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Chapter 913 Cause of the day before, result of the day after

The maritime dispute between the night elves and the naga has been going on for several years. Before the scale of the war expanded, the confident night elves thought that relying on their own strong national power, with the assistance of water elements, there was no need to ask for reinforcements from other countries.

However, it turns out that this idea is wrong.

They underestimated the strength of the Naga Empire and overestimated their combat effectiveness in the water environment.

Compared with other land-based countries in Azeroth, the underwater combat effectiveness of the Night Republic with druids is already considered good.

Relying on the help of water-dwelling druids and water elementals, the Republic of Night and the Naga once fought back and forth in the sea.

But when the Naga, who were fighting at home, started to take action, the top leaders of the Night Republic realized that their arrogant predictions were wrong.

Jarod Shadowsong, who is in charge of the country's military affairs, also rushed to the front line at that time to personally command the battle.

Under Jarod's ingenious layout, the Republic of Dark Night, which was at an absolute disadvantage in the total number of underwater troops, barely blocked the Naga's offensive wave after wave.

As the water elemental messenger who rushed to Quel'Thalas said, with the resources in Jarod's hands alone, it is already the limit to maintain the current battle situation.

Once the Naga's main force launches a general attack, Garrod is also a clever woman who can't cook without rice.

When he was cornered, Jarod could only reluctantly abandon the defense line in the open sea, withdraw his vital force to the port of Estorante, and show Naga a little color in the land battle that night elves are best at.

But this is the last choice of last resort. If it really reaches that step, the Dark Night Council will be ashamed both at home and abroad.

Moreover, embarrassment is only a small problem. Old politicians have thick skins, and temporary success or failure cannot easily break their defenses.

But once the Naga surrounds the port of Estorante, it means that the port built by the Dark Night Republic with huge sums of money will be completely scrapped for a long time. Leo couldn't take it.

With this in mind, Malfurion overcame Tyrande's resolute opposition and resolutely asked for help from the distant relatives of Suramar and Quel'Thalas.

In terms of distance, Suramar on the Broken Isles is closer than Quel'Thalas on the other side of the sea, but the two attach different importance to the night elves' help.

Strictly speaking, the Grand Magister Elisande who ruled Suramar had no direct conflict with the night elves.

Most of the top members of the Night Council, including the Shadowsong Brothers, Stormrage Brothers, and Tyrande, were born within the jurisdiction of the Night Pearl Suramar.

Among them, the Shadowsong siblings are from Suramar, and the Stormrage brothers and Tyrande were born in Val'sharah.

Since Suramar withdrew from the battlefield early in the War of the Ancients to show a neutral attitude, the relationship between the two should not have been so rigid.

Unfortunately, the former leader of the night elf race was Tyrande Whisperwind who hated the Highborne extremely.

When Suramar had just lifted the barrier and reconnected with the world, Tyrande, who was still in power, secretly dispatched many spies from Valsharah to sneak into Suramar.

It would be fine if that was the case, but the problem was that some of the spies were captured by Suramar, who was good at anti-hidden, and when questioned by Suramar, Tyrande actually admitted it unabashedly.

One thing to say, Sharlayan didn't understand what Tyrande's tricks were for.

The relationship between the night elves and the children of the night is neither salty nor warm. It is not unusual to send spies to countries that are not friendly, but if you are caught, you have to be tough.

Sharlayan reckoned that those night elf spies who were caught and wanted to carry them to death also looked bewildered.

The officials and others were about to fight to the death, why did the high priest come down first.

Because of this bad diplomatic incident that seriously damaged bilateral relations, Elisande, who had originally planned to get closer to the night elves, suddenly faded away from this thought.

Even if the Night Republic was reorganized, and the Speaker Malfurion had tried many times to ease the relationship after taking power, as long as Tyrande was still in the high-level position in the parliament for a day, the gap stuck between the two would not be so easy to bridge.

When Quel'Thalas sent the dragon fleet to Kalimdor as quickly as possible, Elisande was still discussing with his advisors in the Nighthold whether to send troops to help? If troops are sent, how many troops should be sent.

Some people think that it is enough to just express their opinions, and only need to send a few hundred people symbolically.

Some people think that we should take this opportunity to take the initiative to ease the stiff diplomatic relations with the night elves, and try our best to show Suramar's friendly attitude.

In the past, Suramar was completely decided by Elisande, and the consultants only had the right to make suggestions and could not change Elisande's decision.

