Xing Wanye narrowed his eyes and asked with oppression: "Not provided?"

The assistant on the side hurriedly stepped forward to stop him. For some reason, he always felt that today's boss was very impulsive. He was different from the calm and rational Hoshi Wano in the past. "Boss, this is the hospital's rule. We can't break it. Let's go. It's your turn." Got checked out."

Xing Wanye was persuaded and shouted by everyone around him, and finally turned around and took the examination strip from the doctor's hand to check his whole body.

It didn't matter whether she was healthy or not, but what she was more worried about was what was going on in her belly.

Today she felt her belly was tight.

The clouds are supreme,

Yan Zhenyu sat quietly on the sofa, with a dozen of his subordinates standing behind him, all of whom had rarely been seen. He turned a deaf ear to the doctor's instructions, and his subordinates behind him could not interfere with Mr. Yan.

"Has public opinion been controlled by Xing Wanwan?"

"Mr. Hui Yan, the media reported it and pointed the finger at the car accident this morning."

Yan Zhen's head was still confused, "Has she checked herself?"

"Yes, I just went."

"Just went?" Mr. Yan frowned displeased.

The subordinate hurriedly said, "The news came back that Miss Xing went to the hospital directly to visit the victim in the middle car. She never went to check herself. A group of people persuaded her to go just now."

Yan Zhenyu leaned on the back of the sofa and reminded her mentally, "Wanwan will probably investigate privately and make a lie for her."


Seeing that Mr. Yan seemed to have a headache, he said, "Mr. Yan, why don't you take a rest first?"

Yan Zhenyu raised her hand and refused, just closing her eyes to relieve her discomfort, "I'll wait until the results of Xing Wanwan's examination come out. Where is Lao Ba?"

"Ba Ge is still in the hospital. The news came back that he had a concussion, which is much milder than Mr. Yan's."

Yan Zhenyu's permanent personal assistant was helping him drive early in the morning.

If it's multi-lane, they park on the Hoshiwano side.

If it's a single lane, they'll chase after you.

At the intersection, there happened to be multiple lanes. Yan Zhenyu's right eyelid twitched. He was originally following their car, but Yan Zhenyu temporarily ordered, "Go to the right lane."

The right lane is a right-turn lane, and the traffic light is always green, so there are no cars, so they can change lanes directly.

Moreover, Xingwanye was going straight. If Yan Zhenyu wanted to continue to follow and protect him, he would definitely drive in the wrong lane. Point deductions and fines were trivial matters. This was decided by Yan Zhenyu immediately.

As a result, as soon as I reached the right lane, the traffic light changed, and I was still starting, a large truck rushed out as if it had lost control.

The direction is Hoshi Wano's vehicle.

At that time, the first thing he did was to put the roof of his car up as a buffer.

Yan Zhenyu and Xing Wanye were sitting on the right side of the rear row at the time. They were used to sitting in the boss's seat. The impact direction of the large truck was aimed at the boss's position.

It was Yan Zhenyu who reacted quickly. He quickly turned from the right side to the left side in the car, helping him offset a little impact. If Xing Wanwan, that woman, had a big belly and it was difficult to walk, that big truck would Yan Zhenyu didn't dare to think about what would happen if she bumped into her.

At that time, the right side of his vehicle was completely flat.

If he didn't block it, he might go from having everything to losing everything in an instant. He was referring to Xing Wanwan and his children.

The follower who was driving was hit by an airbag, and the airbag deployed in the car. The force was so great that he was ejected and knocked unconscious.

He thought that Lao Ba was in a coma and his injuries would be more serious than mine, but he didn't expect that after the examination, he was the one who needed to be admitted to the hospital.

Because the driver was wearing a seat belt and the airbag was blocked, Yan Zhenyu was in the back seat with nothing. He was directly hit with different injuries to his head, chest, and neck.

Yan Zhenyu did not regret the moment when he rushed forward, but said, "Go down and take care of Lao Ba."

"I will, don't worry, Mr. Yan."

After a while, all the test results of Xing Wanye appeared on the attendant's mobile phone, "Mr. Yan, the results of Miss Xing's test reports are coming out one after another."

Yan Zhenyu opened her eyes, held her cell phone, and looked at it feeling dizzy and uncomfortable.

It's okay to see one thing, even if there's a little problem, the doctor's phone will ring.

Xing Wanye left the hospital, and her grandparents at home made no less than ten calls asking her to go back.

Xing Wanye had no choice but to go home quickly so that his elders could look at him and feel at ease.

After the meeting, Xing Wanye didn't live at home and left directly.

Appeared at the Government Affairs Office,

"Where's the truck driver?"

Gao Tuo could also just follow Xing Wanye directly, "Wanye, he is missing."

Hoshi Wano stood there, taking a deep breath. There was no joy on her face. Even if she got a certain right, in a brand new office, surrounded by gorgeous and noble things, she felt that it was nothing more than that.

Xing Wanye asked her assistant to receive the good news calls from the outside world. She was not in the mood at all now.

"Missing." She murmured and chuckled. "Send someone to monitor Cai Yun and her son. They are not allowed to leave the room!" Now that there is no evidence, let's put them under house arrest first.


Hoshi Wano sat on that chair, recalling in his mind the scene where she looked back in shock.

She was not shocked when the big truck hit her. She knew that the mother and son would take action, but she did not expect it to be in such a direct way.

What shocked her was that she saw a man who was only two doors away from her and less than thirty centimeters away from her.

When he dodged from the right side to the left side of the car, and she happened to be on the right side of her car, she could see it too clearly.

That outline and that face were all too familiar to her at midnight. What scares her, what she misses occasionally, what makes her dazed, makes her

The car door opened and everyone called her to get out.

That man far away in Antarctica, it is impossible for Hoshi Wano to admit his mistake!

She sat in the backup vehicle, her mood never calming down.

She never thought that someone would remove the stumbling block on the road and want to kill the other person, but at that moment in Xingwanye, her hatred arose in her heart. At that moment, she also wanted to do the same to Cai Yun and her son.

It was already evening, and Xing Wanye looked at the public opinion on the Internet. Netizens were spontaneously solving the case, and they were even questioning: How could there be a large truck driving on the main road in the city? Didn’t we stipulate that large trucks cannot drive in urban areas?

The suspicion of Cai Yun and her son soared again.

Even photos of Cai Yun accompanying Star City Lord to an event were uncovered, and a group of people scolded her: She looked like a mean mistress, which was definitely not a good thing.

Then, another group of people agreed.

Some people also revealed that the cotton-padded clothes that Cai Yun gave to grassroots workers for free in winter were not wearable at all. When they were gently pulled, the cotton cloth would spill out. Even if the quality was not good, the cotton wadding inside was smelly.

But what World International donated is different. Now the grassroots workers in the streets often wear the World International logo on the corner of their clothes.

They have done good things, so of course they want to print their logo on their clothes.

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