Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 216: showhand!!

The radiation shields of Lancelot's hands have become extremely dim, as if shattered in the next second, and after resisting the attack of the tyrannosaurus, Lancelot's energy drop also led to the flying light used by it. Wing had an energy crisis and could no longer provide Lancelot with the ability to fly freely in the sky.

   "Lancelot, are you okay?"

   Like Lancelot, Kallen also drove the Red Lotus II Knightmare special machine gun from the nearby checkpoints, and while attracting attacks on the Tyrannosaurus, he called Lancelot.

   "Reluctantly!" Lei Mingkai shook his head with a wry smile.

   Although Lancelot's radiation shield blocked the strange flash of attack on the opposite side, it had exhausted Lancelot's energy. Now that he can land safely, it is already a great pain in misfortune.

   "If you can move, get out of here! This big guy seems to have a crush on you!"

   Under the continuous shooting of the red lotus style II, the tyrannosaurus with sparks all over the body still took firm steps and rushed towards Lancelot's position.

   All the buildings that were obstructed in front of it were smashed open and crashed in a brutal manner. This unreasonable appearance made it difficult for the red lotus type two that was in front of him.

   Lei Mingkai didn't dare to neglect, his reaction quickly caused Lancelot to burst out the last trace of energy, and the moment the Tyrannosaurus rushed to the front, he was able to avoid the past from its impact path.

   But because of this, Lancelot's energy finally bottomed out.

   "Crack! Crack!" Lei Mingkai pulled the joystick a few times and shook his head helplessly.

   "Zero, it seems that I will rely on you next."

   "Huh. Let you try not to drive the Pirate Gundam over." After the white cat looked at Lei Mingkai with contempt, he jumped and plunged into the already red screen in front of Lei Mingkai.

In a blink of an eye, it turned red because of the exhaustion of energy, and the screen that kept sounding alarms suddenly became brighter. At the same time, the energy meter at the bottom of the screen that displayed 0 seemed to have been strongly supplemented, and it suddenly went from the bottom with strong power. Rebound, soaring directly from 0 to 100%, and even in just a few seconds, there was an exceptional performance.

   This is the inner manifestation.

And on the outside, since the white cat zero has been integrated into Lancelot's system, the line that converges from Lancelot's body to the brain emits bursts of gloom at this moment, all converging to Lancelot. Lott's head, until all the gloomy light wandered around Lancelot's brain, and finally gathered in Lancelot's eyes, a huge momentum suddenly came.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"


Karen’s heart jumped suddenly during the disturbance shooting of Red Lotus II, and an unspeakable panic spread from the depths of Karen’s heart to her limbs, making her unprepared. In between, he was almost swept by the tail of Tyrannosaurus.

   "Karen, leave it to me here. Cover shooting, please!"

   Immediately after Karen had not figured out the source of the panic, a stream of light suddenly rushed out from behind the Red Lotus II, followed by Lei Mingkai's voice.

   "Lancelot?! How come? Didn't you have no energy just now?" Karen looked at the streamer that rushed to the Tyrannosaurus in surprise.

   "Even if the battery is replaced on the fly, it can't be done in such a short time?"

   "There will always be a way! Karen, we will get this big guy away!"

   In Lei Mingkai’s explanation, Lancelot, who had completely abandoned the VARIS rifle, rushed to the feet of the Tyrannosaurus with two swords in his hands.


   The radiating vibration sword that was fully deployed kept roaring, and Lei Mingkai's eyes were staring at the thick feet in front of him.


   The unique red light of the Radiation Vibrating Sword flashed, and the sharp blade had already been chopped on the left joint of Tyrannosaurus.


   The moment a roar sounded, a huge counter-shock force struck Lancelot violently along the blade.

   "Hey! It's so hard!?"

Seeing the opportunity, Lei Mingkai did not hesitate. After finding that the blade could not cut through the weird but strong scales of the Tyrannosaurus, he immediately retreated and turned into a stream of light from the ground, rushing into the air and heading straight for the Tyrannosaurus. Eyes.

   If the weird scale armor can make this tyrannosaurus ignore most of the weapons, including the radiation shock sword, then that pair of eyes may be one of the few weaknesses.


   Lancelot just rushed into the air, before he had time to pierce the eyes of the tyrannosaurus with a sword, the tyrannosaurus roared and flicked its tail.

   Once Lancelot's energy was exhausted, he almost reappeared in a flash of hatred on the battlefield.

   "Kay! Avoid it! Even if Lancelot is supported by me, I can't waste energy like this."

   has merged with Lancelot and temporarily became the energy core of Lancelot, the White Cat Zero could not help but send out a reminder.

