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Chapter 971 The Undercurrent Behind the Civil War

Just when the Duke of Deep Shadow held a banquet in his own territory for all the noble families in the southern part of the forest, the situation in Lordaeron changed further.

Under Calia's initiative, Alsace, who was forced to respond urgently, was obviously not prepared enough.

The first shot of this small-scale civil war was unsurprisingly fired in the King City of Lordaeron, and the city defense forces belonging to the two forces "accidentally" fired their guns during the confrontation.

This musket shot that exploded completely ignited the sparks, and the already tense two sides subconsciously attacked each other as if they had received a signal.

Sharlayan has always believed that those large-scale events that can affect the pattern of the continent are all made up of many small incidents that happen by chance.

From this point of view, there seems to be nothing questionable about this misfire.

However, Sharlayan never believed too much in the judgment of inertia, he needed to see more practical evidence.

Under the in-depth investigation of the elite thieves of Backlight Blade, they really found something suspicious.

"Evil energy? Are you sure?"


With a serious expression, Valeera placed a small piece of broken gun barrel left by the explosion on Sharlayan's desk.

"This is the evidence sent back by the head of Lordaeron's intelligence department, Daniel Moonhunter. It has been preliminarily inspected by the arcanists ahead, and there is still a small amount of evil energy remaining in the barrel."

Salayan turned his head to look at Stellagosa at the side with a solemn expression, Little Xingxing comprehended and put his plain white hand on the barrel of the gun to examine it carefully.

As a blue-white soft light swept across the tattered gun barrel, Stellagosa frowned.

"The judgment of the front-line arcanist is correct. An extremely small amount of evil energy can still be detected in the barrel. The reason for the explosion of this gun may not be that simple."

With the infighting of the city defense team as the fuse, both inside and outside the Royal City of Lordaeron fell into chaos.

The two forces loyal to Calia and those loyal to Alsace finally stopped covering up, and they couldn't wait to try to completely overwhelm each other, hoping that the heavy bets made by their respective families would see returns as soon as possible.

Under the restraint of Alsace and Calia, they did not go too far, at least for the time being, the flames of war did not spread to the ordinary people in the royal city.

At this critical juncture, Gilneas, Alterac, Dalaran, Stormgard and other countries have all prepared their melon seeds and are waiting for a good show.

But they didn't intend to take the opportunity to send troops in a feverish manner.

Now that Lordaeron has no external worries, the siblings can use their energies on each other with confidence.

Once a foreign enemy invades, Calia and Alsace, who are already on good terms, will probably make peace quickly, just venting their internal conflicts on this young bird.

Maybe there will be a race between the two parties to see who can solve the problem first and gain points for themselves in the battle for the throne.

The leaders of other human kingdoms are not stupid, and they will not jump out stupidly at this juncture to be the first bird.

The place where the fighting is fiercest today is near the satellite town of Brill outside the royal city.

In addition to the Tirisfal Glades directly under the Menethil royal family, the lords of Hearthglen, Andorhal, Darrowshire, East Weald and many other places also stood in their own teams.

However, these outgoing lords have not fought with the nearby neighbors who disagree with each other for the time being...except for those who have deep conflicts with each other, and they just took the opportunity to show each other a little bit of color.

The lord of Hearthglen, Tirion Fordring, still upholds the position of the Knights of the Silver Hand and remains neutral between the two parties.

But in fact, Tirion's heart is more inclined to Princess Calia, who has a more stable ruling style, but because of the choice of the former king Terenas, he can't say much, so he simply doesn't help anyone.

As the most important granary of East Tirisfal Glades, Andorhal's position is crucial.

Unfortunately, Andorhal is the territory of the Grand Crusader Saidan Dathrohan, and he has never made a clear choice between the two forces.

Compared with the relatively peaceful East Tirisfal Woodlands, East Weald, which is farther away from the royal city, is another situation.

The two administrative regions of East Weald, South and North have taken completely opposite choices.

Darrowshire firmly stood on the side of Alsace, while Stratholme, influenced by Quel'Thalas, clearly supported Princess Calia.

As for Tyr's Hand and Light's Hope Chapel, which belonged to the Knights of the Silver Hand, they both chose to be neutral.

