Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 931: The Underwater City of Nazjatar

Nazjatar is a bustling city built in the deep sea, and its prototype is the capital of the Night Empire, Zin-Aisari.

In High Elvish, Zin-Azhara means "Glory of Azshara".

It is worth mentioning that Xin Aisalie is not the original name of the capital of the Night Empire. Its original name is Eldis, which means "Eye of Elune".

From this, we can see why the Church of the Moon God headed by Tyrande always dislikes Azshara. They think that the birth of Azshara has taken away the glory and popular belief that should belong to the moon god Elune. .

As Azshara led the Dark Night Empire to conquer the north and south, and made great achievements, the people who worshiped Azshara spontaneously proposed to change Eldis's name to Xin Aisha Li to commemorate the name of the city. An honor the Queen has won for the country.

During the heyday of the Dark Night Empire, Xin Aisha Li occupied an extremely large area.

Since the night elves don't like high-rise buildings with crowds of people, in terms of city area alone, Xin Aisalie is no smaller than the modern city in a different world that is familiar to the barrage.

The Azshara region that remains on the surface today is only the suburbs of Xin Aisa Li, and the entire core city sank into the sea with Azshara.

According to Vaschi, the area of ​​the suburbs of the capital is smaller than that of the core urban area, and from this one can roughly infer how big the complete Xin Aishali is.

After tens of thousands of years of seawater erosion, Nazjatar, which was rebuilt on the basis of the ruins of the core city of Zin Aishali, still retains the architectural style of the Highborne period to a large extent, and also mixed with some Naga-style buildings that formed later.

The whole city is shrouded in a huge magical barrier, and a special spell certification is required to enter and exit.

When applying for a temporary permit for Sharlayan, Vaschi casually mentioned a few words.

This majestic enchantment was just built a few years ago, and the core was the Gorganes Tidal Stone that she had traded from Sharlayan back then.

'oh? '

Sharlayan remained calm on the surface, but there was a sudden movement in his heart.

Originally he thought that Azshara obtained the Tidal Stone to attack the land, but now it seems that is not the case.

Since then, Azshara may have been ready to turn against N'Zoth.

She herself is not afraid of N'Zoth in a half-disabled state, but she doesn't want the civilians under her rule to face the overwhelming Faceless Men.

For this reason, Azshara tried to recover one of the long-lost artifacts of the Pillar of Creation in the Night Empire-the Tidal Stone.

Long before the War of the Ancients began, Azshara shattered the Tidal Stone with her own hands in order to suppress Prince Farondis's rebellion, using the power of this artifact to impose eternal doom on the rebels of Azsuna. curse.

The Azsuna rebel army headed by Farondis cannot be detached, and will be permanently bound to this land in the form of a soul after death.

Bwonsamdi had promised Sharlayan that he would help Farondis and other night watchmen study how to lift the curse.

But as the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Bwonsamdi, who was busy researching the curse, was taken away by an unexpected situation, and only recently returned to Azeroth after packing up the chores in the Shadowlands.

Returning to his hometown after a few years, Bwonsamdi is still busy dealing with the troubles that have been accumulated for several years in the Nether Palace, and temporarily has no time to go to Azsuna to continue fulfilling his promise.

As the saying goes, to untie a bell, one must tie it.

Now that he has had the opportunity to talk face-to-face with Azshara, instead of relying on Bwonsamdi who doesn't know when he will be able to research the results, it is better to go directly to Azshara who personally set the seal as a punishment.

A few years passed, and as the great magister Elisande rebuilt the Nazaras Academy, more and more Nightborne came out of Suramar to study at this prestigious ancient academy.

Not only the Nightborne from Suramar, Quel'Thalas also has many scholars who come here especially, including the native Quel'dorei, and some Syndra scholars who joined Quel'Thalas a few years ago, and even There are Fal'dorei from beneath Suramar.

In addition, the moon guards of the Moon Fortress also gave up the castle they had guarded for thousands of years, and the whole family moved to Nazaras College, starting a new life.

