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Chapter 952 The Danger of the Crystal Pillar

According to the timetable provided by Schubert, the corrosion near the Pillar of Blood only started to appear in the last year. Before that, there were lush tropical plants growing here like other areas in the basin.

Since the corruption began to appear, the land around the Pillar of Blood has been rapidly polluted.

Before figuring out the source of these corruptions, Fandral didn't want his pioneer team to take unnecessary risks.

Although Fandral would be impulsive and reckless in some cases, he was the acting chairman of the Cenarion Council that Malfurion had placed high hopes on after all, and he would not easily take the lives of his subordinates as a joke.

Under Fandral's arrangement, the elite sentries in the frontier team began to carefully investigate the source of the corrosion, and he himself seized the time to take down the Pillar of Light first.

After the pioneering team successfully returned, it was about time for the sentries to investigate some clues, and then Fandral would gather all his troops to solve the source of the corrosion at once.

The east of the Sholazar Basin is adjacent to the Icecrown Glacier. Considering Ner'zhul who has recently made small moves in Zul'Drak, Sharlayan will naturally associate with it.

According to the recent secret information from Kel'Thuzad, the missionary work of the Sect of the Damned, which is aliased as the Sect of Immortality, is progressing smoothly in the Eastern Kingdom.

There has never been a shortage of rich and honored people in this world who yearn for eternal life.

After all, human beings are only short-lived species with a lifespan of a hundred years, and they have always envied the longevity of the high elves.

The eternal life preached by the Church of Eternal Life is not actually the real eternal "life", but to transform oneself into an undead creature that will not perish easily due to the passage of time, and obtain the eternal life of the soul in disguise.

The young and powerful dignitaries will not have much interest in this for the time being. After all, after becoming an undead creature, they will no longer be able to feel all the good things in the world, but it is hard to say for those old people who have already stepped into the coffin.

But these older people in power have mastered more social resources through years of accumulation.

This kind of top-down development allowed the Eternal Life Sect to expand in the Kingdom of Lordaeron slightly faster than Sharlayan expected.

It is precisely because of the long-term and continuous positive feedback from the Eternal Life Sect that Ner'zhul, who lacked a sense of the overall situation, was a little drifting again, and he felt that he was doing well again.

Although it is still not 100% sure, Sharlayan boldly assumes that the land erosion near the Blood Pillar is related to the Scourge.

Since he asked Fandral for help, it was only natural for Salayan to show his sincerity.

Fandral is still busy exploring the northern part of the basin, and he can't get away for the time being. Sharlayan changed his plan to go directly to the Pillar of Light to find Fandral, and planned to investigate the origin of the corrosion in the vicinity of the Pillar of Blood.

Schubert warmly invited Sharlayan to go to the main camp built by the night elves near the heart of the river, and he would immediately send someone to the pioneer front to inform Arch Druid Staghelmet.

Sarlayan declined his invitation, and took Vereesa vigorously to the Pillar of Blood.

Vereesa originally planned to travel around the tree-lined Sholazar, but she is a member of the Windrunner family after all, so she knows the priorities.

When Sarlayan suggested that Vereesa move freely first, she clasped her arms around her chest in displeasure and hummed softly.

"Don't think about leaving me like this. The instability in the Sholazar Basin may also affect New Sandara. As the sister of the current commander of the Ranger Force in the North, I can't sit idly by."

Thanks to the positive energy and three-view education that Li Reisa established for the children, the core members of the Windrunner family all have a strong sense of responsibility. Salayan was not surprised by Vereesa's choice, but just shrugged noncommittally.

"It's up to you, with one more helper, I can save a lot of trouble."


The closer he got to the Pillar of Blood, the tighter Sharlayan frowned.

As a dragon half-breed with both red dragon and green dragon blood, Sharlayan is very sensitive to the flow of life force.

As soon as he entered the Sholazar Basin, he immediately sensed four huge sources of life. According to Schubert, they should be the other four giant crystal pillars still operating normally.

It is these giant crystal pillars that have maintained the completely different climate of the Sholazar Basin from the outside world for thousands of years, and also guarded the Sholazar Basin from being invaded by foreign enemies with malicious intentions.

The night elf pioneer team headed by Fandral has a large number of druids, and the life force they hold has not been rejected by the defense mechanism of Sholazar Basin itself.

But the Scourge, which is full of strong death power, is different.

"As expected..."

