Live Streaming: Azeroth

Chapter 1783: Run away with a bowl? No, I just picked up the dining table and ran away

Tyranna was attacked by Sharlayan at the beginning of the battle. Although this minor injury was not fatal to the tenacious demon, it would have some impact on her condition.

What Tyranna didn't expect was that this seemingly insignificant injury would become the foreshadowing that determined the outcome of the battle.

Of course, this is just Tyranna's conclusion from her own perspective.

In fact, Sarlayan didn't think there would be any suspense in this 4-on-4 demigod high-end game from the beginning. It was just that the ending was different.

When Illidan used his eyes to drag the enemy beholder, Anya and Shahrath tacitly activated the windmill and coordinated to push back the two enemy melee units cooperating in the air and ground. Tyrana, who had been hiding in the middle distance and firing cold shots, It was inevitable to be exposed to Sarlayan's attack range.

Sharlayan and Illidan have had the experience of fighting side by side before, but to say how good their tacit understanding is, it is definitely out of the question, and they are even less familiar with Shahras and Anya.

But looking at it from another perspective, the four demigods on the opposite side also have no tacit understanding. Everyone is half-hearted and half-hearted. The eldest brother does not talk about the second brother, otherwise the wounded standing in the middle distance will not be exposed during group combat. A major mistake within enemy attack range.

Although it is difficult for Sarlayan to form a sufficient tacit understanding with his three temporary comrades, he is very good at seizing opportunities.

To put it bluntly, the opportunity created by Illidan was largely just a coincidence.

Sarlayan seized this fleeting opportunity and launched his charge skill at the critical moment, aiming at Tyrana. The moment he caught the enemy, he slumped forward and charged forward, killing his already injured body and slightly slow reaction. Tyranna took a few steps back.

The spider queen's center of gravity was unstable and she didn't even have time to adjust her posture. Her position was just exposed within the best attack range of Sarlayan's two-handed giant sword, which was spliced ​​together from two swords.

"Giant Strike! Cut!"

Sarlayan, who had activated all her BUFF skills, received an unforgiving vertical slash. Although Tyrana overlapped the bone wings behind her with the weapon in her hand at the last moment to try to absorb this attack, ...Salayan calculated with intention and without intention, and the result was predictable.

In a hurry, Tyranna could not fully exert her strength, not to mention that there was already a big gap in hard power between her and Sharlayan.

The sharp and heavy Varajar sword weakly penetrated several layers of Tyrana's defenses, first breaking the spear held high in her hand, and then cutting off all the bone wings without losing force. Cut into her left shoulder.

When the Doom Guards and Fel Guards finally realized their major mistake, the Spider Queen, who had been happily driving Silver Pavilion not long ago, had been chopped in half by Thalayan's shoulders.

Just as Tyranna's separated soul screamed and tried to escape back into the Twisting Nether, Sarlayan, who had been prepared, released his left hand holding the hilt of the sword, opened his fingers and pointed it at Tyranna's soul backwards. A sharp pull.

Under the influence of the death power cast by Sarlayan, the soul return process that would automatically start after the death of the demon was forcibly interrupted. Tyrana's soul was sucked to Sarlayan, and he opened the path to the Blight. He opened the door to the world and kicked the confused Tyrana in.

Without Tyrana, who was the temporary leader of the team, this 4 vs. 4 battle completely lost its suspense.

Until the end of the battle, Sarlayan was unable to learn the names of these three demigod-level demons.

Because of the large-scale battle that took place inside the Fel Hammer at the same time, it was inevitable that many demons would return to Argus to wait for resurrection.

But it is not easy for these soldiers to get an audience with Kil'jaeden. Their priorities are completely different from those of demigod-level demons like Tyrana.

If the souls of the four demigods, including Tyrana, fled back to Argus one after another, even if Kil'jaeden was still busy chasing the Legion of Light at the moment, he would definitely spare his energy to pay attention to the drastic changes in Mardon.

Even so, there is not much time left for Sarlayan and others. Sooner or later, the fraudster will hear the calls of the increasing number of soldiers and turn the attention attracted by the Holy Light Legion to this remote broken planet. planet.