   It is afraid that Lei Mingkai will recklessly accept this attack again because of its existence, which is no different from a dimensional attack.


   White cat zero worry is unnecessary.

   After seeing the weirdness of this tyrannosaurus flash attack, Lei Mingkai no longer dare to be too big.

   So, at the moment when the Tyrannosaurus tail flicked and fired several arc flashes, Lancelot's figure flying in the air also became psychedelic.

   sometimes on the left, sometimes on the right, sometimes up, sometimes down...

   Whether it is hovering left and right, rising and falling, in this short blink of an eye, in the eyes of Tyrannosaurus, Lancelot seems to have changed from one to several, dozens, or even hundreds.

Suddenly, in front of the tyrannosaurus, Lancelot's figure turned into hundreds of them, and after that strange flash attack had failed to smash more than ten Lancelot's afterimages. Finally dissipated in the air.

   "Why? My attack was lost!"

Inside the Tyrannosaurus, Ashurei, who was still barely able to maintain his sanity, was surprised to see Lancelow, who was able to maintain enough afterimages to confuse his actions even if more than a dozen afterimages were broken. .

   In the next moment, a cold light flashed in front of Ashulei's eyes, and when he was excited by the cold light, Ashulei closed his eyes subconsciously, and at the same time, the Tyrannosaurus that had almost merged with him also closed his eyes.


   The sound of gold and iron strikes exploded, and Ashulei suddenly felt a burning pain between his eyelids.


   As an unnamed fire rose, Ashulei's eyes were blood red, and a blush burst out of his throat.

   At the same time, the deadly light lit up again between the giant mouth of the tyrannosaurus.

   "Kay! Get out of the way!"

The white cat zero reminder sounded again, Lei Mingkai pulled his right hand, and Lancelot dragged the afterimages, descending rapidly from the afterimages in the sky, and in the blink of an eye, from in front of the Tyrannosaurus, Turned back to its back.


  At this moment,

   At the moment when Lancelot didn't stop completely, a terrifying breath swept the sky along with the radiance from the Tyrannosaurus mouth.

   That terrifying colonial beam shot out of the Tyrannosaurus in an instant, sweeping across the entire sky, sweeping away all the afterimages of Lancelot that remained in the air.

   "Do you really think you are Godzilla?"

   once again witnessed the terrifying scene of Tyrannosaurus bursting with beams, Lei Mingkai cursed secretly.



   A strong wind hit Lancelot's front left without warning.

   Under the horror, Lei Mingkai subconsciously let Lancelot fly into the air again, passing dangerously and dangerously with the sudden wind.

   At this moment, at the feet of Lancelot, the once beautiful building complex was swept away by the tail of the Tyrannosaurus in just a blink of an eye, and all of them were turned into ruins.

   "Finally, dare to do such a destruction to our world!!! I can never spare you!!!"

   In the smoke and dust, the red lotus II figure suddenly broke through the smoke and dust, and put the earthen cluster grenade, which was mixed with explosives in his hand, on the right foot of the Tyrannosaurus in one breath.


Charge, place, activate and other actions in one go, the red lotus type II just retreated, the cluster grenade, which was mixed with unknown methods, erupted with a violent explosion, engulfing the right foot of the Tyrannosaurus. in.


   In the explosion, the tyrannosaurus raging in the romantic city let out a painful cry.


   Lancelot, who hovered in mid-air, constantly observed the movements of Tyrannosaurus with electronic eyes.

   "No. No. Kay! Take advantage of it now."

   Compared with Lancelot's electronic eyes, White Cat Zero believes more in his instincts. The moment it noticed the strangeness of Tyrannosaurus, it immediately issued a reminder.

   Lei Mingkai's eyes changed, and Lancelot once again raised his sword, turning it into a stream of light, piercing the big eyes of Tyrannosaurus from top to bottom.



   The buzzing of the blade breaking through the air was still trembling, and the radiation vibration sword in Lancelot's hand pierced the Tyrannosaurus's left eye without hindrance.


"It hurts!"

Between Tyrannosaurus and Ashure Qiqi's roars, Lancelot's figure shook, and in the blink of an eye he swiveled from Tyrannosaurus’s left face to its right face, and the remaining radiation vibration sword in his hand also followed. The footsteps of the predecessors pierced fiercely into the remaining large eyeball of the Tyrannosaurus.

   both eyes are blind,


   severe pain,

   became a Tyrannosaurus at this moment,

   became Ashure's deepest pain.


