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Chapter 950 The Fortified Wintergrasp Lake

The Windrunner family is a veteran aristocrat in the southern part of Eversong Forest. Because of their similar positions, the Windrunner family and the Deep Shadow family, which has risen rapidly in recent years, are getting closer and closer due to the opportunity of the relationship between Sharlayan and Lylas.

Before Vereesa left Eversong Forest and transferred to Northrend, she was responsible for all the affairs of the Windrunner family.

Vereesa has done a good job in this regard. The expansion trend of the Windrunner family in those few years was very obvious, laying a solid foundation for their continued upward momentum today.

Since Vereesa left due to military affairs, Windrunner's family affairs have been handed over to Sylvanas and Lylas successively.

Due to his busy schedule, Sylvanas had little time to deal with family chores, and Lylas, who was struggling to improve, was also busy all day long.

Therefore, in the past one or two years, the development of the Windrunner family's territorial affairs has begun to stagnate, and many members of the Windrunner family miss the years when Vereesa was still there.

In fact, it would be impossible to say that Vereesa has any special abilities in managing the territory.

She has only one trick - firmly follow the fast-growing deep shadow family, even if she can't eat meat, at least she can get a bowl of soup.

Facts have proved that Vereesa's decision is correct.

Under the advice of a large number of barrage netizens, although Sarlayan did not directly intervene in the detailed process of territorial affairs, he proposed concepts for most emerging industries, and then the competent officials below were responsible for refining and improving them.

For the modern society where the barrage is located, today's Azeroth is still a relatively primitive feudal society. They have a lot of ways to make money safely in Sharlayan's territory. Oil, known as black gold, is just one of them. It's just an industry chain.

Taking advantage of the rapid rise of the Deep Shadow family, Vereesa, who bet on the right treasure, also took the opportunity to gain a lot of income.

In contrast, the more independent Sylvanas and the rebellious and self-improvement Lyras will not call as unhesitatingly as she does.

Sharlayan doesn't care about this, it's affection for a friend when he gets rich, and if others don't want to keep up, there's no need to take the initiative to stick a cold ass with a hot face, anyway, it's definitely not the Deep Shadow family that suffers in the end .

Sharlayan and Vereesa's destination, the Sholazar Basin, is located between the Icecrown Glacier and the Borean Tundra. It used to be one of the experimental greenhouses of the life guardian Freya.

The ecological environment and flora and fauna distribution of Sholazar Basin and Un'Goro Crater are very different from other regions of Azeroth.

Even though they were on the ice and snow continent of Northrend, the climate in the Sholazar Basin was very hot. Looking down from a high altitude, what they saw was a tropical rainforest.

The shortest route from Dragonblight to Sholazar Basin must pass through Wintergrasp, hidden deep between the two places.

The Titan creations produced by the engine of Nalaksha are still being secretly transported by the ancestor turtles from Pandaria to Northrend, and stored in Wintergrasp Lake through the inaccessible Dragonblight and the underground tunnels of Crystalsong Forest.

As a senior officer of Quel'Thalas, a core member of the Windrunner family, and stationed nearby in Northrend for a long time, Vereesa has somewhat heard about Sharlayan's long-term strategic layout for the Storm Peaks.

"Wintergrasp Lake..."

Looking at the quiet and uninhabited frozen lake below, Vereesa pouted and complained: "Your secrecy work is really in place. Looking down from a high altitude, you can't see any valuable things in the area of ​​Wintergrasp Lake. thing."

"Heh~" Sharlayan chuckled and said, "Wintergrasp Lake Base is right under Loken's nose, so we can't expose the secrets here to him, that guy might become hysterical in minutes. Let's set foot on Lake Wintergrasp with all our troops."

The scene of Wintergrasp Lake seen by Vereesa is disguised by the magisters. Unless she personally lands in Wintergrasp Lake to check, this illusion is not so easy to break.

On the surface, Dongyong Lake is peaceful, with permafrost ice and rocky areas everywhere. Occasionally, you can see some crooked frozen trees growing alone on the snow, as if they have lost their vitality.

Sarlayan and Vereesa were just passing by this time, and had no intention of landing from a high altitude into the interior of Wintergrasp Lake.

Besides, the phantom jointly constructed by the magisters——the barrier of integrated protection is not so easy to break through.

If someone intends to enter from above Wintergrasp Lake, they will be forcibly teleported to a random place around them before passing through the phantom layer, and only those who are authorized can enter the enchantment smoothly.

Insiders like Sharlayan, if they need to go to Wintergrasp, usually start from the underground tunnel connecting New Sandara City and Wintergrasp.

Ever since the high elves assisted the Nerub Kingdom in repelling the Scourge, the Nerubians, who had parted ways with the ancient gods long ago, realized the importance of allies and turned to Quel'Thalas without hesitation.

