Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 909 Anomaly of N'Zoth?

The Well of Eternity known to the people of Azeroth is actually the scar left by Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, who pulled the ancient god Y'Shaarj out of the earth.

The so-called Well of Eternity is actually the high-purity magic power liquefied from the energy essence overflowing from Azeroth.

In order to expel the Burning Legion, the Guardians of Azeroth headed by Malfurion detonated the Well of Eternity at the end of the War of the Ancients.

In the words of barrage jokes, the magic source of the Well of Eternity has become a flush toilet, flushing all the demons including Sargeras out along the original path.

Although successfully repelling the mighty Burning Legion, Azeroth also paid a huge price in this tragic battle of the ancients.

A large number of demigods of the wilderness, the backbone of Azeroth's guardian force, were killed. Only Cenarius, who was protected by his father Malorne, was in good condition. The other two surviving demigods, Tortola and Goldrinn, were also seriously injured. , fell into a long slumber.

The once populous and vast empire of the night fell apart, and the six metropolises ruled by the high elves had different fates.

A large number of residents of the capital Xin Aishali sank into the seabed with Azshara, and under the transformation of N'Zoth, they became a brand new twisted species-Naga.

Cerraro, located in the central wilderness, happened to be in the area where the battle was most intense. Unfortunately, it was destroyed in the flames of war, leaving only a large barren land contaminated by demon blood.

The night pearl Suramar withdrew from the battle as early as the early stage of the war. Under the leadership of the great magister Elisande, an enchantment was raised, and it has been isolated from the world ever since.

Sandara... can only say that people die when they die.

Years after the destruction of Sandara, the High Elves, the descendants of the Highborne, rebuilt the ancient city that had long since disappeared, and New Sandara rose again in the center of the Arctic continent.

The hidden city of Eresalas chose to drink poison to quench his thirst, absorbing demon energy for a long time to relieve his addiction.

In order to reduce the consumption of mana, Torsedrin, who was affected by the demon energy and gradually fell into madness, massacred the people of Eresalas who should have been sheltered by him, barely guaranteeing the survival of the senior researchers headed by Syndra.

The city in the sky built by Azshara himself for the moon god Elune——Lasharazar, the seat of the sky, has disappeared, and there is still no information related to it.

There are also different opinions on the whereabouts of Tianzhizao in the barrage.

Some people say that the Seat of Sky has already fallen from the sky, and the remaining part has become the underground ruins at the junction of Ashenvale and Darkshore - the dark abyss.

It is also said that the Celestial Seat is still floating in the air, but cannot be seen due to some kind of camouflage magic set by Azshara.

There is one thing to say, the answer to this question is probably only known by Azshara himself.

If there is an opportunity to meet Azshara in person in the future, Sharlayan intends to mention the whereabouts of the Seat of Sky by the way.

Before the original version of the Well of Eternity was detonated, the rebellious Illidan Stormrage, the younger brother of the Archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, took several bottles of well water from the Well of Eternity.

When rebuilding after the war, Illidan secretly poured several bottles of well water into a small lake on the top of Mount Hyjal without telling Malfurion and Tyrande.

The strong arcane magic power soared into the sky, and the originally unknown small lake was instantly sublimated. Although the scale was far smaller, the magic power it exuded was exactly the same as that of the Well of Eternity.

After finally expelling the Burning Legion recruited by the Well of Eternity, the night elves who survived the catastrophe were like frightened birds, unable to withstand a little fright.

Jarod Shadowsong, who served as the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces during the war, first discovered Illidan's behavior. In order to appease the frightened people, he and Illidan broke out a fierce conflict.

Jarod is an amazing and talented commander, but in terms of personal combat effectiveness, he is far from Illidan's opponent who specializes in combat.

In this conflict, Garrod was seriously injured, and Illidan also offended Maiev Shadowsong, the sister of the Fudimo who had been dependent on Garrod since childhood.

Maiev and Illidan's tens of thousands of years of grievances and entanglements will be ignored for now.

Night elves and dragons who survived the War of the Ancients feared the formation of the new Well of Eternity.

After many joint discussions, a fairly safe plan was finally reached.

The first, of course, is to deal with Illidan Stormrage who is presumptuous.