  The painful roar tears through the sky,

   The eyes with two radiating vibration swords left behind like a fountain of blood, which added a bit of horror to the monster itself, which was extremely ferocious.


   The light lit up again.

   Lei Mingkai frowned, and immediately drove Lancelot to evacuate from the front of the monster that had fallen into violent pain due to pain.


The moment Lancelot left, the tyrannosaur's mouth once again burst out that deadly beam, breaking through the void, sweeping straight to the sky, and then falling down, hitting the front indiscriminately. People go among the empty buildings.

   "Crack! Boom!"

   The air is shaking,

   The flames are howling,

   The wind is roaring,

   was just a moment of effort, and the buildings and surrounding buildings were completely wiped out under the ravages of this light beam.


   The tyrannosaurus who has lost both eyes seems to have lost the means to perceive Lancelot and Red Lotus, and can only rely on aimless means of destruction to continuously ravage the buildings or enemies that appear next to it.

   "It seems that our battle failed. Nearly half of this city was destroyed." Standing on the top of a tall building not far away, Karen smiled bitterly.

   "Although this is not what we wanted, we have tried our best." Lei Mingkai shook his head, indicating that the situation is already relatively good.

   If the Tooth Lion is allowed to attack in Zero, I am afraid that from the city center to this area close to the outskirts of the city, it will be in ruins.

   And, now this monster is a long way away from the city center.

   "Karen. This is the final attack! Let's go!"

   Lancelot jumped and rushed to the sky again. Below it, the Red Lotus Form II follows.

   "Axulei failed."

  On the side of the city center, Xin stood on the top of a tall building somewhere, holding a binoculars, looking at the monster moving further and further, and sighed softly.

   "Then, do we have to support him as planned?" Shang Luo couldn't help but ask, observing the other direction.

   "No. Let's save the Knights of the Round Table. Ashure will take care of himself." After Xin put down the binoculars, he turned and jumped on the golden man Mavisingatorix who was parked not far behind him.

   "Shang, let's go! Don't let our Knights of the Round Table wait too long!"

  "  LORD!"

   On the other side, there were Fans and others who finally withdrew from the city without danger. They couldn't help but glance back at the huge, terrifying, hideous figure.

   "Hey, fan, we retreat like this. Is it really okay?" Yucheng Shinichiro looked at the terrifying monster and couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

   "Otherwise? Now, our task is to bring these two Knights of the Round Table and Archid together." The fan squeezed his hands that became a little trembling.

   Not to mention Tamsei Shinichiro, even when he saw the hideous monster, he couldn't help shaking.

   This has nothing to do with courage.

   This is from the heart, no, it is caused by the fear gene hidden in the depth of the gene.

   For this fear, Fan didn't know how to deal with and face it, so all he could do was to do the task at hand.

   "Fan! Black Knights, listen! From now on, you must return to the White Wolf Fort without looking back! Even if someone falls on the way, you are not allowed to look back! Understand?"

   At this time, ZERO's communication rang.

   Shan and the others were taken aback, but they still responded decisively.

   From the telescope, it can be seen that after getting his own order, the movements of the Black Knights quietly became quicker. This made Zero nodded,

   "The next step can be planned."

   In the empty room, ZERO picked up the chess pieces on hand and gestured on the board.

"When that monster ravages the city, the Four Knights will not let go of this good opportunity. Therefore, I am afraid that they will be attacked in the chuckled slightly, The chess piece symbolizing the knight in the hand fell on the chessboard.

   "Here, let Alexander and the others handle it! Then, it is the most critical point of this battle.

  ZERO raised his head and looked at the monster who was attacked by Lancelot and Guren.

   "Nowadays, the defense circle of the capital is in chaos due to this monster's raid. This is undoubtedly the best opportunity. If it were me, then..."

   across the ocean.

  Pandoragon, the imperial capital.

   The young emperor sitting on the high throne slowly stood up, raised his hand across his eyes, and commanded loudly:

"Offensive! In the name of Lelouch V. Britannia, the 99th emperor of the Britannia Empire, the four great knights guarding Europa! Use your spears, swords, and your lead The proud Knightmare Knights, go to destroy the enemies that have fallen into chaos, and hit their fragile heart with a fatal blow!!"

  "Yes  Your  Hail  Hail  Lelouch!!"

   The emperor gave an order and hung high on the neck of Langlanxi, and the knights entrenched in Northern Europe came out at this moment.

   Among them, that glamorous woman Phyllis was among them. Behind her, there are two standing figures shrouded in huge cloaks.

  :. :

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