Lu Bu’s Life Simulator

Chapter 3 Exotic Prosperity

When the ship arrived in England, it was already five days later. Johnny these days was either chest tightness, anorexia, or diarrhea and cramps. There were no major problems, but minor problems continued. Relief, now Johnny almost regards the father and son as gods.

Originally, a company here needed a lot of labor, so Johnny ate at both ends. He tricked Lu Bu and his group into working here as laborers. At the same time, he also set his sights on the wealth brought by Lu Shuxian, which was the entire family property of the Lu family.

But now, facing the miraculous Chinese medicine doctor who controls his life, how dare he sell the father and son? Now I can't wait to stay by Lu Bu's side and call Lu Bu whenever I have a problem, which also makes the father and son bother him somewhat.

The port of Southampton in England has a strong European-style architecture, and buildings with different characteristics spread around the street. The bustling crowds travel on the asphalt road by various means of transportation. The cars should not be Tai Chi. Furnaces or what they call steam engines, although the load is not high, but... the requirements for roads are also not high.

Although Shanghai also has a similar style, it still can't compare with the scene in front of you. It feels like you have entered another world. Although Lu Bu is well-informed, it is still a bit strange when you first see a scene in a foreign land that is far beyond your knowledge. be surprised.

At this moment, he truly understood the shocking expressions of the subjects of those small foreign countries when they came to Chang'an or Luoyang for the first time.

Now this kind of expression appeared on Lu Bu's body, which made Lu Bu feel a little uncomfortable when he recovered.

The big man or Huaxia will surpass them one day!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Bu swaggered down from the boat. It was the first time in his life that he saw so many foreigners with blond hair and blue eyes. They didn't show any respect to him. Respect is added, but now it is reversed, this is really thanks to the Qing Dynasty!

Although the old woman saved decades of national fortune for the Eight Banners, but for Huaxia, it made Huaxia miss the opportunity to catch up with the Western powers.

"My friend, where are you going to let us live?" Lu Shuxian looked at the passers-by. He looked a little out of place in front of the street full of suits and dresses in a mandarin jacket. Facing the weird eyes from others, he even stayed in Moscow before. , but still couldn't help but feel a little inferior.

On the other hand, Lu Bu had his hands behind his back, and the small man was quite eye-catching in the crowd, without the slightest sense of timidity or fear. The mandarin jacket worn on him was obviously not luxurious, but it made people feel ashamed However, Lu Shuxian's feelings were reversed for Lu Bu.

This child, follow me!

Lu Shuxian took a deep breath, and straightened his back. He was in a foreign country, and he couldn't show his timidity. If he felt inferior to others, then don't expect others to think highly of you.

Johnny's face was a little pale, and all kinds of problems appeared on his body in the past five days. It's not that he didn't suspect Lu Bu, but the western medicine couldn't detect what was wrong with him at all, and the result would always be good health, even if Lu Bu felt that there was something wrong He didn't dare to turn against Lu Bu. After getting off the boat, he planned to spend a lot of money to find a good doctor to show him. If it proves that this kid did something wrong, he will die here.

"Of course, my friend, don't worry, I'm a partner with a hotel here, and you can enjoy the highest level of treatment there. As for going to San Francisco... don't worry, I will find a way to send you there as soon as possible. Of course, it takes Time!" Johnny quickly smiled at Lu Shuxian.

A look of worry flashed across Lu Shuxian's eyes. He didn't know what the foreign devil was planning. He wasn't sure what his son was capable of, so he glanced at the calm and relaxed Lu Bu...he usually looked like this, just now he was shocked The expression on his face is already good, and he feels that this son is more stable than himself, this old man.

"It doesn't matter where, but I need some books." In Lu Bu's childish voice, the mature charm was not at all pretentious.

When looking at Johnny, Johnny had the urge to kneel down.

"Of course, it's just that there may not be any translated books here." Johnny said hastily.

"No need, your writing is not difficult to understand." Lu Bu almost wrote on his face that your culture is very shallow.

I don't know where this sense of cultural superiority comes from.

Johnny felt that the other party's self-confidence was unreasonable, but the damn feeling made him feel that what Lu Bu said was very reasonable. This person might be a great person in the future, but unfortunately he is a Chinese.

"Then you will definitely not be short of reading materials. I will arrange your itinerary as soon as possible." Johnny instinctively maintained respect in front of Lu Bu, a three-year-old child. This seemed incomprehensible to many foreigners around. The braids are easy to recognize. Obviously this is a child from the Qing Dynasty. When did people from the Qing Dynasty become so famous? Could it be the nobles of the Qing Dynasty? But even so, shouldn't a white man be so respected?

"Lead the way!" Lu Bu nodded. Naturally, the accompanying servants followed behind with their luggage. Under the leadership of Johnny, the group walked across the street, got into two cars, and arrived near a hotel.

The ground can reflect people's shadows, the spacious and bright lobby, and the huge and gorgeous chandeliers.