In the past, digging underground tunnels required the use of the shady earth spirits. With the full assistance of the nerubians who are good at digging holes, the underground from New Sandara City to Wintergrasp Lake has been dug in all directions. Transport troops by ground.

"In the last 1 or 2 years, I have been too busy for the time being."

Glancing at Wintergrasp, which was shrouded in the illusion barrier, Sharlayan said solemnly: "When the crisis of the Burning Legion's re-invasion is resolved, it's time to solve the problems of Ulduar and Yogg-Saron."

The Nalaksha engine in Pandaria can still run normally even after being idle for thousands of years, but due to the insufficient local energy supply in Pandaria, the output of the Nalaksha engine is a bit urgent.

If the time comes when large-scale violence is needed, it is still necessary to directly connect the energy supply system of the Furnace of Origin with the Nalaksha Engine.

But to do this, Sharlayan must free Pandaria from its perennial mists and reconnect it with the rest of Azeroth.

Vereesa had heard about the adventures of Sharlayan, Valeera and others in Pandaria, and she asked curiously, "How do you plan to convince that... Emperor Shaohao of the Pandaren?"

Sharlayan said calmly: "Emperor Shaohao is worried about the seven evil spirits that remain in Pandaria after Y'Shaarji's death. These seven evil spirits correspond to the seven negative emotions of the Pandarians."

"Once the people living in that land fail to control their negative emotions, the sha demon will take advantage of the void and corrupt them, giving birth to a large number of void monsters called sha."

"Back then, Emperor Shaohao sealed six of the seven evil spirits by stripping off his negative emotions, but he suffered a defeat when stripping off his arrogance, which led to a loophole in the originally perfect seal."

"If we want to persuade Emperor Shaohao, who is in the form of mist to protect Pandaria, to unravel the mist, we must first find a way to get rid of the seven Sha demons that parasitize Pandaria."

"It's easier said than done..."

Vereesa asked distressedly: "What should I do specifically? If the seven great demons are really so easy to solve, the four supreme gods who have been living in the local area would have taken action long ago."


Sharlayan sighed softly: "Sha demons are rooted in the hearts of all living things. Once negative emotions are aroused by them, even the four supreme gods will find it difficult to retreat."

"This is not a problem that Li Dazhuanfei can solve, but tends to be more idealistic."

"To defeat the Sha Demon, we must come up with a special method that can hold on to the soul and not be easily corrupted by external will."

"Unfortunately, I haven't thought of a proper solution yet."

"After the turmoil brought about by the Scourge and the Burning Legion is over, I plan to call on all the guardian forces of Azeroth to work together to think about countermeasures."


While chatting, Sharlayan's transformed griffin had already crossed Lake Wintergrasp and arrived over the Sholazar Basin.

The lush primeval rainforest obscured Sarlayan and Vereesa's view of looking down. If you want to get a glimpse of what's inside, you can only go through the dense leaf layer above the rainforest and enter the interior of the basin yourself.

"Close your eyes! Hold on tight!"

Sharlayan felt a powerful source of life under the large green leaves that covered the sky. It was surrounded by many individuals with weaker vitality. The two sides seemed to be engaged in a fierce battle.

After confirming that Vereesa had firmly grasped the feathers on his back, Sharlayan folded his wings and quickly swooped down. In just a few seconds, he passed through the cover of leaves and officially entered the humid and hot rainforest.

Before Vereesa could express his thoughts on the extreme differences in the climate inside and outside the basin, Sharlayan first saw a huge Devilsaur, surrounded by many night elves in leather armor.

Swallowing back the complaints about the weather, Vereesa looked curiously at the battlefield below and asked, "What are they doing? Why are they fighting so restrained?"

"I guess……"

After landing on a branch of a big tree, Sharlayan turned back into a human form, looking thoughtfully at the reserved night elves.

"It should be to capture this big guy alive. After all, creatures like Devilsaur, which should have been extinct in prehistoric times, are still rare."

"Except for the Giant Beast Island in Pandaria, only two Freya's life greenhouses, Un'Goro Crater and Sholazar Basin, can find them. For Druids who respect all life and advocate biodiversity, The research and cultivation value of Devilsaur is immeasurable."

The corner of Vereesa's mouth twitched, and she asked slightly sarcastically, "Even if you may lose a lot of people when capturing Devilsaur alive? Is this the most common Druid's traditional view that humans are inferior to animals?"

Sharlayan: "emmmmmmm..."

[You are so reasonable, I can't refute it. 】

Thank you for your concern. It is suddenly confirmed that diabetes has indeed dealt a blow to Xianyu's psychology. But after thinking about it, the disease itself is not fatal. As long as you exercise more, keep your mouth shut, and control your blood sugar well, the impact will not be too great. But that being said, it’s not that easy to adjust my mentality. I’ve been feeling flustered and anxious lately and can’t sleep well, and because of endocrine disorders, I’m hungry very quickly. It will take some time to adapt to the changes in living habits. I hope I can adjust as soon as possible. state it.

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