Lost In Azeroth

Chapter 475: Twilight

   Chapter 475 Twilight first appeared

  Chinao Xiaohei has been researching the language of the dragon race for a long time, and basically he can use the dragon language for daily communication freely, and now he is just trying it out.

   It's just that the pronunciation of the dragon's language is quite strange. Even with the assistance of the brain, Su Chen can still express the relevant meaning by drawing together.

   To his surprise, these spiders can really understand the language of the dragon family, and they can even imitate the language of the dragon family to communicate.

   Of course, the pronunciation of these spiders is also more obscure and unpleasant. If there is no brain to analyze and correct, even a real dragon standing here is difficult to understand.

   Although the conversation was a little slow, at least I was able to speak.

   "My name is Abik, thank you very much for saving us." The spider at the head seemed to be quite polite, far stronger than the Ahn'Qiraj Zerg under the control of C'Thun.

"You...why were you caught here?" Su Chen asked curiously. The speed at which these spiders were caught really surprised him. He must know that there are many similar buildings around. If they are all counted, it is estimated that Thousands of spiders are transformed into undead every day.

   This is equivalent to letting the undead natural disaster add tens of thousands of elite troops every day for no reason! If this is the case for a long time, then there is no need to fight the battle between yourself and the undead natural disaster.

   "We tried to recover the temple occupied by the undead, but failed... But we will not give up, we will attack again, and it is bound to retake this place." The spider who called himself Abike said.

   "Recover the temple? Is it the buildings in front?" Su Chen pointed to the extremely tall underground building in the distance, where Kel'Thuzad and his party should have gone.

"Yes, it was originally our holy place, but King Anub'arak betrayed us. After he took refuge in the undead natural disaster, he led the tribes who became undead to deal with us in turn, causing us to suffer extremely heavy losses, even the temple. We are also occupied by those damned undead, and we absolutely cannot tolerate this kind of behavior." Abike said while waving a pair of sharp front claws, looking quite determined.

   "Really... Then how many people do you have now?" Su Chen looked at the spider that was as tall as a person in front of him, and asked slightly hesitantly.

Abike seemed to hesitate for a moment before shaking his head and said, "I don't know the exact number. For tens of thousands of years, our footprints have covered almost the entire underground of Northrend, and spider eggs have also spread throughout the entire underground world. New members are hatched every moment, and we don't even know how many survivors there are in the kingdom."

  Su Chen couldn't help but be speechless, but this time, the spider empire that spawned thousands of eggs couldn't be measured by human society.

"Although we have a large number of members, there are not many members with strong combat power. Many new members are not even sane and need to go through a long period of time to grow up, and many members are hiding deep underground. There should be around 200,000 troops gathered around here that can participate in the battle." Abike continued with a bit of disappointment.

"200,000..." Su Chen frowned. This number is not too small. It is difficult for the entire human kingdom to gather so many troops. However, it is definitely not enough for these spider troops to defeat the undead natural disaster, and Now I am afraid that most of them have been transformed into undead troops.

"Thank you very much for saving us, and we are willing to repay you, but now we are still surrounded by the undead, so we must rescue the other captured members first, and regroup the troops to fight the undead." Abike is very serious said.

   "Okay." Su Chen nodded in agreement immediately, and naturally he couldn't ask for these spiders to continue fighting the undead natural disaster.

   As long as these spiders cause chaos in the ground, he will have a chance to take advantage of it. If he can attract all the nearby undead troops, he will have a chance to capture Natyr's hand.

The next rescue operation was very smooth. Those spiders were very familiar with the surrounding terrain. Even if they encountered an impassable place, they could spray spider silk to pave a new road at any time, and soon reached the building next to them. , and with the assistance of Su Chen, those defending undead were completely vulnerable.

   In just over an hour, Su Chen followed that Abike and rescued at least nearly 10,000 captured spiders, and most of them had good fighting power.

   But what surprised him was that in a hall he not only saw the imprisoned spider, but also saw dozens of humans entangled in spider silk!

   "A human being was captured? Where did these people come from?" Su Chen couldn't help but be a little surprised. Although many of his paladins were killed, they didn't find anyone captured.

   When he hurriedly rescued those people from the cobwebs, he found that the clothes of these people were very unique, and these people were still chanting some strange words.

   When Su Chen carefully heard what the other party said, his face changed drastically.

   "Twilight Cultists?!" Su Chen couldn't help widening his eyes, he never expected to see Twilight Cultists here.

  Su Chen naturally would not be afraid of these Twilight Cultists in front of him, but since the Twilight Cultists have appeared, it means that Deathwing has already started action!

   "What should come will always come..." Su Chen sighed inwardly, but he was no longer the childish appearance he was when he first came to this world. After experiencing many crises, he quickly calmed down again.

   He is currently powerless to stop the cataclysm launched by Deathwing. Even if he tells the Dragon Clan, people will not believe it, and they will question his source of information.

   However, there should be a few years between the appearance of the Twilight Cultists and the occurrence of the Cataclysm, which is enough time for him to have a chance to develop.

   You must know that Ulduar's crisis has a greater impact on the world of Azeroth than the Cataclysm.

   "Oh, this world is really dangerous, it must be very painful to be a prophet in this world..." Su Chen couldn't help but sigh.

   He has been fighting since he came to this world, and in his memory there are still a lot of dangerous battles to face in the future.

   To Su Chen's surprise, Abike seemed to know the origins of these Twilight followers.

   "These people are very evil, and they are related to the evil creatures underground, don't make contact with them!" Abike persuaded Su Chen nervously.

   "Evil creatures underground?" Su Chen's expression changed slightly.

In the history of Warcraft, it is said that these spiders touched the prison of Yogg-Saron when they were digging underground in Northrend. Now it seems to be the real situation. Most of the things they call evil creatures are Yogg-Saron. Gesaron.

   (end of this chapter)

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