Lynn responded very quickly.

He didn't even think about why the Duke was killed or who killed him.

This kind of thing is basically like lice on a bald man's head.

It was obvious that someone was trying to frame him.

Lynn snapped her fingers.

All the candlelight in the room was instantly extinguished, and it suddenly fell into darkness.

He also jumped from the window sill and landed on a soft ground.

It turned out that someone had already laid a thick layer of hay outside.

It was probably an escape route prepared for the assassins.

The castle was already in chaos.

There were torches and chaotic footsteps everywhere.

There were cries and screams.

Everything indicates that the enemy has already started taking action.

Linn whistled slowly.

Several people in black cloaks suddenly tore through the night and appeared in front of him.

These people are all members of the cape team that Linn trained before.

Specially responsible for gathering intelligence and acting as spies.

While Lin En was attending the banquet, he had already arranged for them to carry out activities in secret.

Now is the time to use them

"Lord Lynn, this is your coat."One of them handed over an inconspicuous brown coat.

Linn took the coat and began to issue new instructions:

"Go and inform Lady Sylvie, as well as Sir Lewis and Eden. Also, don’t forget to call my father-in-law.

Take them all to the designated place to meet."

The members of the cloaked team nodded silently and quickly disappeared in different directions.

Linn put on his coat and covered his hood to conceal his identity.

He turned into the main road of the castle and escaped into the crowd inconspicuously.

Deliberately. Pretending to be panicked, he started walking to the pre-arranged location.

These days, when other guests thought that Linn was just attending the banquet, he had already secretly ordered his wife Sylvie to make the members of the cloak team active. In the Duke's castle.

Even before Linn himself officially arrived at the banquet, his spies had lurked into the Duke's castle as early as August 17th.

A lot of useful information was obtained through coercion and inducement.

The so-called designation Location.

That is, a secret passage that can lead to the outside of the castle.

No matter how strong the castle is, several secret passages will always be reserved at the beginning of construction so that when the castle is lost during a siege, the nobles still have an escape channel.

And The same castle would change hands many times in the hands of different nobles, and each new ruler would always create a new passage that only he knew.

But he often forgot to make up the passage left by the previous lord.

Over time, these There are so many secret passages that even the new ruler may not be aware of them.

Linn has to thank Sylvie for this.

If his wife hadn't taken him everywhere to experience newlywed life in Mons Castle, Linn might not have known about such things..

Now the gate of the castle must have been closed, and the suspension bridge is still folded.

Only by taking a secret passage can you escape smoothly.

Linn waited at the meeting point for about ten minutes.

Everyone was brought over.

Except Sylvie and In addition to the female knights, there were also Lewis and

Sir Aiden. Earl Norton looked unhappy.

He had just left the banquet and was about to go back to his room, but was suddenly stopped by soldiers from the Walter family.

The guards claimed that he had committed treason. For a crime, he was sent to the dungeon on the Duke's order.

Norton was naturally confused.

He was still immersed in the joyful atmosphere of the banquet a moment ago, so why did he suddenly become a rebel?

Although he knew that something was wrong, he didn't Dare to resist.

You can only choose to obey.

Just when they were about to become prisoners, these guards were suddenly overpowered by a group of mysterious men in black cloaks.

Before Norton could figure out the situation, they were brought here again.

"It was a fucking hell today!"Norton cursed.

But when he found that Lin En was there, he was stunned immediately:"Huh? Is this some special entertainment?"

Not long after, new black cloaks arrived.

They brought Earl Norton's wife and family.

Linn said lightly:"It seems that everyone is here. Let's go on the road first. I will tell you later. explained."

The cloaked team led the way and got into a long-abandoned drainage channel. The iron fence inside had been cut off in advance.

The group successfully escaped the search of all the guards through this secret passage.

Linn was also prepared outside the castle. manpower.

The two cloaked members had been waiting for a long time.

There were dozens of fast horses behind them.

Linn asked everyone to mount their horses.

He first led everyone to join the more than a hundred female knights who stayed outside the castle.

In this way, Even if there are pursuers, they will not be his opponent.

Before leaving,

Linn glanced at the Duke's castle from a distance.

It was brightly lit and there were several times more guards than usual.

His eyes were deep and cold.

Master Fitch , if you knew that I came from the Dragon Kingdom in my previous life, you would definitely regret playing any conspiracy with me.

In my eyes, these little tricks of yours are as childish as a child playing house.

When I come back here with my army, You will clearly realize this.

