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Chapter 881 The Name of Blood God Haka

Sunderland took away the deeply comatose Baltos as promised, dissipated and turned into a breeze to return to the scorching canyon.

Stranglethorn Vale is located at the southernmost tip of the Eastern Kingdom, too far from Quel'Thalas, the northernmost part of the continent, for Stellagosa to be unable to open the direct portal.

Now that they are all here, Sharlayan is not in a hurry to leave immediately, he intends to inspect the situation in Stranglethorn Vale by the way.

When Sharlayan saved the Darkspear clan, he just did it casually. His original intention was just to drive a nail into the heart of the jungle troll.

Due to the strength of the Dark Night Empire in ancient times, the trolls who were overwhelmed by Azshara have always looked down upon the elves.

However, after tens of thousands of years passed, the only ones who really had a deep hatred with the high elves were the forest trolls who were becoming more and more decadent.

The main range of activities of the jungle trolls is concentrated in the southern part of the Eastern Continent, which has nothing to do with Quel'Thalas, which is far away at the northern end of the continent.

Trolls are not immortal species like elves. After countless generations of personnel changes, the new generation of jungle trolls rarely have the opportunity to deal with the elves, and they have almost forgotten the contradictions back then.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Darkspear trolls headed by Sen'jin are willing to follow Sharlayan to repay their favor.

Through direct contact with Sen'jin, Sharlayan could see that he was a very capable leader, but he did not expect that Sen'jin could lead the Darkspear trolls to seize such a large territory in such a short period of time.

At first, Sharlayan just wanted to leave a reliable stronghold for Quel'Thalas in the southern part of the Eastern Continent. When the Portal of Darkness opened again, he could rush to the Damned Land as quickly as possible to confirm the situation on the front line.

"If I really want to say..."

When it came to this topic, Wojin spread his hands with sarcasm: "It can only be said that the three major clans of Skullsplit, Bloodtop and Gurubashi are too disappointing."

"After integrating the small and medium-sized clans who had fled to the cape of Stranglethorn Vale after the unbearable suffering of the war, my father didn't plan to counterattack and return to the northern jungle immediately."

"Just as we're trying to run the Gurubashi Arena and establish a stable source of income for the Darkspear clan, an unexpected visitor will tell us a secret."

"Visitor? Secret information?" Sharlayan frowned slightly: "Why haven't I heard of this?"

In order to prevent Sarayan from being overwhelmed and suspecting that the Darkspear clan had other plans, Vol'jin hastily explained: "Because we are still not 100% sure whether the identity of that person and the information he provided are true."

"In order not to mislead you, Your Excellency the Marquis, father intends to confirm the authenticity of the information and then compile it into a volume and send it to Quel'Thalas."

Sharlayan patted the tall Vol'jin on the back: "Don't be so nervous, I don't mean to doubt your motives."

"Tell me, what is the origin of that visitor, and what is the secret information he told you."

Wojin scratched his head, and gave Sharlayan an inoculation first: "Because the truth of the information has not been fully verified, please don't pay too much attention to it, just take it as a joke."

"The veiled visitor who claims to be from the Zandalar clan warns us that the Gurubashi clan is breeding folly, and it's imperative that we stop the Gurubashi from doing the wrong thing."

Sharlayan raised his brows when he heard that, and Stellagosa and Valeera's eyes also moved slightly.

"Zanda LS Leian put his chin in his hand and said thoughtfully: "As far as I know, after losing the sea battle with Kul Tiras, God King Rastakhan of Zandalar changed his mind. The original radical national policy shifted the focus of development from overseas to the interior of the Zandalar Islands. "

"The entire coastal waters of the Zandalari Islands are being watched by the patrol fleet of Kul Tiras. How did that troll who called himself Zandalari slip out?"

Woking didn't know about this either: "I don't know either, that person didn't describe his itinerary in detail."

Sharlayan nodded noncommittally: "It's okay, let's talk about his so-called stupidity and big mistake first."

When the topic came to this point, the barrage started a lively discussion first. Sharlayan took a few moments to take a look and saw a few terms that he was very concerned about.

Blood God, Hakkar, Jin'do, and Hakkari priests.

Blood God Hakkar, Sharlayan had heard of this name from the barrage a long time ago.

Haka is a loa in the form of a wind snake, and has many strange titles in the troll civilization.

Blood gods, evil gods, spirit reapers, guardians and destroyers of the Gurubashi Empire, and more.

Due to geographical factors, Quel'Thalas has had no contact with the Gurubashi Empire since ancient times, and Sharlayan has not studied the evil god Hakkar mentioned before in the barrage.

