Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 997 Confrontation

There is a classic saying in the different world where the barrage netizens live, which is called family ugliness, and there are folk proverbs with similar meanings in Azeroth.

At the beginning, Calia generously admitted that Lordaeron had been biased against the allies of the alliance in the past, which somewhat surprised the representatives present.

But at the same time, this unabashed frankness also initially demonstrated Lordaeron's determination and sincerity to reshape the alliance under the leadership of Calia.

The leader of Dalaran, Ronin, has a straightforward personality. When other representatives were still exchanging glances to discuss countermeasures, he was the first to stand up and ask a sharp question.

"Queen Calia, I do feel sincerity from your attitude and words."

"But with all due respect."

Luo Ning looked at the mild-mannered Calia with piercing eyes: "Lordaeron has been pursuing authoritarian rule since hundreds of years ago, but your national policy will really affect the countries of the Eastern Continent, and you still have to start from Lordaeron." The period when the country’s power took off began to be counted.”

"Now that Lordaeron is in a period of weakness, it is understandable to put down your figure and rebuild the alliance."

"But how do you ensure that Lordaeron will not repeat the mistakes of the former king Terenas after it rises again?"

After several generations of forbearance and development, when the throne of Lordaeron was passed to the hands of Terenas Menethil, the Kingdom of Lordaeron, which had accumulated enough heritage, finally began to show its edge to the outside world.

In the early days of Terenas' rule, Lordaeron had already shown an aggressive attitude, but at that time, Lordaeron was still unable to overwhelm its neighboring countries in terms of national power, which was not bad compared to the middle and late stages of Terenas's rule. Relatively restrained.

The turning point of the situation was the first orc war that destroyed the Stormwind Kingdom.

Before the Dark Portal opened and the orcs invaded Azeroth, the Kingdom of Stormwind and Lordaeron faced each other far away, and their national strengths were almost equal.

Under the protection of the guardians of Karazhan and Tirisfal, the Kingdom of Stormwind, which lives alone in the southern part of the mainland, is faintly stronger.

When the Stormwind Kingdom tried its best to resist the attack of a large number of elite orcs alone, the then king Ryan Wrynn asked the northern countries for help many times, but he never got a positive response.

On the one hand, it is because the northern kingdoms where the sky is high and the emperor is far away have not correctly recognized the strength of the orcs, and on the other hand, it is also because Deathwing, who is lurking in Alterac, is playing tricks in the dark, deliberately downplaying the orc invasion in front of the high-level officials of all countries. threaten.

Of course, Terenas, who is happy to see the national strength of the Stormwind Kingdom decline, is also unavoidable behind the scenes.

But Terenas didn't expect that the orcs had amazing fighting power and destroyed the Stormwind Kingdom, which was the most powerful in all human countries.

It wasn't until Anduin Lothar, the descendant of Emperor Thoradin, fled to Lordaeron with the young Prince Varian and the people of the Stormwind Kingdom that Terenas realized that he had made a big mistake by raising tigers.

Perhaps it was because of the guilt of his own decision-making mistakes, or perhaps because he believed that the once-destroyed Kingdom of Stormwind could no longer pose a threat to Lordaeron's leadership.

During the time when Varian was in exile in Lordaeron, Terenas taught him a lot of ways to be a king very carefully, which to a certain extent made up for Varian's lack of education after King Llane was assassinated by Garona.

It is also for this reason that Varian has always been grateful to Terenas after returning to Elwynn Forest to restore his country, and has never publicly opposed any of his decisions. Deaf and dumb.

It wasn't until Terenas was bedridden that he could no longer manage the council, that Varian officially began to fight for the leadership of the alliance, and that time happened to be the time when Calia and Arthas were fighting the most intensely.

Although Luo Ning's questioning was a bit sharp, it hit the nail on the head and expressed the biggest doubts in the hearts of many representatives.

Long before the national congress was held, Calia had made corresponding preparations for the possible questions raised by various countries.

Facing Luo Ning's doubts, Jialia smiled and said with an unchanged expression: "Even if I make an empty promise here, I think some representatives who have prejudices against Lordaeron will not believe it easily."

"Since this is the case, how about letting Lordaeron prove it with practical actions?"

"It is a pity that the leaders of various countries were not invited to participate in today's conference. Rebuilding the alliance will not be completed overnight. It requires everyone to work together and prepare for it in advance."

"Everyone may wish to convey Lordaeron's attitude back first, how about observing Lordaeron's performance and determination in the last few months before the Dark Portal opens again?"

As Calia said, since Lordaeron had a history of defrauding its allies before, it was difficult to convince the already wary representatives of various countries that there was nothing to be said.

From Calia's standpoint, she still hopes to truly call the leaders of various countries to come to Lordaeron to sit down and have a good discussion.

