Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 964 Vereesa's Growth

From the standpoint of Sharlayan, and even Quel'Thalas, of course, he hoped that Calia, who was more gentle with Quel'Thalas, would win the final victory in this battle for the throne.

Even though it has declined in recent years, Lordaeron, with its huge territory and large population, is still the well-deserved first kingdom of the Eastern Continent.

Not even the stubborn Greymane of Gilneas would force his tongue in such a place.

It's not as good as it is. Jean Greymane, who has not yet become a wolf king, can afford to let go. This is the most basic tolerance for a qualified king.

Although Sharlayan very much hopes that Calia will be able to turn the tide and ascend to the throne, judging from the current situation, if there are no major changes, Alsace, who has been the orthodox heir for more than ten years, will still take more initiative right.

This is why Sharlayan arranged for Nathanos to go to Calia's side to help.

On the one hand, it was to find a good future for her friend, and on the other hand, she wanted Nathanos to help Calia with her weak military strength.

As it turns out, Nathanos is doing pretty well.

Under the orthodox ranger-style training he learned from Quel'Thalas, although the newly formed hunter troop is not as good as those old and powerful troops in terms of actual combat experience, at least it has initially shown its prominence in Lordaeron.

Since human beings do not have the powerful eyesight and hearing of the high elves, it is not feasible to simply reproduce the way of the ranger. Human rangers as talented as Nathanos are only a minority after all.

At Sharlayan's suggestion, Nathanos joined another special training program - the cultivation of animal companions - in addition to the regular ranger training.

If their own conditions are not enough, animal companions are used to make up for the gap between the hunter and the high elf ranger in terms of perception.

If they cooperate tacitly enough, well-trained animal partners can also provide a lot of assistance to hunters in battle and further enhance the combat effectiveness of hunter troops.

Sharlayan also thought about cultivating a group of hunters in Quel'Thalas, but within the scope of Eversong Forest, whenever a long-range unit with a bow is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is a ranger.

The inherent thinking that has been cultivated for more than 7,000 years is not so easy to change. There are long-established rangers guarding the frontier all the year round. Quel'Thalas has no urgent need to form a hunter army. Sharlayan can only temporarily put this idea aside.

The reason why Vereesa transformed into a Beastmaster Hunter was partly because she felt that she could not surpass her two sisters in the pure ranger way, and planned to find another way.

On the other hand, the adventures she got during her travels in the Broken Isles in the early years were also an opportunity to change her mind.

A few years ago, Vereesa and Ulan Gaoling, the chief of the Gaoling tauren tribe, received the entrustment of the secret passage to go to the Storm Fjord to hunt down a ferocious black panther named Dakar, trying to take back from it. The long-lost Talon of the Eagle.

Known as the spear of the wild gods, the eagle's claw is an artifact passed down from generation to generation by the Gaoling tauren family. It was first inherited from a tauren named Moron Gaoling. Blessed by the spirit of the god On'hara.

During the subsequent generations of inheritance, the eagle's claws have been blessed by many demigods of the wilderness one after another, and officially promoted to become a divine weapon.

The legendary chieftain of the Gaoling tribe, Hun Gaoling, once held this artifact to participate in the War of the Ancients, and assisted the coalition forces in finally repelling the Burning Legion.

According to the tradition of the Gaoling tribe, the Eagle Claw will be passed on to the best hunters in the current tribe.

When the news of Dakar's misfortune to the wilderness reached Thunder Totem, a hunter named Narmus Gaoling set off with the Eagle Claw as his duty.

However, Narmus failed to return in triumph in the end, but was buried under the claws of the mysterious beast named Dakar, and the eagle's claws were lost.

Under the guidance of On'hara after many years, Vereesa and Ulan defeated the contemporary Dakar together, and retrieved the spear of the wild gods that had been dusted for many years.

In order to thank Vereesa for her help, Ulan Gaoling made a bold decision to hand over the eagle claws that have been passed down from generation to generation in the Gaoling tribe to Vereesa who personally defeated Dakar.

In addition, Vereesa accidentally found a black panther cub in Dakar's lair.

The little black panther who inherited the blood of Dakar was born with great potential. After several years of training by Vereesa, this black panther, which she named Fogland, had already grown up.