However, when accompanying Jaina to select books in Suramar, Sharlayan inadvertently saw the description of Hakkar from the ancient Night Empire.

There is a saying that goes well, there are only wrong names, but no wrong nicknames.

Hakkar used to be the guardian of the Gurubashi Empire in ancient times. Even counting the powerful loa enshrined in Zandalari, Hakkar can still rank at the forefront of all loa by virtue of strength.

According to Vol'jin, Sen'jin returned to the ancestral land of the Darkspear clan after learning about Hakar, and with the help of witch doctors, he found an ancient stone tablet that recorded Hakar's deeds.

The troll empire in ancient times was very powerful, and they even defeated the Qiraji empire led by Kisix, the general of the ancient god Yogg-Saron.

But it was precisely because of this tragic war that the revitalized troll empire turned from prosperity to decline, and the night elves, which evolved from dark trolls bathing in the magic power of the Well of Eternity, gradually occupied the dominance of ancient Kalimdor.

As the country closest to Silithus, the Qiraji hive, among the three great troll empires, the Gurubashi took the lead in the war with the Troll Empire.

Although they succeeded in defeating the enemy without fear of sacrifice, they also suffered great losses.

After the Sundering, the territory of the Gurubashi Empire was unfortunately split in two by the Maelstrom.

Part of it formed the present Stranglethorn Vale, and the other part remained in Kalimdor and became the present-day Tanaris Desert.

According to legend, in that bloody battle, Hakar, known as the blood god and the spirit robber, played an extremely important role. He devoured the blood and souls of countless Qiraji.

It's not unreasonable for Hakkar to be called the evil god by many trolls. This guy has no concept of good and evil, and he doesn't lead the trolls' offerings to them consciously to give them back like other loa.

In Haka's eyes, trolls are no different from Qiraji, they are just his "food".

During the war, with a large supply of Qiraji blood and souls, Hakkar could barely suppress his endless hunger and thirst.

After the war, Haka, who was not satisfied, did not hesitate to extend his claws to the Gurubashi believers who had been worshiping him devoutly.

The guardian and destroyer of the Gurubashi Empire, this title sounds contradictory, but it can very intuitively illustrate Hakar's position of chaos.

While listening to Volkin's explanation, Sarlayan flipped through the valuable information in the barrage, and basically confirmed the identity of the visitor and the authenticity of the information he provided.

The Gurubashi Sovereign Clan, which once had the power to overwhelm all the jungle troll clans, has long since faded away.

Although they can still defend the capital Zul'Gurub with their solid city defenses, their weakness was fully demonstrated by the fact that the city gates were breached by the Skullsplitting and Blood Peak coalition forces.

Having experienced the sense of superiority of the jungle troll overlord, the Gulash clan certainly does not want to be lifted from the throne of the suzerain clan.

After being attacked by the Allied Forces of Severe Skull and Blood Peak, Jin Du, the sorcerer of the Gurubashi Clan, finally made up his mind.

Whatever the cost, the Gurubashi must be great again.

The way Jin'do thought of was to summon Haka the Soul Taker.

After Haka ran away, the Gulash Empire made a huge sacrifice with the assistance of the Zandalar clan, and finally sealed the evil god Loa to a different plane outside Azeroth.

In order to regain the supremacy of the Gulash clan, the sorcerer Jindo intends to ignore the sacrifices made by his predecessors and summon the sealed Haka back to the material world.

As one of the main forces that sealed Hakkar back then, the Zandalari trolls could not just sit back and watch this happen.

The evil god Haka is very vengeful.

If he was allowed to recover his peak strength under the worship of Gurubashi, he would definitely take revenge on the Zandalari clan who participated in sealing him back then.

It's a pity that the current Zandalari clan is blocked on the island by the Kul Tiras fleet and cannot go on a large-scale expedition. They can only hope that the Darkspear clan, a local aborigine who has suddenly emerged, will send people to the Darkspear chief Sen'jin It makes sense.

"Kindo the sorcerer..."

After Vol'jin finished what he knew, Sharlayan pondered for a while before asking questions.

"If I remember correctly, the current leader of the Gurubashi clan should be Chief Mandokir, right? Is he just letting Jindu do whatever he wants?"

Vol'jin shrugged with a wry smile: "Otherwise? The threat of the Skullsplitting and Bloodtop clans is just around the corner, and now we, the Darkspear clan, are rising rapidly."

"In order to keep Gurubashi's suzerain clan status, Mandokir can only agree with Jindu's plan to put him to death and reborn."

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