After experiencing blind faith in the Eye of Aman'Thul, Elisande, who knew he was wrong, took the initiative to make changes, began to fully listen to the advice of his advisors, and would no longer make arbitrary decisions easily.

This change in favor of democracy can effectively reduce the chance of leaders making wrong judgments, but at the same time, it also reduces the efficiency of Suramar's policy implementation. It has become commonplace for advisors with different opinions to quarrel in front of Elisande. .

When Sharlayan and Valeera came to the gate of the night elves' base in the sea, Elisande had just consolidated the opinions of all parties and sent a small reinforcement fleet.

Suramar's action efficiency is so low, it can only be said that it is the cause of the day before, and the result of the day after tomorrow.

Knowing that Sarlayan and Valeera came to visit together, Jarod, who was perfecting the ambush plan in the commander's tent, suddenly brightened.

Now that Sharlayan, the leader of the reinforcements, has arrived first, it means that the reinforcements Jarod has been begging for for a long time are finally coming soon.

Putting aside the work at hand for the time being, Garrod rushed to meet the distinguished guests outside the base with several senior military officers.

It had been years since Sharlayan and Valeera had last seen Jarod.

It is also interesting to say that when Azsuna met for the first time, the two sides also faced the dilemma of Naga invasion.

After not seeing him for several years, Garrod has really changed a bit.

The change mentioned here does not refer to appearance, the eternal night elves will not easily change their appearance, and Sharlayan refers to temperament.

Garrod used to live in seclusion all the time, depressed and frustrated, and his temperament was naturally inclined to melancholy.

Netizens of sand sculptures in different worlds have a very reasonable saying, nourishing energy and moving body.

He has been in a high position for a long time, and his talents can be dedicated to the country he loves unreservedly. Compared with the down-and-out period a few years ago, Garald's spirit is like a world of difference.

Even though the Night Republic is facing difficulties right now, Jarod is still full of energy.

Garrod is not a politician in the pure sense, and he doesn't think deeply about political issues. He looks at this war more from the perspective of a military leader.

The Night Republic has a profound foundation, and Jarod sincerely believes that this group of naga who used cannon fodder to open the way alone cannot break the night elves' spirit of resistance, and a temporary victory means nothing.

Garald, who was dressed in the neat military uniform of the Marshal, was very imposing, and he was completely different from the down-and-out wanderer Sharlayan met in Azsuna a few years ago.

The change of identity did not make the relationship between Jarod and Sharlayan unfamiliar.

It was thanks to Sharlayan's help and persuasion that Garald finally let go of the knots that had plagued him for many years, and decided to return to his hometown to contribute to the motherland.

When Jarod returned, it happened to coincide with the night elves reforming the national system, and the Night Council was formally established under Sharlayan's suggestion.

The high priest Tyrande, who once ruled the sky with one hand, was demoted to be an ordinary member of parliament, and the mature and prudent Malfurion ascended to the position of speaker.

Tyrande wasn't really a fool, she was well aware of Jarod's abilities.

But because of the long-standing competitive relationship with Maiev, Tyrande has always been somewhat defensive towards Maiev's younger brother Jarod.

If the night elves were still ruled by Tyrande, she might also welcome Jarod's return, but she would never hand over the power of soldiers and horses across the country to him with confidence.

Malfurion is a close comrade-in-arms who experienced the War of the Ancients with Jarod, and he knows Jarod's amazing military talent better than anyone else.

For the first time in history, Malfurion ignored Tyrande's pillow talk, and handed over the position of military commander to Jarod as he could.

Jarod lived up to Malfurion's trust. If he hadn't been the one who rushed to the front line to sit in charge, the Naga would have pushed the front line to the night elves' homeland long ago.

As soon as they met, Jarod warmly gave Salayan and Valeera a hug respectively.

"You two, long time no see."

The high-spirited Garrod patted the shoulders of the two of them heavily, and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, although I really want to catch up with you, but now is not the time... Where are the reinforcements I want?"

Sharlayan smiled nonchalantly: "Don't worry, because the storm caused by Azshara and the ambushes of Vashj City were encountered on the road, our fleet slightly deviated from the course, and it is now in the south of Azshara region Repair near the piece of red land."

"As long as the wear and tear on the ship is repaired and the sailors regain their spirits, the head of the Flood Dragon Legion will lead the army over immediately."

"Let's not talk about this first."

Sharlayan put away the smile on his face, and asked Garald seriously: "I have a question that I want to confirm with you."

"Jarrod, do you think the leader of this Naga main force will be Azshara's direct subordinate?"

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