Azshara was in power 10,000 years ago. Because the Dark Night Empire controlled the Well of Eternity, the magic technology was already highly developed at that time.

If you compare it with the Night Republic, which has inherited most of the Night Empire's legacy, in the past ten thousand years, the development of the magic technology of the night elves is undoubtedly turning the clock back in history.

On the contrary, the high elves who left the Eastern Kingdom inherited to a certain extent the magic technology from the Dark Night Empire period.

It's a pity that in the next few thousand years, Quel'Thalas failed to innovate on a large scale. On the contrary, it lost a lot of precious technical materials during the eastward journey, and the overall development still showed a backward trend.

During the reign of Azshara, the footprints of the Night Empire spread all over Azeroth. Of course, they also explored many Titan ruins, and obtained a lot of important ancient information by interpreting the documents in the ruins.

Sharlayan was not surprised that Azshara knew the concept of the Titan Star Soul, but she should only know the superficial meaning, and she didn't fully understand the expectations of the Pantheon on Azeroth.

"I don't dare to say the details are 100% clear."

Sharlayan simply explained: "According to the information I got from the Great Guardian Raiden, if the star soul of Azeroth matures smoothly, she will become the most powerful Titan in the history of the physical universe."

"Even better than the fallen Titan Sargeras who betrayed the Pantheon."

Azshara was stunned for a moment, and then showed a sudden look: "So, it's no wonder that Sargeras sneaked into Azeroth without hesitating to hide his identity."

"With the strength he showed me at the time, it is not difficult to smash the entire planet with one sword."

Azshara calmly analyzed: "According to what he said, the reason why he didn't attack Azeroth was to show me the sincerity of the alliance."


Ten thousand years have passed, and Azshara has long since recovered from Sargeras' rhetoric. She sneered and sneered: "It seems that he actually hopes to use evil energy to corrupt the star soul of Azeroth, so that this Will the future strongest Titan become his right-hand man to conquer the universe?"

Sharlayan smiled and applauded: "I'm glad you finally got rid of Sargeras' delusion."

"As you said, Queen, other influential figures, including Sargeras, the Old Gods, and Zovar, all covet the powerful potential contained in the star soul of Azeroth."

"Before the Pantheon was destroyed, the Titans teamed up to form a solid barrier, so that powerful beings whose strength exceeded a certain level could not enter Azeroth with their own bodies."

"This important planetary barrier bought precious time for the development of Azeroth's native civilization, preventing Sargeras and the Void Lord behind the Old Gods from directly touching Azeroth."

"In the battle of the ancients, even though Sargeras' right-hand man Archimonde personally participated in the battle, the guardians of Azeroth who were united as one still stubbornly repelled the Burning Legion."

"The victory of this war shows one thing, as long as an existence of the level of Sargeras can't take action in person, no matter how heavy the loss is, we are not invincible in the face of the Burning Legion and the minions of the Old Gods. "

"The premise is... the defenders of Azeroth can unite as one, put aside their conflicts temporarily, and contribute to the protection of their homeland together in the war."

Azshara is also a veteran in the political arena. She was not easily aroused by Sharlayan's provocative words, but looked at the eloquent Sharlayan playfully.

"Sharlayan Deep Shadow... It's too troublesome to pronounce your full name, so I'll just call you Sharlayan."

Sharlayan has nothing to do with this. If it is counted by seniority, Azshara, who is a good friend with his mother Inas, is indeed his elder, and it is not surprising to call him by his first name.

Azshara said with a smile: "Sharlayan, in fact, you don't have to say so much."

"Although it has not yet reached the point of breaking with N'Zoth completely, the tentacle monster can't expect us to hinder Azeroth in the upcoming invasion of the Burning Legion."

"I can't guarantee the rest, after all, we can't go too far now."

"If you fight the Burning Legion at sea, the sea will never give the Burning Legion any help. Instead, my Naga will help you stop the shit-stirring stick that N'Zoth may send."

This is what Sharlayan was waiting for.

