Lord of Puluo

Chapter 325 Brotherhood Alliance

Li Banfeng stood at the door of the ward, looking at Cui Tik and another person.

Who is this guy?

Li Banfeng had never seen him before, and the current situation was difficult to identify.

Wan Jinxian's condition is very complicated, with patches of green herpes covering his body, and at this moment he has to face the siege of Cui Tike and Li Banfeng.

This is Cui Tike's hospital, and Wan Jinxian can't even find a way out.

Fortunately, Tritic didn't kill him.

He really wanted to kill Wan Jinxian, but at the moment he was very interested in other things.

Cui Tike looked at Li Banfeng and said, "This is my senior brother. Although it is our first time to meet, we chatted very well.

Please continue to return to the ward to take care of your friends. Senior brother and I will chat in another place so that we will not disturb you. "

Li Banfeng returned to the ward, feeling a little worried.

Tritik helped him, that's true.

It is true that he and Tritik are friends.

But it is very difficult for Li Banfeng to completely trust Cui Tike.

In Yaowanggou, Cui Tike almost killed Li Banfeng.

In Lanyang Village, Cui Tike also looked for Li Banfeng.

Now his senior brother is here.

The two were fighting in the corridor just now, and Li Banfeng also heard it.

This senior brother who came after Ma Wu was probably the one who made Ma Wu sick.

Cuitik is currently hostile to this senior brother, but with Cuitik's temperament, he is likely to become friends with this senior brother in the next second.

Now that there are Zuo Wugang and Huo Ling in the ward, if they really have to fight, they may not be the losers.

But Li Banfeng had to know what they were talking about.

Li Banfeng touched the earrings, and the string earrings traced the voices of Cui Tike and Wan Jinxian.

Cui Tike invited Wan Jinxian into the emergency room. Wan Jinxian hesitated for a moment and followed.

Tritik took off his white coat and hung it on the door.

The string earring said to Li Banfeng: "Master, he has a spiritual object that blocks prying eyes."

"Can you go around it?"

In the past, earrings naturally did not have such a function, and Zhou Yujuan who used to make them was just a first-level repairman.

But now the level of the earrings is different. Li Banfeng used other people's flesh and blood to pull her up bit by bit.

The pendant on the earrings swayed back and forth, and Li Banfeng gradually heard some sounds.

In the emergency room, Cui Tike asked Wan Jinxian: "You just said that you killed your master before becoming a disciple. What do you mean?"

Wan Jinxian looked at Cui Tik and said nothing.

Cuitik reminded him: "I know you are trying your best to eliminate the pathogens in your body, but you can't succeed. Your current situation is very bad.

If you want to live, you must answer all my questions truthfully. I already know the answers to some questions, and I may be deliberately testing you, so don't lie to me. "

Wan Jinxian nodded and asked, "Were you the one who attacked Jiaqing in the Yuezhou Third Academy?"

Cui Tike looked at Wan Jinxian and said, "Don't get the order wrong, I'm asking you questions."

Wan Jinxian was silent for a while and said to Cui Tike: "The orthodox disease cultivator has a fixed teacher and a fixed sect, which is called the Miasma Gang."

Cuitik shook his head and said: "I have been in Puzhou for a long time, and I have never heard of such a gang."

"Not many people in the world have heard of the Plague Miasma Sect, because there is only one person in the Plague Miasma Sect most of the time."

Tritik asked: "How can a person become a gangster?"

Wan Jinxian looked at Cui Tike with layers of doubts in his heart.

This person is a sick cultivator, this is true.

But this man didn't understand the rules of disease cultivation at all, which made Wan Jinxian unable to understand the origin of Cuitike's cultivation.

Is he really testing me?

"How did you enter the Taoist sect?" Wan Jinxian asked.

Cuitik smiled and said: "The process of my entering the Taoism is very strange. If I wanted to tell you about it, it would probably take a long time. But judging from your current situation, you probably don't have time to listen to my story, so please hurry up and answer my question. question."

There was only half a sentence left, but Tritik didn't say anything.

Your life is in my hands, what qualifications do you have to ask me?

Wan Jinxian also recognized the reality clearly and did not ask any more questions: "The Epidemic Miasma Sect usually does not recruit disciples. Only when the sick cultivator feels that he is exhausted, will he set up the sect and accept three disciples, and only three disciples will be accepted." Can accommodate three people,

These three disciples will learn the skills from their master for one year. After one year, the three disciples will use the skills they learned to fight each other for a month. Only one of them will survive.

The surviving disciple must sign a contract with the master. He cannot accept more disciples in the future, but he cannot let the Taoist sect be cut off. He must continue the Taoist sect according to this set of rules.

There is only one more thing to do next. After the master dies, eat the master's body and you will be able to successfully get started. "

"Master's body is the starting potion?"

Wan Jinxian nodded.

Tritik was silent for a moment and asked, "Who made this rule?"

Wan Jinxian shook his head and said, "I don't know. This was the rule when I started."

"Did you eat your master?"

"Otherwise I wouldn't be able to get started."

"I see, is this what you said, that most of the time, there is only one sick cultivator in the world?"

Wan Jinxian nodded and said: "So I don't understand why there is a fellow disciple like you in the world, and I even can't understand why this fellow disciple is actually a foreign devil."

Cuitik smiled and said: "There is one thing I want to ask you. We sick cultivators all live long lives because we can resolve diseases. As long as we are not fatally injured, the only thing that can take us away is time.

