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Chapter 999 Rebuild the Three Hammer Council?

Since the Dark Iron dwarves were freed from the enslavement of the Fire Elemental, the Dark Iron King Dagran Thaurissan and Queen Moira have been looking for a chance to reintegrate into Azeroth.

The high elves who helped the Dark Iron dwarves regain their freedom are undoubtedly the best matchmakers.

It's a pity that the territory of the Dark Iron Dwarves is located in the scorching valley and burning plain in the south-central part of the Eastern Kingdom, far away from Quel'Thalas in the northern border of the Eastern Continent.

And both areas are deep inland and inaccessible by sea.

Since the Dark Iron dwarves have not yet formally reconciled with the Bronzebeard and Wildhammer dwarves, Quel'Thalas is not open to blatantly establishing trade routes with the Dark Iron dwarves across Khaz Modan's territory.

The two ZTE Lords of the Dark Iron Kingdom, Dagran Thaurissan and Moira, both intend to change the status quo.

It's a pity that Moira was too decisive when she left Ironforge, so it's not easy to look down and ask her father to bow her head and give in.

Sharlayan only received a letter from Unicorn City in the last day or two.

The Black Iron King and Queen commissioned him to test the tone of the Wildhammer and Bronzebeard two dwarf tribes, to see if they could lead to a formal peace meeting among the three dwarf tribes.

After the death of Anvilmar, the king of the mountains, the three major tribes of the dwarves set off a civil war that was recorded in the history books, known as the War of the Three Hammers in history.

As a result of this war, the Dark Iron Dwarves were defeated. Both Emperor Thaurissan and Queen Modgud were killed on the battlefield, and they found themselves a slave owner who was not easy to serve.

Although the Wildhammer dwarves lost their capital, Grim Batol, they got a blessing in disguise during their migration. Fortunately, they met the griffins of Eagle's Nest Mountain, and developed the Wildhammer Gryphon Rider who was later famous throughout Azeroth.

The Bronzebeard dwarves who guarded Ironforge were the biggest winners in the War of the Three Hammers. The father of the three Bronzebeard brothers, Madoran Bronzebeard, took the throne from the descendants of Anvilmar and passed it on to him before he died. The eldest son Magni.

The stable rule of the Bronzebeard family over the Kingdom of Khaz Modan lasted for more than 200 years, and their position is already stable today.

The Wildhammer dwarves have developed their own unique development path in the past 200 years, and they don't care much about the throne of Khaz Modan, which was inextricably contested with Bronzebeard and Black Iron back then.

But the Dark Iron Dwarves still can't let go of this obsession. Dagran Thaurissan and Moira hope to restart the Three Hammers parliamentary system, so that the representatives of the three major tribes can jointly rule in Ironforge in a parliamentary system. .

When the representatives of the Wildhammer and the Bronzebeard clans finished reading the documents inscribed on the stone slabs by the Dark Iron dwarves, the expressions of the two representatives changed in different ways.

The Wildhammer dwarves were noncommittal to the proposal of the Dark Iron dwarves. It was gratifying that the Council of Three Hammers could succeed, but it didn't matter if it failed. At worst, they could continue to live their lives in the Hinterlands.

The reaction from the Bronzebeard representative was more intense. If it wasn't for Sharlayan's face, the fiery dwarf would have jumped up and cursed on the spot.

Thinking about it, the Bronzebeard Dwarves have held the throne of Khaz Modan for more than 200 years, and the Black Iron Dwarves want to share some of the power with empty words. How can it be so easy.

Seeing the Bronzebeard representative blushing and holding back his anger, Sharlayan shrugged helplessly: "Don't be so excited, let's send the news of the Dark Iron Dwarves' intention to reconcile to Ironforge first."

"After the negotiations on the terms of the peace talks, you can send professional diplomats and the black iron dwarves to slowly negotiate."

"As for the Wildhammer Kingdom..."

Sharlayan turned his gaze to look at the representative of the Wildhammer who was still with the old god and looked at the show.

"Falstad also needs to know the news as soon as possible. There are Wildhammer dwarves who are relatively neutral to make peace. I believe that the three-party negotiations should finally achieve a good result."

Having said everything that should be said, Sharlayan bid farewell to the two dwarf representatives with interest, and returned to the seat near Quel'Thalas.

"How? Are they done talking?"

Valeera nodded and then shook her head again: "The initial intention to resume trade has been reached. The follow-up detailed negotiations will require diplomats from several parties to sit down and talk slowly. The results should not be reached in a day or two."