Once the Burning Legion invades, the defenders of Azeroth will inevitably mobilize all resources to stand ready.

If the ancient god forces headed by Naga jump out to make trouble at this time, Azeroth, which is under attack from both sides, is likely to be at a loss. This is obviously what Sharlayan does not want to see.

Perhaps one day in the future, Naga will be able to get rid of N'Zoth's grip and become an independent force again.

But that's at least not now.

Before making all the preparations, Azshara did not have enough confidence to turn against N'Zoth, so he could only continue to make false claims with it.

As long as Azshara's promise can be obtained, at least there will be no need to worry about Naga's backstab on the sea in the future, and you can devote all your energy to the Burning Legion.

As for when the Naga will break away from N'Zoth's control, Sharlayan is not sure at the moment. It depends on when the scholars of the Naga Empire can really study the mystery of the dual form transformation.

"Oh, right."

When the discussion with Sharlayan came to an end, Azshara suddenly remembered something.

"Our academics may need some help with the study of double-morph transformations."

Sharlayan: "I would like to hear more about it."

"It's very simple." Azshara raised her slender white fingers and pointed to the zenith of the palace: "In order to speed up the progress, I hope that this research can get the full assistance of Quel'Thalas and Suramar."

Azshara did not mention the name of the Night Republic at all. On the one hand, it was out of opposing positions, knowing that the Night Republic could not extend a helping hand to the Naga Empire.

On the other hand, it was also because Azshara knew the level of magic technology in the Republic of Night, and didn't expect them to contribute anything in the research.

But I have to say, Azshara's idea is wrong.

If it is other studies related to arcane arts, the night elves are really useless. Only when it comes to in-depth research on the power of life, druids who specialize in this field can give many constructive suggestions.

But just as Azshara worried.

If the night elves know that this research is to transform the naga back into the night elf form, they will definitely not provide any help, and maybe they will obstruct it in every possible way.

The Dark Night Republic has inherited most of the Dark Night Empire's legacy. If the Dark Night Empire is restored, how will they "usurpers" deal with themselves?

The entanglements between Azshara, Tyrande, Malfurion and others were too complicated, and Sharlayan didn't want to get involved.

But this research on Naga's dual form transformation may really be inseparable from the help of druids.

"Well... so."

Sharlayan lowered his head and thought for a while before offering a compromise: "There should be no problem with Quel'Thalas, as long as Her Majesty the Queen recognizes the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas as promised, I can guarantee that the Sun King will definitely Order all assistance."

"I don't want to make my own decisions about Suramar, but Elisande, who is vacillating between the Highborne and the Night Elves, at least won't reject it decisively."

"As long as Suramar can gain benefits in this joint research project, I believe she will eventually nod and agree to provide assistance."

"As for the druids... I plan to ask my teacher to come out of the mountain, and he will take the lead in inviting night elf druids to join the research."

"In order to cover up the real purpose, we will not tell them exactly what the final purpose of this research is. By the time they come to their senses and realize the truth, everything will probably be settled."

Regarding the legitimacy of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas, Sharlayan had already talked with Azshara before.

Unexpectedly, Azshara is very open-minded in this regard.

It has been 10,000 years since the Night Empire disintegrated, and Quel'Thalas is a brand new country established by Dath'Remar Sunstrider after that, and it has continued the tradition and culture of the Night Empire to a certain extent.

Today's Azshara has been unable to reorganize all elf branch races and countries.

That being the case, she simply delegated power generously, recognizing the independence of countries and city-states including Quel'Thalas and Suramar, in exchange for their help.

"your teacher?"

Ignoring the possible requests from Quel'Thalas and Suramar, what Azshara is most concerned about is the druid mentioned by Sharlayan.

"Who is your teacher, why do you think he can summon druids to assist in research?"

Sharlayan smiled confidently: "My teacher is a Drust, his name is Orfa, he is known as the Great Thorn Whisperer, and he is the master of the professional Thorn Whisperer of the druid branch. Rui Malfurion also has a lot of respect for him."

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