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Chapter 2008: God said let there be light

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The seal of the plane prison was jointly placed by the four shadow side gods. Valeera and others can enter and exit the prison like jailers, but that's it. They cannot break the restrictions that bind Agarloni and Sharon.

Since it is called a plane prison, as the name suggests, this cell is isolated in a subplane outside the main material plane where the Court of Shadows is located.

When Sarlayan followed the path left by Valeera and entered the plane prison, he immediately felt two powerful auras that were deliberately suppressed.

Coincidentally, Shadow Demon Queen Sharon, who was bargaining with Valeera and the others, also sensed the arrival of a strange **** who was unabashed... It could even be said that he took the initiative to let go of his momentum, and the words in his mouth stopped abruptly.

Until now, the person responsible for communicating with Valeela has been Sharon. The Lord of Darkness, Agarloni, seems to have a dull personality and is a bit awkward with words, so he took the initiative to hand over the communication and negotiation work to Sharon.

"Strong enemy, be on guard."

Although Arolonni can't help much in terms of words, his fighting will is far superior to Sharon who is sophisticated in the world, and he was ready to fight the moment Sarlayan stepped into the prison.

"take it easy."

Valeela smiled and shook her head: "I have already said that your colleagues will definitely not be able to come back in a short time. The person who came is our husband, who is also the commander-in-chief behind this beheading operation. And the executioner who killed Celano the Twisted."


Sarlayan didn't like communicating with people in such a dim environment. After entering the plane prison, he immediately rewrote the rules of this sub-plane, turning the dark prison into a bright light as he spoke. Daytime.

Issalayan's current ability may not be able to rewrite the rules of the material universe by himself, but this small subplane with simple rules is also accurate.

[God said, Let there be light, and there was light. 】

[It tastes like that... Although at this stage, I can only show off in the sub-plane. 】

[Sooner or later, Sarlayan has mastered the key to rewriting the rules of the universe. The next thing he needs to do is to become familiar with this new power. 】



After living in darkness for a long time, Sharon and Agarloni were very uncomfortable with the sudden light. They squinted their eyes to block the "bright light".

However, this level of light was actually not strong, and Valeela and the other three did not feel any discomfort.

While the two shadow side gods had not yet adapted to the new environment, Sarlayan looked at their appearance thoughtfully.

What attracted Sharlayan's attention most was not Sharon, who was a woman, but Agarlonni, the Lord of the Darkspawn.

It's not that Sarlayan suddenly changed his sexual orientation, but that this guy's appearance is too recognizable.

The big man who was locked behind the seal was over 5 meters tall. Even when he was sitting cross-legged on the ground, he was over 3 meters tall. His whole body was covered in muscles. At first glance, you could tell that he was a tough guy who was good at fighting.

In fact, this was indeed the case. Arolonni adapted to the light much faster than Sharon. To be precise, he forced himself to open his eyes and look at the surrounding environment before he could adapt to the environment.

This kind of behavior that goes against the body's instinctive protection is obviously uncomfortable. Agarloni's dark gray eyes are visibly red and congested. In conjunction with his extremely intimidating body shape and angular facial features, Agarloni's eyes are full of pain due to endurance. With a ferocious expression, Melinsela subconsciously thought that this guy wanted to commit violence.

"This is…"

Sharon, the mother of Shadow Demon, also carefully opened her eyes and observed Sarlayan: "The ability to change the rules of the world? How is this possible?"

"It's possible." Aloronni said briefly: "This is just a sub-plane."

Aglaloni and Sharon, who were imprisoned in two cells respectively, looked like a combination of Beauty and the Beast.

The Mother of Shadow Demon's body shape is very normal, just the normal size of a typical humanoid creature. She doesn't have any weird parts on her body. At most, her ears are more pointed than humans, which are somewhat similar to the ears of elves.

Sharon is about 1.8 meters tall, with lavender skin and silver-white hair. Her appearance... is very good according to Sarlayan's high standards, and she can get 85 points.

This is Sharlayan's exclusive scoring standard, and Azshara, who is perfect in all aspects, is judged with a perfect score.

Valila can only score about 88 points based on appearance alone...mainly due to her stretched figure.

Therefore, a woman who can score 85 points in Sarayan's heart can definitely be regarded as a top beauty in the universal aesthetics of the entire universe.

Sharon has always been very confident in her charm.

As the only female deity in the Court of Shadows, it is no exaggeration to say that she is highly sought after by countless people, and she has many subordinates.

However, Sarlayan simply glanced at her and withdrew his gaze, focusing more on the majestic Arolonni.

This was the first time Sharon was so ignored by someone of the opposite **** she met for the first time. Unconvinced, she even suspected that there was something wrong with Sarlayan's sexual orientation for the first time.

After hearing Valeela's introduction, Sharon temporarily gave up this speculation and turned to look at Valeera and the others.

‘It is true that they are all beauties with very high scores and their own characteristics, so is this an aesthetic fatigue after being used to seeing beauties? ’

Fortunately, Azshara was left in Azeroth by Sharlayan to take charge of the overall situation. Sharon, who had always been proud of her beauty, might not have shut herself down on the spot when she saw the perfect light in all aspects.

Sarlayan did not notice the changes in Sharon's mental activity, so he comforted Melinsela, who was a little frightened by Arolonni, and he straightforwardly stated his purpose.

"I am Sharlayan Deep Shadow from Azeroth. You two should know Azeroth, right?"

"Ha~ Of course."

When it came to business, Sharon quickly retracted some of her previous thoughts: "The soul of the world with the most potential, since the information about Azeroth was exposed, the six original forces in the universe have maintained their interest in that planet that is still in the growth stage. Pay close attention.”

"But..." Sharon squinted at Sharlayan thoughtfully: "It turns out that there are already god-level figures in Azeroth. It seems that we have been locked in prison for too long. Find Shuyuan www. failed to update the information in time."

Sarlayan asked curiously: "So, how many years have you been imprisoned for?"

"I can't remember clearly." Sharon rubbed her eyebrows in distress: "12,000 years? Or 13,000 years?"

Arolonius suddenly interrupted and said an accurate number: "12751 years, 8 months and 11 days."


Sharon, who gradually adapted to the environment, turned to look at him speechlessly: " do you remember it so clearly?"

"Because I'm bored and there's nothing else to do here."

"Tsk~" Sharon complained speechlessly: "Meng Hulu, you are not active in other things, but you care too much about details like this."

Sarlayan also glanced at the rough-looking Arolonni with some surprise: "Valeela should have negotiated the terms of cooperation with you, right? What do you two know?"

"I have no opinion."

Before Sharon could continue bargaining, Arolonni spoke first: "I just want to bring order to the chaos and get rid of those shameful traitors."


Sharon's high chest fluctuated, obviously she was very angry at Agarloni's proactive behavior.

"Forget it...that's it."

After sorting out her violently fluctuating emotions, Sharon sighed helplessly: "Before we formally finalize the cooperation, let me confirm it first."

"Salayan Deep Shadow, are you really sure to help us get rid of those four traitors? You know, they are all senior gods. With your current strength..."

Sarlayan smiled noncommittally: "I didn't say that it was just the three of us going into battle naked. Maybe we don't even need to take action personally. Aman'Thul and the soldier master can take the lead in achieving the results."

"...Wait a minute, who are you talking about?" (End of Chapter)

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