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Chapter 995: The Lich King in Desperation

The Rivendell family has been a hard-core moderate against Quel'Thalas since more than 2,000 years ago. After all, the trade with the high elves is related to their family and territorial interests.

Calia stood up and stated that she would participate in the struggle for the throne. She stated her political views at the beginning, and she promised to start repairing the relationship between many neighboring countries, including Quel'Thalas, Gilneas, and Kul Tiras. .

Since they share the same political stance, Baron Rivendell did not hesitate to side with Calia during the civil war, and the final result proved that he was indeed right.

After learning that Calia would expedite her enthronement ceremony in the near future, the delegation led by Baron Rivendell set off from Stratholme as quickly as possible, and finally arrived at the royal city across half of Lordaeron before the deadline.

Knowing that Baron Rivendell came all the way to congratulate her, Calia warmly invited Baron Titus Rivendell to the palace to have an audience.

Kel'Thuzad, who is full of death power, cannot use the holy light as a cover to pass the inspection like Faol did.

Staying outside with nothing to do, after finishing the action of persuading Arthas, he concealed his identity and came to the Quel'Thalas embassy to visit his old friends without anyone noticing.

Kel'Thuzad has done his best to complete the task Ner'zhul gave him.

What kind of choice Arthas will make in the end, Kel'Thuzad does not dare to guarantee 100%, and can only speculate through his demeanor to have a greater grasp.

Putting aside the matter of Alsace for the time being, Sharlayan chatted with the rare visiting Kel'Thuzad about the free undead like Faol, and then mentioned Gadin who used the escape scroll to escape.

As a senior cadre of the Scourge and the right-hand man of the Lich King Ner'zhul, Kel'Thuzad knows the situation of the Scourge like the palm of his hand.

"Free undead..." Kel'Thuzad pondered for a moment: "You said that, I do occasionally see some high-level undead showing a confused look, and this kind of situation usually appears in the Lich King. while you're doing other things."

Sharlayan was not surprised by this. The Helmet of Dominion created by the Soldier Lord indeed has a powerful ability to increase the spiritual power from the soul, but it is not unlimited all-weather after all.

For example, Ner'zhul wearing the Helmet of Dominion has 100 points of mental power. In most cases, he will use most of the amount to control the intelligent high-level undead under his command.

But when Ner'zhul used these mental power quotas to other places, his mind control over the high-level undead would inevitably be reduced.

If you don't observe carefully for a long time, after the control power is weakened, it is difficult to pay attention to the strange expressions displayed by some high-level undead.

After Sharlayan gave a reminder, Kel'Thuzad quickly grasped the pattern, which once again proved that the Lich King was not as omnipotent as he boasted.

If at the beginning Kel'Thuzad still had some expectation of learning knowledge from Ner'zhul, after so many years of getting along, he has already seen clearly the true knowledge reserve of the so-called Lich King.

If one were to talk about astrology, divination, or even knowledge about evil energy, Ner'zhul, who was born in the Shadowmoon clan and had learned knowledge from Gul'dan's skull, could speak clearly and clearly.

But in terms of death spells, even Gul'dan only had a half-knowledge, and Ner'zhul, who could not inherit the relevant knowledge, could only be blinded.

If it wasn't for a certain "ally" in the Shadow Realm who revealed some relevant information from time to time, and holding the Helmet of Domination, which is a powerful weapon to forcibly control the soul, Ner'zhul might not even be able to perform well in front of his subordinates.

With Sharlayan's advance notice, Kel'Thuzad had no fan filter for the Lich King, and soon learned about his details through non-trivial routines.

This sober cognition further strengthened Kel'Thuzad's relatively flexible position. He would not always tie himself to the Scourge's chariot.

Most people who engage in academic research do not have a firm stand like Kel'Thuzad.

In the words of the barrage, most of these people who pursue the truth wholeheartedly and have no other distractions are mothers.

Whoever can provide them with the knowledge they need, they will work for that person for a short time, until one day when your value is exhausted, they will leave without hesitation and look for the next target.

After seeing Ner'zhul's true face, the reason why Kel'Thuzad remained in the Scourge was, on the one hand, to improve his own research and experiments by utilizing the large amount of resources related to spiritism possessed by the Scourge.

