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Chapter 902 Attack in the Storm

In terms of emotional issues, Daelin still has doubts about Sharlayan.

As Catherine said, after so many years of getting along, Daelin has never seen Sharlayan's plan fail.

Even if an accident occurs during the plan, he can quickly adjust to make the situation finally meet the expected goal.

If it weren't for Sharlayan's slightly chaotic personal relationship issues, Daelin would not hesitate to marry Jaina to Sharlayan even if there were differences in age and race, further bringing Kul Tiras and Quill closer. Salas relationship.

Anyway, Jaina has long made up her mind that she will not inherit the throne. As a royal princess, it is Jaina's responsibility to obtain benefits for the country's marriage.

On the way back to the palace, Dai Lin raised his mouth abruptly.

"Let someone start the preparations after I go back. I want to visit the Marquis of Deep Shadow in my private capacity as soon as possible, and have a good talk with Inas before she makes up her mind."

Catherine frowned slightly: "I you think Inas will agree to our request?"

Dai Lin shook his head with a wry smile: "Difficult, you also know that Inas is from the Dragon Clan, and the Dragon Clan's concept of choosing a mate is completely different from that of ordinary people."

"I'm worried she'll want both."

Catherine: "...Huh?"


Sailing far away and traveling across the world, these words sound a sense of pride.

But actually, the process of navigating the ocean is pretty boring.

Looking at the same scenery in all directions, without the initial freshness, it is easy to cause aesthetic fatigue.

It was not the first time for Sharlayan and Valeera to go to sea. In the early years, they crossed the endless sea to the great desert of Tanaris by boat.

As the daughter of the sea sung by Kul Tiras, Jaina is not to mention that she grew up on a ship without any problem.

On the other hand, Tinagosa, this little guy really took a long-distance voyage for the first time. When she needed to cross the sea before, she either used teleportation or flew with her own wings, and the speed was much faster than taking a boat.

During the voyage from Quel'Thalas to Kul Tiras, Tinagosa was full of energy, curious about everything on board and at sea.

However, once the novelty wears off, the active little guy will feel bored.

On the vast sea, the area that can move can only be limited to one ship. As time goes by, Tinagosa becomes more and more restless.

There is no stern older sister accompanying her, only Sharlayan and Valeera, who have always been doting on her, and her good friend Gianna who grew up playing around together. Tinagosa has almost no restrictions on this journey, quite a bit. It's a feeling that the sky is high and the birds are flying.

I thought I could happily complete this unfettered sea journey, but less than half a month later, Tinagosa got tired of the boring sea life and wanted to return to land to fly freely.

Without Stellagosa's deterrence, Salayan and Valeera could only comfort the little guy who lost his temper with good words.

Fortunately, there are a variety of card games developed by Sharlayan, which finally gave Tina some more entertainment during the boring voyage.

While Jaina was playing Hearthstone card battles with Tinagosa, there was some commotion on the deck outside.

Among the four people present, Sarlayan had the best hearing, and he was the first to hear the movement from outside through the doors and windows with good sound insulation.

"It seems that some unexpected incidents have happened. You guys play first, and I will go outside to have a look."

The game was drawing to a close, and under the pressure of Jaina, who counted every step, Tinagosa's failure was basically a foregone conclusion.


Under Jaina's speechless gaze, Tina threw away the Hearthstone card in her hand, and skillfully climbed onto Sharlayan's shoulder with her nimble short legs.

"I'm going too! Finally something new, I must not miss it."

Sharlayan helplessly rubbed the little guy's head: "All right, but you must stay by my side and don't make trouble for the sailors."

"Got it! Let's go!"


There are tide sages leading the route. During the previous 20 days of voyage, the fleet did not encounter any big sea waves. It can be said that the journey has been smooth.

According to the navigator's expectation, the fleet will arrive at the destination in at most 3 days, ending this dull sea voyage.

There is a common saying that half a ninety-ninety is halfway in a walk, and Sharlayan thinks this saying is very reasonable.

Seeing that he was about to reach his destination, it happened that there was something wrong with the last point of the voyage.

When Salayan carried Tinagosa out to the deck, he saw the large-scale black rain cloud in front of the channel at a glance.

"what happened?"

Coming to the bow and looking into the distance, Sharlayan asked Donary and Lord Stormsong, who were holding binoculars, suspiciously: "Isn't there a tidesage leading the way? Why is there still a storm?"

