Losing Money to Be a Tycoon

Chapter 1663: Miraculous merger success

In the course of the game, there are not many plots, but every plot is very important.

There are several endings to the game "Militia".

First of all, within the imperial city, players can choose to support different princes and give advice when the prince makes a certain decision.

The choices made by these princes and the suggestions given by the protagonist are directly related to the next plot.

For example, during alien invasion, different princes will have different choices, and the protagonist can participate in the war at different stages of alien invasion.

The sooner you go, the more likely it is to expel the aliens and reduce the slaughter of civilians, but it may not have time to resolve the internal conflicts in the Central Plains.

If the internal conflicts in the Central Plains area are resolved first, such as participating in the extermination of the Buddha, or helping the monks to escape, the time will be delayed, which may cause a change in the situation of the alien border battlefield.

In addition, the player will also have close ties with the four Confucian, Taoist, Buddhist and military strategists. Choosing to help them can get resources and help from them, but at the same time it will also trigger the hatred of the hostile forces.

Players have to constantly make choices at some key points in the course of the game, not only the route of choosing A or B, but also the timing of making choices. The various paths are intricate and affect the whole body. All may affect The final outcome.

It should be difficult for players to play and understand in one week, but this game was originally designed for multiple weekends. In multiple weeks, players can experience different endings of the story, and they can also cultivate their own characters in a targeted manner. Experience different combat modes.

The arrangement of this plot mode is fundamentally different from "Looking Back at the Shore".

"Looking Back at the Shore" actually has only one main line. Although players can also play different endings, in general, they don't need to make too many choices. It is more to feel the most original emotions that the game brings to them.

But "Milky Way" is more like in a constantly changing world, every choice the player makes will affect most areas of the world.

Perhaps the final ending will not make the player's feelings so deep and strong, but the player can indeed feel that his every move is affecting the world, and the final ending is the final result of his own series of choices.


Qiao Liang's liver exploded in one breath for several hours, but he still didn't know what to do.

"This game is really fun, it's very different from "Looking Back". It's worth waiting for it for so long."

"The key is that this game integrates the game mechanics and cultural background very well, so that people don't feel the slightest sense of violation."

"President Pei's decision to invest in this game was really far-sighted. After all, the producer of this game was still doing mobile games at the time. Who would have thought that he could make such a high-quality stand-alone game?"

"The key is that this game can still be played. For this kind of random gameplay, it is really irresistible."

"Don't say anything, this game starts at least 300 hours!"

"What, the new issue of Conferred God?"

"That's it for now. I have to take a good rest recently and revisit the fun of the game."

Qiao Liang ignored the barrage asking him to publish a new issue of the title of God to interpret "Military", because he had an inexplicable urge to disarm and return to the field.

The Anti-Tengda Alliance has fallen, and the Tengda Group has won a big victory, and there are too many good games in Tenda Games, one after another, and he even feels that he can't do it a bit.

Moreover, Qiao Liang felt that as a game reviewer, after the tenth issue of the title of the gods and profoundly affected the battle between the Tenda Group and the Anti-Tengda Alliance, its career seems to have reached the peak. There is nothing to be able to do. There is more room and leeway.

Now he wants to be a simple game player, let go of those complicated analysis, let go of those deep connotations, and feel the initial fun the game brings him.

This should be considered a return to basics in a certain sense.

After the game experience of "Su Li" came to an end, Qiao Liang finally opened GOG, which had not been logged in for a while.

He wanted to see what it looked like after the game was updated with a major version and successfully completed the merger with ioi.

It has to be said that merging the two most successful MOBA games on the market, this kind of brain and courage is only available to Mr. Pei.

Since this news was released, many players have expressed concern about it, and Qiao Liang is no exception, for fear that this change will accidentally crash two games at the same time.

But President Pei seems to be very resolute in the matter of merger, and has been firmly pushing forward. Now this situation is a one-shot deal, and there should be no turning back for good or bad.

After logging into GOG again, Qiao Liang felt that this game was both familiar and unfamiliar to him.

Familiarity is because the overall interface style has not changed much. The unfamiliarity is because some small changes have been made in some details. These changes belong to the kind of changes that can be adapted at a glance, and even some careless people will not notice. But it did make a huge change to the revised GOG.

Entering a happy matching game, Qiao Liang happily locked the Ink of the Wind, and then happily ended the game with a 0-11 record.

"It doesn't seem to have changed much."

"There were three ioi heroes in the game just now, but I don't know why I didn't feel any sense of violation at all."

"It's like GOG has a new hero."

