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Chapter 960 The Strangeness of the Sacred Tree Sassala

The blue dragon clan's ambassador to Wyrmrest Temple is named Athoregus.

Inheriting the weird XP tradition of the blue dragon clan, this dude actually fell in love with a disembodied soul healer.

After Malygos gradually woke up from madness, he called back all the outgoing blue dragons, including Athoregus, back to the Demon Hub, and reassigned their duties. Began serving as the blue dragon's ambassador to Wyrmrest Temple.

Facing Onyxia, the "unprovoked person" second only to Chromie in the clan, Aisoregus did not dare to raise any objections to her request, and consciously opened a direct eternal connection for the three of them. The remote portal of Song Forest.

With Athoregus "volunteering to help", Salayan and Vereesa did not need to go back to New Sandara to transfer this process, and directly returned to the familiar Eversong Forest through the portal.

"here it is……"

Sharlayan looked around in surprise. Above his head stood a towering giant tree with luxuriant branches. There was only one place for such a huge tree in the entire Eversong Forest.

"Sacred Tree Sas'Allah? Is this the Temple of Desom?"

Sharlayan scratched his head in doubt: "Why did you send us here?"

Onyxia shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "The Temple of Dysum is the place where the magic net is the most abundant in the southern part of Eversong Forest. It is normal for Athoregus, who is not familiar with Eversong Forest, to choose this place."

The Temple of Dytholme, which enshrines the sacred tree Sas'Allah, is located at the southernmost tip of Eversong Forest, only one mountain away from Stratholme City, the capital of the East Weald region under the jurisdiction of Lordaeron, and not far to the east is Frontier gate of Quel'Thalas.

"It's just right for me."

Vereesa comforted the pterodactyl "Air Force One" who experienced the portal for the first time and looked a little uneasy, while waving goodbye to Sarlayan and Onyxia.

"I'm leaving first. My vacation is about half a month away. I just go home to see how the family affairs have been ruined by Lailas' stick."

The territory of the Windrunners is close to the western coast of Eversong Forest, from the Tower of the Windrunners to the Windrunner Village near the Arendar River.

Kael'thas gave Vereesa a month's rest, after which she had to go to Silvermoon City to report on her duties and receive new official duties and tasks.

In the past few years, under the protection of Vereesa, New Sandara has been in a state of peaceful development, and Vereesa will naturally receive some awards for her achievements.

After receiving the establishment and new missions, Vereesa will lead a part of the local ranger troops all the way south to stay in Fort Watch in the Blasted Lands for a long time, monitoring the latest movements of the Dark Portal at any time.

Since Kael'thas has raised the standards for entrusting noble titles in recent years, Vereesa, who has no outstanding military exploits, should only be rewarded with some property and official positions.

Vereesa herself didn't care much about this. She cared more about the safety of her eldest sister Aurelia who had been missing for several years than her title.

Watching Vereesa ride Air Force One and fly in the direction of Windrunner Village, Sharlayan and Onyxia did not leave the Temple of Desom immediately.

Looking back at the still-unchanged holy tree Sass ALS Leian seemed to hear some kind of call, so he simply closed his eyes and tried to perceive it.

An inexplicable strange feeling gently stirred his soul. After repeated confirmation, Sharlayan was basically sure that this very primitive desire to communicate came from the sacred tree in front of him.


After reopening his eyes, Sarlayan touched his chin with great interest: "After more than 7,000 years of nourishment by the Sunwell, this tree of life miraculously gave birth to a weak consciousness that has not yet formed."


Onyxia raised her eyebrows unexpectedly: "Can you communicate with it?"

"No." Sharlayan shook his head and said, "As I said, it's just a primitive weak consciousness, and it can't communicate with anyone normally, but..."

Sharlayan tilted his head and said with some doubts: "I can feel its consciousness has a natural closeness to me. I don't know if it is caused by my unique blood."


Onyxia said thoughtfully: "I heard that your formal awakening of the red dragon's bloodline was related to Sas'ara's help? Could it be because of this reason that you have established a wonderful bond with it?" connect?"

