shiro Amada was silent.

   After a while, Shiro Amada nodded and saluted Lei Mingkai:

   "Thanks for your advice! Now, I must go back and report to the captain!"

   "No. This is what I should do."

   Looking at the back of Shirou Amada turning and leaving, Lei Mingkai shook his head secretly.

   The reason why Shiro Amada suddenly appeared here was probably also the instruction of the captain Kojima. Otherwise, wouldn't it be more convenient for Leioute, who is more familiar with Lei Mingkai, to come and ask?

   "I really responded to that sentence. Jiang is still hot."

   The camera in his hand was raised again, but Lei Mingkai looked at the snow-capped mountains that stretched for thousands of miles in the distance.

   Sure enough, Lei Mingkai's guess attracted the attention of Captain Kojima. After Kojima asked the headquarters for instructions, the reconnaissance mission fell on the eighth team.

   and Lei Mingkai’s sixth team turned to standby, waiting for the next order.

   This result did not exceed Lei Mingkai's expectations.

   After all, it was just a reconnaissance mission.

   There is no need to mobilize two teams that both use Land Gundam. As a result, in the resident of the Mechanized Hybrid Brigade, once again saw Lei Mingkai holding a camera everywhere.

   In this regard, Captain Kojima has nothing to do.

Because, in private, Kojima has protested to the headquarters more than once, but the results were rejected by the headquarters, and even issued an order to allow Lei Mingkai to proceed without violating the military secrecy regulations during the non-combat state. Interview order.

   In the end, the captain Kojima had to admit his fate.

this day,

   On the third day after the eighth squad went out for a reconnaissance mission, Lei Mingkai obtained permission from the captain Kojima to go out and go out alone.

   With a camera around his neck and a huge rucksack on his back, Lei Mingkai, who left the station, walked briskly through the dense forest.

   In this sparsely-traveled tropical rainforest, Lei Mingkai doesn't have to worry about anything, and directly allows his strengthened body to maximize the hidden powerful abilities.

   this is not,

  In the eyes of ordinary people, it is undoubtedly difficult. The tropical rain forest infested with insects did not stop Lei Mingkai's footsteps, but was left far behind by Lei Mingkai.

   After a certain distance, Lei Mingkai stopped under a big tree, picked up the binoculars, and looked at the cliff not far away.

   "It's almost here, right?"

   Lei Mingkai’s purpose today is to find the village where the militants located near this battlefield are located.

   If you want to ask for information about Apsaras, I am afraid that only militants who live in this area and have deep connections with local residents will know.

  Looking at it for a long time, Lei Mingkai didn't see anything wrong. Obviously, there is no trace of the militants Lei Mingkai was looking for.

   "Keep on looking!"

   After putting down the telescope, Lei Mingkai looked up at the sun in the sky, and subconsciously thought:

   "Maybe Shiro Amada has already met them."

   Thinking of the encounter between Shiro Amada and Kiki, who had just come to the earth, and was suffocating for a good record, Lei Mingkai shook his head helplessly.

  In this changed world, will they still meet like this?

   Probably, it's impossible, right?

   After thinking about it, Lei Mingkai threw these unrealistic thoughts out of his head and continued on.

   The growth in front of him, the rugged and dense jungle, can't stop Lei Mingkai's footsteps. Only after less than half an hour passed, Lei Mingkai walked through the entire rainforest from the previous observation point to the cliff that he had just observed.

   As soon as he came to this cliff, Lei Mingkai's eyes suddenly opened up.

   The next moment, the telescope placed on the side of the rucksack was raised by Lei Mingkai again.

"found it."

   Through the binoculars, Lei Mingkai saw the edge of the rainforest on the southeast side, and it seemed that a few faint smokes were rising.

   That may be what Lei Mingkai is looking for this time.

   The smoke rises slowly,

   Several children chased back and forth in the open space in front of the village entrance, waving the sticks in their hands from time to time, making gestures one by one, and slashing towards their playmates forcefully.

Suddenly, a boy with a stronger body than other children accidentally stomped on the air, and when he fell into the field below half a meter from the road, a pair of big hands caught the boy in time. .


   At the very moment, when the boy who was being held was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw that the person holding him was an adult in the village, but a young man in a military uniform.

   Now, the boy panicked.

   I saw that he didn't thank the young man for saving him at all. Instead, he shook the young man's hand vigorously, turned and ran, while still yelling in the local dialect that the young man could not understand.

   "Huh? It seems that I was misunderstood!"

   Amidst the boy's series of voice calls, the villagers who had been farming in the fields had a semi-automatic rifle they didn't know from there, and surrounded the young man in a semi-circular formation.

   "Wait! I'm not malicious. I just want to come here to ask something."

   Lei Mingkai raised his hands to indicate that he did not have any malice at all.

   However, the villagers do not eat this set.

   Among them, I saw a thin man with a fierce look in his eyes, and he snorted, and said in that half-baked language that Lei Mingkai could barely understand:

   "The Federation and Zeon are the same thing! Whether you are malicious or not, as long as you put on that suit, you are our enemy!"


   Lei Mingkai took a moment to look at his sleeves subconsciously.

   "Not good! Forgot to change this dress!"

   Unexpectedly, a careless moment caused Lei Mingkai's trip to be a little more troublesome.

  :. :

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