It is easy to fight, and you can reach the income of the territory for half a day.

Jiang Yi thought that he could meet more lords.

into the night.

The elves changed from pioneering to defense.

Three strongholds have been established around the territory.

The remaining one, limited by resources, cannot be built temporarily.

Jiang Yi glanced at the panel.

[Energy: 5.1W, 13 pure crystals]

[Territory grid number: 78]

[Number of proven maps: 100]

The territory of 78 squares is already huge.

If put together in a square, it is almost a territory of 9 kilometers in length and width.

Such a large territory, if not established, the stronghold with the Tower of Watch as the core, Jiang Yi could not be able to defend only with the existing strength.

Even if they could, they would be exhausted, and the elves might not have the energy to develop their territory the next day.

"Three strongholds, each with 4 people, and a silver Pegasus."

"Shining Ying, you take Luo Wei and a few people to patrol the territory and remove some monsters that get together."

It is very convenient to have a hero.

Worked as a salesman during the day.

Night watchman.

Jiang Yi's days were much more leisurely.

Don't be careless, "Last night was calm because a group of monsters were killed yesterday. Today, it will definitely not be so quiet, and everyone should be vigilant."


Today's dinner, with vegetable soup,

It is pork chop which we took south steel wool boar pork and made.

Pasta, juice.

Makes the index finger move.

Jiang Yi couldn't hold back, so he took a photo and sent it to the group of classmates.

Classmate A: "???"

Luo Jie: **???"

Analyst: "Excuse me, what can you see from this picture?"

Analytical Emperor:

"A: First of all, this is a secondary territory. Only in secondary territory can workshops and tools be established."

"Secondly, this tableware is exquisite and beautiful. It is the first-class tableware. The cost starts at 500 energy, and it is a luxury."

"Again, we can see that there are various types of food on the table. Obviously, it is impossible to find such a wide variety of ingredients around a territory."

"Once again, the knife is excellent in craftsmanship, full of color and flavor, which is obviously from the hands of the chef."

"There is only one truth, Jiang Yi, Brother Jiang, Big Brother Jiang... You have already arrived, have you ordered takeout in the city of lords?!"


Shown again!

This dinner party was so unexpected.

The lords looked at themselves and placed the solitary, black and scorched food on the simple wooden table. Suddenly, they lost their appetite.Even Luojie,

With the energy block supported by the family, he is far richer than other newcomers.


The meat skewers in my hand are still not fragrant.

How could the lord be so prodigal!

I also want to wow!

But not.

If he dared to waste resources, he would definitely have his legs broken by his parents as the great lord!

Luo Jie was silent.

Today is the fifth day of envy Jiang Yi.

Luo Jie didn't want to be sour, so he turned the topic abruptly.

"Everyone should pay attention to security, don't work so hard to pass the monster tide trial, but when you wake up, your territory is gone."

"It's not a big problem, I have troops on duty at night."

"Me too, but my wild boars are often guarded and fall asleep. What can I do?"

"Cold salad!"

Troop management is not good, what kind of lord?

Oh, the boars.

Say goodbye.

All of a sudden, the conversation in the group turned to the night watch.

Jiang Yi had to sigh.

These classmates have become smarter, and they don't give him the chance to pretend.

At this time,

"Di Di Di",

On the wristband, a prompt suddenly popped up.

"Baijiang new crowd invites you to enter, do you want to enter?"

043 Wang Quan: I'm so stupid,

"Baijiang New Crowd?"

Seems to have heard of such a thing.

New lords can enter larger groups after passing the monster tide trial.

And Blue Star actually has some extra powers.

Form a group chat.

Exchange of information, mutual benefit of transactions.

At the very least, on the premise of not compromising one's own interests, try to find the Blue Star Lord for buying and selling.

Jiang Yi has no opinion.

As long as there is no discount, it is sold to anyone.

Just ...

really (3/5)

The things sold in his shop, probably, few newcomers can afford it.

"Hint: Zhao Shangtian entered the group chat."

"Hint: Zhang San entered the group chat."

"Hint: Li Gui entered the group chat."

"Hint: Wang Quan entered the group chat."

"It's the king of kingship, ah, I'm dead!"

"That is, a giant with king-level arms?"

"The king's power is huge, please, can I keep your troops healthy?"

It is different from the group of classmates who have eliminated most of the lords and gradually become deserted.

The new crowd is very lively.

After going through the early stage, the monster tide trial with the highest elimination rate, the new lords are even more energetic

Kingship too.

Especially here, he rarely finds it back, the comfort of being a boss.

The king-level arms are also in the forefront of the newcomer circle in Baijiang City.


The future is infinite.


future lord.

There are a few younger brothers who are flattering and reasonable.

Wang Quan was delighted, and quickly edited the sentence, ready to make a move, low-key but not simple, indifferent but not blunt Versailles pretending.

If you don't pretend, life will be a lot less fun!

"Hint: Jiang Yi entered the group chat."


What is Jiang?

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