Sharlayan nodded: "It's not impossible, maybe this tree of life that has guarded the Eversong Forest for more than 7,000 years has something to say to me."

"But unfortunately, at least so far, I have not been able to understand the signal it sends."

Onyxia shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "Don't be in a hurry, as a descendant of the dragon clan, you have enough time to wait for its consciousness to mature gradually, try to communicate with it after a few years. "

After this round of episodes, Sharlayan and Onyxia officially set foot on the road home, returning to the expanded Unicorn Town before lunch.

It should be called Unicorn City now.

Under the joint supervision of Valeera, Stellagosa and the others, the expansion project of Unicorn Town was basically completed, and the urban protection magic circle buried underground had already been drawn, and the scale of the town was expanded by more than one circle than before.

Due to the low taxation imposed on civilians by the Duchy of Deep Shadow, after the end of the Second Orc War, many refugees whose homes were destroyed and homeless were absorbed. Unhappy people.

Driven by the various new industries proposed by Sharlayan, the income of the Marquis of Deep Shadow has repeatedly hit new highs, and the standard of living in all aspects is far higher than other old-fashioned aristocratic territories.

As long as those civilians from poor backgrounds can show their talents, they even have the opportunity to serve as officials here.

Because of the above reasons, the Duchy of Deep Shadow has already become the most livable and most desirable noble territory in the southern part of Eversong Forest. Every year, people from other territories sneak over to become naturalized.

It is also for this reason that the neighbors around Sarlayan have always dared not speak out against him.

In the final analysis, their territory is still not competitive enough.

Sarlayan has never taken the initiative to pull people from other territories with great fanfare. It is natural to pursue a higher quality of life. Feet grow on others, and the people who live in an uncomfortable life will naturally choose to vote with their feet.

Sun King Kael'thas was often reported by certain lords against the Duchy of Deep Shadow, but he always pretended not to see it.

Kael'thas knew Sharlayan's temper very well, and he didn't think that Sharlayan would go to other people's homes to forcibly pull people in order to develop his own territory.

The reason why so many people can be attracted to settle down in the Duchy of Deep Shadow is entirely what the people want. As the head of a country, he has no need and does not intend to interfere.

Although Sharlayan himself didn't have that plan, but with the intentional or unconscious initiative of the Windrunner family, the Deep Shadow family has a faint tendency to become the leader of many meritorious nobles in the southern part of Eversong Forest.

No, not long after returning home, Salayan, who was listening to Stellagosa's report, hadn't sat down on his buttocks yet, and Onyxia was still being severely questioned by Valeera. Report immediately.

"Are you here again..."

With a headache, Sharlayan threw the invitation letter that still exuded a faint scent of blood thistle onto the desk.

"This is one of the main reasons why I don't want to stay in the territory for a long time. These guys are really endless. Whenever they hear that I'm back, they will immediately hand over the banquet invitation."

Stellagosa smiled and said, "This is the traditional way of life of the nobles of Quel'Thalas. For them, nobles like you who don't like to go to banquets and have fun, but only want to do practical things are different."

Sharlayan shook his head helplessly: "The way is different, don't conspire with each other, help me to refuse."

"During this time, I want to take a good rest at home and tell our good neighbors that I will hold a banquet here in half a month to celebrate the completion of the expansion of Unicorn City."

The mild-mannered Stellagosa nodded slightly, got up and left the office to complete the task assigned by Sarlayan.

Little Vinegar Tanzi made no progress in interrogating Onyxia. No matter what Valeera asked, Onyxia always smiled and said nothing with an "unfathomable" expression, as if she had taken up a lot of money. Valeera, who was itching in her heart, was really a little crazy.

Sarlayan observed the interaction between the two amusedly, and interrupted Valeera who was jumping: "Has there been any major events in the territory recently? What about domestic and foreign?"


Hearing Sharlayan's inquiry, Valeera's mentality exploded, and she managed to regain her composure and quickly switched to the working state.

"Don't tell me, something really happened in Lordaeron recently."

"Two days ago, Terenas Menethil, the king of Lordaeron, finally 'died'. The kingdom of Lordaeron is undercurrents because of the battle for the reserve position."

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