Lord of Ashes

Chapter 98: Refresh cycle

Moreover, the point of the matter is that what Zhang Yanhang has always wanted is to leave these bazookas to trackers, not wanting to waste them on other monsters, so he has never used bazookas, but has always only used grenades and bullets. Hunting monsters, after all, grenades and bullets are counted by the box, which is quite wealthy.

   After drawing up a plan to clean up the middle-level area, Zhang Yanhang checked the refreshing situation of the slot machines. Not surprisingly, after twelve hours of sleep, the slot machines were refreshed again.

   "This time, you can be sure that the slot machine is refreshed once a day, so let's clean up the third prize in the slot machine first.

   Although the first and second prizes have not been refreshed this time, the third prize is also very fragrant. One hundred monsters can drop at least a dozen treasure chests. There are also monsters like lickers and beta hunters that can drop green treasure chests. "

   After sorting out various things a bit, and then putting on all the equipment that had been taken off because of sleep, Zhang Yanhang skillfully carried the slot machine to the pit downstairs.

   After repositioning the slot machine in its original position, Zhang Yanhang began to pull the metal joystick on the side of the slot machine in a familiar way.

   [Please select the specific content of this lucky slot machine draw]

  [Option 1:??? (third prize, nurse zombie, first-order sporadic, ordinary monster.)]

  [Option 2:??? (third prize, husky zombie, first-order one-star, ordinary monster.)]


   [Option 36:??? (Third prize, licker, first-order two-star, ordinary monster.)]


   [Option 92: ??? (Third prize, beta hunter, first-order three-star, ordinary monster.)]


   [Option 189:??? (Fourth prize, thank you for your patronage, no physical prizes.)]


   "Huh? It seems a bit abnormal this time."

After Zhang Yanhang checked the list of options carefully, he found a problem. Although the order and type are slightly different, this time there is still only one first-order three-star beta hunter, which did not appear as before. increase.

   As for the other ninety-nine monsters, they are 36 first-order sporadic ordinary zombies, 18 first-order sporadic police zombies, 30 first-order one-star zombie dogs, and 15 first-order two-star lickers.

That’s right, it’s exactly the same as the last prize pool. At most, only a small number of Doberman zombies have been replaced by other types. Moreover, the types of ordinary zombies have also undergone subtle changes, such as nurse zombies and drivers. Zombies and the like are not considered common species.

However, although the variety is not common, the strength is exactly the same as that of ordinary zombies. Therefore, in general, the prize pool content is almost unchanged. After all, although these zombies have special names, the things opened in the treasure chest are the same as ordinary zombies. be consistent.

   "Then, the question is, why has the prize pool content been refreshed this time, but there hasn't been much change?"

   Zhang Yanhang clearly remembered that every time he refreshed, there would be more high-star monsters in the prize pool, but this refresh broke this rule.

He feels that there are only two possibilities for the content of the prize pool to be refreshed repeatedly. The first possibility is that just refreshing a beta hunter is already the limit of the third prize pool, and it can no longer be refreshed. More beta-type hunters have come out, so the prize pool content will remain the same as last time.

   But Zhang Yanhang felt that the upper limit of the slot machine prize pool should not be so weak, so Zhang Yanhang felt that the second possibility might be more reliable.

Zhang Yanhang used to go to the slot machine to draw the third prize every time before he killed a more powerful monster. For the first time, the third prize pool of the slot machine was still in the initial state, but the second time the slot machine was refreshed. Because he had already killed the licker, there was a licker in the prize pool.

   When the third prize pool was refreshed, he had just killed the beta-type hunter for less than an hour. This time, the beta-type hunter appeared in the prize pool accordingly.

   However, Zhang Yanhang did not kill any new monsters this time. He was only cleaning the outer area of ​​Raccoon City repeatedly. The outer area only had lickers, zombie dogs, and ordinary zombies.

  The tyrants with strength up to Tier 2 and 1 star only appear in the middle area and the core area, while the gamma-type hunter, who is the same as the beta-type hunter and the first-order three-star, lives in the sewers, and he also can't touch it.

At present, Zhang Yanhang only has these two monsters in Raccoon City and has not yet begun to clean up. The others are either on the verge of extinction or most of them have died out~www.novelmt.com~ Only these two monsters are still carefree and happy. Le's life is in this raccoon city where two-thirds of the area has been emptied from the false state of'death' at the beginning to the real state of'dead still'.

   "So, I feel that the reason why there is no change in this bonus pool refresh, I am afraid it is not because I did not kill new monsters during this round of refresh cycle."

   Zhang Yanhang felt that the second possibility he had guessed was far more reasonable than the first one. After all, this slot machine was also a special item derived from the mysterious world of ashes, and it shouldn't be that weak.

   "If you want to verify this possibility, the best way is to kill a tyrant or gamma hunter now, and then wait for the next prize pool refresh to see if new monsters appear in the prize pool."

But Zhang Yanhang feels that this matter is not urgent now. He should do it by the way when he cleans the middle area. After all, since he wants to clean the middle area, it is impossible not to meet the tyrant. Since he must meet the tyrant, then It also means that he will kill the tyrant.

   The tyrant of the report group in the core area may not have any confidence for the time being, but there are ways to not invade the body, and the tyrant who crosses the ranks should be no problem.

   "But before that, let's brush one hundred monsters in the third prize. I choose option 1, the first-order sporadic nurse zombies."

Zhang Yanhang had already seen the zombies of nurses when he was cleaning up the hospital in the outer area of ​​Raccoon City. However, the zombies of nurses in Raccoon City are not very attractive. I don’t know if it’s because of the national conditions of the United States. Most of them are. It was disguised by the aunt's zombies, so the entire exploration process of the hospital can only be said to be unsatisfactory.


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