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Chapter 975: Uther's Decision

Qingfeng Village is located on a highland in the west of the central part of Yongge Forest. It is built next to the mountains and extends in all directions.

On the way from the south of the forest to Silvermoon City, there are only two parallel footholds, one of which is Qingfeng Village under the name of Yanying Family, and the other is the Eastern Temple managed by Fire Feather Family.

Compared with the Eastern Temple, which has a solemn atmosphere and stricter censorship for outsiders, business travelers and tourists in the past prefer to settle in Qingfeng Village.

Not only because of its popularity, Qingfeng Village is also the nearest village to Yangfan Port. Anyone who intends to visit Yangfan Port or go to sea will have a high probability of passing through Qingfeng Village.

Of course, there is also another direct road to Yangfan Port, which can be directly northward from Jinzhi Valley near the southern part of the forest.

Due to the sins committed by the orcs when they invaded, the once densely vegetated Golden Branch Valley was burned into a piece of scorched earth, and was renamed Scorched Valley by the locals for a long time.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the local lord and the cabinet, Jinzhi Valley has not gradually recovered its old appearance until recent years.

As the most important transit point on the way to Silvermoon City, Qingfeng Village has a large flow of people throughout the year, and there are a large number of noble manors scattered around Qingfeng Village.

The banquets held by the nobles near Qingfeng Village are almost non-stop. For those who like to enjoy themselves, living near Qingfeng Village means that there will be new surprises every day.

Therefore, besides Silvermoon City, Qingfeng Village is also the place where you can experience the noble and corrupt life of Quel'Thalas the most. Every year, it attracts a large number of tourists from home and abroad to visit here.

Although Qingfeng Village is the capital of the Yanying family's territory, their lord's mansion was not built inside Qingfeng Village where there was too much traffic, but was built on the outskirts of Qingfeng Village in the form of a manor.

This Flaming Eagle Manor was where Sharlayan planned to meet Baron Rivendell.

Baron Rivendell is currently busy fighting for territory on the banks of the Sodoril River with the "hillies" in Darrowshire. It will take some time to prepare for his return to Stratholme, and the meeting is scheduled for a week later.

During the waiting time of this week, new changes took place in the battle situation of Lordaeron.

Arthas and his army were initially caught off guard by Calia's surprise attack, but there was a gap in the strength of the two sides after all.

After the initial dangerous moment, Alsace's army gradually took the initiative on the battlefield.

If Alexandros Mograine, who was in charge of Calia's army, hadn't adjusted his strategy in time, the fierce counterattack planned by the Alsace side would probably have caused huge damage to Calia's army.

Even if they escaped this crisis, the Princess faction's army still inevitably fell into a disadvantage on the battlefield.

At the same time, the Knights of the Silver Hand led by Uther and Dathrohan began to act aggressively in the royal city of Lordaeron.

Uther, who is determined to eliminate all demons, is more radical. Anyone who finds collusion with the demons, the Knights of the Silver Hand who hold the orders of both the prince and the princess, will take them away without hesitation and take them away for strict inspection. What is your identity.

Uther hoped to catch the leader of the demonic spies lurking in Lordaeron as soon as possible, but it was not a day or two since the Dreadlord sent people to infiltrate Lordaeron, and the intricate network of relationships made Uther's scalp tingle.

Doing extraordinary things in extraordinary times, Uther gritted his teeth and treated all those who colluded with the devil equally, regardless of the risk of offending others.

This caused the Knights of the Silver Hand to offend a large number of nobles in just one week. Alsace and Calia could see more than a dozen memorials to impeach Uther every day on their desks.

Calia and Arthas were outraged that Lordaeron had been infiltrated into a sieve by demons.

If they were to make a move, the two members of the royal family would not be able to think of a safe solution for both.

Since Uther took the initiative to stand up as the offending knife, the two of them ignored his aggressive behaviors that offended others, and allowed Uther to conduct a large-scale heresy trial in the city.

Lordaeron's paladins are devout, and the power of holy light is relatively pure. Their holy light will react sensitively to the evil energy that is considered evil, and noble officials related to demons will catch one.

Here, Calia and Alsace are fighting in full swing around Brill, and Uther is also making noise in the city. Lordaeron, which has been quiet for a long time, seems to have entered an era of turmoil overnight.