This time the congress is mainly to convey Lordaeron's intention to rebuild the alliance to the countries, and by the way, to answer some doubts raised by some representatives on this matter, and to deal with some issues that will help ease the relationship between the two parties.

After Rhonin sat back in his seat, Prince Liam, the representative of the Kingdom of Gilneas, got up to ask questions.

"Queen Jialia, after observing your ruling style in the past two years, I would like to believe your promise from a personal standpoint, but..."

Liam shrugged helplessly: "You also know our king's stubborn temper, he insisted that Lordaeron took advantage of the post-war distribution of the Second Orc War, and he has always been worried about it .”

Representatives of the Kingdom of Stormgard also took the opportunity to ask the same question.

Because Galin Trollbane, the father-killing superior, spent a long time in drinking and drinking, and had no intention of taking care of the state affairs, Stormgard's national power plummeted after Solas' death.

Of course, this phenomenon is not just a problem for Galin alone. The rise of the Deadwood Troll and the foreign Stonefist Ogre are also a major cause.

Although the Regent Council tried hard to govern after overthrowing Galin's rule, the situation in Stormgard was really hard to return to.

The external military pressure that has continued to this day has made Stormgard's finances even worse.

But they still can't reduce defense spending, otherwise the Witherwood troll and Stonefist ogre who have been eyeing for a while will be able to enter Stromgarde again in a few minutes.

This vicious cycle has made the Stormgardians miserable. Over the years, refugees whose homes have been destroyed by trolls and ogres have crossed Thoradin's Wall to settle in Hillsbrad Hills.

The loss of population has further exacerbated the decline of Stormgard. The Regency Council has tried many methods but is unable to reverse the current situation and can only barely maintain it.

The impoverished Stormgard is looking for some extra money to ease the domestic decline. Now that Lordaeron intends to ease the relationship with countries that have had conflicts in the past, they will of course want to take this opportunity to make a fortune.

Anyway, there is that old stubborn Gilneas in front.

Calia could understand the appeals of Gilneas and Stormgard. After all, Lordaeron did not behave properly in the spoils conference that year.

Terenas, who was eager to unify the Seven Kingdoms, swallowed the whole of Alterac in one gulp, leaving no soup for other countries. Resentment is strange.

Moreover, this unreasonable mouthful also left infinite hidden dangers for Lordaeron.

Until the start of the Battle of Alterac, Lordaeron failed to completely control the territory that originally belonged to the Kingdom of Alterac, and bandits were always rampant in the snow-capped mountains.

The Syndicate, which is making trouble everywhere, and the Ravenholdt Manor, which has been active for the restoration of the country, are secretly doing things, and the mayor of Steinbrad's battle loss rate has repeatedly hit new highs year after year.

After repeated attempts to rectify to no avail, Terenas, whose ambitions gradually declined as he grew older, simply failed.

This is also the reason why Jia Liya's original proposal for peace talks won the support of many Lordaeron officials.

The management expenses invested in Alterac every year have caused a lot of financial pressure on Lordaeron, and the most troublesome thing is that they cannot make ends meet.

The income from Hillsbrad is all filled into the orc shelter and Alterac Snow Mountain, and the central Lordaeron needs to subsidize some more.

This loss-making business has been going on for several years, and of course there will be dignitaries who can settle their accounts and stand up to offer opinions.

The group of people who opposed the peace talks mainly cared about Lordaeron's face, and they were forced to spit out the land they ate, which would damage the image and influence of Lordaeron's big brother.

After getting rid of the burden of Alterac, Lordaeron readjusted the allocation of resources under the auspices of Calia.

After 2 years of relief, the huge consumption of orc shelters has received less and less funding, and the defense force has also become weaker and weaker.

Many shelters were successively breached by the guerrillas led by Orgrim and Hellscream under the attitude of Lordaeron's high-level officials turning a blind eye, which in turn reduced Lordaeron's financial pressure in disguise.

Facing the questioning from Stormgard and Gilneas, Calia responded mildly with an unchanged attitude: "Didn't we reach an agreement on the uneven distribution after the war in the negotiations at the end of the war two years ago?" Consensus?"

"Please forgive me, Lordaeron has already paid enough for the matter of Alterac, we have no obligation to pay your country any compensation."

Liam had expected Calia's answer. If his old father hadn't told him to make trouble for Lordaeron before he set off, he wouldn't have come forward to mention it at all.

Gilneas, who is still relatively wealthy, can not care about compensation, but Stormgard is anxious.

Before the member of the Regency Council could speak again, Jia Liya interrupted him by raising her hand: "Member Lanthemar, don't worry."

"Although Lordaeron will not directly compensate in any form, we are willing to reopen the bilateral reciprocal trade with Gilneas and Stormgard, which should alleviate the problems facing Stormgard to some extent. financial crisis?"

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