Lu Bu was not shocked this time, but took a deep breath. No matter how good it is, it will belong to others. One day, he will bring these things back to China. His goal in this life has been set. He will let the big man, let China Back on top of the world!

Johnny helped the two check in with ease, and lived in a high-end suite.

"Bu'er, he's obviously procrastinating!" Lu Shuxian looked at his son and said sadly.

"Father, don't panic. During this period of time, I have used 18 kinds of manipulations on him, such as acupuncture, massage, and the principle of conflicting food, which caused him to have various symptoms. If he is not careful, he can be treated as another disease." After being cured, I would like to see how many kinds of Western medicine can cure it!?" Lu Bu laughed.

He wanted to use Johnny's body to test the ability of Western medicine. As a doctor, Lu Bu knew very well that when encountering difficult and miscellaneous diseases, the only way was to try. He probably adjusted the medicine according to the symptoms and kept trying. The correct prescription was not found for a long time.

From this point, he can see the quality of western medicine. Lu Bu does not approve of the theory of western medicine, but the development history of western medicine is actually the same as that of the earliest Chinese medicine. Although there is no legend about Shennong tasting hundreds of herbs, most of the methods are Folk accumulation, and then aggregation began to slowly become a system.

How good is it? Let’s deal with this question thrown by Lu Bu first. Although it is not too difficult, it can be considered as Lu Bu’s accumulation and application of some medical knowledge. Generally, if he can solve this question, he can be called a famous doctor. , so that it makes sense to continue.

Lu Shuxian looked at Lu Bu with complicated eyes, where did his son acquire his medical skills? A well-behaved person, who traveled from Shanghai to the UK, felt that he was about to be useless.

Not to mention medical skills, but Lu Shuxian's heart was really startled by his son's heart. He was not so decisive. Could it be that he was really a reincarnation of a soul boy? He once heard that Buddhism or Taoism would have great sages come down to earth in troubled times.

As for the theory of demons, Lu Shuxian didn't believe it. Although his son was decisive in doing things, he was not a person who killed indiscriminately, and he didn't look like a wicked person.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Shuxian looked at his son seriously and said, "Bu'er, are you the reincarnation of some god?"

Lu Bu shook his head, probably understood why his father had such thoughts, thought for a while and said, "But I do have some vague memories."

In a sense, he is really the reincarnation of his predecessors.

"Then... do you remember who you are?" Lu Shuxian actually believed it, and looked at his son and said a little nervously.

"I only know that I am Lu Bu." Lu Bu looked at Lu Shuxian seriously.

He is indeed Lu Bu, as for how to understand it, it depends on Lu Shuxian.

Lu Bu?

Lu Shuxian looked at Lu Bu who was sitting on the bed and began to read, and shook his head. Lu Bu in Romance of the Three Kingdoms was brave but not scheming, and he forgot righteousness at the expense of profit. Lu Bu in Romance of the Three Kingdoms was also a loser. His son was extremely talented, and he was not that brave A ruthless person with such a brain, how could it be that brave and foolhardy Lu Bu? It doesn't look like it.

It seems that I was thinking too much, my son might really be some kind of unborn genius, as for some god descending to the earth, the reincarnation of a reincarnated soul boy... It's fine for ordinary people to believe it, how can I believe it.

"Father?" Lu Bu suddenly looked at Lu Shuxian who was thinking.

"What's the matter?" Lu Shuxian looked at his son with a smile.

"Since we are going to establish a foothold in the United States, Haierxiang will cut off this braid and grow it again!" Lu Bu looked at Lu Shuxian and said seriously.

"The head can be broken and the blood can flow. This is the symbol of my Qing Dynasty. If you abandon it, don't you mean that you despise my Qing Dynasty like those foreigners?" Lu Shuxian frowned.

Lu Bu looked at him, nodded and said, "What does the Qing Dynasty deserve my approval? They don't seem to regard the Han people as their own."

In the past, the Qing Dynasty used the Mongols to rule the Han people, and gradually assimilated the Mongols. Now it wants to bring the foreigners to rule the Han people. From the beginning to the end, the Qing Dynasty positioned the Han people as domestic slaves.

After the Han people rose to power, what the Qing court thought was not to unite the Han people to fight against the foreigners, but to unite the foreigners to suppress the Han people. Sometimes the strategy of fooling the people is really terrible, and the people who are fooled and oppressed will think for them inexplicably.

Without the Manchus and the Eight Banners, wouldn't the Han people be able to establish a new regime? What is there to recognize in a decadent dynasty?

Lu Shuxian: "..."

What the son said seems to have some truth, and to be honest, this money rattail... is really ugly, especially in this place where foreigners are everywhere, it is really out of place, since it will be in the future. It is really useless to keep this thing for foreigners to gain a foothold in the territory.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Shuxian nodded, agreeing to his son's request...or the request is more appropriate~

-----Off Topic-----

A tooth was rotten, and it hurt for a whole day. My wife dragged me to the dentist at night when she felt something was wrong. The nerves leaked out. I picked the nerves to stop the pain. It’s a bit late, everyone forgive me~

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