In the process of Uther and others' selfless investigation of nobles' collusion with demons, the knight order clerk in charge of statistics accidentally discovered a pattern.

"you sure?"

Facing the frowned and questioned by the leader Uther, the clerk of the Knights Order, who was under a lot of pressure, nodded with difficulty.

"Master, people may lie, but data will not."

"According to the list submitted by you and Deputy Head Saidan, among the nobles and officials who have colluded with the devil, more than 75% are on the side of Prince Alsace."


Uther was a little dumbfounded by the result: "How could this be? There are only less than 25 on Princess Calia's side?"

"No, it's less than 15%."

Clerk Knight pushed the monocle: "The other 10% did not stand between the two royal families, and even... some of them came from within the Knights of the Silver Hand."

This explosive news caused Uther, who was always energetic, to stagger a little. With Saidan's support, he sat down on the chair with a pale face, which frightened the clerk of the Knights Order who reported the truth.

Saidan with a tired face smiled wryly and waved to the other party: "Thank you for your hard work, you should leave first, let Uther take a good rest."

"Yes Yes!"

After everyone in the room left, Uther came back to his senses a little, and gave his answer to this phenomenon in a self-deprecating manner.

"The rise of Princess Jialia is too short. I'm afraid even the devil didn't expect her to rise suddenly. The attention paid to Princess Jialia is obviously not enough."

"In contrast, if there is no accident, Alsace, as the crown prince, will naturally succeed as the new king, and it is not surprising that he has become a key infiltration target of the devil."

Saidan Dathrohan sighed silently: "What should we do next? According to statistics, the people we have found so far are just the tip of the iceberg. If we continue to dig deeper..."


Uther Shuangyang looked at the ceiling blankly: "I know that according to this ratio, continuing to investigate will definitely affect the competition between Alsace and Calia, and even...determine the outcome of this internal struggle."

Saidan opened his mouth several times to say something, but he finally chose to remain silent because of his stupid mouth.


A new voice came from outside the door: "Are you planning to give up now? Just because our action to eliminate evil may interfere with the 'fair' fight for the throne between the two royal families?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Uther and Saidan lifted their spirits at the same time.


A burly old man with half-white hair wearing paladin armor walked in from the door holding a warhammer. He was one of the first generation of paladins, the lord of Hearthglen Tirion Fordring, and also Ugly Friends of Thrall and Saidan.

"Ha!" Putting down the heavy hammer, Tirion gave the two old friends a big hug: "Long time no see, you look a lot older."

Uther, who has been frowning lately, finally showed a smile on his face: "Old man, you came at the right time, we just need people."

"I'm afraid it's not just a lack of people."

Tirion smiled meaningfully: "Because the involvement is too wide, the two of you cannot make up your mind to continue the investigation. At this time, it is necessary to introduce a third person with weight to avoid an embarrassing tie in the vote."

"Come on, old rules."

Tirion reached out and patted the shoulders of the two old friends: "I support the continued action."

"Regardless of the outcome of the battle for the throne, Lordaeron will continue to grow."

"The demons infiltrating the entire territory of Lordaeron have become a big problem that can't be eliminated. Now is not the time to worry about the old feelings. The opportunity to fight is fleeting."

Sai Dan also nodded solemnly: "Our action to startle the enemy this time has already made the other side vigilant, and the pressure from the noble officials is their hysterical restlessness."

"I suggest to continue to act, to get rid of the evil, and not to let these disgusting parasites continue to lie on Lordaeron's body and suck blood!"

"even if……"

Saidan pursed his dry lips: "This will cause Alsace's unidentified comments to spread throughout the country, which will raise Princess Calia's prestige in disguise."

Uther hesitated for a while with his face changing, and under the silent gaze of Tirion and Saidan, he finally made up his mind and opened his bloodshot eyes.

"As the head of the Knights of the Silver Hand, I give an order to the entire Knights to continue the operation! Get rid of the threat of demons as soon as possible before the other party comes up with a feasible solution!"

"Regardless of the identity of the person who colludes with the devil, all are treated equally, and no tolerance will be tolerated!"

"Even if..." Uther's eyes flashed: "Even if the person who colludes with the devil is the confidant who is accompanying Prince Alsace and Princess Calia."

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