From this, it can be seen that the influence of the core members of the Silver Hand in the Kingdom of Lordaeron can be seen in almost every important node of the Knights.

According to the information from Stratholme, the new Baron Rivendell, who has just replaced his retired father, has sent troops through the Darrow Mill Trail, trying to control the East Tirisfal Forest crossing into East Weald. The river must pass through the bridge.

As long as the control of the banks of the Sodoril River can be won, Stratholme can completely cut off the road from the direction of the king's city, so that Darrow County will not receive any new supplies.

In order to ensure their own supply routes, Darrow County is naturally not to be outdone. The vanguards of the two sides have already clashed several times on the east bank of the Sodoril River.

Far away on Caer Darrow Island, on the other side of Lake Darrowmere, the Barov family belonging to the Kingdom of Alterac was gloating and watching.

The Barov family was severely beaten by Lordaeron when it came to the succession of Alterac.

Although they breathed a sigh of relief through the Battle of Alterac, Alex also saw the true colors of the two sons Alex and Wilton who had placed high hopes on him. He could only let go of the hope of continuing the family inheritance. On the younger daughter Jandice.

Alterac, who was still recovering, did not intend to participate in this internal strife in Lordaeron, but this did not prevent the Barov family from watching the show up close.


Sharlayan looked at the dilapidated barrel in front of him thoughtfully: "Stella, what do you mean, someone injected evil energy into this barrel in advance, and detonated it by remote control at the most critical moment? "

Stellagosa nodded solemnly: "Maybe there are some discrepancies in the details, but the general idea should not be wrong."

"This local dispute was designed by someone long ago, and those with evil intentions may not be able to wait any longer."

During the Battle of Alterac, the dreadlords who were planning plots in the dark of Lordaeron once jumped out to make trouble, but they failed to cause any big waves at that time.

The species of the Dreadlord is very difficult to deal with. The original intention of Emperor Denathrius when he created them was to make them the best spies and insert them into the various forces in the universe.

Dreadlords are not only good at camouflage, their power compatibility is also very strong.

The Nathrezim family comes from the Shadowlands, and the normal use of it is of course the power of death.

But ironically, the Dreadlord species is best known for its background in the Twisting Nether dominated by the Burning Legion, and most people are most impressed with their power as fel energy.

According to the bullet screen, even Zela, the mother of the Holy Light, has a rare giant bat of the Holy Light, Losaxon, and it is probably a spy that Denathius deliberately placed in the Legion of the Holy Light.

The source of the battle for the throne of Lordaeron came from Calia and Arthas' mutual desire for the throne, but there must be other forces behind them to fuel the flames.

No need to think too deeply. First of all, Ner'zhul will definitely not let go of this excellent opportunity. The Burning Legion will naturally raise their stakes in this civil war. They all hope that Lordaeron will be as chaotic as possible.

As a target for Sharlayan to deliberately push forward to attract firepower, Lordaeron has completed its "task" very well over the years.

At least at this stage, Backlight Blade, which has been on high alert, has not found traces of being infiltrated by the Dreadlord inside Quel'Thalas. Most of the spies of the Burning Legion have gone to Lordaeron, the strongest kingdom in the Eastern Continent.

Sharlayan had no intention of directly intervening in the competition between Calia and Alsace. Once this kind of interference in other countries' internal affairs was exposed, it would definitely have a huge impact on his personal reputation and the image of Quel'Thalas.

But if a suitable entry point can be found, Sharlayan can get involved with valid reasons.

Helping the "friendly neighboring countries" who are too busy to catch the Burning Legion spies is a perfect reason, and now, this excuse has been sent to Sharlayan.

Sharlayan, who had planned for a long time, just pondered for a moment before making up his mind.

"Valeira, send a letter to Calpurnia, asking her to publicly inform Alsace and Calia of the results of this investigation through the channel of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the grounds that there are external forces interfering in the civil war."

"In addition, inform Daniel Moonhunter to continue to act, and it is best to catch the tail of the cursed sect."

Sharlayan looked up at the huge map hanging on the wall: "You are neutral in the civil war, fighting against the Burning Legion and Scourge, there is no reason for you not to move, right?"

"Silver Hand, once you break the original plan and move, it's up to you to stop it."

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