While Vereesa was guarding Dak'Saron Fortress, Mist Realm was also active on the front line with its master.

After learning that she was about to be transferred back to China, Vereesa, who wanted to go on a trip to relax, entrusted the mage of New Sandara to teleport the fog back to the territory of Windrunner.

From the moment she obtained the Eagle's Claw and the Fog, Vereesa gradually changed her fighting style, from the previous style of mainly relying on long-range shooting to the current long-distance balance.

With the eagle claws, Vereesa abandoned the ranger's usual dual-wielding short knives, and skillfully wielded heavy spears in close combat, and together with the increasingly tacit coordination of the fog, they launched front and rear flanking attacks on the enemy.

The real Azeroth does not have as many restrictions in the game as the barrage said.

As long as it can be distracted and controlled well, the hunter can command multiple animal partners at the same time in battle.

However, the animal companion obtained for the first time was a high-standard individual like Fogland, which made Vereesa's selection of animal companions far higher than that of ordinary hunters.

During the years of guarding Northrend, Vereesa chose left and right but could not find a second animal partner that satisfied her. It was not until she followed Sharlayan to the Sholazar Basin that she tamed the local pterodactyl. Wang – Air Force One.

According to the barrage, Azeroth has a very small number of powerful animal spirits called spirit beasts. If they can be found, it should further improve Vereesa's combat ability, which has completely transformed into a beast king hunter.

The barrage netizens provided Salayan with the approximate locations of some spirit beasts. Just a few days ago, Salayan unreservedly shared all this information with Vereesa.

Knowing that there are several soul beasts in the Northrend continent where she has lived for several years, Vereesa, who still has a half-month vacation, is very itchy. To the ice and snow Northrend continent.

There are flying mounts looking down from the sky, and Sharlayan speculates that before the end of the holiday, Vereesa should be able to tame at least one spirit beast.

Before setting off, Vereesa made a promise to Sharlayan.

Regardless of the outcome of this trip to find animal companions, she will rush back to participate in the celebration banquet hosted by Sharlayan in the territory.


"Soul beast, is there such a magical species in Azeroth?"

In the court of the Sunstrider, after learning of Vereesa's whereabouts from Sarlayan, Kael'thas was quite surprised by the concept of spirit beasts.

"I really want to see what kind of existence these animal spirits are."

The legend of the soul beast is mainly circulated among the secret passages of the ancient hunter organization, and it is difficult for outsiders to know the true or false news.

Sharlayan shrugged to Kael'thas: "Maybe after Vereesa returns, your wish will be granted."

"Let's not talk about that for now." Sarlayan changed the subject and talked about another matter that he talked about before: "As for the deal between me and Fandral, are you sure you can convince the cabinet to agree?"

"Hmm..." Kael'thas groaned and rubbed his chin: "The Grizzly-throated Furbolg has no major problems. Let the diplomats go over and they should be able to convince them."

"After all, the furbolgs are natural allies recognized by the night elves. They also love nature as much as the night elves. Their hometown can plant such a tree of life that harmonizes the environment. They have no reason to object."

Sharlayan: "So the problem is still with the New Sandarra?"

"Well." Kael'thas said with a wry smile, "Although I have tried my best to change Quel'Thalas' old-fashioned ideas in recent years, this kind of thing still cannot be done overnight."

"Acandor in Crystalsong Forest has been planted for several years. Even though they no longer have to bear the task of producing a large amount of fruit, the local residents have long been accustomed to its existence, and wanting to change rashly... I'm afraid it will not be so easy. "

Sharlayan sighed in understanding: "That's right, following the rules is one of the racial characteristics of the high elves."

"Well, I asked Fandral not to change the appearance of Arcandor as much as possible, but to remodel and upgrade it from the inside. This should be able to block the mouths of those who don't want to change to a certain extent."

Kael'thas nodded: "Actually, many people don't really want a life that remains the same, they just formed a fixed habit in the past hundreds or even thousands of years."

"As long as the shape doesn't change significantly, I believe that many people don't even realize that the Miracle Tree they have been watching for several years has undergone earth-shaking changes."

forgot to set the timer...

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