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Chapter 851: Moira's Ambition

Young people who have not experienced social beatings and have a positive attitude, most of them will have the problem of high-mindedness and low-handedness.

This is not an exception, nor is it a fatal flaw worth talking about.

Except for a very small number of individuals with strange personalities, the vast majority of young people will gradually settle down with the growth of experience, and their acting style will become more calm and sophisticated.

Although Moira has become the Iron Queen, in Sharlayan's view, she still has the characteristics of a typical young man.

As the legal heir to the throne of Ironforge, although Magni regretted not being able to give birth to a son, he did not lack the education that Moira should have.

Having received an elite education since she was a child, Moira's mentality is more confident than that of ordinary young people.

Unlike the old-fashioned and prudent Magni, Moira has her own set of ideas for governing the country.

She thinks that the conflicts between the three major dwarf clans have long been outdated, and she should stop clinging to the old ideas of the past and actively adapt to changes in the world situation.

After experiencing the three-dimensional impact of the orc invasion on Azerothians, Moira developed a serious sense of urgency.

Even the multi-national cooperative alliance was almost torn apart by the tribe. Can the dwarves of the Bronzebeard clan really keep Ironforge forever?

In view of this, Moira has a plan to reunite the three divided dwarf clans to strengthen Khaz Modan's overall national strength and its all-round competitiveness in the face of other human powers.

Moira's idea is good, but it's not so easy to implement in practice.

Fortunately for the Wildhammer clan, because they cooperated and defeated the common enemy of the Black Iron clan in the Battle of the Three Hammers, the conflict between the two clans competing for the orthodox succession of the Kingdom of Khaz Modan has gradually faded with the passage of time.

The biggest problem lies with the Dark Iron clan.

If Moira wanted to persuade the Black Iron clan and the Bronzebeard clan to come to the negotiating table together, the first thing she had to pass was Magni.

Unlike Moira, who was raised in a greenhouse, the three brothers Magni, Muradin, and Bryan were actual leaders who fought against the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Many of the Bronzebeard dwarves of their generation had lost relatives and friends in the war with the Dark Iron Dwarves. It was not so easy to eliminate the hatred of the tribe towards the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Due to the disagreement with her father, and Magni's often undisguised lament about why Moira is not a boy, the princess of Ironforge couldn't bear her father's contempt, so she chose to run away from home to practice her own ideals. belief.

Moira was lucky. After being captured by the Dark Iron Dwarves, she ran into the new Dark Iron King, Dagran Thaurissan, who was also unwilling to follow the tradition.

Rather than saying that they were married because of their feelings, in Sharlayan's view, these two people were more like a voluntary political marriage due to similar ideas.

During the time when she was in charge of the Royal Palace of Darkforge City, Moira personally handled a lot of government affairs and accumulated a certain amount of experience in internal affairs.

With the growth of experience, she gradually realized how naive her previous thoughts were.

After leading the army for the first time, Moira once again realized the insignificance of personal power.

If it wasn't for the royal guards beside her who had been firmly protecting her in the center of the army formation, Moira suspected that her hands and feet would become weak when she went to battle in person, and she would not be able to exert her due combat strength at all.

Hearing Moira's self-mockery, Sharlayan smiled and spread his hands.

"Your Highness, there is nothing to be ashamed of. At least you can calmly recognize your own shortcomings, and rush to the front line without a fever."

"Your experience is actually not uncommon. I believe that many people did not perform so satisfactorily when they first entered the battlefield. If you don't believe me, you can ask the royal guards beside you."


Noticing Moira's gaze, these black iron royal guards in fine armor were a little embarrassed.

The leading captain had relatively good political consciousness. He was the first to stand up and told about his poor performance in the first team.

Some people started, but others were not so ashamed. A dozen or so tin cans successively exposed their ugly appearance when they first participated in the battle.

This comforting method is somewhat different, but it has to be said that it is very useful.

With the other people declaring their shortcomings as a foil, Moira's mood recovered a lot.

Sarlayan was not Moira's psychiatrist, so she didn't have that much time to be with her all the time.

Just like Sharlayan commented, although Magmanda has low intelligence, its hard power is definitely at the forefront among the flame lords in the Molten Core.

Compared with the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Magmanda, the strength of the two fire demon lords, Gehenas and Luciferon, is obviously much lower.