After a pause, Linn ordered:"Let's go."

Then he kicked the horse gently with his feet.

Everyone left under the cover of night


In the castle.

Fitch was pacing anxiously.

Tonight's action can be regarded as a big gamble for him.

But when things got to this point, he had to make a choice.

Fitch's hatred of Lynn was long-standing.

Today in the arena, the reason Heyman used when challenging Lynn for a duel was actually Fitch's innermost thoughts.

It was he who taught Hyman word for word.


He was the man who had always been resentful of Lin En for taking away Julia.

Ever since he saw Julia at a party a few years ago, Fitch had been deeply attracted by her beauty.

And has always regarded her as the love of his life.

Although he is physically weak, he is still the duke's heir.

And this brainless Sir Norton.

She would actually marry such a beautiful daughter to a mere baron.

Isn't this an insult to him?

Or is it contempt for their Walter family?

Wouldn't marrying Julia to me be worse than marrying a baron?

Fitch had hoped to use Earl Gordon's help to get rid of Linn on the battlefield.

As a result, Linn defeated Earl Gordon at a huge disadvantage.

The foolish father actually handed over the Mons area to Linn's rule.

Today he encouraged Heyman to challenge Linn and wanted to kill Linn with the help of the Black Knight.

As a result, this bastard actually has such outstanding personal strength!

So much so that Fitch's original idea of finding an assassin to assassinate Linn was immediately abandoned.

If even the Black Knight is no match, how can any assassin kill Linn?

No wonder, no wonder Norton would like him! Fitch smiled miserably.

Even though he didn't want to admit it.

But Linn is indeed stronger and better than him in every aspect.

But the more this happens.

Fitch became more jealous and resentful of Lynn.

He wished that Linn would die immediately, and the more miserable the death, the better!

And that old thing, you think I don’t know.

If it weren't for the fact that Diana is a woman, you would definitely let her inherit your position and then kick me away!

If you had a choice, you would definitely prefer Lynn to be your son, not me!

When Lynn proposed to Diana in the arena.

Duke Vincent looked so happy.

Fitch saw all this.

You can't blame me, you must die! I am your only legal heir! You should have died long ago!

Fitch also knew that his father had been pretending to be ill.

He always secretly uses longevity potion to forcefully extend his life.

Fitch knew better.

Duke Vincent is even secretly looking for a suitable woman. He wants to give birth to a son in his twilight years - a healthier and stronger heir.

A brother who can take everything away from Fitch

"Do you think I'm as useless as you think? Old stuff."Fitch started talking to himself.

He looked at the dancing candlestick, his expression gradually became crazy.

"It would be great if you could still live to see everything tonight.

Your son, who has always been looked down upon by you, easily ended your lingering life, and also made Linn a traitor!

He got rid of two of the most annoying bastards in the world in one fell swoop.

How's it going, old guy? You should be very happy about this, right?

Just wait, Sir Nick is coming to tell me the good news soon. If your soul is still wandering around the castle, you should hear it with your own ears."

The candlelight was swaying in the wind.

This made Fitch believe that his father's soul was in the room - he should be impressed by himself, right?

The door was lightly knocked.

"come in."He calmed down and pretended to be calm. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The person who came was none other than Sir Nick.

He is Fitch's confidant. He is also the captain of the castle's guard.

Tonight Everything was planned by Fitch and then handed over to Sir Nick for execution.

Fitch gave him a new town as a fief in return.

After the event is completed,

Fitch will also marry Sir Nick's daughter and make her a duchess.

"Is everything done?"Fitch asked

"There was an accident. Our people searched almost the entire castle, but did not find Linn.

Even the two knights he brought, his wife and all his men, and even Earl Norton's family were missing."

"This cunning bastard!"Fitch coughed violently again:

"From the battlefield, to the duel, to today evening!

Why is he always so lucky again and again!"

Fiqi's eyes were red.

He slapped his hand on the wooden table.

Because of the excessive force, his finger was broken.

But Fiqi didn't care at all.

Compared with the failure of his wish, this pain is nothing.

"Where is the old man?"


"Finally there is something comforting."

Feiqi retracted his hand.

Perhaps out of resentment, or perhaps because his hand began to hurt.

Feiqi spoke with gritted teeth:"Control all the noble family members who came to the banquet!

They were then summoned to the hall, where the vassals could come and swear allegiance to the new duke.

Plus, I had to announce to them that Lynn was the murderer of my father.