After successfully killing Spider Queen Tyrana, Sharlayan did not stay to help Illidan and the others end the battle. He threw three colorful blessings to them, then bypassed the battlefield and went straight to the treasure house.

Although Sharlayan's blessing is an understatement, in fact, this colorful blessing, which is unique to Azeroth at this stage, is not simple at all. It contains the unique power blessings of the five-color dragons.

Tyrana's death had already greatly damaged the morale of the demon demigod team. Coupled with the powerful blessing given by Sarlayan, the three of Illidan, who were highly motivated to fight, quickly succeeded in killing them. Kill the enemy and win the final victory in this 4V4 high-end battle.

When the three demons died in battle, the automatically effective dream power forcibly captured their souls as they tried to escape back to Argus.

Illidan has always been cruel to the enemy's demons. He did not keep Tyrana's soul like Sharlayan, but smashed the souls of three demons with his sword on the spot.

At the same time, Sarlayan fell into confusion in the treasure house filled with various treasures.

"Ah this..."

Looking at the messy piles of debris in the treasure house, Sarlayan rubbed his eyebrows with a headache: "How should I find a small sealed stone among the mountains of treasures?"

In order to avoid unnecessary accidents, the Sargrith Keystone stored in the treasure house is naturally in a sealed state, and no evil energy will leak out.

If he had enough time, Sarlayan wouldn't mind packing up the entire treasure trove and taking it away.

However, Kil'jaeden might notice the changes in Marton at any time, leaving Sharlayan with less than half an hour at most.

"Forget it, let's take Illidan's suggestion."

Regarding the Marton raid, Sarlayan and Illidan and others had formulated several contingency plans beforehand. This situation of temporarily not being able to find the target was not unexpected.

Since it was too difficult to find a grain of rice in the bowl, and it was too time-consuming to carry the bowl away, Sarlayan simply decided to carry the table and run away.

He launched the seemingly whimsical plan proposed by Illidan - to drive away the entire Fel Maul battleship.

With the defeat of Tyranna and the three demon demigods, the demons who remained in the Fel Maul and fought against the assault team quickly lost their fighting spirit.

Under the persuasion of Anya, "one of Marton's own", these old demons who were used to fishing in Mardun quickly consciously put down their weapons and chose to surrender, and Illidan began to recruit them without any hesitation.

Don't get me wrong, Illidan is not a cold-hearted person who accepts all comers. After returning to the Black Temple, he will use his own way to screen and investigate these surrendered demons.

Under the guarantee of Mistress Anya, the Gangerge technicians responsible for operating the battleship did not leave their posts. They obediently started the main engine of the Fel Hammer and picked up those Shivars who stayed on the ground to assist. After pulling, he accelerated to escape from the star field where the Broken World Marton was located.

Without the communication interference of Xi'valla's caster, Kil'jaeden received the highest-level alert from Marton within a few minutes of the incident...or the end of the incident.

However, when he turned his eyes to Marton in shock and anger, the Fel Hammer had already activated its jump function and jumped to other galaxies.

"Finally found it."

After the jump, in the Fel Maul treasure house that was sailing at a constant speed, Sarlayan, Illidan and others rummaged through boxes and cabinets for a long time, and finally found an inconspicuous small green stone in a corner.

After the seal was released, the "Master Key" flashing with a faint green light was suspended above Sarlayan's right hand.

Illidan looked very excited. He failed to manage his expression well and showed a ferocious smile that could make a child stop crying.

"Now, we finally have the initiative to counterattack Argus... Saryan, when do you plan to officially start the decisive battle?"

"Don't worry."

After taking back the Sargerit Keystone, Sharlayan calmly persuaded: "All the forces in Azeroth have not made final preparations yet. Before that, we should lead Kil'jaeden to Azeroth first. Let’s sort it out.”

"Otherwise, when we counterattack Argus, we will have to face the clever Deceiver and the unparalleled Sargeras at the same time. This is obviously not wise."

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