The Moon Guard was a battle mage unit during the Night Empire period. Since Suramar was closed to the outside world all the year round, this fortress has long lost its original meaning.

Under the repeated persuasion of Elisande, Talisa and others, the Moon Guard, who was already eager for change, agreed to Elisande's new appointment and voluntarily came to Nathalas Academy as a "security guard".

Several years have passed, centered on Narsalas College, the barren Azsuna region has gradually recovered its popularity.

In the foreseeable future, the Na'thalas Academy, which has strong support from Suramar, will continue to expand its influence, and the Azsuna area, which is full of ancient ruins, will also be prosperous again.

At that time, the ghost of the night watchman entrenched near the court of Farondis will be particularly obtrusive.

The local shadorei and faldorei all know that these ghosts are friendly, but we can't expect all scholars who come to study from other places to adapt to these ancient ghosts quickly.

In Sharlayan's words, the existence of Farondis and others will sooner or later become an obstacle to Azsuna's further revival, and it would be a good thing for both parties to free them as soon as possible.

After following Vashj across the barrier and entering the city of Nazjatar, on the way to the Eternal Palace, Sharlayan has been secretly observing the layout of the Naga capital.

'The map provided by my mother is very accurate, and the various surfaces can basically be compared one by one. '

‘The next thing we need to do is the actual inspection, to ensure that when we have to carry the bucket and run away as a last resort, we will not suddenly get stuck because we are not familiar with the terrain. '

Vashj, who was leading the way, didn't know that Sharlayan was thinking about running away. She thought that this young highborne compatriot was shocked by the bustling street scene of Nazjatar, and she was quite proud.

Indeed, as the continuation of Xin Aishali, Nazjatar is no less prosperous than Silvermoon City, the capital of Quel'Thalas, and even has a deeper foundation.

However, those residents with fish heads and fish tails on the street made Salayan very uncomfortable. Combined with the highborne-style buildings on both sides of the street, Salayan always felt an inexplicable sense of absurdity.


Vashj, who was walking in front, heard Sharlayan's ambiguous exclamation, turned around and asked in doubt, "What's wrong with Naga?"

Sharlayan pondered for a moment with a complicated expression: "Ms. Vaschi, have you ever thought about getting rid of this... novel appearance and turning back into a night elf?"

Vaschi's complexion changed slightly, and his eyes looking at Sharlayan became a little darker.

"How could it not have occurred to you, do you think we are willing to become this ugly posture?"

Having said that, Vaschi sighed softly.

"You should also know that due to the ancient war that tore apart the ancient Kalimdor continent ten thousand years ago, there is no room for us in Azeroth today."

"In order to save those people who fell into the water, the queen had no choice but to reach an agreement with N'Zoth. He blessed our compatriots and gave us the ability to survive underwater."

"N'Zoth obviously brought private goods in this 'blessing'. It turned us into ugly monsters that are incompatible with land creatures, in an attempt to cut off the possibility of us returning to land and integrating into the new world."

Vashj was silent for a few seconds before speaking again: "In my dreams, I want to turn back into a night elf, but regardless of whether I can do it or not, now is not the right time to think about it."

"Before we find a safe retreat, we still need to keep this Naga body that can move freely underwater."


Sharlayan nodded thoughtfully: "I'm sorry, I brought up something sad for you."

Vaschi smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, after so many years, we have long been used to our ugly appearance."

[Can you really get used to it? Most women love beauty by nature, and no normal woman would willingly accept that she has become an ugly monster. 】

[Even though, this was a compromise made in order to survive. 】

Sharlayan calmly said to the barrage in his heart: "I probably have some ideas. I don't know if I have guessed Queen Azshara's thoughts. Let's reserve my opinions for now."

【It’s broken, Xiao Sa has become a riddle too. 】

[Riddler get out of Azeroth! 】

Sharlayan: "...You guys are enough, the results will be available tomorrow at the latest, why are you in such a hurry?"

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