If a person is particularly stubborn in cultivating his life and accepts a disciple, but still does not die after many years, will he choose to commit suicide to complete this inheritance, or will he let his disciple wait forever? "

Wan Jinxian scratched the herpes on his body: "I don't know what the situation was before. My master's master is a very long-lived man.

He thought he was exhausted, so he took on a disciple, but my master stayed with him for nearly fifty years before he died.

This also resulted in the fact that my master only entered Taoism when he was sixty-five years old, and until the day he died, he was only a second-level cultivator. "

Tritik smiled and said: "It seems you are very lucky, your master does not live that long."

Wan Jinxian shook his head and said: "My master is also a long-lived man, but he was too old at that time."

"So you killed him?"

Wan Jinxian scratched another herpes and asked Cui Tike: "What's the use of asking so many things about me and my master?"

Cuitike shrugged: "Sorry, it seems that I brought up some not-so-good memories, so let's talk about something useful. Why did you attack Ma Junyang?"

Wan Jinxian said: "You should have guessed this. Ma Wu has a friend named Li Qi."

"Are you targeting Li Qi because you want to get the Xuansheng Red Lotus in his hand?"

Wan Jinxian did not deny it: "You saved Ma Wu, wasn't it for Xuansheng Honglian?"

Cuitike shook his head and said: "That's not true, I have no interest in Xuansheng Honglian."

Wan Jinxian sneered.

Cui Tike said: "It doesn't matter if you don't believe it, but I am telling the truth. Li Qi and I are friends, but I am really not interested in Honglian.

What really interests me is you. You and the Ling brothers, as well as some other people, some people with status, status and strength in Puozhou, all seem to be following the orders of an outsider, right? ? "

Wan Jinxian did not answer.

Cui Tike asked again: "That foreigner's name is He Jiaqing, right?"

Wan Jinxian still didn't speak.

Tritik licked his lips.

The herpes on Wan Jinxian's left hand has subsided a lot.

"Brother, did you see it? I can cure herpes on your body, but you can't cure it yourself. Your life is in my hands."

Wan Jinxian sighed and said: "You once attacked He Jiaqing, don't you know the inside story?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wan Jinxian had more herpes on his body.

Cui Tike frowned slightly and said: "Brother, don't ask me back, otherwise you will pay the price. Since He Jiaqing is your leader, does your organization also have helpers?"

"That's right. Jiaqing gave us the name Brotherhood. We all call each other brothers."

"What is the purpose of setting up this gang? He Jiaqing is the heir of the He family. He is neither short of money nor status. What exactly does he want to do?"

Wan Jinxian looked at Cui Tike and said slowly: "He wants to recreate a different Puozhou."

"Different? What's wrong with Puozhou? What kind of Puozhou does he want?"

Wan Jinxian thought about the appropriate way to tell it: "I don't want to ask you a question, I want to know one thing. Have you been to Neizhou?"

Cuitik nodded and said: "I've been there and took the road to lead me there. It's a disgusting place.

But the people there are very nice to me. In the inner state, they would call me a friend, and they are even nicer to me than the people from other states.

The people who treat me the worst are the people in Puzhou. They always call me a damn foreign devil. In fact, I am a good foreign devil, and I love Puzhou very much. "

Wan Jinxian said: "If you have been to Neizhou, you should know some things. You should know how much suffering those practitioners who have passed the tenth level have suffered in Neizhou."

Tritik nodded and said, "I know that."

Wan Jinxian added: "As for Waizhou, let alone it. As long as you have had contact with the customs envoys, you should know how much oppression Puozhou has suffered from Waizhou."

Tritik nodded: "I know something about this too."

"Prozhou has suffered too much, being ruined by the inner and outer states.

He Jiaqing once told me that he wanted to regain the dignity of Puozhou and let everyone in Puozhou live with dignity.

I trusted this little brother, so I followed him. Do I make myself clear this time? "

Cuitik nodded: "This is a great person, I respect him very much."

Wan Jinxian looked at the herpes all over his body and said: "Junior brother, I lost to you. I am very convinced. I have seen countless diseases in my life, but I have never seen such a difficult rash."

Cui Tike smiled and said: "Is it more difficult to deal with than the rash you put on He Haiqin's body?"

Wan Jinxian blinked and smiled helplessly: "You also saved He Haiqin? I really admire you. You are really my nemesis.

Now that I have lost, if you want to kill me, do it quickly. If you can let me survive, you can make conditions. Don't hang on like this and make both of us uncomfortable. "

Tritik thought about it for a while and took a deep breath.

The rash on Wan Jinxian's body disappeared quickly.

"Junior brother, are you going to let me go without any conditions?"

Cuitik shook his head and said: "The conditions must be there. I am very interested in your brotherhood and I want to hear more about you. Can you tell me?"

You’ve already taken away the lesions, and you still want to hear what I have to say?

This foreign devil really thinks of me as his senior brother?

Wan Jinxian asked: "What else do you want to hear?"

"I want to hear about the future."

Wan Jinxian was startled: "How do I know what's going to happen in the future?"

Tritik smiled and said, "Then tell me when you know."

The words were a bit convoluted, but Wan Jinxian understood.

He touched his back with his hand and felt a crystal clear herpes.

Cuitik stood up and said: "Brother, there is always a herpes on your body that will not go away. I can't tell which one it is.

If I want to know about the Brotherhood in the future, you must tell me. "

PS: Don’t worry about Jiaqing, the sibling alliance is very big and he has many brothers.

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