Machine Lion Roar

Chapter 1002: sudden situation

The sound of scattered footsteps echoed in the dark corridor.

In the chaos, there were anxiety and panic accidents.

"Atra. Follow up! The children have taken refuge in Yanglu City under the guidance of the knights."

In front of the team, a petite figure sat on a fast-moving electric wheelchair, looking back at the people following him from time to time.

Among them, there is a young girl who is similar to her age and has a pure personality——Atra Mikusta.

She is not the Martian that the girl knows.


To be precise, Atra-Mikusta and her companions are not humans from the Martian Empire—Weser Empire that the girl knows.

Rather, they came from humans who were also on Mars, but not from the regional forces of the Weiser Empire.

Although it was difficult to explain, the girl still understood that Atla was not from their Weser Empire.

But even so, when she came into contact with Atla and the others, the girl decisively issued an order to let the knights of the Weiser Empire take in these humans who suddenly appeared in the territory of the Weiser Empire.

"Your Majesty... Your Majesty the Empress. Please, please wait a moment."

Atra, who was following the girl, felt that he was about to lose strength.

Compared with the girl sitting in the electric wheelchair, Atla, who runs only on her own legs, has almost exhausted her full strength.

The girl looked at Atla who was sweating profusely, and turned her eyes to the Knight Viser next to Atla.

The latter nodded in understanding, and then half-knelt down towards Atra.

"Miss Atla. Please forgive my faux pas."


Amidst Atra's exclamation, the Weser knight who received the order hugged Atra in the way of a princess.

Then, he said respectfully to the girl.

"Your Majesty, let's evacuate to Yanglu City as soon as possible! I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on here for long."


The sound of messy footsteps and the sound of the motor running at high speed resounded again in the dim corridor.

Remulina Weiser-Enwesser.

This is the result of an unknown past left by the previous emperor of the Weiser Empire.

As an illegitimate child of the royal family who was not recognized by the royal family, Remulina has always been kept in the home of a certain Viser nobleman.

Originally, this might be Remulina's life.

But on that day, after the apparent sole heir of the Viser Empire, Aesiram-Weser-Eriosia, suddenly disappeared, the nobles of the Viser Empire repeatedly appeared with each other in order to fight for the power to control the empire. Striking, secretly targeting the opponent's situation.

Finally, after the current Weisser Emperor Leiligalia-Wesser-Leserba died of illness, the powder keg that had been suppressed for a long time finally exploded, triggering a huge explosion that affected the mainland of Mars, and even the earls of the 37 families of Mars Knights also appeared civil strife with casualties.

At the end of this civil strife, the few remaining Martian knights joined forces to push Remulina, who was originally imprisoned and doomed to never see the light of day, to the throne.

For Remulina, this is a very thankful, but also very ridiculous thing.

The current emperor and future successor of the Weiser Empire successively required an illegitimate son who was doomed to never see the light of day to heal the wounds he had inflicted on the empire.

This is a very difficult puzzle.

This is almost a desperate situation, making Remulina, who was forced to be crowned, breathless.

But, fortunately, at the moment when Remulina was about to be forced to collapse by the heavy crown, a change occurred.

a bunch of bugs,

A group of bugs appeared suddenly, all over the mountains and plains, in front of the Weiser Empire.

And these hideous, ugly and terrifying bugs turned out to be the last straw to save the nearly collapsed Weiser Empire.

Facing the invasion of the terrifying bugs, Remulina breathed a sigh of relief, and commanded the remaining Weser knights to defend their homeland and the empire.

Not long after, Atla and others, who were also hunted down by the bugs, appeared in the sight of the Weiser Empire, and it happened that Atla followed Remulina.

"Your Majesty, we have arrived at Yanglu City."

Passing through the corridor, a group of people finally arrived at the destination of this trip.

The last Yanglu city left in the Weiser Empire.

Sitting on the electric wheelchair, Remulina couldn't help raising her head, looking at the last Yanglu city of the empire, which was completed with all her strength under her orders.

"Let's go! This may be our last chance to escape Mars."

The perimeter defenses have crumbled.

Time, no delay.

Under Remulina's order, everyone quickened their pace and boarded the last Yanglu city of the empire.