Now that the sinners have escaped, they must gather an army to join me in the crusade against the rebels!"

"obey.."Nick's face was gloomy and he slowly exited the door.

He walked too fast, too hastily.

Didn't notice the stone pillar outside the corridor.

There is a beautiful and bright figure hiding there.

Diana was just outside the door and heard the conversation between the two clearly.

She already knew the whole story.

Her brother actually murdered his biological father.

Family misfortune!

There were two lines of tears on Diana's face.

She really didn't like Duke Vincent.

But now he is dead.

Only then did Diana realize that it was her father after all.

She did not alert her brother, but chose to leave the main castle quietly.

Find a horse from the stable.

In the name of searching for traitors, he deceived his family's guards and left the castle through the gate.

Diana had two paths in front of her.

Going south can return to the headquarters of the Knights of the Dawn, where you can put aside all disputes and continue to become a servant of the gods.

Or go all the way north, and you can follow Linn's footsteps from this road.

Go tell him the truth and join his side, becoming enemies of your own family from now on.

Diana glanced up at the moon.

Then tighten the reins.

Without hesitation, he drove his horse and galloped towards the north.


Linn and his party rode wildly on horseback.

In just one night, we were almost at the border of Tusk.

Right now, we are tired and need a rest.

The horse's speed also slowed down a lot.

Earl Norton, who had been silent all the way, finally asked his doubts.

"Lynn, what the hell is going on? Why did the Duke's men regard me as a traitor, and why did you rescue me?"

Although he realized that something must have happened in the castle, he didn't know the details.

Lynn's answer was very brief:"Fitch killed his father and wanted to blame the incident on I.

And because of the relationship between our two families, he plans to use your life to threaten me."

"this——?!"Norton was stunned:"The Duke is dead? Or was he murdered by his son?"

Patricide is a heinous crime.

Once someone does such a crazy thing, it means that he must give up everything and use whatever means necessary!

Only then did Norton realize how dangerous the night was.

If Linn hadn't noticed in advance, his whole family might have died in the dungeon of the castle. could Linn know this in advance?

Since he did something so rebellious and unethical, Feiqi should have done it very secretly.

"How did you know?"Norton asked.

Linn felt that the most important thing now was to hurry up and not waste time here.

In addition, he didn't want others to know that now he had a team of spies who specialized in spying on intelligence.

They were frequently active in the dark, asking for information on various matters for him. news

"It's all speculation on my part, Sir Norton. The most important thing for us now is to quickly return to our respective fiefdoms.

I think Fitch will blame all this on me.

Even if I run away tonight, he will threaten me with force. including you.

What we have to do now is to return to the fiefdom and gather soldiers to prepare for the battle"

"guess?"Earl Norton's heart was shaken by huge waves.

Faced with such an unexpected incident, he had no psychological preparation at all. He was almost taken to the dungeon on the spot at 0.4.

And his son-in-law was actually able to have such keen observation skills.

What's more , Can such detailed arrangements be made in advance?

Tunnels, horses, and so many elusive men.

This son-in-law of mine is really not simple...not like his father and brother at all...

Not only can Linn escape easily, He also saved everyone around him by the way.

This cannot be explained by a simple guess!

Norton himself was panicked.

But in his son-in-law, he only saw calmness, a terrifying calmness!

"Don't worry Lynn, I will support you firmly this time as well.

It's just...most of the lords in the duchy are now in Fitch's castle, and they are outnumbered.……"

"Uh... two respected adults, we can discuss these troublesome matters after we go back. Sir Aiden suddenly interrupted:

"Now let's think about the trouble at hand. Our horses can't run anymore. What if there are pursuers?"

"You don't have to worry about this, I've already prepared it."Lynn said.

He led everyone to continue walking for another ten minutes.

Next to a wooden bridge crossing the river.

Several knights were surprised to find that two more men in black appeared here.

Behind them, dozens more people were also prepared. A well-rested horse.

Needless to say, this must also be a transfer horse arranged by Lynn in advance.

Earl Norton took a breath:"Lynn, is this even part of your plan?"

"Always be cautious in everything, this is my ancestral motto."Forest���He smiled and said:"Gentlemen, please change your horses."

The group put on new horses and galloped in the wilderness again.

No matter how many pursuers the Walter family sent, they would never catch up with them.

Earl Norton whispered:"I don't remember the Cassar family having such a motto.……"

Lynn had no reply.

After all, this ancestral precept has nothing to do with his family in this life..

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