Uldaman's high alert to the outside world is mainly aimed at Loken.

In order not to be discovered by Loken, Azadas deliberately did not arrange a striking titan creation like the earthen to guard the gate, but handed over the task of guarding Uldaman to the bronze beard dwarves.

In return, members of the Explorers' Guild of the Bronzebeard dwarves are free to move about in Uldaman.

As long as the important devices in the underground palace are not damaged, Azadas allows them to do archaeology at will.

Since the threat of troggs was strangled in the cradle, Uldaman was not destroyed as it was in the original history. The furnishings in this underground palace are still very intact, which is undoubtedly a huge milestone for dwarven explorers and archaeologists. treasure.

Invited by Sharlayan, Brian traveled thousands of miles across the sea to Uldum on the Kalimdor continent a few years ago, and happily explored in the Hall of Origin.

The Hall of Origins is also well-preserved, and Brian and his team of archaeologists have been rewarding there.

Last year, he suddenly received news that his niece Moira was missing, so he put down his work and hurried back.

The average lifespan of a dwarf is about 500 years. As the last Bronzebeard Prince—the son of Madoran Bronzebeard, the three Brian brothers witnessed the Battle of the Three Hammers that led to the split of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan.

After the war subsided, the old Madoran Bronzebeard gritted his teeth and did the last thing. He personally forced the descendants of the mountain king, Modimus Anvilmar, to abdicate, and sat on the throne of Khaz Modan himself. King's position.

However, Madoran's reign was very short, and he attracted the hatred of a large number of dwarves who still missed the King of the Mountain. After only a few years in power, he passed the throne to his eldest son, Magni Bronzebeard, who was known for his reputation.

Before his death, Madoran called his three sons to his bedside, and asked them to swear in the name of the Bronzebeard family that they would never let the human tragedy of brothers fighting against each other happen again in the crumbling Khaz Modan Kingdom after the war.

The three brothers solemnly agreed to their father's last request, and Madoran soon passed away with a smile on his face, and handed over the mess left after the War of the Three Hammers to Magni.

Magni, Muradin, and Bryan always kept in mind the teachings of their father before his death, and the relationship between the three brothers has always been very close.

Since Muradin and Brian had nothing to give birth to yet, all three raised Moira as their own son.

Knowing that Moira was missing, Brian immediately put aside his favorite exploration and archaeological careers, and went to South Sea Port to take a boat back to his hometown without saying a word.

According to Muradin, Brian is still staying in Ironforge to stabilize Magni's mood at this moment.

At least until the turmoil between the Bronzebeard and Dark Iron clans caused by Moira is over, it's unlikely that Brann will just walk away.

On the way deep into Uldaman, Sharlayan saw many archaeologists from the Explorers' Association, and the escort team organized by the Bronzebeard dwarves has been patrolling back and forth on the main passage in Uldaman.

Only when they went deep into the underground palace area, the real core of Uldaman, did Sharlayan and the two begin to see traces of the earth spirits.

"Huh? Isn't this Sharlayan and Stellagosa?"

A rather familiar voice stopped the two of them, and a huge giantess walked towards them with big strides and a smile on her face.

"Long time no see, are you here to report the good news to Azadas?"


Sharlayan scratched his head embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, Elonaya, I'm going to disappoint you. The preparations for counterattacking Ulduar have not been completed yet. We are here this time for other important matters."

This giantess is Azadas and Tyre's good friend, Elonaya.

Compared with Azadas, who has a more Buddhist personality, Elonaya has a hotter temper. She always wanted to launch a counterattack against Ulduar as soon as possible. She pressed Loken to the ground and rubbed it with her own hands. Take revenge for the past.

Every time Sharlayan came to Uldaman, Elonaya would routinely ask, but every time she got an answer that disappointed her.

"Hey~ okay."

Elonaya also knows the truth that haste makes waste.

Pandaria has not been unsealed, and can only rely on the ancestor sea turtle that signed a contract with Sharlayan to quietly transport the Titan artifacts produced by the engine of Nalaksha from underwater to Northrend, where they are piled up in the inaccessible Lake Wintergrasp.

Although several years have passed, the efficiency of this transportation method is very low, and the titan-forged troops accumulated in Northrend are not enough to counterattack Ulduar, who is sitting on the engine of the creator.

Sharlayan also intends to change this situation, but he has not been able to find time to return to Pandaria.

