Lucky Wife at 50s

Chapter 457: 457

For 240 yuan, I got 200 catties of sorghum, 150 catties of millet, 100 catties of buckwheat, 50 catties of soybeans and mung beans, 50 catties of corn, and 50 catties of corn. Dried cowpea and vermicelli.

A total of seven hundred catties of coarse grains!

These grains are distributed evenly to 34 households, and the amount of food distributed to each household can last for a period of time.

As long as this half month has passed, the potatoes can be harvested in mid-to-early July, and then the famine can be buffered.

Of course, it is thanks to Huanhuan's help that I can buy so many coarse grains at such a favorable price.

If she hadn't introduced the two little brothers, he wouldn't have found so many ways to buy food.

"It's back! The captain is back!"

Since the captain went to the town with an ox cart, the hearts of the villagers seemed to drift away, and everyone had no thoughts all day, and looked in the direction of the village entrance from time to time.

No wonder everyone attached so much importance to it, but the two baskets of ginseng were their only hope, so they were looking forward to selling more money so that the captain and the others could buy more food.

As time passed, until the afternoon, there was no ox cart. This undoubtedly made the villagers more anxious and worried, not only worried that they would not be able to sell at a good price, but also worried that they would not be able to buy food back.

And they waited anxiously until four o'clock in the afternoon, and everyone hadn't seen the captain and the others coming back, so everyone came to the village entrance and waited.

Now, seeing the figure of the captain and the others returning, everyone immediately surrounded them with excitement.

Although the ox cart was blocked by the linen, just from the pointed shape, it was known that a lot of things were piled up. This time, the villagers were even more excited.

Qi Zhongkang understood everyone's mood, and raised his bullwhip and said loudly, "Okay, stop blocking the bullock cart, everyone can go to the courtyard of the village committee office to collect food, don't worry, everyone has a share!"

Hearing this, the crowd instantly became excited and restless!

"Thank God, our family has food to eat."

"Very good, there is food."

"See? This bullock cart is full, and there must be a lot of food."

"Then it goes without saying that this bullock cart can hold six or seven hundred pounds."

The group happily followed behind the ox cart, discussing happily, but their eyes kept on the ox cart, and their smiles could not stop.

When the bullock cart stopped in the courtyard of the village committee office, almost the whole village rushed over.

Qi Zhongkang also knew that everyone was in a hurry after waiting for a day, and he was not going to go around in circles for everyone, so he made a report on today's victory.

"My mother! Two yuan a pound? It's so expensive!"

"More than two hundred yuan, I have never seen so much money in my life."

"Well, I didn't expect this ginseng to be so valuable."

"Hey, my family ate more than two kilograms of ginseng today. Wouldn't it be five yuan for a meal? My mother, I'm going to faint~"

"I'm dying, my family ate all five catties of ginseng today, my heart~"

"Captain, I still have five pounds in my family. Is it too late to sell it now?"

After listening to Qi Zhongkang's remarks, the whole village ignored the matter of the 700 catties of coarse grains in exchange, and instead focused on the sale of ginseng for two yuan a catty.

Two dollars!

This can buy a lot of things.

At first, they were able to keep five catties for their own food, and they also thought that this was Huanhuan's intention to help everyone, and they had to taste it. One dollar a day.

Can the most expensive be more expensive than pork?

In addition, Huanhuan also said that this medicinal material is good for the body and can replenish the body, so everyone left five kilograms, and also thought that in the past two months, everyone's body has suffered a lot, so I left a little to make up for it. made up.

Who knows, this ginseng can be worth two dollars.

In an instant, people who have eaten a lot of ginseng today are heartbroken!

What they eat is food, obviously money! !

Five kilograms of ginseng is ten yuan, which means that before the famine, they could not earn ten yuan for a month of work.

Everyone regretted and wanted to take out the ginseng that they had eaten in their stomachs.

Seeing this scene, Qi Zhongkang was dumbfounded.

Don't you all miss food? Now that the food is exchanged, everyone's focus is obviously not on the food on the ox cart.

"Okay, now it's time to line up to distribute food!"

The captain roared and instantly turned everyone's attention back!

That's right, they were about to divide the food, and they almost forgot about the business.

So, everyone lined up honestly.

However, when they saw the food on the ox cart, everyone had to rejoice. Fortunately, they didn't leave the whole ginseng at home as coarse grain to eat, and now there is at least so much food to share.

This is a fortune in misfortune.

Suddenly, everyone experienced a moment of sadness and a moment of joy.

But at the moment of receiving the food, everyone felt extremely joyful from the bottom of their hearts, with bright smiles on their faces.

In the end, everyone is happy!

Qin Tianru, who was standing in the open space, looked at the scene in front of him with delight.

Still hopeful!

good night~

┭┮﹏┭┮ didn't make up, come back tomorrow!

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