As soon as Atra, who was worried about the children, landed in Yanglu City, he immediately confessed to Remulina and went to visit the children.

Remulina naturally agreed.

In the final analysis, in the next operation, it would be more practical for Atla to stay by the children's side than to stay in the command hall.

After some twists and turns, Lei Mulina brought people to the command hall of Yanglu City.

"See Your Majesty!


A young knight with blond hair, a tall and straight figure, and an extraordinary demeanor saw Remulina appear in the command hall, and immediately knelt down to salute her.

"Get up! Count Kurankan."

Remulina nodded.

The man in front of him was one of the 37 families of the Martian Knights, the son of Count Kurteau, who had a great reputation and leadership among the knights.

At the same time, he was also the Count Kurteau who raised him back then.

For some time, Remulina knew of the existence of the earl's son.

And the other party seemed to be aware of his existence.

Otherwise, after the sudden disappearance of the first princess of the Weiser Empire, Esther Elam, it would be impossible for the other party to make a decision so quickly and join hands with the only remaining Martian knight to push her illegitimate son, who is not so bright, into the world. Take to the stage and become queen in the melee between Martian Knights.

"How's it going?"

There didn't seem to be much pleasantries between the two of them.

Whether it is Remulina or Kurankan, the two sides have a very high consensus on certain things.

"Yes. Your Majesty! In the current situation, we can still hold on for a while. Those bugs are still on the first line of defense."

Kurankan briefly introduced the current situation to Remulina.

Doubts also follow.

"The first line of defense? According to my understanding, our first line of defense doesn't seem to be enough to stop those bugs."

During these days, from panic to understanding, to calm response, Remulina thought that she already understood the action patterns of those bugs very well.

But right now, the fact that these bugs have been slow to break through the first line of defense, which is not too strong a defense force, makes people puzzled.

"I'm afraid they are waiting for the aldnoah reactor in Yanglu City to fully start up."

Count Kurankan pondered for a moment before expressing his conjecture.

"According to the research results of the Imperial Research Institute on these bugs, these bugs are very sensitive to the signals from electronic equipment and energy equipment. In our Weiser Empire, the signal from the aldnoah reactor is the most obvious and conspicuous. "

Remulina frowned when she heard this.

"In other words, those bugs are waiting for us to get out? Isn't this a bit alarmist?"

Although the Weisser Empire led by Remulina is no longer as powerful as it used to be, it has been able to discover that these damned bugs do not have the strategic thinking of humans in countless fierce battles with bugs.

Most of the time, they rely on their numerical superiority to defeat and devour the enemy.

"Chen, I can't be sure. But, this is something we must be vigilant about."

Kurankan wasn't sure, but Remulina agreed with his concerns.

"Earl Kurankan. The defense will be left to you. How much time is left before the launch of Yanglu City? Are all the personnel evacuated?"

The desire to re-establish the Weiser Empire was shattered by the appearance of bugs.

But in a sense, the appearance of the worm allowed the Weiser Empire, which had lost the heir to the empire and the current emperor, to continue.

Under this ridiculous situation, Remulina could only allow herself to drift with the flow, trying to struggle a few more times.

"Personnel and materials have been evacuated, ready to launch at any time!"

Kurankan replied.

"Let's get started! Tell everyone to get ready."


As the current emperor of the Weiser Empire, Remulina still has her own room and special seats in the last Yanglu City of the empire.

After the electric wheelchair slowly parked in the fixed seat specially set up for Remulina, Remulina also raised her head, quietly looking at the main screen in front of her.

Although no one was explaining it, Remulina was able to read some information from the main screen with constantly changing data.

As Kurankahn said, those bugs really locked the aldnoah reactor.

As the final preparations for the launch of Yanglu City unfolded, the movement of the Aldnoah reactor being gradually upgraded was also noticed by those bugs who were wandering back to the first line of defense.

Suddenly, a large number of red waves appeared on the main screen.

In the blink of an eye, those red dots hovering around the first line of defense destroyed the first line of defense in one fell swoop, and broke into the area where the second line of defense was located a few minutes later.

Remulina waved her hand, indicating that the technicians don't need to take her feelings into account, and changed the camera specially to observe the attack of those bugs.

Now that the previous judgment has been verified, it doesn't matter whether you look at the situation on the front line or not.

