After agreeing to a series of unfair treaties, Leng Xuan finally gained his freedom and ran into his bedroom as if he was running away. After taking a rest, Leng Xuan heard Li Mengjie's voice outside the door: "Bodyguard Leng, come out quickly, someone is looking for you."

After hearing this, Leng Xuan opened the door and saw Li Mengjie looking at him with her mouth pouted, her face full of displeasure. He couldn't help but wonder, this girl had taken so many benefits from him just now. She was so happy at first, but why she suddenly changed her attitude again.

"Who's looking for me?"

Li Mengjie glared at Leng Xuan and said, "Merry Ghost, don't ask me, you can find out by yourself in the living room."

"Merry Ghost?" Leng Xuan couldn't help but be surprised, why did he get such a nickname again. He shook his head with a wry smile and walked directly to the living room. Then, at a glance, he saw Ning Xiner standing at the door, holding a square object wrapped in a black plastic bag. Only then did he remember that Su Zhenggang had said that someone would send over yesterday's surveillance video from the morgue, but he didn't expect that the person coming would be Ning Xiner.

No wonder that girl Li Mengjie looked unhappy and said that she was a romantic ghost because a beautiful woman came to find her.

As soon as Leng Xuan walked in, he heard Ling Xuejiu calling for Ning Xin'er to come in and sit down, but Ning Xin'er politely refused: "Thank you very much, I'm just here to deliver something and I'll leave right away, so I won't disturb you. "

At this moment, Ling Xuejiao saw Leng Xuan coming and didn't say anything. She glared at him and then backed away. Leng Xuan walked to the door and said with a smile: "Long time no see, Captain Ning."

Ning Xin'er had never had a good impression of Leng Xuan, and she was full of resentment towards him. She pushed the items in her hands into Leng Xuan's hands with a cold attitude, and said in a cold voice: "The things have been delivered, I'm leaving." After that, she turned around and left, seemingly unwilling to stay for a moment.

Leng Xuan said with a smile on his face: "Captain Ning, thank you very much. Come and sit down often when you have time." He originally thought that Ning Xin'er would not pay attention to him, but he did not expect that Ning Xin'er turned her head after hearing his words. She said, "It's better to come and sit here. Come and sit at my place more often. It's best to sit here for a lifetime." After the words fell, she turned around and walked out.

Leng Xuan couldn't help but smile bitterly. This girl was obviously cursing him in a roundabout way, and he wanted to sit through the bottom of the cell to make her happy. After closing the door, he returned to the bedroom and took out the contents of the black plastic bag, only to find a computer CD. So, he turned on the computer and put the CD into the optical drive. After a while, a folder appeared on the computer screen.

Opening the folder, there was a video recording inside. After clicking on it, Leng Xuan saw a huge morgue, filled with rolling beds, with a corpse lying on each rolling surface. wearing white cloth. After the scene remained like this for about a few minutes, a group of people walked in, more than twenty people in total. Judging from their clothes, they should be the family members of the deceased mentioned by Su Zhenggang.

Those people gathered around the three corpses. They didn't know what they were saying, but they all looked heartbroken, sobbing and wiping their tears. After another ten minutes or so, a figure suddenly broke into the morgue. Leng Xuan immediately shrank his eyes and looked at it carefully. He knew that the target had appeared.

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