"The map seems to be a slight compromise between the two games. In the past, the GOG map was too small and the ioi map was too large. Now it is a good compromise."

"Some of the game's map mechanics have also been slightly changed, but there is nothing wrong with it."

"There is not much sense of disobedience, it's outrageous!"

Before entering the game, Qiao Liang had imagined two possible scenarios.

The first is that the game's changes are not very successful, and the traces of splicing and fragmentation can be clearly seen. There is a feeling of forcibly soft, nondescript.

The second is that the game changes are more successful. The sense of fragmentation is not obvious, but the entire game mechanism has undergone tremendous changes and turned into a brand new game. A lot of game content has to be learned from scratch and slowly adapted.

But what he didn't expect was that neither of these two games appeared in the two games. They were blended together perfectly, and so natural, as if they should have been.

If you are from a player who has never played these two games, you might think that the two games GOG and ioi are split from the current game.

This is really amazing!

If you think about it, this situation can barely be explained.

In fact, the difference between the two games of GOG and ioi is quite obvious to the two extremes, and it is this difference that allows GOG to achieve corner overtaking with a series of strategies and methods.

But after that, ioi made several adjustments and modifications to the game, and kept moving closer to GOG on the game core. At the beginning, the FV team was able to rely on the GPL routines and play styles to achieve results in the ioi World Championship, which shows that there has been some form of convergence between the two.

With the continuous development of the two games, in order to bring players a better gaming experience, this trend is constantly strengthening.

Of course, Zhitou didn't want to admit this, so they made some changes, especially in the picture style and some details that were deliberately different from GOG.

But this kind of change is utterly vain after all.

Therefore, with the joint efforts of the GOG project team and the designer team on the finger company, and after a large number of professional players' test feedback and adjustments, the merger of the two games was finally completed.

After the merger, of course, the player’s feelings were also taken into consideration, and as far as possible not to make too many changes, so that players can easily get started.

And now it's finally released so that ordinary players can experience it. Obviously, this change has gained unanimous satisfaction from professional players to designers.

It feels a bit like some players are back in the game a year after retiring.

The content of the game has indeed undergone a lot of changes, and there are also many new heroes that I have not seen before, but as long as you play two games, the familiar feeling will slowly emerge and you will adapt quickly.

Qiao Liang couldn't help but said with emotion: "It really succeeded in merging the two games. Apart from awesome, I can't think of any other words."

"Moreover, this merger is equivalent to two games, both of which have undergone several major version updates, and hundreds of new heroes have been added at the same time. These new game content is enough to play for a year without repetition, and it feels like I am back. It’s how I felt when I first encountered MOBA games."

"No wonder Mr. Pei is so resolute, and even formulated a rectification plan for the two major leagues, obviously because he is confident in this merger."

These two games are changed. The corresponding world games and the entire league system will naturally change.

The FV team was still entangled before, whether to transition from ioi to GOG, now there is no need to entangle everything and everything is overturned.

This year's competition is still going on as usual. After all, these players have played the old version for a year and suddenly made drastic changes, which is a bit unfair to them.

But starting next year, the two leagues will merge into the same league.

Of course, it's hard to say, after the merger, whether the GOG team has the advantage or the ioi team has the advantage. Everyone has to learn from each other's heroes, learn the changed game mechanics and brand new styles of play.

In this process, some players may not adapt, and there may be a group of new talented players who stand out.

But this change is also the fun of MOBA competitive games.

For GOG players, the competition is of course fierce, but it also means that the entire league has a higher degree of attention and there are more players in the game. The commercial value of these players will also be improved.

And in this competition, they feel that they will have an advantage.

It is not a loss for the players of ioi, after all, this game has been getting worse and worse before, and it will even be merged into the Asian server. The value of the league is declining~www.wuxiaspot.com~ What they are facing is not whether they are competitive, but whether the league can continue, and whether they have any commercial value as players.

Many games were once smashing hits, but professional players are a youth meal after all. Once the games are down, the careers of these players will be cut off.

Now that the two games are merged, although they will bear great pressure and challenges, at least this is a strong person who speaks with strength. Leave the weak ones to be eliminated, instead of losing their jobs to a group of players, regardless of their pros and cons, with the decline of the game.

For the audience, this is also a good thing. It means that the entire league has a higher degree of enthusiasm, a higher economic level, a more exciting game, and a higher degree of attention.

In short, this is a difficult choice, with huge risks.

But Tenda's game department was still under tremendous pressure and incomprehension, and succeeded in this miraculous way!

Once successful, the previous problems will naturally cease to exist, and there will only be countless benefits!

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