As Illidan's biological brother, Malfurion reluctantly ordered him to be imprisoned forever, never to be released, under the strict supervision of Maiev Shadowsong's newly formed watchmen.

The second is the treatment of the new Well of Eternity.

Malfurion dropped the last seed of the Mother Tree Gar'nir before it withered into the well.

At the same time, the three dragon kings blessed this world tree that quickly absorbed the magic power of the new Well of Eternity and grew rapidly.

This towering giant tree named Nordrassil covered up the magical atmosphere overflowing from the new Well of Eternity, and it became the new home of the night elves after the war, standing on the top of Mount Hyjal for 10,000 years.

Affected by the blessing of the Dragon King, the night elves who had reached a certain degree of symbiosis with the world tree Nordrassil also received huge benefits.

The blessing of Nozdormu, the Lord of Time, locks the time of the night elves. As long as the main body of Nordrassil who bears the blessing is still there, the night elves can have an infinite lifespan.

Ysera, the king of dreams, also blessed Nordrassil, allowing him to be directly connected to the Emerald Dream he managed, so that the night elf druids could enter and exit the dream and reality at will, assisting the green dragon in maintaining and managing the dream world.

Alexstrasza, the life-binder, endowed Nordrassil with great vitality, and the night elves will be free from any kind of disease and plague from then on.

For ten thousand years, the New Well of Eternity has not attracted anyone's covetousness, and has always nourished the World Tree Nordrassil.

N'Zoth is the weakest of the existing Old Gods, but he has better luck than the other Old Gods. His prison happened to sink into the sea because of the cataclysm 10,000 years ago.

Most of Azeroth's native races are terrestrial creatures, and it is difficult to touch the prison of N'Zoth in the deep sea.

This allows N'Zoth to have enough time to plan the overall situation steadily, without having to be on guard against the Titan Guardians at all times like Yogg-Saron and C'Thun.

Following the fall of Deathwing, N'Zoth enlisted Xavius, the king of satyrs who had been abandoned by the Burning Legion.

Xavius' body was planted in a tree by his nemesis Malfurion during the War of the Ancients, and only his soul escaped with the help of N'Zoth.

After that, Xavius ​​lay dormant for thousands of years.

It wasn't until the world tree Andashir planted by the reckless Fandral Staghelmet accidentally touched Yogg-Saron's underground cage that N'Zoth took the opportunity to put Xavius's soul into a network directly connected to the World Tree network. In the Emerald Dream, Xavius, the Nightmare King, was born.

Xavius ​​moved quietly, hiding from the sight of the green dragon and druid, and bred a large number of nightmare monsters in every corner of the Emerald Dream, causing huge damage to the tranquility of the Emerald Dream.

There are many druids and green dragons among those corrupted by the Nightmare King. Through the information revealed by these traitors, N'Zoth finally learned the hidden important information of the New Well of Eternity.

The Well of Eternity is a pure liquefied energy aggregate. The reason why the magic power of the Well of Eternity is arcane is because the Azeroth Star Soul belongs to the order side.

Strictly speaking, the magic power of the Well of Eternity is pure and non-attributed, which means that anyone can use it.

During the War of the Ancients, the advance army of the demons used the Well of Eternity to summon the army of the Legion, and even the lord of the Legion, Sargeras, was pulled over.

With the experience of the Burning Legion, N'Zoth also moved his mind about the pocket version of the new Well of Eternity.

If you can capture the energy of the new Well of Eternity for your own use, you can greatly advance its escape from the seal of the Titans, and establish a new dark empire dominated by it before Yogg-Saron and C'Thun get rid of their shackles .

"So that's how it is."

After listening to Malfurion's detailed explanation, Sharlayan finally understood the cause and effect.

Malfurion smiled wryly and said: "In the final analysis, this is still a huge hidden danger left by Fandral's reckless actions at the beginning. He did bad things with good intentions."

Sharlayan asked thoughtfully: "I know why N'Zoth covets the new Well of Eternity, but why now?"

"Judging from N'Zoth's unreliable behavior in the past, he shouldn't have acted rashly when he was not completely sure. Could it be that something happened in the depths of the sea that forced it to take risks?"

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