This situation is exactly in Jialia's arms. Her purpose is to use sweet bait to attract the attention of the leaders of other human kingdoms, and eventually lead to a real summit meeting to seriously discuss matters related to rebuilding the alliance with the kings.

So far, the national congress has come to a successful conclusion, and all countries, including the host Lordaeron, have gained something from the meeting.

The gnomes of Gnomeregan, like Quel'Thalas, spent the entire meeting swindling.

The Wildhammer dwarves and the Bronzebeard dwarves did not obtain any valuable gains through the content of the meeting itself. On the contrary, the black iron document handed over to them by Sharlayan caused a disturbance in the two countries.

As expected by Sharlayan, Falstad, the acting Lord of the Wildhammers, did not clearly express his support for the reconstruction of the Council of Three Hammers. He seemed to be hesitating whether to side with the Dark Iron Dwarves in this matter for the benefit of the country and the race. .

As for the Bronzebeard dwarves...

The hot-tempered Magni immediately jumped out to express his resolute opposition, and spoke publicly, ordering Thaurissan to let his daughter back, otherwise he would let the Dark Iron Dwarves who had lost the protection of the fire element know the power of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan .

Of course, Dagran Thaurissan could not be subdued, and the Dark Iron Dwarf and the Bronzebeard Dwarf started a war of words in the air.

Falstad, who was undecided, quickly stood up and called on both sides to exercise restraint. It would be best to find an opportunity for their respective diplomats to sit down and talk slowly, without sending troops to fight at every turn.

The Kingdom of Khaz Modan was also severely damaged in the Second Orc War. The territory other than Ironforge was looted by the orcs, and it was not until the last two years that it gradually recovered.

In fact, Magni was just saying that. The local military conflicts with the Dark Iron Dwarves in the Badlands in the past few years have caused a lot of burden on the kingdom.

Muradin, who is still on the front line, has called for many times to stop fighting. It is really time to sit down and have a good talk with the black iron dwarves who have been freed from the enslavement of the fire element.

Besides, the ambiguous attitude of the Wildhammer dwarves also worried Magni. He felt that the old boy Falstad seemed to be tempted by the proposal of the Dark Iron dwarf.

At this juncture, Brian, who had been archaeological all over the world, suddenly came back.

The thieves of Backlight Blade didn't find out what Brian had said to Magni in private, but only knew that the two brothers had an unpleasant quarrel.

A few days after Calia's enthronement ceremony and the ensuing congress, Sharlayan led the delegation to bid farewell to the Queen of Lordaeron, who had officially enthroned, and sent them directly back to Silvermoon City to report on her duties.

After listening to Sharlayan's report on the results of the trip, Kael'thas happened to ask him about the three-hammer council that had caused a lot of turmoil among the dwarves recently, and it was a moment of entertainment after busy work.


Speaking of the free and easy Bronzebeard Prince, Sharlayan said with some emotion: "Only looking at the overall situation, Bryan who focuses on the whole world should be the best of the three Bronzebeard brothers."

"As the patriarch of the Bronzebeard clan, Magni naturally has to consider the interests of his own clan. He obviously doesn't want to give up the vested interests that the Bronzebeard dwarves have already held, which is understandable."

"Similarly, Muradin, who has great influence in the military, will also give priority to race and national interests. He can't focus on the overall situation like Bryan and say whatever he wants."

"I guess, Brian should be careless in persuading Magni to agree to the rebuilding of the Council of Three Hammers, and quarreled with Magni, who was already furious recently."

As the president of the Explorers' Association, an international non-governmental organization, Brian was very indifferent to the differences between races and countries. There were members of all ethnic groups in the Explorers' Association, including but not limited to dwarves, gnomes, and humans.

When Sharlayan went to Uldaman to look for Azadas last time, he even saw a frost troll from an unknown clan digging hard along with his colleagues from the Explorers' Association.

Kael'thas also had the opportunity to get in touch with Bryan when he was studying in Dalaran, and he very much agrees with Sharlayan's evaluation of Bryan.

"I don't know how the tribal negotiations will end. The position of the Wildhammer dwarves seems to be wavering."

Sharlayan smiled and nodded: "If the Council of Three Hammers can be rebuilt, the Wildhammers can also get some power. Of course, Falstad is happy to see it."

"The reason why I haven't been able to make up my mind is that I don't want to offend the Bronzebeard tribe who have finally eased their relationship because of this crucial statement."

"However... I think he will make a decision in favor of the Wildhammer clan in the end. There is a high probability that the Council of Three Hammers will be rebuilt, but the process will definitely not be so smooth."

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