Even if he didn't rely on a sneak attack and set up a formation to face the attack head-on, Sharlayan didn't think that a mere Gehenas could stop the offensive of the coalition forces. The successful sneak attack only brought his defeat time a little earlier.

Without the command of Gehenas, the fire element team under his command was completely messed up.

Having just experienced a difficult battle with Magmanda, Sharlayan can still clearly feel the exhaustion of his body.

But the current opportunity should not be missed, just to take advantage of the death of Gehenas to take advantage of the victory and pursue, Salayan and others dragged their tired bodies all the way to chase, and completely defeated Gehenas' troops.

The coalition army took this opportunity to continue to advance the front line, occupied the defense area where Gehenas was originally stationed, and used the essence of water to destroy the third Balrog rune.

While Sharlayan led the army into the Molten Core, Neptulon, the tide hunter sitting in the Maw of the Abyss, suddenly attacked the Firelands without warning.

There was no sign for the Fire Elemental side. In fact, Neptulon had started preparations for this raid half a year ago.

In the case of intentional calculations and unintentional calculations, the water elemental side made great strides at the beginning of the war, defeating the scattered main force of the fire elementals, and even alarmed Ragnaros, the Balrog King sitting in the Saffron fortress.

In order to concentrate on fighting off the water elementals who dared to invade his own territory, Ragnaros did not turn his attention to the Molten Core at all.

His doppelgänger sits on standby in the swirling lava pool in the center of the Molten Core.

Exotus, who was in charge of managing the Molten Core, was worried that the invasion of foreign enemies would lower the evaluation of the Fire Demon King, so he suppressed the news for the time being, and decided to wait until the flame lords wiped out the enemies before reporting to Rag Narrows reports.

When the combined forces of the high elves and the dark iron dwarves broke through the defenses of the three flame lords one after another, Exotus still did not pay attention.

In his opinion, Magmanda's strength is pretty good, but this stupid dog has no brains, so it's normal to be killed by someone.

Luciferon and Gehenas are the weakest among the flame lords, so it is not surprising that they died.

If the invaders think that this is the strength of Molten Core's defenses, they will definitely suffer a lot in the subsequent advancement.

However, the confident manager Exotus didn't know that Sarlayan was advancing with the strategy given by the barrage, and it was impossible to make a decision-making mistake of greedy for success.

After taking care of the three flame lords guarding the gate, the next step is the key point.

According to the barrage, in the World of Warcraft game, Boss No. 456 Gal, Shaslaar and Baron Geddon are usually pulled to the same place by them and dealt with one after another.

In other words, these three flame lords represent the same strategy stage.

Sharlayan's two-stage battle plan is based on this. He plans to temporarily stop advancing after killing the No. 6 lord, Baron Geddon, and first find a way to release Sunderland's soul imprisoned by Ragnaros.

In the battle with Magmanda, Sharlayan, who was carrying the line at close range, was undoubtedly the one who consumed the most. Stellagosa, Cirvanas, and Liadrin were in fairly good condition.

Thanks to the blood of the red dragon in his body, Sharlayan's recovery speed is far beyond comparison.

After capturing the defense zone of Gehenas, the coalition forces set off again after only a rest of ten minutes, intending to seize the time to deal with the three flame lords, Garr, Chaslar and Baron Geddon.

Compared with Gehenas and Luciferon who are in charge of guarding the gate, the overall strength of the three bosses who are the backbone of the Molten Core is stronger, and the leader of the Lava Runner, Gal, is the first to bear the brunt.

The lava runners are essentially earth elements, and like the lava giants, they defected from the Stonemother Therazane to Ragnaros.

The earth elementals are dissatisfied with the non-helpful and muddy attitude of the stone mother. Some earth elementals have taken refuge in the most radical anti-Azeroth fire elemental, becoming lava galloping and lava giants.

The other part of the earth elementals with a relatively conservative stand turned to join the water elementals with the most steadfast stand in guarding Azeroth, and joined the sea giants.

In the previous advance, the coalition forces had already faced the Lava Runner.

This kind of enemy with some characteristics of both the fire element and the earth element is not strong, but it is very troublesome to deal with.

In addition to liking to charge in the ground, the Lava Runner also has a disgusting characteristic that is most complained about by coalition soldiers.

That is their shameless self-destruct ability when they die.

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