Landing in front of the gate of the Blood Pillar that had stopped functioning, Sharlayan felt the strong power of death beneath the huge crystal pillar with a solemn expression.

"Ner'zhul, you really don't stop, old boy."

Unlike the night elf sentinels who hadn't found the core of the problem, Sharlayan immediately realized that the source of the problem came from underground when he came near the Blood Pillar with his strong perception of the power of life and the power of death.

Ner'zhul held an army of undead nerubians headed by Anubrekan, and it was not difficult for them to dig holes underground.

Since the defeat in the battle of Azronirub, the nerubians haven't found any news about the undead nerubians for a long time.

According to Anub'arak, king of Azronelub, those undead nerubians seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. He sent people to search through most of the underground in eastern Northrend, but they still found nothing.

Icecrown Glacier, as the name suggests, the ground beneath Ner'zhul's Frozen Throne is not the land, but the extremely cold arctic sea water. The underground of this area simply cannot allow undead spider monsters to inhabit.

With the central Crystalsong Forest and Dragonblight as the dividing line, except for the inaccessible storm cliffs, the nerubians traveled all over the underground world in eastern Northrend, but they didn't find any traces of the undead nerubians.

Anub'arak once thought that Ner'zhul hid them in the fortress under construction near the Frozen Throne, but it now appears that is not the case.

Raising his hand to caress the outside of the huge pillar of the Blood Pillar, Sharlayan closed his eyes and felt the flow of life force inside the giant crystal pillar.

"Fortunately, we arrived in time, so we should still be saved."

After reopening his eyes, Sharlayan quickly drew up a plan.

"Vereesa, can you find a way to get in touch with Azronelub as soon as possible?"

Vereesa nodded unequivocally and replied: "Yes, in the cooperation of tracking down the undead Nerubian Legion, I left contact information with General Aijonelub General Creek Hill, and the two parties agreed that once a spider is found Immediately notify the other party of the traces of the magic army."

Sharlayan: "Then I would trouble you to contact Azronelub, and tell me that the Nerubian Legion may have completely given up their foothold in the eastern part of Northrend, and transferred all their main forces to the Borean Tundra and Sholazar Basin in the west. , and urge them to come up with a response plan as soon as possible.”

"no problem."

After Vereesa left alone, Sharlayan expanded her perception to the underground of the Blood Pillar.

"Do you want to destroy Sholazar Basin's defense network against the invasion of death force by extinguishing one of the crystal pillars?"

"It's a good idea, but it's a pity that I happened to bump into it."

"Stop! Who are you?"

Just as Sharlayan was considering how to sneak underground, a stern shout suddenly came from behind him.

Five night elf sentries in light clothes rode out of the forest on night sabers, their moon blades and bows and arrows were ready to point at Sharlayan, a suspicious figure.

"Take it easy, Sentinel."

Sharlayan turned around with a smile, and opened his hands to signal to the high-alert sentries that he was not holding a weapon.

After Sharlayan took the initiative to release his goodwill, the guards of the sentinels relaxed.

The leading sentinel captain drove the white nightsaber with spots under him to stand five steps in front of Sharlayan.

"High elves, your range of activities is in the east of Northrend, which is bordered by Crystalsong Forest. Why did you come to Sholazar Basin?"

Sharlayan raised his finger and pointed to the Pillar of Blood behind him: "In order to help you solve the problem, let's take it as a gift to ask old friend Fandral for help."

"Old friend? Fandral?"

The captain of the sentinel squad with a steady tattoo on his face frowned slightly: "Is the archdruid of the staghelmet... who are you?"

Sharlayan politely stroked his chest and introduced himself to the other party: "My name is Sharlayan Deep Shadow. Some of you should have heard of this name from Shandris."

As expected, after Sharlayan reported to her home, the sentinel girls who had been keeping silent and guarded showed some commotion.

The leading squad leader also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

"So you are the enlightened high elf mentioned by Chief Yuyue."

The captain of the sentinel turned over and jumped off the night saber, beating his chest lightly with his right hand as a military salute to Sharlayan.

"I am the sentinel captain of the Sholazar frontier team, Delaryn Summer Moon. It is a pleasure to meet you here."

'Um? '

While returning the salute habitually, Sharlayan inexplicably felt as if he had heard this name somewhere.

When he turned his attention to the barrage, he got the answer as expected.

【Dellarin Xiayue... so it was her, the poor elite sentinel who was active in the Banshee Queen's tree-burning event. 】

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