Besides, whether to unblock Pandaria depends entirely on the thoughts of the last pandaren emperor Shaohao. Sharlayan doesn't think he can easily persuade a pandaren emperor with strong self-confidence.

At least until Sharlayan came up with a detailed plan that would surely seal or destroy the Seven Shas, it was unlikely that Shaohao would risk unraveling the mists of Pandaria.

Under the personal guidance of Elonaya, Sharlayan and Stellagosa came to the deepest hall of Uldaman.

Azadas and countless earthlings used to sleep here. Since Azadas woke up, he transformed this hall into his workshop, and entertained himself in the workshop when he had nothing to do. .

As the chief craftsman in Guardians of Titans, Azadas is very skilled in all aspects of manufacturing.

However, Azadas's design ability is very poor, and it is difficult to independently design valuable creations.

When living in Ulduar before, the great inventor Mimiron usually determined the design draft, and Azadas completed his whimsical ideas.

When receiving Sunderland's Thunder Sword forging blueprint from Sarlayan, Azadas touched his chin with great interest.

Azadas' innovative design ability is indeed terrible, but thanks to the various equipment and weapons needed to build Mimiron all the year round, his vision is not low.

"Is it the unique weapon of the Prince of Wind Elements? It's an interesting design."

"The principle of this weapon is to use the source material ingot with extremely high element conductivity to gather free wind elements, so that the energy of the wind elements rotates and accelerates in the weapon and compresses to the limit, thus forming a high-intensity thunder..."

"Okay, okay!"

Ailonaya angrily interrupted Azadas' explanation when he saw Lie Xinxi: "We are not weapon blacksmiths, so we don't understand your tirade."

"Don't talk so much about what you have and what you don't have, just tell me if you can forge it!"

Azadas froze for a moment, then smiled embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, the occupational disease has occurred...cough, let's get back to business."

"With such a detailed blueprint description, it is of course no problem to build it, but..."

Azadas spread his hands helplessly: "I need materials."

"The source quality ingot is a very rare refined metal. Uldaman has been closed to the outside world for many years, and there is no such high-grade material in the underground palace."

In order to prevent Sharlayan from being unable to find the materials, Sunderland also deliberately recorded the production method of the source quality ingot on the blueprint of the Thunder Sword.

The main materials required for this refined metal are Arcanite Ingots and source quality ores, among which Arcanite Ingots are in great demand.

Arcane ingots are also processed metals, and they need to be transformed from thorium ingots and arcane crystals through a special alchemy transformation tool such as the philosopher's stone.

Every time the touchstone is used, the energy stored in it will be exhausted, and it needs to be recharged for 48 hours before it can be used again.

As a result, the price of Aojin ingots in the market has remained high, and the market share has been very small.

Source quality ores are also very rare, and can only be collected in areas with extremely high element concentrations. The Molten Core, which is a gathering place for fire elements, perfectly meets this condition.

In the process of attacking Molten Core, the logistics troops who followed the coalition forces collected a lot of source quality ores.

But empty source quality ore is useless.

Excluding other miscellaneous materials, each source quality ingot needs 1 unit of source quality ore plus 10 units of arcane ingots to be smelted in an ultra-high temperature environment.

Forging a Thunder Sword that fits Sunderland's size requires 50 source quality ingots, that is, 500 arcane ingots. It is still questionable whether there are 500 arcane ingots circulating in the market in various countries.

After all, arcane ingots are not widely used, and there are not many people who can afford them, and there is usually not so much surplus in the market.

Fortunately, Sharlayan began to prepare the plan when he knew the materials needed for the source quality ingot.

It is impossible to take out 500 pieces of arcane ingots in the market at one time, but Sharlayan can arrange the alchemist to prepare the materials and make the Philosopher's Stones in batches on the spot.

2 days cool down, right? I'm going to make 500 Touchstone Headquarters at once.

money? This thing is really just a number to Sharlayan.

The materials for making the Philosopher's Stone are not rare, and even if it costs 500 copies at a time, it is not a problem. The wealthy Marquis of Deep Shadow is not even unable to spend this money.

Azadas never cares about the home, he is only responsible for using it.

Elonaya, Uldaman's housekeeper, was speechless at Sharlayan's rich and powerful speech.

"As expected of a high-ranking nobleman in a mortal country, he is quite brave."

"As long as you can come up with enough materials, I can assure you on behalf of Azadas that his forging skills will definitely not be a problem, and he will definitely create the artifact you want as quickly as possible."

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