"Lord Kurankan. Take off as soon as possible."

"Yes! Your Majesty."

The urgent siren sounded suddenly.

The second line of defense was breached.

Everyone couldn't help but looked at each other.

The closest and final line of defense to Yanglu City is the third line of defense.

According to the current speed, I am afraid that the third line of defense will not last long!

"Everyone! Concentrate on me!

Yang Lucheng, proceed with the take-off procedure!

quick! "

The output of the aldnoah reactor continues to increase.

Waves of tremors also swept through Yang Lu City.

Some of the human beings in it clasped their hands and prayed silently.

Some picked up weapons from their sides and held them tightly, waiting for a certain moment to come.

Among these people, Atra hugged the children tightly and comforted the children with soft words, trying to dispel the children's fear.

"It's okay! It's okay!

We will be able to meet the leader and Sanriyue soon! It's fine! everything will get better! do not be afraid!


Atra thought of Sanriyue and others who followed Her Majesty the Empress to leave their hometown a long time ago.

I don't know, where are they now?

Have they forgotten their hometown?


! "

Suddenly, a violent shock swept over, shaking all the objects on the table to the ground.

Screams and cries followed.

Tense atmosphere,

panicked crowd,

At this moment, quietly spread.

"Attack?! Where did the attack come from!"

Remulina grabbed the lever beside her and asked loudly.


It's southeast!

Well, a bug appeared there, yes, it was a bug with long-range attack capabilities, and other bugs also attacked Yanglu City. "

"Southeast?! Where have no bugs appeared! How come?"

Kurankan was also shocked.

But he didn't have time to continue to be shocked.

"Yanglu City!

take off!


The way to avoid those **** bugs is to lift Yanglu City into the air as soon as possible!

This is a life-threatening gamble!

It's just that Kurankan himself doesn't have much confidence.

Because, the output of the aldnoah reactor has not yet reached its peak.

In this case, if Yang Lucheng is forced to take off, an uncontrollable accident may occur.

However, this is the only way right now.


! "

In the southeast of Yanglu City, a 100-meter-high wall collapsed.

A bunch of ferocious bugs poured in from the collapsed wall.

Among these bugs, two monsters with several big eyeballs on their ugly and terrifying bodies slowly walked into the platform space where Yanglu City was located.

"It's the light species!

! Everyone, resist the impact!


Kurankan's eyes nearly popped out.

That is a light species with powerful attack power!

Ordinary machines from the Weiser Empire simply cannot confront it head-on.

The only one who is sure to kill these bugs in a frontal confrontation is the Martian Knight.

But right now, where are the Martian Knights? !

Almost everyone entered Yanglu City.

"Order to let several earls assist Yang Lucheng!


Gritting his teeth, Kurankan finally gave the order.

Remulina beside her couldn't help biting her lip.

Issuing this order now is undoubtedly to make the few Martian knights remaining after the Weiser Empire experienced the civil war to sacrifice their lives for the take-off of Yanglu City.

Even if Yanglu City successfully took off, the sacrifice of the few remaining Martian knights would still make the Weser Empire's already difficult situation even worse.

"Your Majesty, don't hesitate! Let's go! This is the last chance for the empire!"

Communications from the last Martian knights sounded, also conveying their final will to Remulina.

"You knights."

Remulina opened her mouth, and finally bowed her head to salute these determined Martian knights.

"Wish you luck and prosperity!


"Accept Your Majesty's auspicious words!"

The Martian knights looked resolute, with the consciousness of mortal, surrounded by many attendants, boarded their own exclusive machine.

This will be the last battle in their lives, and at the same time, it is also a chance to give this battered Viser Empire a chance of life.

"Let's go! Next, let us handle it!"

The Martian knight waved his hand, indicating that the attendant does not need to follow, but he did not get a response from the attendant.


What the Martian Knight, who sensed something was wrong, saw the surprised face of the attendant.

"Count, count. Quick, quick look!

! "





! "

"A lion fell from the sky!

! "

Raise your along the attendant's fingers, a bright meteor pierced the sky, crossed the mountains, and passed over the sky of Yanglu City, and then hit the two ends of the light The location of the worm.


! "

In the shock wave that tore apart the bugs, a roar that shook the world swept everything!


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