Lord of the People: My Explosion Rate is 100%

Chapter 1045: The Demonic Dragon Clan builds the Water God Tower!

Chapter 1013 The race building of the Demonic Dragon Tribe - Water God Tower!

At this time, the advantage on the battlefield has completely tipped to the Sun Kingdom's side.

The Forbidden Magic Mages, who were fighting for the first time, demonstrated their terrifying destructive power on the battlefield as soon as they appeared, making all the Demonic Dragon Clan members and the aliens watching the battle secretly feel terrified in their hearts.

In particular, the unlimited supply of mental recovery potions and energy recovery potions turned the Forbidden Curse Mage, who had the instinct to only use the Forbidden Curse Spell once, into a Forbidden Curse Machine Gun.

This makes the combat effectiveness of the Empire-level arms, the Forbidden Curse Mage, almost comparable to that of the Kingdom-level arms.

"We need to re-evaluate the power of the lords of Emperor Cangsheng. Not only is he extremely powerful, but even the soldiers under his command are not comparable to ordinary soldiers!"

"The 600 billion troops of the Common Emperor are comparable to the trillions of kingdom-level troops of other lords and forces!"

"It's amazing. How did this common emperor develop? How did he accumulate such an amazing force quietly?"

The forces of all races who were secretly watching the battle were shocked by Zhou Zhou's 600 billion soldiers.

compared to that.

Even the newly promoted true gods in the Sun Kingdom seem to have become unnoticeable.

I don’t know how long it took.

The sounds of forbidden spells over the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons gradually subsided.

When Zhou Zhan looked down again, he saw that the entire Holy Demonic Sea became calm. Even in his perception, it seemed that there was no living thing in the Holy Sea.

Only the countless corpses of the demonic dragon clan floating on the surface of the sea and deep under the sea proved the terror of the previous forbidden spells.

"Your Majesty, the members of the Demonic Dragon Clan have disappeared.

"Commander Wu is currently leading the Tiantu Army soldiers to search for traces of these hidden Demonic Dragon Clan members."

A general with a solemn expression flew forward and reported to Zhou Zhan.

Zhou Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly.


Could it be that all members of the Demonic Dragon Clan were wiped out by the Forbidden Curse Mage?



The serial attacks of the Forbidden Curse in the past few hours had killed most of the Demonic Dragon Clan members who were unwilling to surrender, but it was definitely not to the extent of annihilating all the Demonic Flood Dragon Clan members.

"Some tricks."

“It’s finally a little challenging.”

Zhou Zhan chuckled.

The current accident not only did not make him feel frustrated, but also made him interested.

If a race does not have enough mysterious means to protect itself, it will not be passed down to this day.

And as long as you eliminate the other party, these methods of theirs will fall into your hands in a higher level form.

This is the confidence that comes from the King of Loot.

Just as He was about to get up and do something, he saw Dickens, who had just surrendered, stand up.

"His Majesty."

"I know where these demonic dragon tribes are hiding."

He said calmly.

"Talk about it."

Zhou Zhan was not in a hurry to take action, although he already had a rough solution in mind.

"His Majesty."

"The reason why hundreds of trillions of Huoming clan members suddenly disappeared is because of the architectural effect of a demonic dragon clan building called the 'Water God Tower'.

"The effect of this building is that it can transform all the people of the Demonic Dragon Clan into ocean water and merge into the ocean where the Water God Tower is located."

"The lives of the demonic dragon clan members who have turned into the water of the ocean will be one with the ocean. Unless the entire ocean is destroyed, no matter what kind of attack falls in the ocean, as long as the ocean does not disappear completely, then they will have If there is a glimmer of hope, I will have the opportunity to use the Water God Tower in the future to regroup my body in the ocean and make a comeback."

"The only shortcoming of this Water God Tower is that the people of the Demonic Flood Dragon Tribe who have turned into ocean water need to spread the ocean water they have turned into into the entire Demonic Flood Dragon Holy Sea as quickly as possible in the shortest possible time, so that they can Maximize your chances of survival.”

"There are two ways to solve the current situation."

"First, find the hidden Water God Tower. As long as the Water God Tower is destroyed, their secret techniques will naturally be cracked and their true form will be revealed."

"Second, in such a short period of time, they should not have spread too far."

"Now if Your Majesty lets your empire-level soldiers cast that kind of super powerful magic on the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons within a radius of 500,000 kilometers, and cast it continuously for an hour, they should be able to wipe out the vast majority of the Demonic Dragon Clan."

"When they transform into ocean water, their strength is almost exactly the same as that of normal water."

"As long as most of the sea water is destroyed, they will also fall."

Dickens said respectfully.

Zhou Zhan nodded.

He glanced at the holy sea of ​​demonic dragons.

Sure enough, I found that the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons, which was originally dark purple, now turned a bit more intensely purple, almost turning into purple-black.

"The king knows."

"But no need to bother."

Zhou Zhan smiled.

Then he didn't pay attention to Dickens's stunned eyes, and flew down from the throne alone, then passed through the army of the Kingdom of the Sun and arrived at an altitude of 10,000 meters above the level of the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons.

"All soldiers, generals, gods, and true gods worship."

"Listen to my king's orders."

"Return to the Galaxy for now."

Zhou Zhan said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

All the soldiers and gods obeyed the order and returned to the Galaxy without hesitation.


Although they didn't know what His Majesty's intention was in asking them to do this, they didn't need to think about these things. They just carried out His Majesty's orders without hesitation.


More than 600 billion soldiers, generals and gods returned to the 1,000 Galaxy ships in batches.

In the entire Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons, in the blink of an eye, only Zhou Zhan was left.

Kalu and other members of the demonic dragon tribe who were hiding in the holy sea of ​​demonic dragons couldn't help but feel very strange when they saw this scene.

What is this common people emperor going to do?

However, although they were puzzled, they knew without thinking that Emperor Cangsheng must be doing something detrimental to them.

Kalu's heart became solemn. Even if Zhou Zhan was the only one left on the battlefield, he would not dare to act rashly.

While he asked his tribe to spread the ocean water he had turned into, he also quickly spread the ocean water he had turned into.

As long as they completely integrate the ocean water they have transformed into the entire holy sea of ​​demonic dragons, the Emperor of Common Life will be unable to do anything to them.

Even if they were so angry that they wanted to destroy the entire Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons, the worst they could do was follow the tributaries of the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons to the rivers, lakes and seas of other races, or even larger oceans.

As a clan of demonic dragons who have lived in the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Flood Dragons for who knows how many years.

Their understanding of this aspect is extremely clear. It is extremely simple to leave the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons and go to other sea areas.

The only thing they have to pay is the racial foundation they have built in the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons over the endless years.

Although giving up the current racial foundation will set back the development of their race by tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

But as long as you can preserve yourself, everything else will be possible to regain in the future.

"We, the Demonic Dragon Clan, will never be exterminated!"

"Wait until the day comes when our development reaches its peak again, or when your lord's power falls to the bottom, Emperor Zun."

"We will settle the accounts carefully then!"

Karu gritted his teeth.

But the next second.

He saw a scene that horrified him beyond measure.

This scene made his face suddenly change, and his heart became extremely desperate and fearful.

"He can actually do such a thing!"

"Does the Supreme Will really want to destroy my clan of demonic dragons?!"

Back to a few minutes ago.

above the ocean.

Zhou Zhan was suspended 10,000 meters above the ground, overlooking the Holy Sea of ​​Demonic Dragons below.

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