Putting down the binoculars in his hand, Lord Stormsong frowned and said, "This storm did not form naturally, and someone is secretly playing tricks."

"I also confirmed this morning that there should be no storm clouds ahead of the route."

"The formation and development of this storm was very sudden, which did not conform to the laws of nature at all."

Sharlayan's expression became serious: "You mean...someone is manipulating the storm? Who can have such great power? He can actually control the air on the sea...etc."

Sharlayan suddenly remembered something and lowered his head in thought for a moment.

'Could it be...'

Changing the sky is not a joke. Even Malfurion, who has already trained the druids to the full level, can change the weather in a small area at most without external help to achieve the desired effect. The effect of wind and thunder.

Malfurion's strength undoubtedly stood at the peak of mortals, and if he went higher, he would be a demigod.

Coincidentally, Sharlayan happened to know that there was a demigod with a powerful artifact who could do this, but if it was really her...

‘This means that the Naga army attacking the Gulf of Storms was indeed instructed by Azshara? '

Sharlayan believed that his parents would not jump to conclusions. Even if the other party was Azshara, the Eternal Queen of the Night Empire, Inas and Julian, the old fritters, would not be so easily deceived.

‘Could it be that there is something else hidden in it? '

In any case, the fleet with missions must pass through this storm cloud area as soon as possible and continue to move forward.

Although it failed to prevent the formation of the storm, the tidesage was not a vegetarian after all.

The tide sages on several ships worked together skillfully to build a magic circle, and several water-blue magic barriers firmly protected the ships of the fleet.

Lord Stormsong was uncharacteristically gentle, staring sharply at the storm clouds that were about to come into contact with the fleet.

"Rush in! All crew and sailors follow my instructions!"

Donali looked at Sharlayan questioningly, and only after obtaining permission did he temporarily hand over the command to Lord Stormsong.


Taking the flagship with the strongest defense as an arrow, the Jiaolong fleet crashed headlong into the storm.

The strong wind and the torrential rain roared in, and the raging waves knocked several ships upside down.

Protected by the tidesage's spells, neither storms nor high waves can capsize the fleet's ships, but the real test is just beginning.

Lord Stormsong is controlling the current to stabilize the ship while monitoring the underwater movement through the abnormal wave fluctuations around him.

When the fleet stumbled to the middle of the storm regiment, Lord Stormsong's face suddenly changed.

"Be vigilant! There are a large number of underwater creatures approaching at high speed!"

"Is it still here?"

Sharlayan was not surprised by Lord Stormsong's warning

Azshara made such a big commotion, obviously not just to let Sharlayan and others enjoy the wind and rain, there must be someone behind.


Under the attack of storms and waves, the sound of Naga coming out of the water is difficult to detect.

Sharlayan, who has been staring at the monitoring of the sea, clearly saw hundreds of heads protruding from the water, and more Naga lurking underwater and continuing to approach the bottom of the fleet, obviously intending to use the Naga's customary ship-cutting method .

But this time, their attempt failed.

The pure water barrier jointly arranged by the tide sages is very strong, and the underwater part is the top priority of defense.

Hundreds of Naga were beating around the barrier, but they were still unable to make a gap in the barrier.

"Get out of the way! I'm coming!"

A female Naga holding a golden war bow and a staff at the same time stood out from the crowd.

The two hands holding the staff cast spells to enchant the arrows, and the other two hands hold the bow and draw the string respectively, and shoot a highly compressed enchanted water arrow underwater.

The rapidly spinning water arrow quickly came into contact with the barrier, and the two forces of the same origin but different qualities collided violently. Lord Stormsong, who was maintaining the barrier, immediately sensed the threat from the underwater.

"Marquis of Deep Shadow! There are formidable enemies underwater. If we let him continue to attack, our barrier will be breached sooner or later."

Sharlayan nodded knowingly, and tore off the coat he was wearing, revealing the black swimsuit he was wearing inside.

The soldiers of the Jiaolong Legion, including Sarlayan, had put on their equipment long ago, in order to deal with such emergencies that may arise at any time.


Pulling out two swords from behind, Sharlayan shouted and asked, "Flood Dragon Legion! The enemy is close at hand, are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid!"

"Crush them!"

"very good!"

Sharlayan, who was drenched in rain, shouted to Donali: "Captain of the Lake Light Army! You and half of the people stay on the boat and continue to stabilize the fleet. The rest follow me!"


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