On the other hand, it is also because lurking in the Scourge as a spy can gain more knowledge about the Shadow Realm from Sharlayan.

Unlike the boastful Ner'zhul, Sharlayan actually went to the Shadow Realm in person, and made a big fuss there. He still bears the title of acting Marquis of the Secret Academy of Maldraxxus.

From the kitten named Mr. Bigworth raised by Kel'Thuzad, it can be roughly seen that Kel'Thuzad is not a completely rational person without emotions, and there is still a soft part in his heart.

For those who are recognized by Kel'Thuzad, he is willing to give more patience to maintain a long-term friendly relationship, and Sharlayan is one of them.

After talking about Faol and the free undead, Sharlayan changed the subject and mentioned Gadin.


Mentioning this person, Kel'Thuzad's slightly stiff face immediately showed displeasure.

"I admit that he is indeed gifted and talented in spiritism, but his character is too arrogant, and he always wants to step on everyone's head and speak high."

"Perhaps in order to balance my overly concentrated power in the Sect of the Damned, after accidentally discovering Gadin, the Lich King quickly reused him."

"I guess, Ner'zhul should want to use him and me to restrain each other, so that neither of us can hold the power alone."

Sharlayan nodded calmly and commented: "It's very common for a ruler to deliberately stir up competition among subordinates, so as to prevent subordinates from clumping together and threatening their dominance."

"One thing to say, most people who like to play this kind of tricks lack confidence in their commanding ability and personality charm, which is very in line with Ner'zhul's cowardly character."

Kel'Thuzad shook his head with a sneer: "If this mission fails, Gadin will inevitably bear the punishment of the Lich King's wrath. His rising momentum should weaken, and it won't be able to really affect my status in at least 1-2 years." threaten."

"If the plan to lure Arthas succeeds, my position with the Scourge will once again be secure."

"With no other right-hand man available, Ner'zhul can only choose to continue to trust me even if he is worried that someone can take power alone."

Ner'zhul, the Lich King, is different from regular leaders because he has no entity and cannot move freely. He can only remotely monitor the actions of his subordinates through the spiritual power of the Helm of Domination.

Out of respect for Kel'Thuzad's capable subordinate, Ner'zhul would greet him in advance before he set his sights on him, so that Kel'Thuzad could make arrangements in advance.

After the operation of persuading Arthas ended, Kel'Thuzad had just communicated with Ner'zhul remotely, and then the Lich King turned his attention to other places, and temporarily had no time to pay attention to the follow-up development of the situation.

After learning from Kel'Thuzad what Ner'zhul was paying attention to recently, Sharlayan laughed on the spot.

"Solazar Basin? Has that guy not given up yet?"

The undead didn't have any strict requirements on the living environment. What Ner'zhul valued was not the warm climate of the Sholazar Basin, but the various natural resources in this Titan greenhouse.

Since Fandral Staghelmet reached a cooperation with the Nerub Kingdom under the help of Sharlayan and strengthened the defense against the underground of the Sholazar Basin, Ner'zhul sent people to sneak into the Sholazar Basin many times, but Nerub The bugman quickly grabbed it out.

With the efforts of a large number of druids, the Pillar of Blood, which was contaminated by the power of death, is gradually recovering.

Facing the complete Sholazar's enchantment, Ner'zhul felt as if he could not eat a turtle.

Not only the Sholazar Basin, but under the large-scale investigation of the Nerubians, the undead nerubians who sneaked into the Borean tundra are also not comfortable.

These unsatisfactory chores involved a lot of Ner'zhul's energy. He was devastated all day thinking about how to maintain the Scourge's underground forces in western Northrend, and he didn't have much time to pay attention to the progress of Kel'Thuzad. When it is time to attach myself to ask about the situation.

"By the way, there are a few questions I've been meaning to ask you."

After talking about the recent events in Azeroth, Kel'Thuzad finally turned the topic to the Shadowlands.

"What happened to the Shadow Realm before you? What is the situation in the Shadow Realm now? Who is the 'ally' who secretly communicated with Ner'zhul?"

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